24th. June 2016. Mike Quinsey.
Your potential is such that with the right belief you can do anything that you put your mind to, and as you raise your vibrations so your potential increases. Positive thinking already works for you, and perhaps a typical example is self-healing. Again it is a question of self-belief and a positive approach to what it is you desire to achieve. In time you will become so successful at self-healing, that using your powers will become second nature. Naturally in groups it is increased exponentially, but even so it will only happen as long as the soul is free from karmic issues that may cause it to be blocked. The world is going through a period of cleansing as outstanding karmic issues are cleared. The result is consistent problems that are not helped by the efforts of the dark Ones who try to impose their changes upon you. Their success is being limited by the Forces of Light who follow all activities taking place. You are soon to reach a point where their power to interfere with your lives will be prevented. Already they are experiencing limitations, and losing the power that convinced them they would be successful in completing controlling Humanity. It will not be allowed, and Mankind is gradually being released from their hold. The most astonishing revelations are soon to be revealed to you that will help you adjust to the truth regarding your true destiny. Be assured you will be delighted to know what lies ahead for you, and every effort will be made to gently break the news to you. So many souls are still oblivious to what is going on around them, and in some instances would rather not learn the truth. They are frightened that it will change their lives when they are happy as they are. However, when the truth is gradually revealed it will soon become apparent to them that a happy future lies ahead. The changes will come quickly and free you from the continual pressure upon you to spend much of your time working. In reality you should have much more time to yourselves, and able to follow your own pursuits that give you happiness and are fulfilling. You are not meant to be slaves and have to work simply to exist. Eventually the necessities of life will be given to every soul, thereby allowing more time to be spent with your families and following your own interests. As time passes you will be gradually introduced to the truth of your history, and the plans for your future. There will be a sudden spurt forward making up for lost opportunities to move into the New Age. Of importance is the appointment of people who can be trusted with the responsibility of taking charge. Such changes are well underway and ready to be implemented as soon as it is the right time, when those who would interfere are removed. The plan for you future has already been prepared and will lead you into the “promised land” where peace reigns and life is a joyful experience. You will not need to spend years and years making good all the damage of the past, and all will be restored in a very short time. Your new lives will become so different to what you are familiar with now, and the changes will be most acceptable and give you much pleasure. As your vibrations are lifted your thoughts will be focussed upon permanent peace, and Humanity will become as one all with the same goals in mind. War and all things associated with it will become a thing of the past, and all of the negativity and constant warring will be gone for good. There will be no need or place in the future for weapons of war and all will be able to lead their lives peaceful co-existence. It will come to be in most of your lives and very soon you shall see the first moves in that direction. People worry about their well- being but as the changes are introduced, you can be sure that your health will be at the forefront of our actions. New methods of treatment will be introduced that will do away with the surgeon’s knife and there are no after effects. Much will change that will bring you fully into the New Age with all of the benefits that come with it. Every aspect of your lives will eventually be uplifted so do not despair as all planned in advance for a speedy change over. The size of the tasks are of no concern as we have unlimited resources at our disposal. All necessary actions will be quickly completed with the least inconvenience to you. In the near future the Forces of Light will find it safe to land openly on Earth, and when they do you will be helped and guided in your work. With our advanced methods problems will be solved in next to no time. Combustion engines will eventually become obsolete, if for no other reason that you will no longer need such wasteful and antiquated machinery. Pollution is of course another factor and it will be eliminated thus allowing you a more healthy existence. There are systems that allow for almost instantaneous travel that the dark Ones already use, but have kept to themselves. Be assured that in time you will enjoy all of the benefits of a modern Age, and it will be beyond your present imagination. Knowing what is in store for the future should give you the confidence to tackle all present problems so that they are cleared once and for all. You have always been guided so as to take actions that are in the interests of you all. It has always been this way, as the Human Race as a whole has been destined to complete the cycle successfully. Previous ones have ended in disaster as your historical records show, and each time you have had to start a new one virtually from scratch. So you can give yourselves a pat on the back for finally having been successful. You have always been guided in the hope that you would achieve your goals, but the manner of completion has been down to you. The present state of conditions on Earth would hardly seem to indicate that you have been successful, but it is so as you will soon find out. Everything seems to move at such a speed you feel that you have insufficient time to attend to all of your needs. You could view that as a good sign that the vibrations are continuing to uplift, and will gradually leave the lower ones behind. So you can look forward to a more positive period when all of the work being put in to bring more Light to Earth is successful. It is helping to awaken souls who have been held back by the lower energies, and give them help to rise up again, which is every soul’s destiny. Keep positive and firmly hold your vision of the future. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self. In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey. [email protected]
