Mary Magdalene:
Greetings Beloveds. I am here today to speak to you about Love, your entirely new relationship with it. It is no longer to be seen as a commodity with which you can receive or yield power. It is the effervescent element of your very being, now taking over all your aspects. A new way of looking at the world. A new way of reacting to the world. It is becoming the entire fabric of your very being, and in that, a reformation of your soul in the way you perceive it. It (Love) has always been the quintessence of your being, the purpose of your existence, the entire makeup of your being. It is no longer to be looked at as a separate aspect of you or something outside yourself. It IS YOU. It is your world. It is the entirety of your being now. The transformation that is taking place now, that is bringing the perspective of Love to the forefront of your life, as a catalyst of all actions and creations, has been long in coming, dear ones. And it is the entirety of you, the entirety of your makeup. It is the dance and the song and the expression of your soul. And it allows you to mesh and merge once again with Creator, with Source, coming back home to your roots, to your essence. I have spoken to you many times of Love. It has sparked your remembrance of your true essence. It is slowly seeping into your consciousness as a prevailing source and means of your existence. From which all is created and sourced, from which all is understood now. It is what you now may choose to color everything in your wake, in your environment, in your perceptions. It has settled more deeply into your awareness now and is becoming more easily what you use to decipher your world, how you view your world, how you view yourself. It is replacing all lines of demarcation and separation because it smooths out everything, coming back to the reality that you are made of Love, and through immense love for yourself and for others everything comes into balance. My dear ones, sit with this for a while and feel this new level of awareness permeate your very being. Settle into the knowing that you are, have always been, and will always be Divine Love Incarnate. You have been enabled, through the process of all the transformative energies penetrating your fields, to be brought to the awareness of this now in a deeper more profound way. The knowing of this brings Peace to you now as you realize that nothing need ever be harsh or discriminate again, that nothing need be divided into duality ever again, for you have reached the neutrality of your balanced soul in opening to the concept that Divine Love is at your core, influencing everything around you. You may find that you see things from an entirely different perspective the more you receive the intense and immense light and light codes that are transforming and reforming your makeup and perspective of your life and the world. Settle into it, dear ones, feel the enormity of it, and discover, once again, that home base that you are once again returning to, that feeling of Wholeness and Oneness and softening of your perspective and view of the world. Nothing adverse or harsh needs to prevail any longer with this new base of Tranquility and Peace that you are remembering that is your core, because you are indeed of Source and of the basis of Divine Love, and you are coming home to it once again. You are finding that nothing else has any significance or impact on you as much as the prevailing penetrating essence of Love Everlasting filling out your Soul so it may be more present in your body and your world. Feel this Divine Love pulsing within you now, lighting up your being in a way it has never felt present. You are walking, talking Divine Love in all its glory, and it is time to allow yourself to surrender to this and allow it to permeate you in a way it has never permeated. Feel my love now mingle with yours and allow yourselves to float along this current, allowing your world to balance in Wholeness and Harmony from this moment forward. Come home to the truth of your existence — Pure Love Essence — taking over all your senses and perceptions in an entirely new and complete way. Come home once again to your True Pure Love Essence and settle into your Soul with this immense knowing of your Purity and Harmony with ALL That Is. Namaste. I AM Mary Magdalene, in Pure Love Essence. from Fran Zepeda
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