We Have Opened a Portal ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have opened a gateway, a portal, that will allow more energy to flow directly to your heart chakras. This gateway has been opened previously, however, on this particular occasion, we have opened it wider than it has ever been opened before, and we are doing this because of the increasing importance that we can perceive for all of you to be heart-centered and to allow more love to flow through you. You have taken yourselves to a place in your evolution where your consciousness continues to expand, and that experience is particularly exciting for your minds. The heart is the part of you that needs to keep up with the expansion of consciousness that is occurring. The more you know about yourselves, about your fellow humans, about the extra-terrestrials that are around, the more you need to stay in your hearts to be able to process all that you are being shown and given. This is a time of great understanding, but that understanding needs to have compassion along with it in order for the understanding to serve you. As we open this gateway, we know that there are many beings who want to contribute to the further expansion of your heart chakras. There are many who want to raise the vibration of humanity, and they like us know that the path to raising that collective vibration is through your hearts. The heart has long been a symbol on your world of love and of compassion, and now it has come to pass that you need to see your hearts as more than just the place where you feel that love and where you hold that compassion. It is time for you to see your hearts as the center of everything that you do, and it is time for you to see your hearts as the access points through which you get what you really need. Your hearts contain their own portals, and you have access to so much more energy than you can even dream of through the beautiful portals at the center of your hearts. The love and the light that we are sending is meant simply to remind you of that, to activate that which is within you and that which you have unlimited access to. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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