Message from the Angels, by Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much, You are eternally held in an embrace of love. Seasons come and go. Years come and go. Hierarchies rise and fall. Yet never in your eternal journey are you without love, for it is the stuff from which you are made. You feel that love inside of you stirring often. More often than most of you give yourself credit for, you feel compassion or appreciation. Without realizing it, hundreds of times a day, you savor a simple pleasure or a breath of relief. In every moment, love seeks to rise up within you and greet itself in countless different forms. You love these moments when the Presence within you dances with the Presence in another. It feels wonderful when someone acknowledges you for the beautiful and loving being that you are. You adore the moments when someone shines the spotlight of love upon you. And while each of you would prefer to engage with others in such a loving dance, not everyone in your world loves themselves enough to be loving and kind. Not everyone is ready to release fear, anger, or resentment. Many are unwilling to let go of a painful past in exchange for a peaceful present. Many cannot believe in what they have not yet seen. Many want you to keep them company in their misery. This is a challenge for those of you who love so deeply. You long for all souls to know how deeply they are loved. You want people to understand the goodness of your heart and the sincerity of your intentions. You crave kind and caring interactions. Not everyone is ready for this, dear ones. Others cannot yet acknowledge the light in you if they are lost in their own darkness. One mired in misery will not want to be around someone who reflects their potential capacity for joy. It is not your failure to love, dear friends, when others are unloving. It is not your failure to teach when others don't want to learn. It is not your failure to please when others are unpleasable. Everyone is responsible for their own vibration, and far too many of you beautiful, love-filled souls have taken it upon yourself to be responsible for the joy of others. You cannot. You are not the source of anyone's happiness or pain. You are a beacon—a light that shines upon their path. If they are ready for growth, they'll love you and want what you have to offer. If they are not, they will push you away. Believe in their light anyway. Whether you can see it or not, the light lives beneath all beings and all things, and holding your focus there instead of believing only what you see on the surface will keep you in the light—regardless of what others choose. We know that it is often difficult to feel what you cannot see. It is much easier to "tune into" and feel what you are being shown through your physical senses. It is easy to believe in the rose you smell, the food you taste, and the behaviors you see and hear on your social media or television. It is easy to look at what your physical senses present and think that this is all there is to realty. However, there are so many things you do not see. There are places on your earth that would take your breath away. There are people giving in such loving ways you would call them saints. There are little children quietly sharing love and joy in their entire communities. Countless people are doing countless good deeds every day. Most of them will never be seen on your news or social media, yet they send beautiful shining ripples of light into the human pond. Many of you are not making a production about your loving heart and kindly lived lives. Nonetheless, you are sending waves of goodness into the mass consciousness—waves far more important than you will understand on your earth. It often takes faith—a belief in things unseen‚—to find the love life has to offer. There is so much competition for your attention. Still, your heart always wants to turn to the light. Your heart always wants to find good and feel good. You are like beautiful sunflowers wanting to follow the trajectory of the light. No matter how weary or browbeaten you feel, you all want to feel more love. You all want the world to know your love. Have faith in the good. Have faith in Divine love for you. Believe in your own goodness and worthiness. The world and others who taught you have not always made love evident or easy, but you can choose one moment after the next to look for the good, acknowledge the good in yourself, and seek the good in others. You deserve to feel good. You deserve to love yourself in this fashion. You deserve to expect good ahead, even if no one in front of you appears to be offering it at the time. If you want a delicious cookie, you must believe that the delicious cookie exists before you see it. You must believe in it even when someone hands you a terrible cookie. You must believe in it even while it is baking in an oven you do not know exists. If you have faith, your expectations will cause you to look forward to the cookie, talk about the cookie, and be open to having your delicious cookie delivered in some sort of magical way. If you do not have faith, you'll give up and miss the cookie when it comes, or eat the bad cookie and assume that's all you get. We use simple analogies, but in truth, it is your faith that creates. Your belief in something you cannot yet see holds a vibrational frequency that allows you to be guided straight to what you want. Your faith is not a passive thought but an active vibrational emanation that will draw unto what you seek. Challenge yourselves to be like a child during the holidays—anticipating what you cannot yet see. If you could look forward to your creations with as much anticipation as a child, you would receive them far more quickly. And if that is too much of a stretch, sit with us and receive our love, for at the very least, we want to wrap you in this embrace. God Bless You! We love you so very much. -- The Angels
Circle of Light [email protected] via
Look to Me and I will show you just how magnificent you are, and just how endlessly I love you. As I do, your heart shall ever say "Yes," affirming that which it always has known is true. In that moment you will know your heart is ever reflected before and around you as perfection and beauty. Wherever you move as the heart of Love and the consciousness of God expanding, all that you see is Love and beauty, reflected in indescribable ways of illumined life, of perfect Love, of endless beauty and deepest peace. This shall be your experience of life…be it here in the world in service to Love or awake and free as the limitless heart of the whole of Love I Am. The children desire freedom! And every particle of their being from their Source says, “You are free. You are so free, that every thought you offer, the entire Universe jumps to respond to it.” And so, to take that kind of knowledge and try to confine it in any way, defies the Laws of the Universe.
