TRANSMITTED THROUGH LINDA ROBINSON THE PRESENT MOMENT Greetings Beloved Ones, This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Archeia Holy Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light. Today, we wish to discuss the gifts of the present moment. There is much movement of energy in your planet at this time. Indeed, there is also energetic change throughout the dimensions. A new age of enlightenment is being birthed, and with this comes much shifting of what currently is. With this energetic shift as a backdrop, it is important to be focused in the present moment as you move forward on your path. Being focused in the present moment brings many gifts. One such gift is an enhanced state of awareness. Each moment is unique, just as each snowflake is unique. When you focus on the present moment, you are positioning yourself to receive the gifts of that special moment. Because everything occurs in divine timing, receiving these special insights at just the right time can enhance your ascension path. When you are not focused on the present moment, many important signals may escape your awareness. If you are working on a task and your attention is on what happened last week or what you will be doing tomorrow, the subtle whispers of information from the higher realms may completely pass you by. Therefore, being focused in the present moment is very important. When you focus on the task at hand, you are completely absorbed in what you are doing. For example, if you are working in your flower garden, you are aware of the colors and the fragrance of the flowers. You notice the texture of the plants and the soil surrounding them. You may feel a gentle breeze or hear the chirping of birds. You are completely absorbed in the moment. As you remain absorbed in your task, you may find yourself slipping into an expanded state of inner stillness. You may feel a sense of peacefulness and relaxation. It is a state of inner harmony and feeling a sense of oneness with all that is. As you experience this state of relaxation and stillness, this can lead to an expansion of consciousness. You become even more aware of a sense of oneness with all that is. This is the point where you experience insights of awareness and higher consciousness. These insights can take many forms. You may receive an answer to a question about a situation in which you are involved or the next step for a project you are conducting. You may have a flash of inspiration for something new you would like to experience, such as an idea for a new project or a trip you would like to take. You may think of someone with whom you would like to make contact. Or you may receive an insight into a larger concept of higher consciousness. When these events occur, you are in the flow. You are aware of how life flows from the simple tasks to a greater awareness of the universal connectedness. By focusing on the present moment, this flow occurs effortlessly. It is simply moving from one state to the next. This process is useful whether you focus only on awareness or let it lead into stillness or further into expanded consciousness. Whether you experience a simple state of enjoying the moment at hand or receiving insights, you are moving through your day with an openness that can bring greater joy and peace. The more you focus on the present moment, the more this will become your default pattern, and you will experience it automatically. Your life will become a seamless flow of one moment into the next, and greater awareness, inner stillness and expanded consciousness can occur. Beloveds, we are happy that you are focusing on the present moment and allowing the gifts of this practice to manifest in your life. Know that you are greatly loved. WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Archeia Holy Amethyst …and we surround you with Love. And so it is. Copyright © 2017 Linda M. Robinson, All Rights Reserved. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]
FEBRUARY 26, 2017, Mariyn Raffaelle Dear readers, we meet with you in love during these times of so much seeming turmoil. Be not afraid, as all is as it needs to be for the evolution and growth of the majority. It is a time of confusion even for you who are awake, leaving many of you to question whether or not there really is an ascension process happening. You are witnessing the baby steps of awakening for those who have up to now accepted as truth everything they were told by governments, churches, and so called experts. Inner eyes are starting to open and with it, tiny buds of awareness are beginning to unfold. Many are suddenly realizing that much of what they have accepted without question has not been for the good of the majority, but has been instead for the good of a few. Observe the many beginning to stand up for themselves and demand answers. The Light is beginning to shine on those comfortably hidden within self serving agendas and they have no answers--the emperor (world illusion) is finally being recognized as having no clothes. Accustomed to blind obedience, many in positions of power are not prepared for questioning nor do they feel any obligation to answer. Obedience without question is facet of old energy that is quickly dissolving in the presence of the higher frequencies of Light now bringing the truth of individual empowerment to world consciousness. As the majority begins to recognize and claim their innate power it is creating great fear in those comfortable and profiting from the status quo. This in turn is causing them to respond with what they know, tools of the three dimensional belief system-- repression, violence, and punishment. The reclaiming of innate power is one of the first and most powerful steps of the evolutionary journey, but many as of yet do not fully understand what it is that they are beginning to feel. Since individuals can only express their current state of consciousness, you are witnessing a surge of actions that reflect concepts of resolution, some peaceful and some not. Be not afraid dear ones, for all is as it needs to be for now. As we have said before, this does not mean that awake individuals cannot take a stand as long as actions are done with the intention of service, giving example, and unconditional love for the purpose of helping to awaken others to higher methods of resolution. We wish to speak about love in action, love that is not simply emotion or awareness, but love expressed outwardly through words spoken or actions taken. As with all actions, intention sets the energy on which the activity flows. When unconditional love is the intention behind an action, it will always carry a high resonance regardless of how mundane it may appear to