Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s April 20, 2018, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at You’re transitioning from participant observer to parental observer. Imagine your child fighting about a pail with another child in a sandbox even though two pails are available. You, the parent, see the silliness of the children’s actions for neither child is enjoying the sandbox. So it is for you now as you observe those who wish to remain in the dark a bit longer. “Fairy Godmothers/fathers” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information. Dear Ones, Perhaps you feel you are so deeply in a void you will never experience true earth joy again. For many of you have reached a stage of no longer fully participating in earth activities and not yet finding new joys. As if you are in a limbo that never shifts to full reality. So it is you are almost starting to bemoan the loss of chaos that was once your 3D life. You have likely chanted, meditated, and prayed to create that which seems most important to you now – all to no avail. Even though you sense you are different internally, your life is not following the direction you anticipated when you entered this void – or as you discarded most of what was once important to you. So it is your limbo is becoming frightening. A bit like those who give everything away waiting for the second coming only to discover that nothing changes other than they no longer have what they gave away. Of course, there have been many junctures along this transition process when you felt a similar discouragement only to roar to life once again. The difference is you initially believed you did something wrong or displeasing to the Universes so your inability to create what you pined for was because of your wrongdoing. As you became more sophisticated in this transition process, you realized you are the Universes making this phase more disquieting than many of the phases you pushed through. For you can no longer blame the Universes because you know you are the creator of you. But then, why can you not create that which you so desperately pine for? What are you doing wrong? You are doing nothing wrong. You are merely growing/evolving into your powers. You have long dreamed of a magic genie who would provide all you wished for. Now that you know you are your magic genie, why can you not easily create that which you wish for? Such is your current angst. Worrying that you did not do something you were supposed to do. Or that some hidden fear is blocking your creative processes. A loud NO, to both concerns. You are exactly where you need to be. You can not physically jump from 3D to 5D and beyond without processing what you have become. Your current void is a bit like an infant knowing that they want to walk from one parent to another, but needing practice to fortify their mind-body coordination. You are capable of walking, even running just as is true for infants. You are merely in the practice realms – with a few falls and much determination. Do not fret. This practice phase is short-lived and something you will forget once you come into your own as is true for all toddlers after learning to walk and run. Even though this is a short phase, it is something you must complete so your mind, body, and spiritual beings are functioning as one. For creating that which you wanted in 3D would not now satisfy you. And that which you will want when your new being is fully integrated, is not yet available. This is a short phase much like an infant completes from taking one or two steps to walking across the room. You are not alone in your frustrations or fears. For many are experiencing similar feelings. Something you will ponder a bit only to forget until those who wish to follow you reach a similar point in the not-too-distant future. You are the forerunners so you cannot be comforted by others, even us of the ethers for you do not completely trust us now. Any more than an infant fully trusts that a table will allow them to stand without falling if that infant’s parent pushes him or her to that phase before that infant is ready. So it is we can only offer assistance about what is going to happen. Assurances not much different from those of an infant’s parents whispering to that infant that he or she will soon be walking. We know your creative powers. Powers you do not yet believe you have and will not fully believe until you start creating. But beyond knowing you all have such powers, we do not necessarily know what you are going to do with those powers. Just as a parent does not know what their infant, child, young adult, and adult will do with their walking skills. Many of you are concerned that we are speaking of years of training and adjustments. Such is not the case, for you have already done the heavy work – being of the earth for this transition and shifting from 3D to 5D or beyond. What you are experiencing now is honing your skillset in a new dimension much as you did as an infant learning to crawl, walk, and run in the 3D world. You are learning what you are capable of with your physical being. A minor piece in this convoluted and difficult transition you have mastered beyond all hopes and dreams. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. 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