TRANSMITTED THROUGH LINDA ROBINSON YOUR SHINING LIGHT Greetings Beloved Ones, This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Archeia Holy Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love. Today, we wish to discuss your shining Light. You have within you a beautiful shining Light. It resides in your heart center and contains a spark of the Divine. It is often referred to as your Divine Spark of Light. It is the part of you that connects you to All That Is. Your Divine Spark of Light was part of the Great Creator before you burst forth as a brilliant individualized Spark of Light. When you were a part of the Great Creator, you were in perfect harmony with all of creation. You moved and flowed in a harmonic resonance with all other parts of creation. Your goal was highest good. You had peace and Love at the center of your Being. When you burst forth as an individualized Spark of Light, you continued to carry peace and Love at the center of your Being. You were beginning your journey of highest good for all. Throughout your many lifetimes, you have expressed this mission in many ways. You may have had lifetimes of power, and you may have balanced this with lifetimes of simplicity. Whatever your journey, you always carried within you the Divine Spark of Light, and it has enabled you to remain connected with All That Is. Now, Beloveds, we are encouraging you to give increased focus to your Divine Spark of Light so that it may shine forth with brilliance for peace, Love, and highest good. There are many Souls who are seeking encouragement and hope on their path, and you have a special role to play by being an example for those around you. When you increase the brilliance of your Divine Spark, your Light shines more brightly. Your essence of peace and Love radiates out from you, and your connection with the Higher Dimensions increases. As you focus on your Divine Spark and the connection to the Higher Dimensions, you may receive inspiration and insights on ways to contribute to peace and harmony. To begin the process of increasing your Light, you may wish to sit quietly and focus on your breath. This allows your attention to turn inward to your heart center, where your Divine Spark resides. As you continue this process, you begin to relax body, mind, and spirit. Focus your attention on your Divine Spark and the qualities it represents – peace, Love, and highest good. The more you focus on these qualities, the stronger they become. If you find any feelings that are less than peaceful and loving that are clouding this space, you can transmute them with the Violet Flame. This clears the space around your Divine Spark so that it can shine more brightly. As you focus on your Divine Spark, let your attention include the Higher Dimensions and the interdimensional cooperation that exists all around you. This will help you remember the times when Divine harmony prevailed. We will assist you in this if you ask for our help. It is always your free will as to how you approach this process, and we can only assist when we are asked. When you let your attention float to the Higher Dimensions, you may remember that in the original creation, there were many other Souls, or Divine Sparks, with you that were working together for highest good. Then, you realize that each Soul, whether incarnate or in the Higher Realms, continues to contain a Divine Spark. This Divine Spark within each Soul forms a network of Light. When you tune in to your own Divine Spark, you can connect with the Divine Spark that is located within others. Focusing on Love is the key. When you attune your vibration to Love, you are able to connect with others through their Divine Spark. This connection of Love allows you to focus on peace and harmony for highest good. Even though there may be individual differences, the overall desire for highest good is the overriding factor, and a network of Light is formed through many individual Divine Sparks that are connected. With this network of Love and Light, a vibration is formed that helps to lift humanity to a higher level of consciousness. Beloveds, we are happy that you are focusing on your Divine Spark of Light and that you are connecting with the Universal Consciousness of Love and Light that is part of original creation. We are here to work with you as you call on us in this great network of Light. Know that you are greatly loved. WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Archeia Holy Lady Amethyst …and we surround you with Love. And so it is. Copyright © 2017 Linda M. Robinson, All Rights Reserved. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected].
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven. HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken: * Our connection to God * * Our belief in ourselves * * Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God * * Peace on Earth * God is always bringing us closer to Him. Heavenletter #6152 Only on Earth, September 28, 2017 God said: What are We really, the so-called you and the so-called I? If We are One, where are you then? And what are you but My Self? How you long to be I, and yet how you long to keep the remnants of your teeny-weeny outer self as well!! How precious are you to yourself! Sometimes you wear royal robes, and sometimes you wear rags. I mean, of course, how you present yourself to the world and how the world and you may miss out on your Splendor. You are at sea a lot as you swim in multi-directions back and forth and very often float on your back. Thankfully, you have the sky to look up at. You want Everything. You don’t want to become a conclusion forgone or not. Honestly, your limited personality is dear to you. You recollect your personal self as sweet even as you may regret your presentation of yourself in the world. You even seethe against how you interact with the world. You put yourself on a scale and weigh how you are doing as how you are doing is the summation of you, as if one approach is your whole story. You see yourself messing up in the world more than you can bear. You may extol yourself even as you are appalled at yourself. Dear Ones, you may well be missing your cues. What if you didn’t put yourself on a scale at all and find yourself wanting, how about that? I have to ask you: Why hang on to apparitions noted from the past. You heap the past on the past while I say: Let bygones be bygones. Isn’t the word bygones much more lovely than the word past? The word bygones presents a clearer picture. We won’t call the past a fly-by-night, yet We could. We could. While you are housed in your body, you who are nevertheless Eternal, seem to insist on ruling out the possibility of Who you really are, and so you may choose to fiddle around and keep your illusions. Your illusions are not nearly high enough. You may tend to lower yourself by accepting less, perhaps even forgetting that you are meant to ride high on the Wings of Possibility and not just tread water. You swear that time marches on and leaves you behind, as if you have no say about who you are. If you find yourself on a ship, walk the bulwarks. Use your binoculars, and you will see further and dance to My Tune. Aspire. Aspire beyond the day-to-day world. You are sure you are based on Earth and that’s that, whereas I tell you time and time again that your base is in Heaven where you hardly dare to believe, as if in Heaven, you would be lost. Get this into your head. Only on Earth are there either/or choices for you to make. This is your quandary. You put yourself in a spot whereas, in Truth, the whole Kingdom is yours. Surely, I created Earth, yet Earth is also of your making. You spin the wheel, and how you spin is the lay of the land. There is Earth, and on Earth, there are people, and people are the Captains of Earth. You are a Captain of Earth. As you go, so goes Earth. I created a Miracle when I created you. I created you Love. Love, and you will create your own Miracles. I say, “About time!” Faith in Me doesn’t mean that you sit around and wait for Me to perform. Faith in Me means that you get up and deliver your Love onto all four corners of the world and beyond. Give away your Love all over the world. Pull the world up to Heaven. Pull yourself up to Heaven. Climb these steps. Deliver yourself to Heaven. Make no bones about where your jurisdiction is, for your jurisdiction is everywhere. Add Comment || Printer friendly version Permanent Link: Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™ Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™ Mail Address: Gloria Wendroff 104 W Lowe Ave Fairfield, IA 52556 Message for lightworkers from Council of Twelve