others. There are times when stern words or actions are the only way some group or an individual can comprehend that their words or actions are not acceptable or that what they are doing is interfering with another's freedom or good. Parents do this all the time when they discipline their children. Sadly, not all stern action is based in unconditional love. Frequently the discipline of children, prisoners, church members, or anyone under another's authority is not done for the good of the one being disciplined as they tell themselves, but is instead an excuse to indulge in the self-serving misuse of power. The misuse of power is a tool used by those who unconsciously carrying energies of inadequacy and low self esteem. Exercising power over another without love, provides these dear ones with a false sense of having the strength and power all seek but which can only be found within. Love in action means taking the time to ask yourself; "Why am I taking this action? Is it to punish or to inform? Is it to dominate, or to teach? Or is it simply because I am now choosing to express love in all my actions?" Having experienced many lifetimes on earth, the mind and reflexes of many are still programmed until cleared, to act from fear, judgement, and criticism in unfamiliar situations. These reactions are either old energies still active in cellular memory or learned concepts from this lifetime regarding 3D rules of how everything must be in order to be right. The gradual and ongoing evolution of mankind is easily recognized by observing how the "rules" of one generation seem old and silly to the next and then completely change. So much unnecessary suffering has taken place in the past and still does today simply because of "rules" imposed upon the un-empowered by someone in "authority" be it politicians, church leaders, parents, or adult children. When you react negatively to some person place or event, pause and take time to ask yourselves what the reaction was about. "What am I believing that is making me feel this way? Is it true?" Negative reactions are your teachers and blessings, serving as tools to help you discover what you may still hold in your belief system, allowing you to then release and clear whatever you find. This is a most powerful time on earth. High frequency energies of Light are streaming in and available to all. These energies affect everyone, allowing them to easily recognize everything that does not resonate with universal love. Universal consciousness is in the painful throes of birthing individual empowerment. It is being born now, today, in the world around you. Unconditional love must be brought in to every action, no matter how seemingly mundane. Holding the door for someone while silently acknowledging that they are a divine being makes you a Lightworker and allows this simple act to carry a spiritual frequency. The same act of holding a door for someone when done from a sense of duty or concepts of separation, does not flow with the same energy but will appear the same. Actions of service done with no awareness of oneness (unconditional love) are a very important phase of the journey because they are the first steps toward attaining of a consciousness of oneness. All actions of service are in reality, love even if the person acting is far from realizing it. Every individual is required only to live out from their highest attained state of consciousness. If a person chooses to live from a lower state of consciousness than he has attained (pretending, in order to please another), he will experience guilt and unease because he is out of sync with his inner self/SELF. Intention- intention- intention--dear ones. In the beginning you must stay aware of the intentions behind every word and action, but there soon comes a time when this conscious effort is no longer needed because your practice has become your attained state of consciousness allowing all actions to automatically flow on streams of unconditional love. Attaining a consciousness of the oneness of all within the ONE is the goal of the spiritual journey. Many of you are already there, and have found that you rarely react to things as you once did. You have become the way-showers and the time for way showing is very close as many rapidly become ready to be shown. The rites and rituals of organized religions are simply tools--some effective and some not, usually created by well intentioned humans, not God, for the purpose of informing others about truth (their concept of it). Every soul reaches the point at which there is no longer any benefit to continuing organized religious practices because there has come the realization that the only real church is within. This is not to say that church activities can never again be enjoyed or shared with friends, but the belief that they are necessary is no longer there. All organized religions begin with messages of truth received and taught by an individual who has attained a highly evolved state of consciousness. However, within a generation or two the purity of the original messages is always lost and begins to fill with falsehoods. This happens when the purity of the original teachings are interpreted and then taught by those of a much less evolved state of consciousness. These teachers, ministers, authority figures may mean well, but because of their inability to grasp the real meanings of the deeper truths as taught by the original teacher, they teach concepts, not truth. There are still those who need the guidance and structure of organized religion to help them learn how to behave, but every soul reaches a point where teachings presented to them by others feel old and finished--trust that feeling. Truth lies quietly within, awaiting the recognition of every person, for where else could Truth be, you being what you are--the One Divine Consciousness, all there is. At a certain point every person must stop seeking outside of self for truth. "Truth" as taught by others can never rise higher than the attained state of consciousness of the teacher who is often well intentioned, but is still holds many third dimensional beliefs. A true spiritual teacher always guides and teaches the student to seek within, the only place truth can be found. This is the purpose of meditation, nature, and silence--practices that quiet the mind so that the still small voice within can be heard. The evolutionary journey is simply the process of remembering who and what you already are through experiences of separation. Every bit of realization attained must then be lived and expressed much like the fruit that seems to appear out of no where on fruit trees. If the fruit is not picked, it remains unexpressed and rots. Allow the fruits of your awareness to abundantly flow without fear into every situation carried on streams of unconditional love. We are the Arcturian Group 2/26/17 The Council – Intensification
