The Council
We have spoken before on the topic of oneness, we wish to revisit it today. Will you understand it when we are done? Will you ever completely understand it? Let us tell you now, before we begin, that your learning, as well as our own, will never be over. Things never cease to change and evolve. But we are curious beings, are we not? And so let us see if perhaps we can give you a new thing or two to consider. You often hear it said that all is one, that everything is part of the One. And a great many of you have begun naming that the All That Is. And that is a good thing. That is a very good thing. But a great many of you also do not spend very much time contemplating what that my mean. How does that change your understanding of yourselves? How does it change your relationships with the others around you? How does it change your understanding of those things that you see around you? Does it move the dividing line between what is you and not you? Better yet, does it remove it? A thing to consider might be this. That if all is one, then there can be no dividing line between you and anything or anyone else. If all is Self, then there is no other. I am that. Have you heard that before? Now let us assume that this is not news to you. And for most of you, it is not. What we would like very much to happen from this point forward is that you begin to look at things as an extension of yourselves, that you begin to actually feel and sense that you are far more than you ever felt before. We know that this is beginning to happen for many of you as you move into this awakening time. And that will continue. It is such a new feeling for many that, having felt it, you feel confused and do not understand what happened for that moment or that few minutes. If it was minutes, then it is clearer for you, and you do know that it felt good. Many have felt a oneness with a consciousness that seemed foreign to themselves. Allow that to happen more. Just allow. Walking upright felt foreign to you at one time even though you saw others doing it. Just remember, all is one. That is me. When you truly know what that feels like, you will treat it far differently. If you truly know that it is you, you very likely will take better care of it, will you not? Much of the problems in your world could not exist at all if the incorrect ideas of separation were not a part of human consciousness. And so, there is a great change in the world approaching as more and more people begin to remember the oneness. We say remember because each of you has at one time or another been a part of a culture that knew and practiced these things. And we will repeat another of our favorite themes here. Since all is one, you cannot change your consciousness in any way without changing the All That Is. You cannot feel a oneness with your surroundings, with your neighbor, without benefitting everything and everyone. Very often you also hear, love yourself first. Well, consider that you could very well leave the word first out of it, because there is no one else to begin with. So, as you feel about yourself, you will find that you feel about everything else, as well. If you do not love yourself, you do not and cannot love another. You can act as if you do, and that is a good start. But eventually you must learn that love of self must happen. There is only one of us here. There is only one. And by the way, does that not put an entire other slant into the understanding of no time and no space? It is all you, so it is all here and it is all now. Again, the problem always comes back to the idea of separation, here and there, now and then, you and me. If we have given you enough to think about for a few minutes, then we will end this and return later. There is always another thought to consider or another piece to add to the puzzle. Good day. The Council. Channeled by Ron Head, Oracles & Healers
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