You must allow your children to be free, because the entire Universe is set up to accommodate that. And anything you do to the contrary will only bring you regret. You cannot contain those that cannot be contained. It defies Law. Excerpted from Atlanta, GA on 9/19/99 Our Love, Esther (and Abraham and Jerry) MESSAGES FROM ANN & THE ANGELS
[email protected]August 19, 2023 Hi All, This week, the angels talk to us about finding the peace that cannot be taken away. I'll share some tips that have worked for me over the years. Have a blessed & peaceful week :) Ann If you're arriving from somewhere else... Welcome! by Ann Albers in Phoenix AZ Message from the Angels My dear friends, we love you so very much, You can find peace in a chaotic world. You need not wait for conditions, people, or anything in your external life to change. You can be calm as circumstances and energies whirl around you and simply observe without participating vibrationally in the chaos. There is peace, dear ones, at the center of a storm when you remain centered in your true essence. You have been and always will be at the center of your own vibrational universe. Your world is a co-creation between all souls who participate in it, as much as a symphony is a co-creation between all the instruments and players that participate. Every player of a symphony has their unique desires. One wants to play strings. One wants to play horns. One wants to play keyboards. They all want to play in harmony to create an experience that is moving to themselves and inspiring for their listeners. Imagine that there is a Divine Director, aware of every desire in every heart. This Divine director is so aware of every nuance, feeling, and note that each player is sent, in each moment, intuitive direction as to how to best play their part—for their good and the good of the whole. As each player allows this energy of love to move them, they become part of a glorious whole. Suppose one of the players forgets the beauty of being in harmony. They want to be heard. They want to play the loudest music and get the most attention. They want to feel special, above everyone else, and they don't care how they go about it. They ignore the energy of love that moves them and think about how to stand out. Disconnected from the power of love that moves all in harmony, they play a discordant melody in the performance. The other players still have a choice. They can remain true to their guidance, play in harmony with one another, and still create a beautiful performance for themselves. If the player who wanted attention had been listening to their own guidance, they would receive directions to quit the symphony and go off independently. They would have been guided to embrace their own style, attract their own followers, and allow the praise and adulation they seek. No loving desire is refused, and while the desire to be loved "above" others is not so loving, the desire for singular success and recognition is just fine. There are always people who will play discordant melodies in your life. They are the ones who have not yet learned that the Divine can fulfill all desires in a way that is good for all concerned. They demand that they get their way. They insist you behave as they wish. They attempt to force their opinions upon you. They cry for attention in unhealthy ways. Nonetheless, dear ones, even with these forceful and often misdirected souls in your life and upon your earth, you can go to the Source and simply ask for a way to handle the situation with love and peace. You can remain rooted in self-love. You can love the light within yourself and focus on the light within all. You need not give up your peace to those who would easily attempt to knock you out of it for the sake of their own agendas. Whether you are talking about public figures or family members, no one is truly trying to rob you of your peace. They are simply not centered in their own. They do not yet know their true connection to the loving Source. They don't listen to, acknowledge, or even trust their guidance. They don't know any better. The child who throws a tantrum doesn't know their loving parents can work out a mutually agreeable solution. The adult that throws a tantrum doesn't know their loving Source can guide all to an agreeable solution. So let others do what they feel they must and give your power back to God. If you worry about your freedom, realize that you are free to emanate and, therefore, allow into your space whatever vibrations you choose. When you fear for your economy, go back to the Divine because, aligned with God, there is always abundant flow. When you fear for your health, or your children, or your loved ones, rest in the reassuring and comforting love of God, as we mentioned last week, by simply sitting and breathing with the intent to receive until you feel and know the love that constantly supports you. The world is swirling with many diverse energies right now. You are sensitive, and you feel them. You may feel feelings that feel like winds passing through you, and indeed, perhaps they are. Perhaps a wave of someone else's fear just passed right through you, but if you had none of your own active at the moment, you would not feel it. Perhaps a wave of sadness passes through you, and it may well have originated elsewhere, but if you did not have sadness active in this moment, you would not feel it. There is no judgment, dear ones. You feel what you feel, and you're always beautiful and perfect in our eyes. However, you do live in a vibrational universe with many melodies sounding right now and many voices wanting to be heard. What matters most is that you live according to your own standards, in authenticity with your own hearts, listening to your own voice. Centered in self, you will be calm in the midst of these emotional storms, and you will have the peace that comes from being rooted in the Source. This is the peace that surpasses all understanding, the peace that comes from knowing the creator of universes loves and cares about you and your loving desires. This is the peace that cannot be taken from you. God is with you. Your angels are with you. Love is constantly flowing and there for the taking. Tune into that rather than the discordant melodies around you, and you will become a force of peace upon your earth. God Bless You! We love you so very much. -- The Angels Emmanuel Dahger,