by Ron Head The Council - Intensification Some of you are experiencing discomfort at this time. Not that before you have not. But this seems to be sudden and more intense. Some of you, when hearing of this, think it has passed you by. Sorry, but there are extremely few who have no clearing left to do. We are showing the channel a picture of a ski jumper on the downward run. As you may have followed these messages for a while, we will tell you that you have been prepared for the changes that we have told you were coming. You have been down quite a bit if the downward run, as it were. You have each prepared for the end of the run that you will reach. But you will reach yours at your appropriate time. It may not be the same day as your neighbor, much less the same as the one who is half way around the globe. You have been preparing for what you will need where you are. But consider this. You may be approaching the end of the run and yet still find some final baggage that you need to jettison. You won’t make your best jump carrying a bundle that you don’t need, will you? Now you don’t need to get all tangled up in that mess. Just look at it, think ‘Oh, that old stuff.” And drop it. If there is a lesson in it that you can see, stick the lesson in your pocket. But drop the baggage. Lift-off is fast approaching for you. Lean into the jump and amaze yourself at how far you will fly. For those of you who feel you are not touched by this message we sat this; you have either made your jump, or you are in line for the run. This is a time that will skip no one. So if you have chosen the path up this mountain, know that it will very soon be your turn to jump. As each of you jump, the ones on the ground below will see your amazing flight. You will inspire them, and many of you who have agreed to teach will be sought out. Many others will have not made that agreement. And that is appropriate, too. Let your flight say it all. Some of you have a picture in your mind of what your flight will look like. You think, “It needs to be like this.” And you may be quite correct. But do not be surprised if it is quite different and even much greater than you have thought. Let your soul live this out. Your intellect, we promise you, has no clue. You did not come down to the planet with the purpose of showing off your intellect. Well, some did, of course. But we don’t see many of those reading this sort of message. That is why we have chosen this image. It is almost your time to launch yourself out over your ski tips and let yourself fly. Prepare daily. This is your Olympics. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, Available HERE. A third book is being compiled now. Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: Heavenletter #5932 The God Sense, February 20, 2017
God said: Music can so inspire, and lyrics can inspire. There is definitely something about music that inspires. You hum old tunes, tunes and words you didn't even know you knew. What would the world be without music? You can't even dare think of what it would be like in the world without music, even when music isn't especially your thing the way it seems to be with so many. Certainly, music has to be about more than sound. Not all sound is music. You long to fulfill all the senses. Fortunate are you when hearing, seeing, taste, smell and touch are there for you and all around you. You crave all of the senses. Babies of all kinds cannot live without being touched, let alone thrive. The five senses nourish you. You realize that you are starved for the five senses. They are a need. You must have them. They provide you balance in a world that often seems unbalanced to you. The senses give you your bearings. It is no small thing to inherit the world. The senses gather you together. The senses are like peepholes connecting you to the world you are in for purpose and not happenstance. Of course, quite rightly, there are bigger senses than the common yet spectacular five. There is the sixth sense. There are more, including a God Sense. If all the other senses were gone from you, you would still have the God Sense. The God Sense is reflected in this way: "All is right with the world." Even a sigh may express this. You have had Days of Glory. This God Sense could be called Love, yet it is well-known and experienced – even if not always -- that God has more of a reputation for permanency in the world than the Love Sense has. I am aware that the God Sense has also been tarnished as seen by some, yet, here I am, always here with you and for you. Even for those who deny Me, you find you have to deny Me royally, so to speak. Even so, you are utterly unable to erase Me. If you were able to erase Me from your awareness, why would you feel it necessary to make a hullabaloo about Me? Relish the five senses and relish the less well-known and higher senses as well. You are not an ordinary mortal, you do understand this. No one is an ordinary mortal. You are a soul who arises from many galaxies, and you travel to Earth in order to heighten Earth's place and to discover yourself. You are a mysterious Visitor to Earth with tasks to perform and to excel in. You are here for a reason. You may forget the reason, yet you will remember. Even if you don't consciously remember, you will serve. This is built into you. Even as time does not exist, there are signals that are timed to go off within you. The signals say: "Now!" There can be rough wake-up calls. There can also be sweet melodies that run through you, and you call out: "Eureka!" Or there may be a bell that rings, and you don't even seem to notice. Nevertheless, the bell rings, and on some deep level, you hear the bell and hear it well. There are whole worlds going on within you. Your mind is simply boggled. You blithely don't see or can't see all at present. Nevertheless, something great is going on. One day you will see or, if not see, simply recognize in awe. You will confess that you have grown. You don’t have to see your growth happening for it to have happened. Your awareness at the time is not a necessity. It's nice, yet not essential. Your participation is guaranteed. You may not have a clue as to who you are, yet you are Who I say you are whatever you may think. Add Comment || Printer friendly version Permanent Link: Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™ Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™ Mail Address: Gloria Wendroff 104 W Lowe Ave Fairfield, IA 52556 It is your task to be Love in action, and only that.