You Crossed the New You Rubicon
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com Dear Ones, Much has shifted the past 24 hours. Early yesterday (June 26, 2016), we applauded your new, rapidly progressing, self-love abilities. Later yesterday, you internalized a self-love piece that seemed far in the future. You are now claiming your inner-power externally. Even though that concept has a different meaning for each of you, the piece that touches each is that you are no longer willing to be with anyone who does not share love or joy with you. Those interactions you once thought inevitable will shift to something new or disappear. And those you thought were joyful, but fleeting will expand. Not because you are focussing on such, but because your frequency changed yesterday from, “I hope.” to “I know.” That knowingness remains in the early stages, so you will not necessarily feel the depth of that shift today or even tomorrow. But you will once you realize your interactions have changed. That those who were once important to you are no longer if they choose to remain in the 3D karma loop. You are claiming yourself from the inside out – resulting in new interactions and expectations for yourself. You are no longer willing to cater to the needs of others at the expense of yourself. Of course, this concept has been rattling around your inner-being for months. The difference is that the energies you internalized yesterday almost force you to react differently than before. You decided months ago not to be a caretaker or victim. Even though both roles slipped into your being here and there, you removed yourself from those situations in the most congenial fashion possible by focusing on your new intentions. As of yesterday, you no longer wish to appease those not interested in letting go of caretaking or victimization. That piece will be displayed quite definitely in the next few days. You will hear clamors of, “Help me. Take care of me. Why are you so selfish?” All clamors that until yesterday, you felt a need to respond to or smooth over so that others did not see new you. You were almost ashamed of new you for it was so different from 3D you. You wished to remain in the 3D loop but shift a bit here and there internally so you could remain part of the majority. Such is no longer your goal. For indeed, you are a new Superman, who no longer feels the need to hide his identity with a meek Clark Kent persona. Maintaining your secret internally is no longer a viable option. Not because you wish to proclaim to the world who you are, but that you no longer have a need to hide. Almost as if you ingested courage pills yesterday. You are who you are – whether that be 3D, 5D or 10D. Those who wish to be of 3D now will be so in great force. As is true for you in 5D and beyond. Yesterday was a division day. Not in terms of physical violence, but accepting who you are. Hiding is no longer an option. For it is time for others to know you in all your glory. Just as it is time for you to know the same about you. You have been tiptoeing around your shifts as a Cinderella sweeping out chimneys, while in truth you are a king/queen/god/goddess of the Universes. Why did you decide en masse to display your true beings? It is so that those on the brink of determining 3D is no longer their home base have another more comfortable place to be. Such would not be possible if you continued to hide your new being. Does that mean you stand on a soapbox on the corner declaring your new being? Do you print millions of posters to proclaim your new beingness? No, you merely live your life as feels comfortable within your being. So it is you are beginning to fully accept and love the being you are instead of attempting to be a little 3D and a little 5D and beyond. The Rubicon, the line has been crossed. Such happened yesterday. You might feel a bit foggy, tired, nauseous or any number of physical sensations requiring a bit of downtime so that your being can fully assimilate new you. Some of you reading this message will not feel anything. Nor will you note any difference in your interactions. Such does not mean you have not crossed your Rubicon, merely that you have fewer changes to make than those clearly noting the difference. Previously, our channels often stated, “Allow that to be.” Such statements are not now required because you can no longer do anything different. You are truly a different person both internally and externally. You are indeed the forefront of this amazing transition. And others will catch your glorious light that has become brighter than that which you can contain within yourself. This transition has shifted from an internal to external/internal transition. You are the first product of that shift. Shine your light brightly. Knowing you are only responsible for yourself. So be it. Amen. http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com Brenda Hoffman, LifeTapestryCreations.com
Dear Ones, Please know the glorious day it is. Perhaps you are not feeling the glory of earth at this time, but you will. For the Universal energies of love and self-love are now reigning down in full force. Some of you fear these energies because you do not yet fully understand what self-love means for you, so you are disguising your self-love with snippets of anger towards those you find in your path. A bit like winning an Olympic gold medal and finding yourself irritated because you have no idea what your life will look and feel like once you are not pushing to win that gold medal. This irritation that pops up now and then within you and directed towards others seems unreasonable even to you. You have the life that you created or are creating. You climbed your mountain and rolled down your hill of self-discovery. And you note that those around you display indications of shifting into their new beings. You should be celebrating – yet, there is a feeling of discomfort, of something not quite right, of, “I did all that for this?” Such thoughts and actions are merely your exhale from the months, years or even decades of swimming upstream despite indications that you were wrong and society was right, that what you were experiencing in 3D was all that there was and ever would be. Think of an infant having a wonderful day at the beach laughing, building sand castles and playing in the water. But because of that joyful