Hello My Friend, From now through about August 28th, we’ll be moving through a powerful energy cycle that will create fast-paced changes in our individual lives and in the collective. This energy cycle is creating an opening that is helping us speed up our heart’s desired manifestations with greater ease, if we know how to work with it. If we have been choosing to honor and listen to our heart’s desires and know the difference between what the authentic heart wants, versus what the “mind” thinks it wants, then this energy cycle will feel pleasant, expansive, and empowering. If we have been ignoring our heart and allowing the mind to lead and be in control, this time will serve to help nudge us out of that approach, so we can let the heart be our guide moving forward. Take a quick moment to reflect on the past 7 months, since the beginning of the year. It’s clear that the changes that have entered our lives since January have made it like no other year we can remember. The many changes happening within and around us have been life-altering, to put it mildly! And with the high energy cycle we are moving through this August, internal and external change is about to become even more amplified. Depending on what we choose to do with this energy, we can either be propelled in the direction of our highest vision or take a detour to learn more from contrast. Regardless of which path we choose, big changes are just around the corner. Influx of Light The current influx of Light coming into the planet is activating the pineal gland and heart centers of every living being, and although it’s helping Earth and all of her citizens to ascend to higher states of consciousness, it can feel very challenging for the emotional and mental bodies to navigate. The good news is that the Universe only gives us what It knows we can handle. So, although it feels like we are being stretched thin or tested in a major way at this time, it’s all part of a Divine Plan that is aligned with our highest and greatest good. The intention of this Divine Plan is to restore harmony, peace, and sacred balance in the Universe. When this much Light washes over our planet, deeply buried emotions, thoughts, actions, and patterns come to the surface to be addressed. Once these things are addressed, we then have the opportunity to learn valuable lessons that help us expand and evolve, both personally and as a global family. If you are being challenged at this time, you may be feeling disheartened or drained, and emotionally triggered regarding issues in your own life, or by what’s going on in the world right now. You can move things along more quickly by asking yourself the following:
But the simple act of asking these kinds of questions begins to affect the neurowaves in the brain, shifting our thoughts from autopilot to thinking outside the box. In simple terms, we are changing our internal dialogue, so we don’t remain fixed in a mindset that keeps us on a mental hamster wheel, especially when we get triggered emotionally. That hamster wheel includes habitual thoughts and reactions that express fear, worry, lack, blame, judgment, and separation. When we help the mind to think outside its usual mix, we get off that wheel. We then open ourselves up to receive higher insight and wisdom that comes straight from our Higher Self, and from the powerful Light pouring into human consciousness at this time. Preparing for the New When we move through a heightened influx of Light as we are now, and we take that initial step of addressing the deeply buried emotions, thoughts, actions, and patterns that have been holding us back from living our greatest reality, the next step is usually an energetic cleanse. This is why things have felt really challenging lately. We’ve simultaneously been experiencing a powerful energetic cleanse, just as we’re starting to address the things we’re being asked to let go of. Whether or not we choose to address these unconscious patterns and habits that are no longer for our highest good, the cleanse has nevertheless been in full effect. The great news is that after a cleanse is complete, we always have the opportunity for a fresh start. And we’re getting very close to entering this next phase, where we can start anew. Before a new start begins, many of us will feel guided to see old friends we have not seen in a very long time. Some of us feel a pull to visit the hometown or area we grew up in, which we may have left a long time ago. This pull can also draw us to geographical locations and vortex points we may not have been to before in this life, but knew in a previous lifetime. Others will feel guided to resolve any unfinished business from their past. If you are feeling a pull to do any of these things, then you are at the tail end of your cleansing cycle, and are about to enter your New Beginning. Resolving Karma Message from the Angels