02/19/2017 by John Smallman Saul Audio Blog for Sunday February 19th Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms our excitement continues to grow as we observe the enormous progress humanity is making on its path to awakening. It may well appear to you that things are getting worse and worse, but what is disturbing you and causing pain and suffering for many is the collective choice to release so much buried stuff that has been holding you back, anchoring you in the darkness of uncertainty and fear. Now is the time when all of that is arising so that you can swiftly and easily release it. Very many of you are releasing stuff for others through your compassion and love for them, and this is both extremely tiring and confusing for you because you are unable to identify the cause of these exhausting emotional upheavals. You beautifully and lovingly chose to incarnate at this point in humanity’s evolution solely so that you might assist others who were having difficulty in finding any meaningful purpose in their human lives because their state of amnesia was so intense. Due to your efforts and intentions the amnesia is being released, allowing people to start remembering who they are and why they are incarnate at this moment in human history. Many of you have had the experience of awakening in the morning from dreams which have left you feeling disturbed, anxious, even frightened, while also leaving you feeling exhausted instead of refreshed by your sleep time. What you are experiencing now is the awakening from the illusion into Reality instead of from a sleeping dream to a waking dream, and the difference is way more intense and pronounced. It is very unsettling. Bear with it, just allow what arises and experience it without engaging with it. Don’t try to make sense of it, it’s just like weather passing through, and you need do nothing. Doing something with it – attempting to make sense of it, being irritated by it, feeling that it is arising because there is something wrong with you – just draws you back into the darkness of the illusion where nothing makes sense, and drains you of essential energy and motivation for life. Life can and should be joyful, but your constant thought processes about your worries and anxieties prevent you from finding the joy that is there in every moment. It is your constant stream of thoughts that cause you stress, anxiety, and suffering, and that is why you need to take time out frequently every day – even for just a quick moment if you are very busy – to stop engaging with your thoughts. That is what you do in meditation, and those of you who have been practicing for some time are well aware of the benefits. As a practicing meditator you already have the skills necessary to move quickly into a state of peace even for just a few moments to relieve some of the stress of daily living. Doing so will ease your tiredness or lack of energy – demonstrated by feelings of frustration or irritation – leaving you feeling somewhat refreshed. Burn-out occurs when people attempting to assist others compassionately and lovingly are not in the first place treating themselves with that same love and compassion – many of you feel unworthy of love, but I absolutely assure you that nothing could be further from the truth. If you do not treat yourselves with at least the same love and respect you show to others then when you try to assist them you drain your energy fields instead of constantly and abundantly replenishing them. When you go within, to your most holy inner sanctuary where the Light of God’s Love for you burns constantly, and intend to open your hearts to allow that Love to flow through you freely and abundantly, It will. Being in human form, which is a state of limitation, you need to renew that intent at least once every day, but preferably many times daily as you remember that you are and always have been one with God. Each time you renew your intent you strengthen it, giving you the vital energy you need to assist in humanity’s awakening process, the task you set yourselves before you incarnated. Living in the world it is very easy to get drawn into the negative or dark energy that is empowering fear, conflict, betrayal, and suffering. By holding the intent to be channels or conduits through which God’s Love flows constantly and abundantly you effectively dissolve those dark energies and they dissipate. It is your task to be Love in action, and only that. Do not engage with blame, judgment, or side taking, whatever situations you may find yourselves in, because if you do you just strengthen instead of dissipating the negative energies that you encounter. Love is your nature, but when you chose to construct and enter the illusion you also chose to leave Love behind, thinking that you would find “love” (intentional small “l”) there in others that would satisfy you. You could not in that moment envisage the effect that shutting yourselves off from God’s Love for you would have because you assumed that the “love” you received from others in the illusory environment you had built would be completely fulfilling. And indeed the “love” you receive from others can be very inspiring and uplifting, however, it can never even begin to replace the Love that is your true and only nature. Humanity’s awakening is a coming home to Love, a coming home to Source, a coming Home. When you find yourselves fully awake, fully present in the Presence of God, One with Him, your joy will be boundless, way beyond anything you can imagine even in your most uplifting and inspiring dreams, because in truth there is no place like Home, or even remotely resembling It. So, go within frequently each day, to that inner and sublimely holy space where God’s Love for you resides in every moment, and allow It to fill your hearts and flow out through you to awaken all of humanity. That is what you came to do, and when you choose to do so, you do it beautifully. You cannot fail because you are aligned perfectly with the divine Will when you make the intent to be only loving in every moment. With so very much love, Saul. Message from Archangel Michael and the Council of Radiant Light Channeled by Ailia Mira Hello Divine Ones, It’s really good to be with you again! We’ve been noticing so many subtle insights and changes in you - in the way you are living and feeling. We want you to realize that these small adjustments and new understandings which are opening up for you at this time, are really more powerful than they may seem. Given how slight some of the adjustments are and how much you love yourself, adjustments more and more will be small and refinement will yield big results. You are discovering what you care about, what you like and how to feel the way you want to feel. You are finding out how to allow yourself to claim your sovereignty. You are learning the small changes in how you respond to life, or choose to relate to what happens, that serve your alignment and further your joy. More and more of you are truly believing that your joy is important. We are overjoyed about this! We are loving that you