A guide to the Gaia awakening. awakening5dhealing Cosmic activations upgrading our dna, accelerated through 2016, recalibrate us into lighter beings, preparing us for higher frequencies. This process is reaching a peak, a point of critical mass in February 2017. 14 months of accelerated awakening has prepared us for what is to come. Disclosure friends. We are closing in on some big higher frequency energetic activity. Solar eclipse propulsion, with new moon cosmic waves of awakening, will thin the veils dramatically. We are seeing through the illusions in our own lives and on the world stage. Truths are being exposed. Kansas is going bye bye. High winds, weird weather brings restless energy. Chaotic vibes. Choppy waters to surf on. We can breathe into this. We can centre and align ourselves allowing activations to flow through us. The cosmic waves are bringing more upgrades to our throat chakra. Channelled through our heart chakras we can ride these waves cocooned in love. Ask guides and higher self for help and guidance if faced with tricky situations. Seek their reassurance if deep emotional responses are triggered. It all has to come out in the wash. As our throat chakras recalibrate, come online, we shed our matrix avatars and begin to find our true selves. This authenticity activation flows through all of Gaia. Deceptions, deceit and darkness will be exposed. Be prepared to see the bigger picture. Honour the pisces new moon and the Age of Aquarius, expand our consciousness and raise our vibrational frequency. We open our minds to new truths, new realities and new hope. We hold onto belief in a fair future on Gaia. The elite must come down, as they do their shadows will be illuminated, their dark depravity exposed. Filter what you read, hear and see from social media and mainstream media. Know all is happening for a reason. Know we reset the timelines in late 2016, humanity rose and changed her future. Know we are all connected, we journey through many lifetimes together. Open our minds to intergalactic intervention, community and guidance. Understand the multi verse is complex and convoluted, interwoven dimensions of frequencies. Gaia continues to raise her frequency to the universal vibration of love. Allow toxins to be released without giving into fear in your heart. Fear freezes the flow of heat, warmth compassion and love through our mind body soul system. Be in nature, feel her fury, her beauty and her ascension. We and Gaia will rise above the darkness of the matrix, the elite’s crumbling pyramid of power. Draw all energies and emotions through your heart, reassure your mind, all this is necessary to clear out the old and make space for the new. We are transitioning as a people and planet to higher dimensions. It’s bound to be a bit rocky at times! Manifest wisely and with love beautiful people. Mantra: I am protected, I am love, I am grounded. We are the Council of Twelve. Our message today is for lightworkers working tirelessly to raise the vibration on planet earth. We know your efforts, we appreciate your hard work, we recognise the highs and lows of healing. We envelop you all in love light energy to reenergise and realign you for the coming weeks and months. The people of earth are awakening at an exponential rate. We are invested in ensuring this transformation from dark to light is as painless as possible. We communicate today to thankyou for your commitment to humanity and Gaia and to gently remind you of the importance of caring for your own sovereignty, health and spiritual evolution. It has been recognised that humanities enslavement has left them ill equipped to deal with exposure, disclosure and truth. A small minority are ready to see beyond the prison walls of the holographic matrix simulation, the majority have been kept in energetic chains of dense frequencies preventing organic evolution. This majority who hold onto religious dogma, political rhetoric and fear frequency need to be shown compassion and love as they wake up. For it is those whose eyes have been tightly shut that require the most support and guidance. Do not despair lightworkers. This is the way of humanities awakening. Nothing is as it has appeared or been fed to the mass global population. We seek to reassure lightworkers struggling with the empathic effects of ongoing trauma and devastation on planet earth. The new earth is being birthed in positive manifestation aided by cosmic forces of light way beyond your understanding. Trust this process. Know that the path is rocky and many will stumble and fall yet many more will pick themselves up and move forward to enlightenment. Censor all negativity with ruthless self care. Protect your own vibration lightworkers, stay in gratitude joy and love. Seek nature and meditate for realignment of the spirit, mind and body. The veils are thinning quicker than humanity can handle. We are being transitioned into a simulation of the matrix. We are concerned humanity at this time will be unable to withstand full disclosure. To see the different alien species, hybrids and clones operating on planet earth, as they have for thousands of years. In ancient times humanity was closer to the stars, to the rhythm of Gaia and could conceptually connect with visitors from space. Today after many moons of programming, conditioning and karmic enslavement the disconnection between mind, body and soul and between Gaia and the multi verse has become too profound. There is concern for humanities welfare. Humanities enemies use holographic technology and mind control programming to disguise their true nature. To compensate for higher cosmic frequencies malfunctioning their holographic visual technology, we are being gradually immersed in a simulation. This will ease your transition. It will cover their increasing glitches and release us from the full shock of truth disclosure. The Intergalactic Federation has stepped in to manage this disclosure. Individuals who vibrate higher and therefore see more, will be the truth seekers, the bringers of light. They will gradually light the way out of darkness. This is why they are known as light warriors. In small ways and big ways they will reveal truth. To protect humanity from the dismantling of the reptilian cabal designed matrix, a second matrix has been constructed. This has been called a cosmic waiting room. It is this and more. We are unable to stop time in all its forms affect a whole planet. We are using our technologies to slow down humanities perception of the accelerated process of DNA upgrades they are immersed in. There is nothing sinister in our intention or our actions. We seek to illuminate, to empower humanity to break it’s chains of slavery. We operate within laws of the multi verse as do all involved. We bear no ill will or harm. We seek to facilitate an easier transition. To allow humanity in all its vast diversity to accustom and realign to higher dimensional planes of existence, where truth is the language and no darkness can hide. We are the way show-ers, the light bearers of truth. We have done this before and will do so again. We are invested in humanities evolution from seeding. We look after you in these momentous times of Gaia’s ascension and humanities chance to escape enslavement. Gaia has chosen this time to shake off her predators and to rise to a more peaceful state of being. She seeks recuperation not revenge. She is rising as a goddess of the stars to reclaim her right to abundance. This is her will, her right and her way. The species of humanity aboard her are part of this transformation. The higher cosmic frequencies draw out the negative, the dense, heavy vibrations of greed, hate and evil. These are times to be wary light warriors. To have shields of protection up at all times. Shields of love vibration. For no low frequency being with intent to harm in their heart, can penetrate sacred shields of love light energy. We are urging you to use protection mantras to communicate with higher self regularly, even if you cannot yet hear their responses. We urge you to be cautious and heart led. To know and embody love as the sole defence against all dark energies. Humanity is learning not just about energy and frequency, the language of the multi verse, humanity is learning about itself. Those volunteers who are navigating multiple dimensional realities on earth at this time, lightworkers, we call you to heart chakra activation. We remind you to breathe into heart chakra, to keep love flowing. This will stabilise your frequencies embedding you more to 5th dimensional existence. The matrix of light we are placing over the cabal’s holographic reality will be seen and felt by you. You will be able to manifest at accelerated rates. You will be able to protect yourselves instantly from all lower frequencies and vibrations. You will understand the power of language as a tool to set and reset immediate vibrations of reality. This increase in spontaneous manifestation will power up positive timelines from the ground up. Stay in love. Use self care healing therapies to realign your energetic systems. To resonate with these words, is to be activated as a lightworker, it is to know your mission and respond. It is to integrate mantras of protection, gratitude and manifestation into every aspect of your lives. To work to open the third eye. To communicate with higher self directly. To learn the skills of setting your own frequencies rather than be programmed by outside sources. This is freedom. This is what humanity needs to see. In their neighbours, friends, relatives, co workers they need to see that change is possible. Lightworkers we understand the constraints many of you feel under and we see the loneliness in many of your hearts. We ask you to fully embrace multi dimensional tribal love and guidance within a protective shield of light love. These are the spaces of fifth dimension abundance. Reach out to them. Become one with universal love light frequency and you will be safe from threat, harm or damage. We are reassuring those who hear us, that protection is there, it is in place, that humanity is not alone during this profound transformation. As spiritual beings you have guides and soul tribe all around you. Commune with them to create sacred protected spaces of high frequency light. Lightworkers you are the alchemists. The warriors of Gaia transmuting dense karma to golden love light energy. We thankyou in grace and with humility. The Council of Twelve