day, they are so tired they are unusually cranky. And so it is, and so you are. You are starting to breathe again in the sense that you have completed your push to not only shift earth into New Earth but yourself into new you. It is done. You are complete in your new you being. But you cannot feel new you externally. Nor can you tap into that newness quite yet leading to more irritation. Even though you are letting go of much and are drawn to new people, information and vehicles of change, the reality of those shifts have not yet touched your outer being. You are tired without quite understanding why. You know without knowing that you are different. And even though you know within you that you have accomplished something spectacular, you pine for the focus you needed to achieve what you have achieved. Allow yourself to rest, to collect your thoughts and to move forward into your glorious self-love when it is correct for you to do so. You are not yet at the point of observing your Olympic gold medal with fondness. You are not yet even at the point of acknowledging to yourself that you have achieved that gold medal. But you will after you rest and allow yourself to sense externally all that you have achieved. Some of you continue to believe that nothing has changed, that nothing is different. You are you, and that is it. You HAVE changed. You ARE different. But you are exhausted – again like the toddler who played hard and is overly tired. The memory of all you achieved cannot and will not be erased from your being or all Universal beings. But before you can fully claim your honors, your gold medals for daring to be you, despite the voices to the contrary, you need to rest a bit. Your world, your life will sparkle with joy once you are rested. It is indeed a glorious world you created with your co-Lightholder beings. You have achieved the impossible – combining 3D and 5D while fully of 3D to all those not transitioning or not transitioning at the same time as you. And yet, you berate yourself for not doing enough, for not being enough – like an Olympic gold medal winner who berates herself for not winning by a larger margin. Enough of your self-flagellation. Enough of berating yourself for anything. Allow the sparkle of joy and self-love in – once you have allowed yourself to rest a bit. So be it. Amen. Repost: ‘Event’ July 4th 2016Posted on June 17, 2016by NewSunUnity St Germain: “There are those events that will lead to this but the major “Event” is not far off and it will culminate somewhere around the time of this summer, summer of 2016. It will be brought in by the third wave and the third wave will lead to the various events and the “Event”, as you understand it, the galactic pulse that will hit the Earth.” Sananda: “..as you know, the third wave is on its way. The third wave that is supposed to more fully hit sometime this summer, somewhere in June around the summer solstice.” AA Michael: “In this summer of 2016 the remnants of dark forces which have been interfering in the lives of the lightworkers, to an extent that will astonish all of you when the truth is finally revealed, will be taken from the Earth and relocated to the planet that has been prepared for them so they can continue in their third dimensional environment.” Judas Iscariot: “Big things are under way – surprises are at your doors. We are all proud of and happy for your progress, dear Earthlings. All Light and joy is now sent to you from all sides and directions in the Universe.” AA Gabriel: “..a climax of conditions, that has been in preparation, will hit its highest point, with the result that this disclosure, accompanied of sensationalism, will take place. It will cause alarm and outrage. Attention will be drawn to the enormity of the conspiracy that has been going on and will cause the world to awaken. At the same time this event will be like a blast that will kick-start the world into a proper phase of disclosure. It will be fireworks.” KejRaj: Reading the quotes above from the sources mentioned, and there are others who also talk about ‘summer 2016’ being filled with surprises, one can’t help but think that something great is set to happen this summer. Certainly it will be more than just one ‘event’. Perhaps first we will witness the Global Currency Reset on the Summer Solstice. Followed by the announcement of the New Republic, which would most likely happen on America’s Independence Day. The following is a post I made a couple of months ago. Now, this happened before I began noticing messages from other sources about ‘summer 2016’ being a peak time for events to unfold. “Last Thought” No one can predict the future. But we can share our thoughts on the possibilities. As we continue to move forward through the year of 2016 and onto 2017, many things will be unfolding. From the levels of corruptions in our governments to the Global Currency Reset to Disclosure and many events in between, one can’t help but wonder when are any of these events actually going to manifest. First we need to let go of time and dates, not important. What is important is to BELIEVE that these events are all ready unfolding. To find your peace and quiet time, and simply FEEL the INNER LIGHT, the inner knowing burst from the depths of your HEART. I jumped into bed at about 8pm last night. A lot earlier than my usual time. Just needed to rest. But I have noticed for a while now whenever I get ready for bed, this rush of JOY takes over my body. Afterwards I FEEL a stronger connection with my TRUE SELF. Relaxed, the thoughts slowly start to dissipate, and of course the RV/GCR came up, and I let that go quick. I said to myself I KNOW it is happening NOW. That’s that. After that the thought of DISCLOSURE came up, thinking when that will happen, as always, got myself excited, but I let that go too. As I am getting more comfortable, more relaxed, my eyes closed, just paying attention to my breathing, a thought popped up. I do not know if it was my higherself, my guides, or the universe, that for some reason brought up the Fourth of July, the term “event” circeling the “fourth of july”. Now, it is hard to put into words what I TRULY FELT, because I can honestly say it was not just THOUGHT, I FELT something more, like someone wanted me to “take this seriously, written in stone” type of a message. That is all. Just wanted to share this. I am not saying something is going to happen for sure, besides usual fireworks, I do not know. But after my experience, if I may say ‘omnibenevolence’ is possible on Earth on the Fourth of July in the year of 2016. I fell asleep “peacefully thinking” about this experience. Melanie Beckler - Ask-Angels.com