are finally choosing to make your pleasure and your joy the priority, for in doing so you align with who you truly are! You align with who you truly are, when you reach for what gives you joy. You can reach for joy in your thoughts. You can reach for joy in deciding what to act on and what not to act on. You can use your imagination to try on activities or choices and feel, with such clarity - does it bring me joy? This is profound. To know what brings you joy, moment to moment, is to know how to be true to who you really are. Pretty fantastic. Isn’t it? We love that you are remembering your own essence in a stable way. We see you being more sure about who you really are. We notice that your sense that you are soul expressed in this distinct humanity, is becoming more factual for you. You are taking that idea and thinking about it often enough and with enough openness that it’s become real to you. This is empowering your expanded capacities. Capacities in life come forth from states of being and states of consciousness. Your state of being and the consciousness you experience moment to moment are determined by your alignment. When you choose joyful paths of thought, of action, of being, of perceiving, you further your alignment. In furthering your alignment, all that you are, is available to you in expanded ways. Your presence here, is dynamic. It is not singularly accomplished, it is dynamically created, moment to moment to moment. There is some misunderstanding in some who feel that the energy will change them and then suddenly they’ll be lifted into higher consciousness and life will be easy from there on forward. This is an illusion that is not helpful, so we want to clear this up. You are living here now, and what you are experiencing now, is a matter of what your focus and alignment is now. That state, creates momentum. The energy of Creation, amplifies ALL of your momentum - be it focused on things you enjoy, or be it focused on things you do not enjoy. You include in your life all you give your attention to, and amplify and further what you pay attention to, and are supported by Creation in bringing more of it to you. All of it. Anything you focus upon is amplified. This is how you create. You generate momentum of what you focus upon and that is then furthered by Creation and more and more similar feeling experiences and ideas come to you as a result. So you can see here, that you are free in ways you may not always feel but is nonetheless reliably available to you. You are totally free in that you are free to always choose what you pay attention to. So you are free to create your personal reality and the only reality you live, is your personal reality. You are not living one another’s reality. You are living your personal reality which is the translation of vibration by your body/mind into experiences and sensations that are interpreted based on your state of being. Your alignment. So you’re sovereign and free even if you choose to deny this. Why not embrace it? Why not cultivate your joyful pleasure? Well you’re starting to see this and it’s bringing about big changes for those of you willing to play with these subtle inner sensations and connect the dots in your understanding. Since you are dynamically creating your experience everything can change very quickly, in any way in which you are focused and build momentum. You know this experientially. You’ve all had days that start off badly and go down the drain. You’ve all had wonderful experiences that then lead to more wonderful experiences - big and small. Realizing that you are constantly creating your momentum. Claiming your eternalness as your sense of self, you begin to live beyond fear, beyond ideas of even needing to work on yourself spiritually and instead you begin to tune to joy. This is the leading edge of empowerment and embodied capacity. It is those of you cultivating your momentum - your alignment - who are expanding Creation with new ideas. For it is in this expanded alignment that you are open to the new ideas from higher consciousness that are being called into focus in your world. You are the cooperative components of Creation who are furthering All That Is, by allowing new ideas, fresh ways of living and being, to take shape and take form and manifest and be created and answer the longings and the dreams of your fellow human beings. And all of this is and will be for you a joyful path of expanded capacity and joy! This is what it means to be open to fulfilling your soul self here. To allow what wants to come through you and what feels joyful to you, to be given your focus through attention and willingness to let inspiration guide you. To let the fullness you are, lead you and prompt you and inspire you. You in your expanded self-loving and in your realization of your true self, are empowering greater capacities for conscious co-creation to emerge here. This bridging of realities, by the choices in your personal reality, is game changing! The game is changing from those of you within the game, remember and wanting more. More joy. More power. More fun. More expansion. More of all that turns you on - that is what you’re meant to flow and focus upon and allow and emerge into and then? See what interests you next. Let that flow. Let that come about. Cooperate with the fullness of your being who is guiding you and who, when you are in alignment, can speak clearly to you through your inner knowings and the ideas and inspiration you receive. You are meant to be fulfilled. Repeatedly. Living in clarity is the result of living in alignment and having a sure footed approach to each day happens when you intentionally create your state of being and thus your mood, the tonality of your energy and the momentum of your day. When you make your happiness the priority. When you love yourself enough to tune to who you truly are, and use your feelings to know when you’re in alignment, then you bring about the New Creation here which this age has prophesied. You are discovering that you can live here, knowing who you truly are and working intentionally with the inherent laws of Creation and thrive. As you believe in and live from your eternalness you move beyond fear, beyond separation. You no longer need to deny your power, or your sovereignty, nor the power or sovereignty of any other. You begin to realize that you can only live in your personal reality and you choose to trust the wholeness that is LIFE, to guide you from within. You lean into that inner light, knowing that in doing so, you are freeing yourself up from the old game of living in limitation and believing you are less than - well, anything or anyone. Now, you are free to be you, fully, eternally and in great clarity, here. What fun that is. We love you! I AM Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light We are complete. Mike Quinsey 2/17/2016Posted on 02/2017
