Archangel Gabriel Message
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] You simply cannot move into acceptance of all that is available to you, or the experience of unity consciousness, and reject yourselves at the same time. All must begin within, and that means accepting all aspects of yourself. Many speak of the importance of shadow work, and we agree it can be an important part of your journey of self acceptance. But a great number of human beings are so hard on themselves that they refuse to see the good in themselves, which is just as problematic. Dear Ones, we urge you to embrace all aspects of self. If there are parts of you that are in pain and acting out, acknowledge them and love them. But it is equally important that you celebrate the wondrous parts of self, as well! Move out of troubleshooting mode with yourselves. If there is something that needs your love and attention, it will come up of its own accord. It is a wonderful practice to end your day acknowledging the good you did. How were you the love? Perhaps you reached out with care to a friend. Maybe you watered or planted flowers to tend to the earth. It could be you fed and cared for animals. Did you meditate or do healing? That not only served you, but the whole, as well. Maybe you got out of bed and faced the day and that was more than enough. Ending the day celebrating your successes, no matter how small, is an act of gratitude for yourself. It anchors the expression of your beingness and acknowledges your innate goodness. It allows you to start to see yourself from a much more balanced space of inclusion and acknowledgement, and that will serve you far better than your negative self talk ever can. It is our greatest desire that you will start to see yourselves with the same wonder and love as we do. ~Archangel Gabriel though Shelley Young
You’re not ever going to get it done. Every time you evaluate contrast and conclude and then line up your Energy and allow it into your experience… at the same time you are achieving the result that you intended, you also achieve a new perspective from which to intend. You can’t stand still. In every moment, there is a whole new set of stuff… new ideas, new desires being born. Excerpted from Detroit, MI on 4/25/98 Our Love, Esther (and Abraham and Jerry) This is a good one for me & most men as well as some of the ladies! I'm always the perfectionist type, trying to finish up everything perfectly & leave no stone unturned. As well I am notorious for putting colossal loads on myself that I can't possibly complete! I often end up frustrated & tend to beat myself up for not having completed things or doing them perfectly! I've often carried around a truck on my back- it's a daily evolving struggle/victories of letting go & ever-increasing my awareness of that which I unecessarily carry. Even at times when I have been injured & even deathly ill, recently, I still catch myself whipping myself to do more. Can anyone else relate? I have also spent eons trying to plan it all out to the minute & to the penny.. I'm so thankful to God, the Angels & the Universe for rescuing me from self-destruction & misery & for helping me to find more & more happiness! I'm continually amazed with how much I do get done & how much enjoyment I find when I live in the moment & follow inspired actions.
I hope you too can learn to let go & trust! It'ss amazing what happens when we do! Davo Trinity Esoterics [email protected] Archangel Gabriel Daily Message Daily Message ~ Monday June 24, 2019 By Trinity Esoterics Dear Ones, if you are afraid to trust your own wisdom, please understand if you are honest with yourself and connect within, you will always be able to tell which choices are being made from fear or from love. The choices made from love always reflect the wisdom of your soul. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Kyle Gray [email protected]
Your Angel Message The Angels can see that there's too much going on in your mind and it's taking away from your priorities. They want to come in and help you focus so that you can be at your best at this time. Take a moment to let go of any challenging and negative thoughts, because they aren't serving you. It's time to refocus in a loving and positive way. Let the Angels help. Archangel Gabriel Daily Message
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] We understand that due to past experiences you may react to times of energetic intensity with trepidation. But what you need to understand is that you enter every major energetic shift differently than you did the last, because you have been shifting and evolving every single day. Do you see? Not only does every shift contain its own unique energetic stamp, you enter into it with a little more mastery than before. This means every shift will affect you differently than the last based on the natural evolutionary process you and the planet are going through. Now this is not to say that certain events won’t affect you at all. We highly advocate keeping an energy journal so you can track of how your body typically responds to certain events. This is empowering information and eventually you will be able to know what is happening by how you feel, not by depending upon another source to tell you or confirm it. Your journal will also help you keep track of what you have found most helpful to you as you navigate certain shifts. How intensely you experience symptoms will change on a per case basis based on the meld of your unique energy with the specific energy of the particular shift, as well as how adept you are at moving with the energies rather than against them. So flow, Dear Ones. Trust. Enter each shift with curiosity and presence. See the evolution you are going through as a grand adventure and proof positive that the ascension process is really happening. Look for the magic that comes with transformation and bring the gratitude your soul has for being a part of it all into your human awareness, and you will be moving with the energies with far more comfort and joy than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Angel Message Monday