SEPTEMBER 24, 2017
Marilyn Raffaele, (video below) Arcturian Group Message 9/24/17 Dear ones, the message for these changing times is an assurance that all is on track and the world has not lost its way. Rather, it is the obsolete belief system that is losing its way even as many struggle to hold it in place. False concepts and beliefs can only dissipate in the presence of ever increasing energies of Truth where there is nothing to sustain them. Change for many has been unpleasant and not in alignment with the material sense of comfort and security. However, what is taking place is necessary for Gaia as well as all upon her in order to clear the multiple layers of dense energy formed of duality and separation that she has stored and carried through centuries. Incoming souls often choose to experience some sort of difficult or life changing event during their lifetime on earth. This is a free-will, pre-birth choice made for purposes of learning something necessary for soul growth that perhaps they have long been ready for but have not learned in easier lifetimes. Soul groups as well will often choose to experience something together in order to clear and resolve a collective karma. You are witnessing this now as certain groups around the world experience great loss and pain. The very things that seem so wrong according to three dimensional thinking, are often necessary and perfect in order to tip the balance forward for a soul or soul group. This does not mean you stand back and say; "Oh well, they chose this.", but means you have a better understanding of world situations and from that place of awareness are able to send light and help without adding negative energy to the situation. The old no longer holds the power it once did because collective consciousness is becoming increasingly evolved. Individuals are awakening and beginning to acknowledge and reclaim their innate power. Those ignorant of their true identity as spiritual beings continue allowing others to take their power--governments, churches, experts, corporations, and individuals who live from a righteous sense of empowerment disguised as knowing what is best for them. In spite of appearances, love is becoming more and more prevalent on earth as individuals awaken into a new sense of connection and move beyond concepts of separation. This is the hidden gift of "disasters". Love is being felt and expressed by many who do not understand that their desire to help others is actually love. Love flows in forms relevant to the attained state of consciousness of an individual who may himself simply see his actions as practical responses to some situation. There are those who always step in where they see a need, "ordinary" people providing clothing, food, and material goods while never considering their actions to be love. Others help on emotional and mental levels, providing guidance and support. This is love (activities of oneness) regardless of what it is called. The intense needs of so many at this time is serving to draw the world more deeply into love through service which is why many choose pre-birth, to experience or be a part of some catastrophic event. As you already know, the more illumined an attained state of consciousness is, the deeper and more clear is the person's realization of love as being the connecting energy between the many within the ONE. Spiritual evolution is simply a journey in which every soul moves either quickly or slowly into increasingly higher levels of this awareness. All who in some way selflessly serve Gaia and her life forms are loving, even if they are only able to see it as; "Doing their job." or "Being practical" etc. at this point. There are some (often well known people desirous of publicity) whose present state of consciousness only allows them to perform actions of service primarily for purposes of receiving praise and attention from others, with no real concern for the recipients, be they people, plants or animals. However even this low level of service can be the beginning point from which will unfold a deeper sense of service as love. It is important to understand the difference between loving and enabling. Many still believe that loving means doing whatever it takes to make someone else happy, often at the expense of their own personal power and growth. Other individual's situations may very well be a part of their chosen pre-birth contract for learning, clearing, and moving beyond the active energies of some old cellular memory. Love is having one's hand ready to grasp the hand of another who is reaching out for additional help to their own efforts, but love is not a reaching down into the gutter in order to lift up someone out who is making no personal effort or even seeing any need to be elsewhere. Individuals must themselves choose (consciously or unconsciously) to leave a "gutter consciousness" they themselves have created. If, in self righteous zeal a person tries to force another into a state of consciousness they may not yet be ready for, they remove the lesson and become an enabler. Many students of truth remain confused on this point because in their sincere effort to become loving they try to fix, heal, or change everyone struggling and not seeing the world as they do. This is done through words (proselytizing) or actions (stepping in and changing things), or simply through sympathetic alignment--all of which will add energy to the situation. Love often requires a person to step aside and allow another to fall flat on their face which can be very difficult when the other is a loved one. Never forget that the person's true nature is Divine no matter what the appearances may be. This is the higher work and if the other person is receptive or ready for change, your loving realization of his true nature can shift his awareness, allowing him to see and be more receptive to the bigger picture. Always trust your intuition in these types of situations--"Does this person really want help, or is he simply looking for someone to ease his way back into his chosen lifestyle?". There are certain individuals who thrive on being "victims" because it brings the attention they crave with no effort other than to keep repeating and elaborating the details of their victim-hood to anyone who will listen which perfectly serves to produce more victim situations. You are creators. When another is sincerely trying to grow and change their life for the better and reaches out, that is when you firmly grasp their hand and assist them in whatever ways you are able (physically, mentally emotionally and spiritually) to where they themselves are choosing to be. It may simply be guiding them to them to where they can get the help they seek. It is difficult to determine these things strictly from observation and is where your intuitive gifts must come into play. You are Lightworkers, which means that you are evolved enough to engage with the world from levels of Light and awareness, not according to three dimensional concepts of love and service which often include a surrender of personal power. Love never means being a door mat. Love is never about attempting to mold yourselves into the holy card image of a "saint" with eyes lifted to heaven and hands folded meekly. Love often means taking a stand, and saying "No" when it is appropriate. Love allows others to experience and learn from their mistakes. Love is observant and knows the difference between a want and a need. Love is a recognition of every individual's true Divine nature regardless of how far from that they may appear. Love is being willing to step in with guidance when asked, but is also the ability to step back when not asked. Love is being firm if your child in his immaturity is making bad choices, but love also allows him to experience the consequences of a bad choice. Love is the realization of oneness on all levels-physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Love knows that all life forms express the One life. You are and can only ever be love because love is the energy that flows in, as, and through all things. Love is not an emotion although it often expresses through the emotions. Love is the Divine Engine that is God with all Its parts functioning in perfectly order infinitely by law-- manifesting in the physical as the human heart. We are the Arcturian Group 9/24/17 Love and the Equinox - 21-Sep-2017
