Illumination and Inspiration from Yeshua on Freedom
Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ 5-22-16by franheal Illumination and Inspiration from Yeshua on Freedom ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ 5-22-16 Dear Ones, I wish to speak to you today ofFreedom. I begin by saying that it is helpful to orient oneself to the perspective of seeing one’s life as having the freedom TO do or be, as opposed to freedom From something. With this focus you are free to move beyond and clear old patterns with the intention to move forward into the Light and your new life without dwelling on the past, which is just your learning ground. And with moving forward and embracing and inhabiting what you have learned, you are free to catapult to wider expansive realities, which is your true birthright. Freedom is the allowance and acceptance of the expansion to one’s True Being, to discover the infinite possibilities. It is to extend oneself beyond limitations. It is the opening of the doors that are just waiting to be opened, what you are being encouraged to open by your Higher Self. It is the ultimate sacrifice of, and letting go of, one’s limiting boundaries, self-imposed as they are. Be that as it may, you are gathering and building your wings to deliver yourself to your full Divine Self, and sometimes it takes seeing where you are restricted in order to choose to let something go, to open yourself to wider vistas. Remember that you always have this choice to move beyond where you are restricting yourself, and it is always inherent within you the means to do so, thus delivering yourself to Freedom. Do you choose to hold yourself back, or do you choose to open yourself to the ‘fresh air’ of possibilities, to soar along the current of the unknown, and explore what is there, completely free of trepidation and fear? What is holding you back, dear ones? Allow your Higher Self to commune with you and show you the way to ultimate Freedom by illuminating what is keeping you in a limited view of your abilities and thus limiting your contribution to this beautiful world we are all creating. Take another step toward Freedom today, dear ones, by letting go of at least one thing that keeps you from seeing yourself as the Divine Being that you are, and with each day, another letting go, and with each step, you are catapulted into your own true and exquisite Freedom. Additionally, take another step toward Freedom today by doing something differently. Welcome in a new perspective and approach or orientation and focus, and free yourself from habit and old patterns that restrict your true exquisite Freedom. You can do this each day with a different perspective or approach to something that held you captive in the past. And so I offer you this day this illumination and inspiration on Freedom, so that you may see a new perspective of your own reality, and move closer to being the true powerful Expansive Divine Being that you are. And you are magnificent, dear ones, in all that you are. Allow that to be, and open up to your expansiveness and freedom to be All that you Are, Divine and Pure and Free in all your glory. Nothing is holding you back but you…. I love you with all that I AM. Your loving brother, Yeshua
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