Cultivate An Abundance Mentality to Change Your LifeI’m going to make a bold statement here: switching your worldview from one of scarcity to one of abundance can completely change your life. More research, not to mention more personal experience, points to the fact that we create our reality through our thoughts, beliefs and emotions. This means that what we focus on, we attract. When you feel that there isn’t enough to go around, you will experience that there isn’t enough. When you feel that you have more than you could ever need, you experience more and more and more. The Abundance Mindset The Abundance Mindset begins from a place of personal worth. It is the worldview that there is more than enough of everything for everybody. Funnily enough, when you adopt this paradigm, you end up giving just as much as you receive. You’re no longer worried over what others are getting that you are not and you no longer feel that you’re missing out on things. When you recognize that what others have and do in no way affects what you have and do, it’s much easier to feel joy and connection. When you believe that there is enough, what someone else receives is felt by you as a blessing. Just imagine a world where everyone gives, knowing that more is on the way, rather than takes, worried that things are too valuable and scarce to part with. This is a liberating idea that allows you to see humanity and the universe from an entirely different perspective. The Scarcity Mindset The problem is that this is an easy concept to believe in when things are flowing and a difficult one to remember when we feel blocked or frustrated. When something goes wrong, we dwell on what went wrong and this takes us right back to Scarcity Mindset. Scarcity Mindset is the worldview that we must work long and hard to make even a little progress. It is the belief that if someone else is happy or successful, they have taken some of our happiness or success. Imagine a colleague that gets a raise. Are you happy for them or do you resent that you didn’t get one? With Scarcity Mindset you believe that there was only one raise and someone else got it. People have all kinds of limiting beliefs about romantic partners, careers, money, and the future. This is a short term approach to life and leaves you constantly working to protect your own interests instead of being open to others. 8 Ways to Cultivate An Abundance Mentality There are numerous ways you can begin to leverage let go of your Scarcity Mindset and adopt one of abundance. Here are six ways to start cultivating an abundance mentality now. 1. Cut Back on Media Most media today centers on lack, and on what you don’t have but desperately need. This is Scarcity Mindset. Ads that try to sell us what we can only strive for but never achieve are just the tip of the iceberg. Everything is written or produced to cultivate desire and dis-ease. Because of this, it’s wise to reduce how much and what forms of media you consume. You don’t need to become a hermit, just be more aware of what’s coming in and how often. 2. Express Gratitude Talking about what you want but don’t have has become natural for so many. But the Law of Attraction tells us that talking about what you don’t have just brings more lack. Try talking about what you have already been given and ask others to share the same. Express gratitude for your blessings and circumstances and be the role model that leads others to do the same. Also, try talking about your goals and dreams as if it’s just a matter of time before they’re realized. 3. Share What You Have Not only does sharing feel inherently good, you also help others in the process. And over time, what I’ve found is that I don’t really miss those things I’ve shared. Though it isn’t just about material things – although this can be really powerful. It’s also about sharing yourself and spending time connecting with others. Generally speaking, the more you share, the more comes back to you. Remember, you’ve got plenty so don’t be shy to share! 4. Always Look For the Positive Abundance Mentality isn’t the belief that nothing will ever go wrong. It’s the belief that when things do go wrong there are still things to be gained. Try to find positive lessons in the missteps and backfires. This encourages more positive lessons to make themselves known and can really assist in your spiritual growth. 5. Just Be Yourself Scarcity Mindset compels you to compare yourself to others to see how you stack up. You’re always trying to come out on top. Adopting Abundance Mindset means being comfortable as yourself and feeling good about your choices, no matter the circumstances. You are who you are and there is abundance in your life. Remember that next time you feel you’ve fallen short of someone else’s success. 6. Ask the Angels for Help You have angels who are always with you and who are ready and willing to help you in all areas of your life, including with cultivating an abundance mindset! To learn about the Archangels of Prosperity and Abundance and how they can help you in your life… Click Here! Or for a guided meditation on How to Magnetize Love, Success and Abundance with help from Archangel Ariel,Click Here. 7. Focus on Abundance When you start to look for abundance in the world around you, you effectively begin to bring yourself into alignment with it. A great way of doing this is to surround yourself with people who have an abundance mindset themselves. Don’t know anyone with an abundance mindset to surround yourself with? Not a problem! Just read a book about abundance! There is really a ton of great material out there that will help you to begin to shift into a mindset of abundance. Here are some books on Abundance I recommend: Think and Grow Rich The Millionaire Next Door Money and The Law of Attraction Creating Money: Attracting Abundance The Abundance Book Angels of Abundance Abundance Now Wherever you are now, start today. The universe is infinitely abundant and you are a part of that. Live from this place and watch how dramatically your life will change. 