by EraOfLight The overview we have of activities on Earth is different to yours because as we see it all is happening on many different time lines, making it difficult to accurately forecast the course of events. However, one thing is certain and it is that the elite of the dark Ones continue to lose their control over you, and are destined for complete failure. It is a shattering conclusion for a group who once believed themselves to be invincible, and able to dictate the future of Humanity. Now you are becoming free to decide your own destiny, although for a period of time it will seem chaotic until the path for you becomes clear. There will unavoidably be hardships and uncertainty, but in time all will become clear and your future assured as you begin to enjoy your new found freedom. Times are beginning to change more quickly than you may have anticipated, and from many quarters will come the truth that has been withheld from you for eons of time. The whole history of the Human Race will have to re-written that will be quite different to what you have been taught. Your isolation from other Beings has however been intentional, to ensure that you could evolve without outside influence or interference. However, it will be necessary to sort the wheat from the chaff, as only souls that have reached a higher level will be able to ascend. It is a natural process and no one is choosing who is ready to ascend, as it is quite automatic based on your present vibrations. Be assured that every soul has been given the same opportunity to ascend, but many know that they are not ready at this particular time. Bear in mind that all experience is of value, and that every lifetime gives you the opportunity to increase your level of vibration. Your Guides play a big part in guiding you along a path that meets your needs, and since they can see the overall picture of your evolution know what is best for you. You will normally discuss such things and you still have the freedom to choose how your life plan works out. No one is left without assistance although some souls are unaware of it, and their lives are often so much more of a challenge. Whatever stage you feel that you are at try to see what direction you are going in, and always make the best of any opportunities to evolve. Stay positive and avoid negative actions, as they may involve karma that will show the need for more experiences than you planned. Understand that all of you with few exceptions are old souls with much experience, and you should be able to handle whatever challenges come your way. Your memory of past incarnations has been deliberately closed off from you, to allow you a full experience of life in the lower vibrations. There are enough distractions without them, and you do need your full attention on the progress of your life plan. Again it is worth mentioning that you agreed to it prior to incarnating. Every soul has an objective and these are set at different levels of achievement according to how far they have developed. You will never be given more than is reasonably expected of you, and as you know you have other souls working with you from higher dimensions. Through your life you will meet new people as and when it is necessary to help you reach a new level. Obviously some of your most important relationships are within your own family. You may question that where they appear to be unworkable, but that may be the very reason why that link has been made. The truth of all links will be explained to you once that particular life has finished. One of the first things you do on passing over is to have a life review, and see where you have succeeded and nothing can or will be hidden. In this way you will also see where you have failed so that necessary steps can be taken in your next life to accept those challenges again. It is all about your evolution. As having dropped down into the lower vibrations you need guidance on how to make your way back to the Light that is your true home. Mother Earth is a sentient Being and has a lot to offer, and is a beautiful orb that has so much variety and so many wonders to experience. After Ascension you will see the Earth in the pinnacle of her beauty without trace of the damage and destruction caused by Man. Can you imagine being where you are able to communicate with all forms of life, because that time is not very far away. You have a saying that is “never judge a book by its cover” and it is very much the same for Human Beings who are often judged by outer appearances. In your times Jesus has appeared on Earth on more than one occasion, and was not accepted by those he met and to whom he revealed his true identity. So you never know who you might meet in their disguise as a Human Being. Naturally some souls who are One with the Teachers will sometimes reveal their last life connections, but it is usually obvious when a highly evolved soul incarnates. All through your history it has happened when Humanity has needed to be uplifted, and this present time is no exception. Great souls have re-incarnated to help you get through the challenges confronting you, and they cannot fail. Look around you and you will be able to identify such souls amongst you. It is known that many souls are awaiting re-valuation of the currencies, but like everything else it will only go ahead when the circumstances permit it. In the long term all currencies will be assessed and adjusted to ensure a fair rate compared with others. Naturally some countries have more natural assets than others and that will be reflected in the new rates of exchange. The immediate need is for parity amongst some of them that do not reflect their true value. This task has been the subject of many reviews that are more or less completed. You may be sure that before long the markets will be operating on an equal basis, where all have the same opportunity to carry out their business. In spite of the apparent chaos around you there is an underlying plan that is going ahead, that will give you a set up that is going to bring the New Age into being. Many groups are at the ready to bring out their contributions to it, and for example will propel you into it so quickly that you may have difficulty in keeping up with it. However, that is necessary to make up for lost time because as you are aware, you should by now have been a lot further forward and beginning to enjoy the advantages of them. New inventions that will make life so much easier are ready to be introduced, and you will know that you are truly at the beginning of a New Age. All that you have been promised will be available and ready to launch you into it at all speed. As you have already been informed, free energy is at the top of the list that will immediately enhance your quality of life. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self. In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey. Offering Frequencies ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. When you offer a frequency, you put out a signal. You are constantly interacting with this universe, and you are constantly shifting. You shift from one reality to the next based on that frequency that you are emitting. Now we know that this isn’t new news to any of you, but we do want to point out that the offering of the frequency is your ticket to wherever you want to go. You don’t have to wait for something to manifest or to be attracted to you because of that frequency you are offering. You can go directly to where you want to go. There’s no need for you to experience the linear time concept at this point. As you fine-tune your abilities, you are able to offer multiple frequencies at once. Now how is that possible, you might wonder? Well, many offerings are combinations. In other words, if you are going out to have dinner with your friends, you could be offering a combination of frequencies that is made up of excitement, joy, love, and freedom. All of these experiences that you are having at once combine their frequencies. You combine the base frequencies of all of those offerings, and when you do that you generally have fun and deep, meaningful experiences with other people. Now, when you offer a singular frequency, you have the benefit of focus. Focusing on one thing and one thing alone magnifies the frequency offering. So if you were only offering the frequency of love, for example, your ability to sink more deeply into that experience would create an amplification of that frequency, and you would take yourself directly to that experience. Again, there is no reason for you experience a lag time at this point. With the energies that are approaching, and the energies that are already here, there has been a quickening of experience, and your ability to shift timelines has become accelerated. As you continue to move forward, you are going to see more immediate results to the offering of a frequency. You are here to master this experience of reality, and you are demonstrating to yourselves just how powerful you are every time you deliberately offer a frequency and you shift to the reality of your preference. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Being Grateful for Where You Are
by Shanta Gabriel We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives. This message from Archangel Gabriel reminds us about the power within the attitude of Gratitude to expand and enrich our next steps in life. The Gabriel Message Card for this Week All that you have learned and all that has happened to you brought you to where you are now. Be grateful. Sometimes it is just simply enough for us to be grateful for where we are at this moment in time. We seem so driven to be looking ahead, striving for the next door to open that will allow us to accomplish our future goals. There is a part of us that really wants to know what our next step is, especially when we are in the spacious time in between what we have accomplished and our forward movement into the future. It is often difficult to appreciate this spacious time when we don’t feel productive. However it is exactly this space that allows us to nourish ourselves and fill our inner cups with more fun, more time in Nature, and more celebration with friends and family. We need to have this space so we can reconnect to our inner source to rejuvenate and open to inner guidance. It is a true blessing, no matter how much we wish it were different. Archangel Gabriel has suggested that our worrying, wanting and wishing slows down our ability to open to the inspiration available from the Divine flow of Wellbeing, Wonder and Wholeness that we have access to when we allow ourselves to receive. In this time of spaciousness there is a creative flow that can connect us to the deep wellspring of Abundant Life within us at all times. This level of Abundant flow is so expansive and inspiring that it can help me to remember that anything is possible. Inspiration opens my mind and heart. It also raises my vibrational frequencies so I have an expanded perspective on my life and feel much lighter. I can listen more deeply to my Higher Self, and allow the spark of creativity to open my consciousness. When I take this sacred time regularly, honoring the spaciousness, there is clarity about when to take action in all areas of my life. Being grateful for where I am now and opening to receive is such a powerful teaching for living in 5D life. This process brings in a beautiful element of the Sacred Feminine when I wait for guidance to be received before I bring action to life. My Soul's voice within my Higher Self communicates through my heart. When I pay attention to this voice, my heart's intelligence speaks with greater authority, and I am able to hear its wisdom with more clarity. I allow myself the space to receive in order to experience the Divine Timing inherent in this process of letting my heart inspire me into action. Divine Presence, Thank you for opening my heart to the support and love that is available to me at all times. Please help me to integrate all that I have learned within my being so I can use these lessons to empower my life. I know that even when I am not actively paying attention, you are working with me, and guiding my way, and I AM Grateful. I willingly commit to listening to my Soul's voice with greater dedication. I ask my Higher Self to inspire me to pay attention to the guidance that is being offered from Source. Help me to remember that I need to slow down and breathe to receive the wisdom within me. I AM now creating space within me to receive in a greater way ~ receiving inner guidance, receiving more love, and receiving all the support that is available to me in all areas of my life. I recognize clearly that I AM never alone. I ask to be more aware and accept the presence of my support system on Earth as it is in Heaven. For my life, for all I have received and all that I have learned, I AM grateful. And so it is. February 12, 2017 The Gabriel Messages Book #56 All that you have learned and all that has happened to you brought you to where you are now. Be grateful. Dear One, You have come to a time when acknowledgment of yourself is necessary. There needs to be a truce between the warring factions of your mind. One part of you is diligently watching to make sure that you never make a mistake. When you inevitably do, it leaps to chastise and remind you about all the ways you are wrong. This judgmental mind is never happy with your progress. Nothing you do could ever be good enough. It is relentless in its pursuit of your wrongness. It is time to tell this part of your mind to take a vacation. It needs to lose itself in the beauty of nature, and leave the rest of you alone. You are on this earth plane to learn. Making mistakes is one way that people learn lessons. It is impossible to do things right and perfectly every time. The Divine Presence does not expect this of you. What is necessary is that you follow your heart and your inner guidance. There is much wisdom within you. But it is often like a small voice calling in the wilderness, drowned out by critical and judgmental thoughts. Yet it is listening to this quieter voice that would most serve you in your life. This voice is telling you that you are a child of a loving God, and that there is nothing you can do which could stop the flow of Infinite Love. There is also society's voice that demands you live