Kara Demonet. As I write this, tomorrow is the New Moon/Equinox. Certainly much is occurring within us and within Gaia. With all that is happening, I refer to it as the Grand Awakening. This Grand Awakening will shake folks (literally) out of their comfort zones and complacency. Those of us who have already awakened, awaken more to who we are and how we may serve others from a place of Divine Love. We are in a very accelerated Moment of receiving and sharing high dimensional Light downloads. I say “sharing” because as we receive more Light, we automatically shine it out for others; not in a controlling way, but we shine because that is our nature. As we honor the Love that we are, we do not push, seek or strive, for these are a part of the old. The New is about allowing and accepting what isand trusting that all is in Divine Order. It is about being in the Flow of the Moment without attaching to anything; just allowing things to unfold naturally. This is self-care and self-loving. When you love yourself, you keep your vibration high and from that, your consciousness expands and from your higher consciousness, your life shifts to one of Ease and Joy. The Truth is that you are perfect as you evolve to be more. Rather than complain, resist or react to outer events, welcome it all without judgment. When you are in Acceptance, the upgrades integrate. When you fight against anything, you set up resistance and the dualistic nature of 3D takes hold. Duality is a judgment of “this is good; this is bad.” etc. Don't go there. As you embrace these downloads of Love, you rise higher in consciousness and are more aware of what is still playing out in your life based on old beliefs and patterns. One belief that many maystill have is that “I have to work hard in order to be abundant.” Replace this old belief with having Joy, Passion and Ease in your consciousness and watch what happens. Take care of all 3D business you have created. This is important as completing all things begun in 3D helps you anchor the New. Take Responsibility for all your creations. Pay your bills and take Responsibility for all in your life...own it. Just don't own others' choices; simply take care of your own. Our bodies are transforming. Many experience this as sleep disturbances, dizziness, nausea, exhaustion and many other manifestations of Transformation (notice I do not use the word “symptoms,” as symptoms indicate that something is wrong or that you are sick; this is old and limited thinking). Words have Power; they are energy like everything is; words create. I personally have experienced all the above manifestations along with others for years now. I flow with it all. Yes, our physical bodies are changing and processing all the shifts we've experienced emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Every part of us is accelerating vibrationally. We are shifting from being told what to do and who we are to being powerful sovereign beings of Creativity. This is quite a shift and our physical bodies feel it. We are adjusting from giving our Power away to truly knowing we are the creators of our lives...there is no-one else to blame or credit. We are IT! Meditate, connect/merge with your Soul and Source, keep your vibration high through who you are with, where you go, what you eat and what you read and watch. Honor your Integrity; be who you say you are. Honor your Discernment; there are many illusions and lies attempting to seduce you back to sleep. Stay awake and aware. Stay in the Moment and do not judge whether something is “good” or “bad;” all is transforming. Be of Divine Service for others, be in Nature, walk a Labyrinth, and be kind to yourself and others, including all the 2-leggeds, the 4-leggeds, the 6-leggeds and the 8-leggeds...all of Nature benefits from your Love. As you move more strongly into recognizing your multidimensionality and Unity Consciousness, you may notice how everyone and everything around you is a mirror. Why? Because we are all One. I have noticed this getting stronger. One example is that when I observe others' writings, they seem to mirror what I have written in the past or what I am experiencing in the Moment. I find it all fascinating. We are closing the gap of separation. Every person and event mirrors something to us; whether we are conscious of that or not; and all that we attract holds a message within it. Once you realize that we are all connected; even to governments and 3D constructs; you realize we are also helping transform the old and empowering the New. When you meditate, you empower your Heart, which empowers Source, Soul and your Heart-Knowing as you. The Heart Chakra is the bridge between the lower chakras (ego) and the higher chakras (Soul); just as you are a bridge between Heaven and Earth. There is no separation between Soul and ego, as in Truth and when all is aligned, ego is the expressor of Soul. As above, so below; as within, so without. Being multidimensional, we navigate through all dimensions and see how all is related. There is no real separation between chakras, mind, body and Heart. Yet, let your Heart lead. Heart leads through feelings and Intuition (Guidance). All flows as One. While I have shared above that we navigate through all dimensions, I refer to the higher dimensions. Any dimension lower than the 5th Dimension carries great duality within it. The 4th Dimension carries old karma, old thoughts, patterns and beliefs passed down through ancestral lines; entities that can mess with you; all that is not Love. The higher dimensions are of Love only. Of course, if you want to clear yourself of old 4D dynamics, going into the 4th Dimension can be helpful; protect yourself fully if you do so. Personally, I stay away from this dimension. Follow your Guidance with this. If it doesn't resonate, use your Discernment and ignore what I have shared, for I honor where you are along your Ascension Path. And perhaps this is just meant for me. You are not your family; you are not dualistic. The Truth of you is that you are Love and One with and as Source. As you follow your own Guidance (Soul's Guidance), you are perfectly guided for your highest evolution. When you are creative, spend time in Nature, and meditate, you open your Heart and you find only Love and only Oneness. Be still, feel and Be. Stop all your heady busy-ness. Open your Heart, feel the Peace and be Kindness and Compassion. Let your Heart lead your mind. As we move into the Equinox, Heart-know that the Soul Essence for the Equinox is Balance. As we honor all that we are and stay balanced, we honor all of life. We live and give in a balanced way. What does Balance mean for you? For me, it is all about grounding Love in all I say, feel and do. It is being congruent Heart, mind and body as I follow the absolute Guidance of my Soul. Balance is expressing Love/Source/Soul mentally, emotionally and physically. It is walking my talk. It is Divine Service. It is staying in the present moment. It is keeping my vibration high and being aware of the words I use, so that I can serve as a Lighthouse. It is staying out of drama and chaos. It is recognizing old patterns and beliefs when they surface within or around me. It is being authentic and honest. It is being accepting of all peoples, even if they appear to be different than me. It is loving myself unconditionally as I love others. It is being grateful for all in my life; the simple and the challenging. I love my body by feeding it only organic food and pure water. I listen to her when she tells me something is out of Balance or I am downloading high dimensional Light that is too much for her/me. I love my mind by always honoring my Guidance, by reading only uplifting books and I love the Wholeness of me by meditating, possibly inspiring others through sharing and practicing self-care in all I do and feel. I could go on and on about about Balance as me; I won't, for it is up to you to create Balance in your own unique way. Since the Equinox is also empowered by the New Moon, how will you create more Balance in your own life? All that I choose to experience only brings me closer to Me. All that you experience brings you closer to You. Love is who We are. Be Love! ~ ~ ~ If so guided, your continued tithes are graciously and gratefully accepted. And thank you to those of you who consistently tithe to support this body of work. Tithing is giving from the Heart; creating a consciousness of Prosperity. I am blessed and grateful for each of you! Important: if you sign up to receive the Ascension Notes from my website, please add [email protected]to your spam I receive notices of being undeliverable because it’s considered spam.