8. Abundance Affirmations Affirmations are a wonderful way to fill your conscious mind with thoughts and ideas that empower an abundance mentality, to then bring you into alignment with creating these same things. If you’re new to affirmations, using them is simple! Write them out, look at them often, state them out loud, and know that you are infusing your conscious and subconscious mind with abundance. I consciously create blessings in my life. Everything I need comes to me effortlessly and naturally. I live a financially abundant life. I know and walk the path of my life’s purpose. I give generously to others and to myself. I look for and experience the miracles of life. I allow goodness to flow into my life. I am an unlimited being. I believe in my unlimited prosperity. I am open to receive prosperity. My life is filled with prosperity in abundance. Money flows to me easily and frequently. I focus on and think about what I want. I am in the right place at the right time. I have all the time and energy I need to accomplish my life’s purpose. I am grateful for all that I have. I am an unlimited being. I am abundant in all areas of my life. I am financially free. I love and am grateful for all that I create. I have more money coming in than going out. I deserve financial abundance. The Universe loves and supports me. I am open to receive the blessings of the Divine. I visualize financial abundance for myself and others. I magnetize money through love and joy. I am a money magnet. Money loves me. I now know that I can create the life I want. I know what I want and I create it. I focus upon the success and prosperity of myself and others. I feel good about the money I spend. I am provided for as I trust and follow my heart. I have all that I need. I am open to receive. I am financially abundant. I am magnetic to the highest and greatest good. I now experience prosperity in abundance. I am now open to receive the full abundance of the Universe. I have more coming in than going out” Thank you for the unlimited financial abundance… Ever dollar I spend comes back multiplied. I am financially independent and free. Ask the Angels: How Do I Shift to Abundance Mentality?“When we are in life and have experiences we don’t want, when we have pain, or the experience of lack, how do we shift our energy away from that? And how do we do that in a way that we remain present in the moment? How do we shift our energy away from we don’t want when it’s very present in our life?” Archangel Metatron Channeled by Melanie Beckler The most powerful tool for shifting your present circumstance, to align with infinite possibility, to manifest, and to co-create is to use intention. And the only place you can set an intention, the only place you’re able to change your circumstance is in the present moment. When you vibrationally bring yourself into alignment with what you want to create, it is able to manifest more quickly. And to do this, you align with your inner divine being. In this sense, you could redefine presence as being the vantage point of your inner divine being, which is able to see through your present challenges, to see through your present pain, to not get pulled into challenge, and struggle, and density, and lack, but to rather observe them as the truth that they are illusion, and to witness, and be fully present in the underlying, consistent inner divine love. And when you are in this state, heart open, in the perspective of your inner divine being, with the simple intention, your manifestation is magnified. And so, regardless of what is happening in the world around you, return to presence, return to living, experiencing, being in this moment, your inner divine being, right now, tuning into your energy, tuning into yourself. Become aware of yourself as a whole, and now enter inward – going in multiple layers, going in beyond mind, beyond thought, going in beyond energy, beyond emotion, going in through your heart, (again, visualize the center glowing with light) to shift into the perspective of your inner divine being, that is total love, non-judgment, pure light. From here, you can then set your intention – what you desire to move towards. Focus upon the divine light within, and allow it to grow, and expand – filling your being, filling your body, filling your entire experience with divine light. For this is the truth of the present moment. The pain, the lack – that is all illusion. The truth is that you are a divine being in physical form. You always have this divine light within you. Shift inward. Another way of saying this is – Step back in perspective. Shift inward to return to light and love, the vantage point of the divine, the truth of your inner divine being, your soul light – letting go of thoughts as they appear, letting go of judgments as they appear, seeing them for what they are – vibrational appearances. Return to love, to you inner divine truth. And sometimes, to get here, it does require what we will call, “Being present with your pain. Being present with your struggle.” If you are feeling pain in your leg, let yourself feel it, and shift inward. Let the pain be there without attaching to it, without judging it, see it for what it is – an appearance, a vibration, and return to your inner light, your true divine nature, the truth of the divine being, divine essence you always carry within. Benefits of Developing An Abundance Mentality Still not convinced? Here are 4 benefits to making the shift into an abundance mentality now. 1. Enjoy The Freedom to FailWhen you know that there is enough and that you will be provided for, there is a freedom to take more risks. Missed opportunities become, “Not the right opportunity for me,” and you are content to wait for the right one. There is no fear of loss. There’s a common misconception in our society that to get to success you have to avoid failure. But the reality, is that by moving through failure we align with success. 2. Achieve Your GoalsWhen you know that there is enough it becomes easier to get and stay motivated about your goals. You know it’s all possible; you just have to stay open to the means. 3. Reach Your Full PotentialWhen you see the world from a place of abundance, you know you are limitless and you open yourself to reach your highest potential. 4. Experience Less Attachment When you have an abundance mindset and you know at the core of your being that so much is already on its way to you, you experience less of a need to cling to what has already been given. You share with a freedom that comes only from the certainty that whatever you need will arrive in good time. Brenda Hoffman, LifeTapestryCreations.com
