by John Smallman
WE ARE ALL ONE AND THERE IS ONLY LOVE!Hello, this John with Jesus’ message for Sunday September 4th 2016. I spent 3 weeks channeling this message, mostly in the last 2 days, and so I am including my communication with Jesus before I fully relaxed and allowed him to commune with me. We all have our “stuff” coming up for release which can make it difficult to get into our quiet space, the one from which I channel. His encouraging words to me are, of course, directed to all of humanity. Jesus Blog # 300 for Sunday September 4th 2016. Channeled 20.10 Thursday August 18th thru’ 21.18 Saturday September 3rd 2016. WE ARE ALL ONE AND THERE IS ONLY LOVE! Me: Well Dear Jesus, I have been blocked, out to lunch, unwilling? I don’t know which, but I have either been avoiding making contact with you, or, due to reasons of which I am unaware, have just been content to remain uncommunicative and quiet. I get vaguely anxious feelings that I should channel, but choose not to respond. So input from you and/or a new message would be greatly appreciated, and so here I am attempting to be open to you, please commune! Jesus: Good morning John, thank you for calling, we have much to discuss, and you will be pleased with “what comes through.” Just keep reminding yourself that All are One,you know this deep within yourself, so allow yourself to feel it, to experience it, and be truly inspired and uplifted, whichis your will and therefore also God’s. Don’t judge or disparage yourself, it is totally inappropriate because 1) God is Love and therefore so are you, and 2) You are not a body, you are free, you are as God created you. Just be yourself, accept yourself as you are because that is how God created you, and that can only be Perfect! You and God are One in perfect harmony, in perfect alignment, perfectly integrated and inseparable. You just forgot that, momentarily, but your memory is returning if you will allow it to open and then accept the wonders it offers you. And why wouldn’t you? God wants only for you to be in perfect happiness, and only you can prevent or block your awareness of that. YOU ARE ETERNALLY ONE WITH GOD, so ALLOW yourself to be aware of that, your eternal and most natural state! Me: WOW! Thank You. I need to sit with that for a little while before we continue. Please excuse me as I sit quietly assimilating those uplifting thoughts. Jesus: The apparent chaos you see in the world around you – political confusion in many countries, continuing economic hardship for many, bitter conflicts, people being driven from their homes due to conflicts or business developments – is arising to be addressed and resolved, much like your individual packages of “stuff” that need to be acknowledged and released. There is only Love! Humanity is coming to realize this, and the many grass roots movements across the planet seeking major change in the way humanity relates to itself and to the planet, are striving to bring these essential changes into being through loving and honest communication with those who are attempting to maintain a system that has long outlived its usefulness. This essential change in relationships on every level will succeed! The human collective has been preparing for this moment for a very long time, and it will not be diverted from its loving intent to create a state of peace and harmony on Earth. As you note the reports on the mainstream media, focusing largely on catastrophes and disasters that involve individuals or nations, realize that the intent is to encourage a state of fear that will enable their owners and those who control them – those who would maintain the status quo, the old order of divisive interactions on every level – to impose ever more restrictive laws to maintain that control. However, the old system is crumbling as more and more refuse to cooperate to maintain it. It is clearly seen by the vast majority of humanity that the present system is totally corrupt and must be replaced by one that honors every human regardless of economic status, ethnicity, nationality, gender, and religious or political persuasion. God created you eternally free, but, within the confines and limits of the illusion, you gave away your power and allowed bullies and tyrants to suppress and control you. It was an enormous lesson for you to choose to experience, and now that you have learnt it, it is time for you to move forwards by returning to your God-given state of individual freedom in which harmonious and creative cooperation will lead you out of the morass of corruption and dishonesty that has ensnared you for eons. You are all, as we have often told you before, spiritual beings having a human experience. Living within the illusion, where that experience occurs, you utterly forgotwho you really are. But now, due to your collective decision to awaken, your memories are returning and gentlyreminding you that you are and always have been One – One with God and One with each other. So what the vast majority of humanity is now doing is coming to a realization of this divine truth, and therefore being drawn intuitively to move inwards to the divine flame of Love that burns eternally on the altars within them – the holy and infinite space within each one of you that enfolds within it All That Exists. This most wonderful realization is truly quite mind blowing after being in the deep sleep of forgetfulness for so long. And yet it has been but a brief moment, as you will become fully aware when your awakening happens. You can have no idea of the joy here in the spiritual realms as we observe you stirring and moving out of your state of deep and unaware sleep towards a knowing awareness of your true nature. When that happens your joy will be boundless. As you deal with long buried personal issues and the emotional pain they have been causing you, know that this is an essential but passing phase on your path to awakening. To use an up to the moment analogy, it is as though you had been in very demanding training for an Olympic event in which you are now taking part and as the finishing line appears you can see that You are going to take the Gold! Yes, every human is now in a position to win in a manner that you cannot possibly conceive of, for you are coming Home to God, to Yourself, to Reality. And although it seems as though you have been separated from your true and divine nature for eons, it has been but a moment, a moment so brief that on your awakening it will be instantly forgotten, for in truth it never happened! There will be no memory of pain or suffering of any kind, for that would be a memory of unreality, and what never happened obviously cannot be remembered. Each of you is traveling on your own personal path Home. It was designed specifically for you, and for no one else, with great skill and wisdom before you incarnated as a human, and no matter where you feel you are, you are never off your path. That alone is reason to rejoice, because your path will bring you Home. You can slow down or delay your progress along it, but you cannot leave it, move backwards, or come to a complete halt. You are continually progressing along it at the pace that you yourself choose in any moment. Enthusiasm draws you along more swiftly, whereas doubt and anxiety tend to slow you down. Practice letting go of doubt and anxiety because they are unwarranted. You are safely established on your way Home, so enjoy the ride by focusing on the good things in your life which far outweigh those about which you choose to worry. Difficult situations may well arise, but you have the support of all in the spiritual realms who will help you deal with them successfully. Ask for our assistance in being aware, in knowing that you are eternally divinely loved in every moment and that you will arrive, just as planned. When you allow us to assist – often people ask for help but then choose not to accept it – and relax into that state of allowing you will feel the Love that envelops you in everymoment of your eternal existence. You are the divine child of God, a holy and honored soul, created perfect because God delights in His divine ability to create perfection. That is what He does, endlessly. And your destiny is to return to complete awareness of your joy and ecstasy in creating with Him, eternally. That is the only reason you were created, to share with Him the joy of creating, and as you awaken you will be once more aware that that is precisely what you are doing. Your loving brother, Jesus.
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