Radiantly Happy, Ute - (video version below)
FROM OUR GOD-SELF: YOUR FREEDOM OF CHOICE! BELOVEDS, I Spread My Wings of Beauty for those, who are bonding with Me. Without Beauty there is no True Divinity and no Ultimate Reality Who I Am. My Wings Are the Infinite Embrace of all things that I AM. Take refuge in My Beauty to transcend the temptations of duality, where you are lost by seeking within it for safety and truth in these deceptive times. Safety Is Where your Essence IS, Who Is Me. Within duality there is no secure haven, you rather will find a roller coaster in the whirlwinds of conditional modifications. Even though you sometimes seem to experience periods of permanence and steadiness. But in reality any seeming stability within duality indicates stagnancy because everything exists in the perpetual motion of life. I Am seeming, As Myself, to Be Two at Once: Eternal Motion in My Infinite Eternity or Energy and Conscious Light. It is Unconditional, beyond the perception of your human brain. My Consciousness is Unconditional Love and Happiness, - the Undying Power That Comprises all worlds and beings. In these times when the raw opposites of your 3dimensional experiences come to their peak, facing one another without place for you to hide, because of their cataclysmic forces while you struggle to withstand the powers of their collision, you are given the opportunity to be drawn into my Divine Untouched Space. In My Divine Space all opposites are transcended and forgotten, a Space of Infinite Peace and Purity and Radiance. Do not hold on to the forces that would destroy your soul, tied to the two ends of illusion. Be safe in Me beyond! These deluding forces are My given Divine Grace to you, to recognize what they really are and always have been, un-noticed as long as they did not show their power. Now you can profoundly integrate their mystery, being driven into the core of their seeming reality, as you consciously explore and meditate them, discovering them to be merely empty schemes as you grow in consciousness. Now you can see, and now you can go beyond, with My Grace Calling you, to enter the Realm of the Real. To discover your Eternal Happiness, your True Nature. Whereas the human illusion of opposites are nothing but play, a joke, if you like, as soon as you transcend them in Me. Now I call you, to realize this, by expanding your awareness into your Native Stillness in Which mind or creation come into being. I Show to you the ¨Other Shore" That Is the Truth of all conditional worlds. Do not seek for answers there, because the deceivers are underway to catch your living soul with peripheral glamorous promises. But those who point to Me, your Own Unconditional, Divine Truth and State, beyond the many dimensions and densities, are trustworthy in these times. Be alert at all times to keep your light and pure energy in Me. Do not let your attention go somewhere else, even if voices might be sweet and faces beautiful and speeches eloquent. Be simple, My Beloveds, as I Am One without a second, beyond duality. I Call you to the Truth that is Me as you, beyond your body and mind, but which – if you allow – are becoming My Vehicles to Express Me in your lower worlds, empowered with My Divine Force of Radiant Consciousness. Be In-filled with Me only and not less. To Be Whole again and the Truth That I Am as you. Do not seek the powers within duality to be safe and happy. To not to be destroyed. In the end times you are all seen as what you really believe is True and what your choices are. You all are given the opportunity to follow the path of Truth, if you recognize It. You must decide. It is your journey and you have the freedom of choice, if you haven't given away this freedom already to what is controlling you. If you hear Me now as your True Eternal Self, un-chain yourself from all ties which bind you to conditional worlds within duality, if this is your choice. The experience you choose is up to you, but it has to be done NOW! There are only two options. The Powers of this time will draw you quickly in one or the other direction. I Am here with My Wings of Love and Beauty, Always, Waiting for you. I Am your God-Self! Message conveyed by Ute ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ute Posegga-Rudel, © 2017. All rights reserved. The Council – Expansion and Growth by Ron Head The Council – Expansion and Growth We have recently told you that you are approaching another mile post in your lives. This will be personal, societal, and planetary. And many of you are reporting changes, openings, and growth that is happening within your own minds and bodies as this mile post approaches. You, most of you, equate some of these changes, such as certain awakenings, with great spiritual progress. We would like to speak of this today, if we may. And we do say ‘if we may’ because you are quite within your rights to stop reading if you wish. Now, we say that you equate these changes, new abilities, with spiritual progress. While this is not exactly in error, we would urge you to see it from another angle. What they actually are, are indicators that your frequency has produced changes that began in your etheric beings that are so strong and so persistent that your physical vehicles are being affected. And you should understand that they are to provide you with a greater ability to serve. We will give you a visual that may illustrate a point that may seem rather negative, but is actually meant to urge you toward more responsible reactions. The visual is of a child that comes running into the room, happily exclaiming, “Wow! Look! I can bend spoons!” Now, this is not to make the child wrong. But we are asking you to treat your own progress much more maturely. Think of it as having been gifted a new tool box. Realize also, that disuse or misuse of these tools will soon see them wither away. This is not punishment. This is just the function of nature. Does the same not happen with all of your abilities? What happens as a result of your never exercising? We would also state that there would be absolutely nothing wrong with wondering, “I wonder what else I could do.” Go ahead. Amaze yourselves. If you see ways that you can help others, heal the world, or be an example, go for it. You have, as yet, no idea what you are capable of. Your future is not going to be filled with what you know of your past. In some ways, it will be filled with what you have not been allowed to know of your past. So go ahead and think, “Wow! I can bend spoons!” But then go about the business of finding out what the purpose of your new skills might be. As we said, amaze yourselves. We would like to also offer congratulations to those who are experiencing quite different kinds of change. As you go about your daily lives, if you are noticing yourselves reacting quite differently to circumstances, or that others are reacting quite differently, in a positive way, toward you, please understand that the changes in you that have brought this about are every bit as important as the things we were just speaking of. In many cases, they are even more important. All of these things, you see, are changes to your consciousness, and those who are familiar with these messages will recognize that this is what we have always spoken of. You arrive. You change yourselves. Your changes change everything. And so, as we have also said recently, it is happening. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE. A third book is being compiled now. Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: Remember, fear is just an absence of Love, but there is only Love.09/13/2017