Dear Ones, Your life is about to be easier than you have dreamt possible for eons. For you have cleared so much, including that of the past few weeks, that you no longer need to delay your joy. Of course, many of you are thinking, “What about this dilemma? Or, “My earth dream creation is impossible.” So it is you are attempting to delay your joy even though such is no longer possible. Why would anyone follow you into this New Earth, new you if your life is little different from their 3D lives? If they felt days, months or years of clearing would offer little other than the satisfaction of a job well done. Where are the rewards? Where is the satisfaction of knowing they can create what they want when they want if that carrot remains somewhere in the nebulous future? So it is we of the Universes are sending additional energies to earth now to help you remove any last vestiges of creation fear that remain part of your being. These energy bursts focus on joy and creation not clearing. Something very new to all of you at the forefront. For even though you have understood for months that you were clearing to achieve joy, your being was more about ridding yourself of memories that curtailed your joy. Now the Universal energies are designed to enhance your joy and therefore, creation skills. We discovered that even though clearing was extremely beneficial, that clearing encouraged past fears to wash over you instead of enhancing your joy. So it is we evolved, as have you, to encourage joy to be uppermost in your thought and belief processes. Just as was true for you, we were not certain what was beyond moving earth to 5D. So it is we – and you – discovered that even though clearing after clearing is important, feeling joy is more important to your evolution. For you have adjusted to clearing fears but have not yet devoted much energy to claiming your joys. It is time for you to do so. Of course, there might be a few fears yet hidden in the deepest recesses of your being. But those hidden fears – small as they are – will no more delete your joy than the small joys hidden deep within you for eons, deleted your fears. It is time to move on – to fully claim your joy. So we are shifting our focus from assisting you to clear your fears – to be fully of 5D by claiming your joys. Some of you wonder how much we can relay other than informing you to claim your joy. Does that question not tell you how limited your knowledge of joy is? And does it not express the small part of your many earth lives joy claimed – including this one? You know fear is a monumental topic with many aspects. But joy seems to be a small topic with one aspect – feel joyful. Fear is discussed in terms of how to rid yourself of fear, how to claim the fears you have, how to be less fearful, how not to encourage fear in yourself and others and on and on. But joy? How can you create information about claiming joy other than telling you to claim it? So it is we will begin to build your joy repertoire so that in the near future, your joy expressions, access points, and creations will be as large as your fear pieces once were. Perhaps you are thinking that you have built your fear pieces for eons, and it is not possible for you to do the same with joy in one lifetime. So it is you are addressing your first joy miracle. That your being can be as infused with joy as it once was with fear. And that joy will spread throughout the globe in ways you cannot envision. You are at the forefront of a joy revolution. And as such, you agreed to be the ‘guinea pigs’ of this transition. Which has helped us, and therefore you, change directions in mid-stream from fear clearing to joy being. You are at a new crossroads that will lead you to joy, joy or joy. You have passed the fear corner because of your arduous work to do so. And because you and we have noted that ongoing fear clearing is not moving you forward, but instead encouraging you to wallow in Old Age fears that have little basis in your new reality. And so it is joy is the focus of all future channels for you, with you and by you. So be it. Amen. http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com Emmanuel Dagher
June 2016 Energy Forecast Love and blessings! The energies we've had access to these last few weeks have created a clear path for us, offering amazing revelations about how we can experience complete freedom. This kind of freedom has been absent from our personal and collective consciousness for thousands of years. But in the late 1950s and early 1960s, aspects of it began to return to human consciousness, and it has been building up ever since. In fact, as a result of several important global heart gatherings that have taken place this year—along with the anchoring of the Sacred Star grid, enacted on behalf of all humanity on April 15 at the grounds of the United Nations (please see the May 2016 Energy Forecast in the Archives for details)—a massive opening and awakening has occurred in our personal and collective consciousness. This awakening has finally allowed humanity's collective mind to open up and connect with the frequency of complete freedom, which is now entering our awareness. I specifically mention the mind here, because our Spirits have always operated in the realm of complete freedom. Complete freedom has not yet been fully realized in the minds of humanity, because the collective mind taught itself long ago to operate and take comfort in patterns of survival. These patterns led to the belief that our mind has limitations, and must play by specific rules. It also led to the mind being conditioned with the belief that anything it sees as a potential risk or danger that we're facing in the third dimension is very real. Therefore, it must protect itself at any cost. This is where humanity's survival patterns began. The Return of Complete Freedom The old, deeply rooted survival patterns that we have been identifying with have been coming to the surface in recent weeks. Have you noticed? This is happening because we are being asked to take a good look at whether we want to continue repeating those survival patterns, or whether we're now ready to move in a direction of complete freedom from the past—freedom from the illusions of limitation and fear we once created for ourselves. One of the most effective ways we can begin to move into complete freedom, is to question the judgmental or fearful thoughts our mind has about itself, others, and life in general. For example, let's say your mind has a thought that goes something like: "Nobody understands or gets me." Have you ever