Dear Beloveds, Behold now the exquisite expansion and expansiveness of your Christ Consciousness. Behold and feel it as your new way of Being. You are becoming, and are, a Golden Chalice of Pure Loving Christ Consciousness ready to make your mark upon the world in even greater ways. For this has been your purpose and your goal for all these years and eons, to reach this point in time where you are transforming yourselves and your world with each breath of Creator’s Love, with each acknowledgment of the Christ-Self and God-Self that you are. You are That, in all its glory. Feel the essence of it permeate your very Being and feel the impact on all and everything in your wake. You, beloveds, are magnificent in this transformation. You are and will be experiencing even more in the coming days. Relax into it. Be it. Know you are a Beautiful Golden Chalice of Love, of Divine Intelligence, of Pure Source Consciousness, of All That Is, melding into the tapestry of the new Christ grid formed on this earth and within your Hearts and collection of Hearts. The Soul and Heart of Mary Magdalene and I, Yeshua, come to you now to demonstrate and embody this same loving consciousness, this same Golden Chalice of Love that you have allowed to form within and around you. We are One together as you strengthen this connection to All That Is, to the Pure Source Consciousness, the Pure Christ Consciousness, within. We offer you now a prayer/invocation to use in the coming days of great transformation: ‘I AM Pure Source Consciousness, I AM Pure Divine Light and Truth, I AM Pure Divine Love, I AM the embodiment of Pure Christ Consciousness. With this I go forth… Further into my mission and purpose, Of embodying Pure Divine Essence for the Highest EnJOYment and Peace of ALL. ….In Divine Love and Pure Awareness, I AM… And So It Is…’ Namaste, dear ones. I, we, shall return with more inspiration and illumination for you. Your loving brother, Yeshua Through Fran Zepeda
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