Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Dear Ones, we have been getting asked about our viewpoint on the covid vaccines. We understand that this is a major point of interest for many of you and we wish to offer this message to help you find your clarity on this topic. With this or any other important decision you must make in your life, the best way to find the right choice for you is to explore the following question – what brings me the most freedom, expansion, and ease? For some people getting the vaccine will bring an experience of more freedom, expansion, and ease. For others, not getting the vaccine will create an experience within them of more freedom, expansion, and ease. And some of you don’t know yet what will create the most freedom, expansion, and ease, and if that is the case we encourage you to wait until you have that clarity for yourselves. There is no one size fits all answer, it is about using that question to discover what best matches you and your life expression. What might be a fearful choice for one might be an empowered choice for another based on their own unique energetics and soul path. As your soul is always seeking freedom, expansion, and ease, if you choose what you feel will best provide those elements for yourself you cannot make a wrong choice. If you can look at this issue through this lens, you will be able to see the different choices of others as simply honouring what feels best to their souls as the leaders of their own life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Everyone should also have the truth from which to discern the best choice for their life... Mainstream Media has been shown to be in control of the dark agenda & so it should never be a source for information. Alternative media, independent science not financed by the dark side and others may be your better option. Seeking within once you have some good reliable information, perhaps discerned sitting in nature or under a tree will provide you with more reliable guidance than the TV or Hollywood & NBA celebs for example. What would love do? Would a tree or an animal take an injection of heavy metals or unnatural chemicals to control its fear or to further expand?? Whatever you decide must be right for YOU Davo
Angel Message Monday!
Kyle Gray [email protected] via Your Angel Message A light of blessings and abundance is being wrapped around you now and your angels want you to know that they are supporting you. They are encouraging you to trust in your intuition and any other guidance you are receiving at this time, as it will lead you toward tremendous growth and fulfillment. Many blessings are being showered upon your present situation. If you have not yet experienced them, know that they will be revealed and shared in the perfect time–space sequence. All the doors to abundance are now being opened to you. Angel wisdom is encouraging you to begin counting your blessings. Then you will be open to receiving even more of them. Extended Message Abundance is the spiritual reward for trusting and sharing our gifts and talents. When we align our choices and actions with the highest good, we will be blessed with opportunities. At this time you are in a place of deep spiritual connection and strength and are being given the opportunity to feel spiritually rich. Even if you are feeling sensitive or overwhelmed, the veil between this realm and heaven is thin, and you have light and support all around you. If you have any concerns about finances or assets, know that the hand of God is guiding your situation to a blessed outcome. Trust in your talents and the angels who are supporting you. Sarah Hall [email protected] via Just Breathe... If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or off-balance in any way, bring your awareness back to your breath. Long, slow, deep breaths can work miracles in shifting your state of consciousness. Here are the messages I received from the Angels on this: Channeled Angel Messages:“We are present with you always, dearest ones. In presence, you will hear the heart of God beating from within your chest, forever guiding you in the ways of peace, love, wholeness, and wellbeing. We Angels are summoning you into the miracle, peace-giving present moment now. Would you like to join us here in the heart of God? Do you wish to awaken into love and perfect wellbeing? Breathe slowly and deeply, and allow yourself to enter the present moment. Allow your breath to dissolve all that is not true. For the only truth is the divine love of your source, essence, and ultimate destiny. Breathe deeply, and be one with us. We Angels are forever holding you in divine love’s perfection.” Sometimes… instead of trying to solve every problem or challenging emotion you face with your mind, you can instead surrender to the divine. Breathe, and free your mental space from attachments to painful judgments. Breathe, and enter the higher perspective that your alignment with the present moment always offers. And of course, call on your Angels to guide you. Sarah Hall [email protected] via Archangel Gabriel Daily Message
By Trinity Esoterics on Apr 22, 2021 [email protected] via What if the only thing keeping you stuck is your attachment to the idea that you are stuck? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Apr 20, 2021
Is it time for you to acknowledge and reclaim your wholeness? If you are in troubleshooting mode with yourself all the time, you will be perpetually healing but never allowing yourself to be healed. This is another example of the power of shifting out of doing into being. We encourage you to shift out of the habit of always looking for what is wrong with you and start to explore and celebrate your divine health and wellness, Dear Ones. Can you allow yourself to come home to the acknowledgement of how complete you have always been? It is safe to claim and celebrate what has always been oh, so right about you. Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Tues.,Apr.20,2021 - #1 Angel Awakenings Message - Chose Love
Channeled by Dave Annis, Today we bring you a message of love. You are love & thus you know love when you witness it in some capacity. It resonates with you. Your soul does not argue the point. It just fits. You know somehow down deep; you just know. If a message or vibration is not of love you may feel an anxiety or a jarring of your sense of well-being. It may produce a litany of questions or arguments within. You may simply come to feel a sense of fear within & that something is wholly or partially not right. Pay attention to such emotions & feelings within for as quiet & subtle as they may sometimes be they are your guidance system. And do not fear, for there is usually no anger but you are being offered up a choice in every moment to accept or reject such vibrations & messages as something you wish to go with or not . There is no right or wrong & no judgment, but there are consequences & you may be altering course or choosing a alternative timeline. It is up to you. Nobody can tell you what is right for your soul's expansion & learning, but know that there is a universal law of attraction that more of what you focus on will be added. If it is of love & you want to have more of a particular vibration then simply chose such vibrations & reject those that do not offer you such peace love & joy. As beings created of & by love we know that your soul craves love & anything of such a vibration, so we suggest that you feel for such vibrations & chose such thoughts, bbut you are always free to do as you will & the universe will support you. Namaste Great One - YOU ARE LOVE Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via
Dear Ones, acceptance doesn’t mean you are committing to stay in energies that are not your preference. Quite the opposite! Acceptance means you are choosing to not use your energy to continue to engage with the unwanted through resistance. Acceptance is being willing to keep moving with the flow, embodying your faith and trust, secure in the knowledge it is all serving you in one way or another. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via
If things become a little overwhelming, we have some very simple advice for you. Treat yourself like a tree. Imagine your roots going into the earth below you. Face the sun and absorb the loving sustenance it provides. Hydrate yourself, not just a bit, but to the level you know is for your optimal wellness. Allow the wind to move over you, to caress and cleanse you. You might even want to hug yourself! These basics will adjust your energy beautifully and provide you everything you need to ground into your Now moment with your ancient wisdom and self care, while embodying the energy of receiving and becoming one with the whole through your beingness. When you don’t know what to do, treat yourself like a tree. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young |
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