had a thought similar to this at some point in your life? If a thought like this ever comes up, ask your mind the following: "Is this absolutely a 100 percent Universal truth, that no one understands or gets you? And even if that is completely true, do you want things to remain that way?" Simply answer a yes or no here. If you responded with a yes, I would invite you to consider the following: Is there any chance that on some unconscious level, you have chosen to be misunderstood, in order to separate yourself from others, as a way of keeping yourself safe and protected? If there is even a .5 percent chance that the experience of you being misunderstood is simply a defense your mind has created to keep itself safe, to avoid feeling vulnerable around others, then this could be a life-changing moment for you. Because when we realize that every experience in our lives is a result of us choosing that experience on some level of our being, whether we were aware of it or not, then we no longer need to engage in victim/survival patterns as our truth. The moment we realize that it has never been about "others" misunderstanding us, but rather about us misunderstanding ourselves, then we take our power back, and become the Creator of our life again. Let's take another thought may have been deeply ingrained in our consciousness: "As a spiritual person who offers healing services, I feel it's wrong to accept money for those services." If you've ever had a thought like this one come up, ask yourself: "Do I know this to be an absolute truth? And if so, what has led me to believe this idea is true?" See what comes up for you. It could be a thought that stems from a religious upbringing in this lifetime, or a belief that comes from a past lifetime, in which you equated poverty with being more spiritual. It could just be that you've seen so many people misuse their power, especially when it came to their relationship with money, that you decided to judge and place blame on money itself, deeming it unworthy of your time, energy, or space. But can you imagine how traumatized your best friend would be if you blamed them for all of the world's problems? Well, money is no different! It has an awareness. It feels and responds to our feelings toward it, and it wants to be of help to us. Money was originally meant to be a symbol that represents an exchange of energy. This exchange is part of a Universal energy-balancing system, known as the Principle of Circulation. This also means that the energy that money represents is alive, and has always been alive. You can imagine what happens, when we treat any area of life in a way that is unkind and unloving, therefore separating it from us. If we did that to a best friend or a partner, they would run in the other direction, and never want to see us again. When we look at the belief that says, "As a spiritual person who offers healing services, I should not accept money," we can clearly see that that is a judgment we have decided to make. As a result of this judgment, we have not only blocked ourselves from allowing an exchange of energy that honors our time and efforts. We have also dishonored the energy of money itself, which is simply the energy of giving and receiving love. That decision might have been based on our judgment of how some people treat money (with greed, for example). We then decided to judge money in terms that do not honor ourselves, or money's sacred role in the world. You can see that when we begin to question our thoughts, we create an opening in our consciousness through which we can expand into higher states of consciousness, and ultimately, into complete freedom. If you're feeling any resistance toward what you've just read, or experiencing any guilt or sadness about judgments and beliefs you've held in the past, know that those ideas were formed during a time when we were all simply doing the best we could with what we knew at the time. In the past, our mind simply chose to operate in survival mode, which is another way of saying that it decided to make protecting itself its ultimate priority. But what if it no longer needs to use patterns of separation and fear to protect itself? What if the mind can finally remember that our Spirit has kept us safe all along, even when we thought otherwise? Doesn't that free up space for us to try new things that will help us expand into greater states of aliveness, awareness, and being? The mind has become very comfortable in identifying with survival patterns, so that when celestial openings occur in our personal and global consciousness, it experiences a lot of discomfort. Our only job when that happens, is to be a compassionate presence for the mind as it adjusts and shifts out of the old patterns. This requires that we simply observe the mind's resistance, without trying to fix, change, or save it. Just observe and send it love, and the mind will no longer feel like it needs to resist the shifts that are happening. The mind can then, in its own time, relax into our warmth and compassion, as a child would feel safe in the loving arms of their parent or caregiver. The Effects of Embracing Complete Freedom As we continue doing our inner work and letting go of survival patterns, embracing the complete freedom to be our full Divine Selves, we may notice some changes, such as: • We release the need to blame everyone else for the issues that show up in our lives • We take full responsibility that on some level, we have chosen to move through each experience to learn and grow from it, and to receive clarity on what we really want to create • We release the need to please others just to fit in or be liked • We express our truth in ways that are in alignment with our highest good • We try new things that help us expand • We enter new relationships based on honoring and celebrating each other's freedom, rather than being possessive or controlling • We develop a deep connection with Spirit that surpasses all logic • We let go of needing to micromanage our lives and the lives of others • We make ourselves the first priority in our lives • We don't hide anymore—we learn to operate from the most authentic and honest part of ourselves • We start to live life to the fullest, rather than just going through each day feeling uninspired, and going through the motions of what we've been told we "should" do • We feel a deeper sense of love and compassion for all of life, including ourselves, our inner child, other people, our experiences, and