up to certain expectations. When you are in alignment with your Higher Self, there is a flow of love-filled energy that allows you to step into a way of being which is totally connected to the Divine Power within and around you. This energy is inviting you to BE rather than do. You are being asked to let go of the confining armor of society's expectations and of your judgmental mind that has been conditioned by it. You are being asked to look with compassion upon yourself, and to notice the many things you are learning at this time. It is a powerful time on Earth when, although there is great suffering and fear, there are also incredible opportunities to break through into great love and peace. Practice What you see in the world is colored by how you perceive yourself. Can you see that, in the past, you took the steps that seemed appropriate for you at the time? Do you notice that there were times when your heart told you to make a certain choice, but for various reasons, you did not follow your intuition? All these experiences have assisted you in learning lessons necessary for your growth. It is time to totally forgive yourself for behaving in ways you judge as wrong or bad. You would have made different choices had you known better, but you acted from your awareness at that time. Forgive yourself and get on with your life. Do not waste any more precious time in self-criticism. You are making choices in this moment to create your future. All that you have is the power of this moment. Let the past go, and do not fear the future. Know that you are exactly where you need to be for your perfect lessons in life. It is up to you to lift the mantle of judgment and allow yourself to grow into who you would most like to be. Imagine acting in ways that bring you joy. Imagine your world surrounded in love. Know that you are a good, honest and caring person and give yourself the loving kindness and respect you deserve. Your imagination can set a powerful intention for your life when you use it to visualize a new and more harmonious way to be. When you set an intention, all the forces of the universe align themselves to manifest that which you visualize. It is wise to be careful how you use this powerful tool. You do receive whatever you focus on, if your focus and desire are strong enough. It is a Universal Law. Remember to be grateful for your life. It is an incredible gift to be in a physical body. With this body you can do so many things to enjoy this world of beauty. Be grateful for all that you are learning now, even if, at times, it feels uncomfortable. Be grateful for all that you have, even if it does not seem to be enough. Gratitude awakens your mind to the greater truth within all things, and lifts your spirit into Alignment and Joy. So remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today: All that you have learned and all that has happened to you brought you to where you are now. Be grateful. Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel February 12, 2017 Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven. HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken: * Our connection to God * * Our belief in ourselves * * Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God * * Peace on Earth * God is always bringing us closer to Him. Heavenletter #5921 You Are the Sun and the Moon and the Stars…, February 9, 2017 God said: You may feel like a small human Being on Earth, such a tiny portion of the Universe, miniscule really. You have no idea of your magnitude. Let Me tell you that you take up the Whole Universe. There is you and there is I -- One. We fill the Whole Universe. Another way to say this is that you, the individual you that you imagine you are, contain the Whole Universe within you. Even as this idea is beyond your vision, you are the Universe Entire, that is to say, you are the Oneness of Life. You don't inhabit the Universe – you ARE the Universe. The world is contained within you. This is hard to fathom, beyond your comprehension, so it seems. Your physical body is not integral to the Universe. Rather, what is called your heart and mind – therein lies the Universe. This is how magnificent you are. This gives you an idea of your magnitude. This is how it is when We are One. Beyond your understanding, We are One. You may not recognize this as yet. You almost certainly don't have a grasp on this yet. Regardless of your picture of the Universe, this is the case. The world exists of you and Me as One. When Lights go on all over the Universe, you are the Lights. You are this amazing circuitry. Without you, there would be no Lights. That you are the Light of the World is true right now. No matter how you may see yourself – as a scoundrel, as a rake, in poor shape – whatever, the world does not exist without you. The world exists because of your Presence. The Universe has its Identity because of you. We are of One Consciousness, you and I and all the fish in the sea by which I mean all the Souls, are One. You have asked: “What of all the other Consciousnesses in the Universe?” I have answered: “You and all these other imagined yet tangible perceived individuals are you. You might translate this as particles of you.” You do not yet get this. You don't have to get this. Your understanding does not make this true or untrue. Your comprehension is beside the point. Does the Sun exist? Yes, the Sun exists. It exists in Consciousness. If you see the Sun, you are radiating it. Do you see the Moon? You are the Moon. You are the Stars. The Wholeness of Heaven and Earth are contained within you. This is the fiction – that all of Creation is outside you. There is no outside. There is only within. Now, don't start asking detailed questions. This is Reality, all this is presently beyond your ken. Where is Creation? It is within you. There is no outside. Creation appears outside you. The bottom line is: There is no outside you. We as One are creating and recreating. No longer think that this is far-fetched. I don't rebake the clay from which Creation came. This is how the dreamed-of world creates itself again and again. Consciousness grows. Thus, the world changes. Only so long as you are asleep is the dream you dream real-seeming. You are in a dream now in daylight, a dream from which you will awake. We will have jubilation. All your life is but a dream. You are a part of this mundane dream. The Reality you will wake up to is beyond your present undertaking. Truly, you do get caught up in this dream. You call it Life. Always, when you are asleep, you wake up. The world you wake up to is not the world as you perceived it before you fell asleep. The world, as you know it, has always been observed from one level of consciousness of which there are far Greater. You are far Greater than you grasp right now. Add Comment || Printer friendly version Permanent Link: Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™ Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™ Mail Address: Gloria Wendroff 104 W Lowe Ave Fairfield, IA 52556 |
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