Kyle Gray [email protected] Your Angel Message There is an old pattern rising up in you now and it's time to deal with it and release it for good. You're being encouraged to love and respect yourself enough to take steps you know you need to take to move closer to where you'd like to be. You already know the answers. You know what you need to do. You may have been using delaying tactics or holding back, but now you are being guided to take action. Action requires courage, but your angels and guides are bringing you the courage to move forward. Take just one step. When you do, the next one will be presented to you. Archangel Gabriel Daily Message Daily Message ~ Monday June 10, 2019 By Trinity Esoterics Surrendering into the flow and accepting the unconditional love and endless supports it provides is the ultimate act of self love and acknowledgment we know of. It is not an act of introduction, but rather a divine reunion. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Kyle Gray [email protected]
Your Angel Message You are being encouraged to look beyond what your physical eyes are showing you. Look within and follow your intuition or psychic visions. You may want to plan ahead at this time. It's important to keep your mind and energy focused on the best possible outcome. There will be signs and symbols from the light to tell you that you are on the right path. Be aware of winged beings gracing your path as a wink from Odin and the light keepers to say that they are honouring your work. Archangel Gabriel Daily Message
Daily Message ~ Thursday June 6, 2019 By Trinity Esoterics There is a pervasive belief that if you are good enough you gain favour. If you are a good enough person, you will please God. If you work long and hard enough you will have abundance. If you are good enough, fortune will shine on you. This is old conditioning, Dear Ones, and not valid at all. The problem with this thinking is twofold. First, it is keeping you in troubleshooting mode, always looking for all the ways you are not good enough. This creates a negative focus, which leads to low self esteem and a lack of self love and acceptance. Second, it is trying to live up to standards that are undefined. What is good enough? When have you worked hard enough? This belief system keeps you trying to get somewhere but never quite arriving. It keeps you out of alignment and out of receiving the love, acceptance, and abundance that is your birthright. The reason why all of this is faulty is because the basis of these old beliefs is conditional love. There has never been a time that you have had to gain the favour of anyone. As a beloved individuated aspect of Source, there has never been a time that you were not good enough. We love, accept, and celebrate you in your divine perfection, unconditionally, exactly as you are. While we understand people use such thinking as a means of self improvement, how are you improving if you are never allowing yourselves to arrive? So many of you are beautiful beings of love and yet perceive yourselves as not being loving at all. We urge you to start to see yourself in your truth and beauty. Celebrate your successes. See all the ways you are kind, loving, mindful, sensitive, and caring. Embrace the goodness that you already are! You will get much farther watering the flowers of your soul than you will looking for weeds. It is by allowing yourself to acknowledge your truth and your innate goodness that you will shift into the acceptance of the supports, abundance, and adventures that are just waiting for you to experience and finally shine in your full potential. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~~~~~~~~ Daily Message ~ Wednesday June 5, 2019
By Trinity Esoterics Someone recently asked, “What do you do if you have hurt another, apologized, but they still can’t get over it?” We would like to address that today. As human beings, you are on the planet to have many experiences. Within this vast array of experiences, you will end up trying or doing things that you come to regret. This is normal and part of your growth process. It allows you to reevaluate, expand, and redirect yourself in a way that better matches your truth, your energetics, and how you wish to show up in the world. If you have behaved in a way that you regret, please understand that the regret is an indicator of your desire for growth, change, and to shift into a better alignment. It is a sign that you are evolving. Having the introspection and awareness to recognize this is a wonderful thing. So please know your desire to do better or differently is truly something to celebrate. If you, from a place of self awareness and self responsibility, sincerely apologize and another cannot accept that apology, you must allow them that choice. It may be that they need time to heal. It may be that they need to see that you are sincere and committed to change before they can feel safe with you again. It may be that they are not ready to let go of seeing themselves as a victim, or wanting to punish you. It may be that your soul contract with them has come to an end. The bottom line is, in any situation, you can only show up with your best intentions and highest awareness, and whether a person can see or accept you in that way is completely up to them. You can only control yourself and your own actions. What others do is completely up to them – a combination of their own individual path and desired experiences for their own growth and evolution, and their free will of how they wish express themselves. So if you have erred and have regret, we suggest you apologize sincerely and demonstrate a new way of being consistently. Do not push people to forgive, as it may take time. Commit to your own growth and your highest self expression. Take the gifts of the experience, know your truth, shine your light, and from there people will begin to see and recognize you in your latest level of attainment. Forgive yourself and see the purpose of all that has happened. And most of all, know there is never, ever a time that you can ever fall out of our love or favour, for we love you completely and unconditionally through every single experience you have. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young |
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