by John Smallman Saul Audio Blog for Wednesday September 13th. We commune with you, and the many other channels presently incarnate as humans on Earth, because the messages that you receive and share greatly assist the Grand Awakening process by conveying to many the divine plan for humanity. All on Earth at this point in your spiritual evolution, whose purpose is to lead you Home to Oneness, chose and volunteered to be human in order to take part in the awakening by dissolving the veil you had inserted between yourselves and Reality. It truly is only a veil, a very thin and insubstantial veil, that seems to separate you from Reality. The conflicts and chaos that you see around the world are but the foundations of the illusion collapsing as humanity becomes increasingly aware of the insanity with which it presents you daily and chooses to support it no longer. It is extremely important that you continue daily to renew your intent to be only loving no matter how difficult the situations in which you may find yourselves during your daily lives. You are all part of the divine plan, and the plan is that you dissolve the illusion and awaken into Reality – the state of knowing that you are One with God, Source, All That Is – where you have your eternal existence in joyful and harmonious communion with all of God’s divine creation in the infinitely vast field of Love that is God, and is All that He has created. As you wait expectantly for humanity’s Grand Awakening, you do know that it is really going to happen. Deep within everyone is the knowing that you are One with Source, that only Source is Real and that all else that you experience is illusory. Your egos and the illusion seem absolutely real to you because it is their purpose to appear undeniably real to you, and by believing in them you reinforce your sense of separation because you see what you believe in – vast numbers of separate beings, things, planets, stars, galaxies, and universes. Your physical human forms have extremely limited senses and intelligence with which to investigate and understand the illusion. However, modern physics has shown conclusively that everything – yes, absolutely everything – is connected to everything else, that there is no separation and that physicality is illusory. The seeming physical world is in fact just a virtual reality, something that you experience within and then project out collectively to where you can be aware of it with your physical bodies. Mystics from every denomination of religious or spiritual practice have also found this to be so. When you have become accomplished meditators you too will experience momentary sensations of being vast, of being One, and all your doubts will then fall away. You are in the Presence of God in every moment of your eternal existence, but due to the severely limited abilities of your human bodies you remain unaware of this because the veil hides Reality from you. Your awakening is the removal or dispersal of that misty and ephemeral screen so that you can return into full awareness of your divine nature, fully alive and permanently at peace in the divine Presence. God is Love, infinite and unconditional Love, and within that infinitely vast field all of creation is lovingly held and embraced without the slightest moment of interruption. As you have so often been told: “There is nowhere else.” You collectively made the choice to attempt to separate from Source, which is quite impossible, and as a result found yourselves in an unreal or insubstantial environment that despite its unreality appears to be extremely substantial. Whatever you experience that is not in complete alignment with Love is unreal and illusory, notwithstanding the pain and suffering that you undergo. By spending time intentionally within yourselves each and every day, at your holy inner altar or sanctuary, where Love resides in every moment of your eternal existence, you strengthen your spiritual connection, enabling it to show you glimpses of Reality even though you have inserted that veil between you and It in order to hide from It. Those brief glimpses, which you will never forget, are what will sustain you when you are overcome with doubts about Reality, God, Source, and are asking yourselves: “How could there be a God when there is so much suffering and conflict in the world?” As your strength in your faith in God builds through this daily practice you will be able to overcome and dissolve all doubts, whether your own or those of others, that attempt to persuade you that your belief and faith in God are distractions from living sensibly and practically as a human on Earth. And of course you can see quite clearly that those who cling to that belief and strive to make it real for themselves are not at peace, while for the most part you are, because you know that all that separates you from Source is a thin and diaphanous veil which is in the process of dissolving like morning mist. Your awakening is inevitable, as you have been told so many times, but it is you who will do the awakening, and you willmake the choice to awaken at precisely the right moment. You are not going to be shaken awake by anyone else. It is your daily time within at your inner sanctuary that will present you with the opportunity to do so, and it will keep on presenting it to you until you accept it and act on it. You have free will, as you well know, even though at times you doubt it, and sometimes even believe that your emotions control you. They do not! When your emotions appear to be controlling you it is because you have chosen not be responsible for your thoughts, words, actions, or behaviors, and have given your power away to your egos which always operate from fear. Remember, fear is just an absence of Love, but there is only Love, so there can never be an absence of It. Fear is the result of your choice not to open your hearts to the Love which envelops you in every moment of your eternal existence. Love patiently waits for you to choose to open to It, and it will wait until you do so, as you inevitably will. It is impossible to remain permanently closed off to Love, Mother/Father/God, Source, because It is what you are, It is your true nature, It is the life force that flows through you and is you in every moment, relentlessly and unceasingly. Without it you would not exist, you would be neither conscious, unconscious, or dead, you just would not be. But you are because God created you, and that will never change! With so very much love, Saul. A Message to Lightworkers – September 15, 2017
by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you again. This is especially true now, in these days when you are increasingly aware of how alive and vibrant with energy everything is—that which is living, “nonliving,” and still becoming. And so as you step out into the world each day, the voices and presence of the trees, the blades of grass, the clouds and sky above, the buildings, vehicles, and people—all of it affects you now in ways you are beginning to notice, and take far greater heed of. The time of wandering through the world, numbed to vibration and its effects on your individual frequency, is well over. You are no longer the puppet whose strings are easily pulled. You are increasingly the self-propelled, self-creating, self-aware individual who sees not only more and more fully their own vibrational makeup, soul purpose, and infinite presence, but that of all living things around them, and even the era in which they live. These are the post-eclipse moments that are not simply redefining your days, but entirely scrapping the old Earth life format in favor of an entirely new one. This is a whole new paradigm, built on the sort of awareness that fifth dimensional beings possess and live in without thinking, without questioning. This is what is meant by Awake. For you have spent many thousands of years in a kind of sleep, in which false frequencies carried false direction from false “authorities” to your consciousness, and defined your day for you. Defined your outlook, your sense of self, your inner motivations, your Earth life. It overtook your reasoning ability, making it subject to only that which would support or glorify your controllers’ preferences. And it overtook your spirit, and even its own natural sense of imagination. So that it was not until you left your physical bodies to return another dimension, that you realized how you had been used, while not yet in a position to help dissolve that matrix in which you were imprisoned during every Earth life. But now—a new era, and a new “reality” as you view it. In fact, you are returning to a full sense of reality, rather than switching to a new one. You are simply awake and aware of Truth, rather than asleep, assuming no other alternative existed other than being owned, controlled, directed, and stunted in growth of consciousness while in human form. You see now, as a race, that yes: a very great alternative exists. The beautiful, wide, increasingly Light-filled path you are now on opens before you and beckons you ever on, further and further. “The Road goes ever on and on / Down from the door where it began . . . “ as one of our writer’s favorite writings goes. [From Tolkien’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings] And so your Road continues