Ann Albers , [email protected] My dear friends, we love you so very much, Never in your life have you been without purpose. There is not a single moment or a single breath without value. As long as you are alive on the earth, you are contributing to the ongoing stream of creation by your very presence. You didn't come to earth to prove your worth through actions or achievements. You didn't come to save others. You didn't come to fix what was broken or even to fix yourselves because, in your spirit, you are perfect. You came to create, play, and draw energy from the invisible realms into the physical however you please. You came to expand and experience love. You are part of the living, breathing expansion of the Divine into physical form. You are on the furthest edge of the waves of creation. With each wish, you draw love into the physical world. With each desire, you begin a chain reaction of creation. With each upset, you ask the universe for a solution. The question is never whether or not you are "serving a purpose" but rather whether you are allowing yourself to feel your glorious purpose. You do this simply by acknowledging your own goodness, your own unique value, and your own loving heart. So many of you have learned to judge yourself by superficial standards. You learned to prove your value by pleasing others. You became caught in the game of convincing those around you that you were lovable by submitting to their desires or asserting yourself. Yet all you have to do is "be." A rose serves a purpose even though it performs no actions other than its own natural unfolding. A tulip serves a purpose even though it never seeks to please a soul. A blade of grass serves a purpose even though it may grow and get crushed underfoot in less than a few days. Your birds, bees, bugs, and butterflies serve a purpose, yet not one of them will ever strive to achieve a thing. They live simply to "be" who they were created to be. They live to experience and express love in a physical form. And while each creature and creation does, in a sense, "perform" some purpose within creation, they do it only as a form of their own expression. A bee does not make honey for your toast and tea. She makes honey because she is a bee. A butterfly does not flutter close by to please you but rather senses the delight of the love you feel and wants to share in and contribute to that dance--for the sheer joy of feeling the love. Love, dear ones, is your purpose, however you choose to express it. You can express it in grand and glorious ways by serving the masses, or you can express it in the quietest moment of appreciation. Still, no matter its expression, it is love, and you are bringing the vibration of love into this reality. The scale of what you do, the form of what you do, will never be as important as the vibration of love with which you do it. We cannot repeat this enough. If you like, pick up a glass of water or coffee and savor it. Sip it with love, Inhale, and appreciate its beauty and the beauty of all whose hands brought this sip to your lips. You have just intentionally called forth love. You have just experienced your most profound purpose. When you look back at your life from heaven, you will see the vibration of love you just called forth into your three-dimensional word. That is what your earthly life is all about. God Bless You! We love you so very much. -- The Angels There are as many different worlds as there are perceivers or Beings or individuals. You are not here to create one world where everyone is the same, wanting and getting the same. You are here to be that which you want to be, while you allow all others to be that which they want to be.
Excerpted from The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham Our Love, Esther (and Abraham and Jerry) @kylegrayuk Angel Message Monday
Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer and then keep reading: “Thank you angels for revealing to me what I need to know!” Hold things together. Don’t make any sudden moves or changes. Stand strong, knowing you are where you are supposed to be. Extended Message When the Druid card appears in a reading, you’re being guided to dig deep within and hold your station. If you’re wondering what to do next or have a sense of anxiety about what is unfolding in your life, it’s time to shift your perceptions and move back to a state of trust. Don’t change your plans or do anything drastic, just trust in the process and let everything happen as it needs to before taking any more steps. Think of a tree – it has strong roots, yet continues to grow and bear fruit. Your life will be a reflection of this.
Be easy about this. Be playful about it. Don’t work so hard at it. Let your dominant intent to be to feel good, and if you don’t feel good, then let your dominant intent be to feel relief. Feel your way through it. If you think your way through it, you can get off on all kinds of tangents. If you feel your way through it, you can come quickly to your Core Energy, and when you do that only good can then flow to you. Excerpted from Rye, NY on 10/12/97 Our Love, Esther (and Abraham and Jerry) Trinity Esoterics <[email protected] Archangel Gabriel Daily Message As human beings, you often don’t realize the full significance of events until well after the fact. It will be the same with the shift you are currently going through. You have a sense of its importance, and you certainly can feel the energies shifting and moving. But the full depth of how transformative the times you are in and how remarkable it is that you are on the planet to both experience them and assist with them, won’t be truly felt for many years to come. We highly recommend you allow yourself to stop every once in a while to soak it in and marvel at it all, because believe it or not, it is a time you will look back on with wonder and fondness. We wish to remind you that any discomfort you may feel will be fleeting and forgotten in time, but your participation in the shift of consciousness on your planet will always be honoured and remembered. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young |
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