Message to Lightworkers – Aug 11, 2016AUGUST 11, 2016 / CAROLINE OCEANA RYAN / 0 COMMENTS
The latest guidance from our friends, the Galactic and Angelic beings known as the Collective: Greetings, dear ones! We are not only observing, but are also experiencing with you the tremendous onslaught of energies you are feeling and seeing the results of, in many situations in your world, as well as in your own lives. Understand that things will not always be so overwhelming, so taxing and tiring, and so confusing as they feel to be at present. You are seeing the establishing of a higher frequency as the base frequency of your Earth—a New Earth, with all the expressions of freedom, equality, abundance, and creativity that you could imagine a fifth dimensional planet experiencing. From this new base frequency, increasingly higher frequencies of consciousness, wisdom, and understanding will continue to come forward, birthing new fifth dimensional forms and experiences on your planet that were once only the stuff of science fiction. And we would say, that though you may feel impatient at all the shifts and disturbances you are experiencing now—in Earth Herself, and in your own bodies, hearts, and minds—you nevertheless are holding now a frequency of Higher Light that you could not have withstood even one year ago. This means no less than the fact that you are becoming the Light Beings you already are in the higher realms. But you are moving into that new form from the lowest form most of you have ever inhabited: the carbon molecular structure and very limited consciousness of the third dimensional human. Have you noted increased sightings of ships around the world, and increasingly felt the presence of your Galactic family at your side? None of this is your imagining, and none of it can be chocked up purely to “doctored photos” or “CGI” or “Photoshop” or one of the other many left-brain qualifications for that which the ego-mind is too terrified to admit to itself. And that ego-mind, that part of your Earth self that has been controlled for eons by the dark matrix that once operated freely on this planet, is indeed unhappy with these developments. The effects of this powerful wave of Higher Light is being felt by both the individual ego-mind, and the larger model of that—the planetary ego aspect that was created by those who once ruled without your participation or consent. You are seeing how their true forms and intentions are now being exposed to the world in ways that even the most casual observer can no longer deny. And so, are you ready for the Great Change which you have clamored for, for so long? Are you cleaning out your closets, both inwardly and outwardly, releasing all that is no longer of the Light, no longer for your higher good or the planet’s, and not of a vibration that will match this new life you are creating? It is you who are ushering in this New Earth, and new life you have cried out for. It is your Light that the planet depends upon now, and not only Her own. For you are being shown, in your increasing connection and open communication with your team of spirit guides, Angelic guardians, and higher self, exactly what must go out of your life, and what must now come in. Yes, this will involve your beautiful and fulfilling life purpose. It will involve how and when and why you eat or sleep or exercise. It will involve your connections to others, from those dearest to you to those you barely know. For when a planet and Her beings evolve, as all of you are doing, Everything Changes. You would not dream of carrying large heavy suitcases holding outdated editions of very old texts to a new learning experience. You would come with open hands and heart, looking to accept what new learnings awaited you, glad to be free of the dogma and restrictions of past eras, and of your own past life. “Show me what I need to learn!” you would be saying, and indeed, you are saying this now. Every morning, awaken and ask your support team to show you the fifth dimensional way of everything—how to view others and yourself, your daily actions, your environment, and your world. With your new higher perspective will come new forms of understanding that will lead you to treat people and situations very differently from how you have in the past. You may have noticed already the increasing desire to release the need to control outcomes, or the need to be bothered by unexpected events and challenges in your day. You may notice the desire to no longer judge, to forgive as if nothing happened, to release the need to prefer people to be any way other than how they are now. All of this is the result of the ongoing surges of Divine Love now running through your entire system—all four energy bodies—and the miracles will only continue, affecting every part of your life and well being. Yes, you are experiencing an energy tsunami, but it is one of Higher Love, as many have noted. So as you hear that great Lion roar (and the beloved Cecil is part of such), understand that you are taking your place in the Intergalactic scheme of things, and that your heart-mind is accepting these new energies as a person dying of thirst accepts fresh water. And know that you are not abandoned to this process—not any part of it. We are here, and we are noting your astounding progress, and are sending energies at every moment to encourage you to continue releasing every process, every thought or emotional pattern, every expectation or outer form that belongs to the old third dimensional Earth. For this base frequency now being established on Earth, and in mass consciousness, is opening the door wider and wider to events and developments in your world that could not have been dreamt of before now. So stand strong, dear ones, and welcome this Wave and all it brings. Allow yourself to feel the presence of your Galactic and Soul families, always close by and desiring more conscious communication with you. Open the door, and call them in. They are waiting. Namaste, dear ones! You are never alone. Copyright 2016, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to this original post. Thank you.
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