dear ones, moving into the brilliance of a Sunlight that your imagination has so far only grasped in far-away memory or a feeling sense, more than an actual image—a dream you quickly forget upon waking. Many speak now of the power of the solar flares’ influence on Earth, and of the photonic miracles that bring Light data and Ascension growth on both a physical and etheric level, as your Sun Sol experiences his own great changes and readjustments physically and etherically. And we would say, that these are not changes coming to you, so much as occurring within you, with the full consent and participation of your own growing consciousness. We would encourage you to recall what your conscious mind protects itself from remembering, as your unconscious is only yet beginning to awaken and allow memories to rise of your soul essence: that you are not only here to experience Ascension, but to enact and create it. And so when you feel that you are exhausted by the changes taking place in every cell, on every level of your being, remember that you not only sanctioned this steep climb, but ordered that it Must Be So. These are the words and command of the god/goddess, and your ongoing re-cognition of that true essence, which goes beyond identity and into pure co-Creative substance, is what brings you to value this moment, despite your tiredness and confusion some days, at so many things changing at once. Believe us when we tell you, we see how far you have already come, and assure you, you are well up to the task! We wish also to address the question sent to us by a Lightworker, who asks, “Do GMOs and other foods of Agenda 21 permanently affect the DNA and Ascension of those who consume them? Or is it just a temporary thing? Surely nothing can rewrite our Divine template?” We would say first, that all outer forms are temporary, as all is constantly evolving and moving forward—even that Energy which you identify as Creator or Source is constantly evolving. Your question regarding DNA is an important one, as DNA on this planet was reduced to a level where knowledge of one’s own higher self, and conscious communication and interchange between the other, higher realms, has been severely limited for many, many centuries. We would not assign to food the opportunity nor the presumed power of being able to readjust or rewrite your DNA. Take into your own hands the full power and responsibility of doing that. Decide now that only that which aids your Ascension goes into your body, mind, heart, and spirit, and that even that which is ill-intended is so much lifted in vibration before and as you are eating it, that it makes you only more fully a fifth dimensional Light Being, in all ways. Even the fact that you would ask this question is an assurance that you are surrounding and filling your body and consciousness with a Divine Light, which only that belonging to the higher realms can permeate. There is no worry regarding agendas of any kind. They have already failed; we see it written in the timeline, and more importantly dear ones, so do you. In your nightly travels in your etheric body, you see a great deal along Earth’s current timeline that puts all such stresses and questions to rest. You see the triumph of NESARA law fully enacted, of your Galactic family landing in ships and greeting you with joy. And of your Earth and her people being restored to full health, wellness, peace, and well-being—that which is your birthright by virtue of your having been born, and no other reason needed. Much has attempted to revise your Divine template in ways that would lessen your awareness of your Divinity. And yet, you as Creator God/Goddess are the only one to determine your own true Source, intention, makeup, and nature. And so, do you spend time each day visualizing the Light coming into your cells now, lighting up every particle of your being, within and without, with the kind of empowerment that past generations would not have even let themselves dream of? This is your job, and your joy, dear ones. Take your Divine template into your own co-Creator hands, and ask your soul and higher self, “What great empowering Joy, what expression of Divine Love shall we make of this cluster of brilliant Light that is my life force? “What is our highest intention? For I am here to live that out, as the artist expresses their genius on the canvas. Show me the highest way.” And depend upon the inner messages they send you throughout the day. For they will be there, and they await your attention, and your co-Creation of their intention. Namaste, dear ones! You are co-Creating new life on a new planet! And in this colossal yet glorious process, you are never alone. Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. Message from Archangel Michael & the Council of Radiant Light
Channeled by Ailia Mira Hello, Dear Friends, It's good to be with you. We are excited and happy to be with you now, and we are looking forward to what you are doing today, what you are feeling today, what you are experiencing today, and to what you will choose to create as your state of being, who you will decide to be. Today, we're going to do a little-guided visualization, and we're going to encourage you to use your will deliberately to entrain yourself into states of being that benefit you and feel good to you. We always want to encourage you to use your will to lay down new pathways. New pathways and new ways of being, and the creation of those through your focus, is the most fun way for you to be here. You feel like the most you when you feel you're expanding. You're always expanding experience, yet you don't always have the realization of your expansion. Being present in ways that allow you to experience the expansion you're creating, more directly, is the gap we're aiming to close in this Soar Fest. Yesterday, we walked you through an example of how laying down thought patterns can help you to create new behaviors, can help you to bypass patterns or habits of behavior that are well-established gracefully and easily with not too much of an investment in terms of new thoughts. Today, we want to expand upon laying down new thought patterns decisively by inviting you to use the powerful combination of will plus imagination. When you use your imagination on purpose, you are doing what you are most naturally doing in your most expansive state of being. You are unconditionally flowing energy and creating. When you allow yourself permission to think about things, to imagine new ways of being or new experiences, and when you allow that kind of thing to be your focus, you feel better, and you feel more of who you truly are. You can start this very easily, very softly, and it can open up, building into such a beautiful experience of momentum, and it can all happen without too much time investment, either. All of the things we are suggesting you do with your focus happen easily, happen through not much shifting, just a little shifting. Let's do some of that together today, deliberately focus and use imagination and will. Let's start here. Take a look around wherever you find yourself right now and just choose one thing about that environment, your physical environment, that could be enhanced. Just choose one thing. Allow yourself to imagine that one thing is changing, that one thing. No matter how big or small it is, whatever occurred to you first is the one thing. Allow yourself to feel how you will enjoy that upgrade, and if you like, close your eyes. Allow yourself to feel and reach even further into what might be a first class version of your environment. Wherever that invitation takes you, let it take you. Be free and open with no cares. Just allow your imagination to flow into what might be a first class version of the ideal environment all around you and feel that. Feel how wonderful it is to be present in whatever calls to you as an expression of the first class version of your environment. Feel how nice that feels. Feel how easy and graceful that is. Feel the joy and the beauty of you being in your environment in a way in which you're surrounded by what you feel would be an even better, or an even first class way that that space might manifest. How might that space be perfect for you and inspire you? Feel that, and feel how wonderful you can feel as you allow yourself to imagine that. Notice that. Notice the way you feel. Let yourself feel it. Feel the sensations of it, and put yourself into the imagining of it. Notice the way you move your body in that space. Notice if anyone else is there with you in that space. Notice the temperature and how your skin feels, and notice the view. Notice the way you're moving. Put yourself into the vision, and feel the way you will feel in this beautiful space. Just let it be soft and effortless and dreamy and wonderful, and then let it go. That's it. That's it. That is effortless creativity using your will plus imagination. You've done more than just call forth an upgraded environment for yourself in the manifest experience. You've just laid down some new pathways in your consciousness and entrained your energy into a new way of being. If you felt pretty great while you did that, then things will happen that feel like that more often. More of that will start to fill in in the manifest, and if you return to that kind of feeling state, you'll manifest more of that, and ideas about what will also feel that way to you will also come to you. You don't even really need to think about that vision again, but feeling that way whenever it occurs to you can feel wonderful for you, and this is how easy it can be. This is how easy it can be. If you found yourself getting hung up on “the how,” while imagining, or you felt somehow limited or like you couldn't do it, or as if you don't have permission to have the setting you'd like, then use your will and imagination on something that is easier for you to play with. This is why we say that. What's important here to realize is that, first of all, you've already abundantly, repeatedly created and defined what you want, emanated your preferences. You do it day in day out. Secondly, the primary purpose of using your will to imagine is not just to create. It's to get into a different state and feel differently. It's to use what you think about to get into alignment. The intention here is to use how you're focused to reshape your energy, so you feel better, so you're happier, directly, and the things you focus on are just a means to flow your energy. We keep returning to this idea, but it's so important for you to realize that when you focus on trying to make stuff happen, you get in your way. If you focused on feeling the way you want to feel, you would feel the way you want to feel right now, and the stuff that also feels like that would come, too. When you alter your energy state, the world adjusts to your new state of being. When you use your imagination intentionally, on purpose, with will, or if you want to call it engaging light, whatever words you like, when you use your focus to alter your energy state, you allow yourself to move into new territory in life, new experiences. When you use imagination to do it, you have an unconditional ability to create the way you want to feel, to create new experiences, yes, but to create how you want to feel regardless of what's going on or how life is. This is how you bypass patterns and habits. This is how you allow yourself to know you in new ways and to experience new ways of living. You can lay down new thought patterns this way, and what happens is not just that you create, which you're doing, but you get more familiar with being in these states of being. You get more familiar with thinking about things you like and feeling good, which means you are getting better at allowing what you feel like you want because you're feeling good when you think about it. If you're not feeling good when you do this kind of thing, then whatever you're focused on isn't the thing to focus on. If you're not feeling good, don't push. Just let go and do something easier. Focus on something that feels better. Do something that feels a little bit lighter, because what's always the main event in life is "How do you feel? How do you feel?" and "Are you feeling as good as you want to and as you can right now?" We say this to you, repeating many ideas, knowing that many of you still spend a lot of time trying to create what you want. We want you to understand in a way that's going to liberate you, that what you want, you've already asked for. It's already done. We said the other day; it's en route to you. For most of you, with most things you want, you've asked for them many, many, many, many, many times. What isn't happening? It's not the creating part of that equation. It's the receiving part. You have created it. It's trying to come to you. It can't come to you because you're not receptive to it. You've got to get receptive to it, and we're inviting you to play with using your imagination to get into feeling states that are more resonant with the life you want to be living by going right for the feelings. Something as simple as imagining a perfect environment in which you feel more like you, you feel more like the pure you, the one who is joyful and abundant and free and living a glorious first class life, the you who is not resisting life by trying to figure it all out and do it by yourself through action because you're already living it, that state of being is so beneficial to you. It's so beneficial to you. It's you acclimating to being the real you by imagining in ways that feel good to you. You can do this. You could also do this by remembering something wonderful, ideally, something more like how you want life to be all the time. Any time you're doing this kind of thing, choosing intentionally to get into the feeling states you like, you are entraining yourself vibrationally to be present in that state more often. You're creating a momentum of that kind of energy so that you can allow more of that kind of experience to come forth and be realized by you as direct manifestation. The aim here is the feeling state, because the aim here, is more alignment. The aim is the feeling state. You're using your will to be who you want to be, not who you have been. You're using your will, your choice of focus, your imagination to get into states of being that line up with the life you want to be living, and you do it by feeling your way into it because that's what it's all about. Do this. Get in. Feel it. Use imagination to enjoy it. Let go. Little moments like this are very helpful for you, and they're very wonderful because they acclimate you to the life you want to be living and the way you want to feel. You could have many moments like this each day. You could pause a few times every day and do this kind of thing for just a few moments. If you did this more often and stopped while it was still feeling really good, you would be easily acclimating to different states of being. All of that would be tuning you to who you want to be, the version of your life you want to be living. Isn't it easy? This is easy. This is fun, and it feels good. We say this is mastery, so try it and enjoy it. As you're doing it, remember, the point is to feel the way you want to feel, so don't spend your time taking score of how things are showing up. Let the point be "I feel better more often, and I'm learning how to use my imagination to feel more the way I want to feel, and I'm using my imagination to discover how it feels to be me in ways that are really, really fun and really, really elevating. I do it whenever it occurs to me, and I get in and out, and it's fun." Let it be light. Let feeling be your aim. Let that be your goal, and let Life, let Creation deliver what comes to you from that without demanding or evaluating how fast or how well it's producing. Focus on feeling better. Focus on alignment. If you would make that your aim in life and use your will for that purpose, life would get so good so fast you wouldn't believe it. But you can't pretend to do this for this feeling and be doing it hoping five minutes later, something marvelous is going to manifest. It won't work. You have to learn to be honest with yourself and feel the difference. As you do this, you can discover your unconditional capacity to be in alignment and feel good and be happy. You can find out what that's like, and you can get better and better at generating states of being like that for yourself in which you feel wide open and free. You can do this out of love for you and with the knowledge that there's only now. There's only now, and if now, you imagine on purpose in a way that feels awesome to you, the only thing that can come from now is more awesome, so focus on the feelings. Use your will to strengthen your joy muscle, your capacity to be who you truly are. We are complete. |
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