our journey • We operate in a world of eternal abundance and joy • We create physical, mental, and emotional balance and well-being in all areas of our lives So the next time your mind tries to convince you that the energies we're moving through are challenging, remember some of the amazing results of being free! Then be that compassionate presence for your mind, so that as emotional triggers come to the surface, it can move through them with greater ease. Enlightenment If you have been participating in your inner work during the past few months as a result of all the shifts going on around us, you may have noticed the desire to laugh a lot more lately, to play, and to just feel like a kid again. This is a confirmation that you are entering the next phase of your journey, which is to be an enlightened being. One of the greatest effects of experiencing complete freedom, is that we become enlightened beings. Enlightenment is not about spending your whole life sitting on top of a mountain and praying. Although if that brings you joy and fulfillment, it very well could lead to it. Enlightenment simply means "to lighten up." Most people, especially those who are a part of the spiritual/new age movement, have a tendency to take themselves and life way too seriously. My personal observation is that that's because of their empathic nature, and the desire to want to "fix humanity." They decide that they have to save the world, so they place a big responsibility on their shoulders that was not really for them to take on in the first place. If you are still choosing to create this kind of reality for yourself, just ask yourself: How does it serve me to believe that I have to save the world? See what comes up. At the core, it could just be that you believe that you need to save yourself, including saving yourself from having to feel another's pain. But in reality, how can you save someone who is already perfect? The Universe/your Higher Self are perfect. They have never been anything less than that. It's just that the mind needed to distract itself through the years, to keep itself inside a reality that it felt was safe. So it took on the need to fix and change things—to try to make everything all right, so it could feel safe again. In fact, the moment we let go of the need to rescue—the moment we choose to lighten up, enjoy life, and no longer sweat the small stuff—we achieve an enlightened state of being. Can you imagine what the world will look like when everyone lets their guard down, and allows themselves to play? To joyfully appreciate the gifts life offers them? Well, believe it or not ... this is the reality we are headed towards. And it begins with each of us. It begins with each of us choosing to commit to ourselves, to accept that now we get to enjoy life. To have fun, and to play again. That is complete freedom! So are you willing to enter into a reality of complete freedom? Till next time, Peace and progress, Emmanuel By Kyle Hunt
April 1, 2016 Abundance, Mind We are not meant to merely pass through this life, but rather we are meant to enjoy it to the fullest. Living abundantly helps us recognize the joy in our lives, even when we are having a hard time finding it. So now that we understand that living an abundant life is key to finding happiness and joy around us, how do we do it? My grandmother is one of the happiest people I know and she has been living a life of abundance for many years. How does she do it, especially in a world that seems to be so unhappy most of the time? She chooses to be happy; she has made the decision to respond positively to the things that happen in her life. Another thing she does is that she rejoices in others’ accomplishments. Whenever I achieve something, my grandmother is almost more excited for me than I am for me. Living an abundant life is possible, as my Grandmother has shown me. So again, how do we start living an abundant life right now? Try out these 7 key steps to begin your life of abundance. Have an Abundance MentalityFirst things first, have an abundant mentality. That means that you know that there is enough to go around; you don’t have to compete with others. The opposite of this is the scarcity mentality where you believe that there are limited resources. If you feel like you are always in competition with others for these limited resources, then you can’t find true happiness or abundance. GratitudeAn absolutely essential part of living an abundant life is having gratitude and expressing it. Find something to be grateful for every day and you will notice how abundant you life really is. I recommend keeping a gratitude journal and writing down 3-5 things daily that you are grateful for. Not only will this help you get into the habit of gratitude but will also help you be happier. Share Your AbundanceIf you are already enjoying a life of abundance, share your abundance with those around you. If you are abundant in wealth, share with those that are less fortunate. Help them on their journey to an abundant life. Even sharing your happiness is a great way to spread abundance. Compliment those around you, take time out of your day to serve someone, or even teach, freely, a subject you understand well. Rejoice in Other’s AccomplishmentsThis goes back to having an abundance mentality. If you aren’t competing with others, why shouldn’t you be happy for them? Their gain is your gain because you are happy for them, which they enjoy, but that also increases your joy. Like I mentioned with my Grandmother above, she rejoices in everyone’s accomplishments and makes us feel more excited about our accomplishments. We are all connected to each other. What we give to others, we receive back tenfold. VisualizationVisualization is key to beginning your journey to an abundant life. Picture yourself after you have achieved your goal. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Who is around you? What are you going to do with your success? Imagine all the details. Maybe there is a large picture window overlooking the mountain stream where you have built a new home to grow closer to nature. Or maybe there is a framed picture on the large oak desk at your new job. Once you have seen all the details, work backwards and see the path you must take to reach that goal. Then take action towards your abundant life. Respond PositivelyAnother key step to finding happiness and an abundant life is decision based. You can decide if you will be miserable every day or find joy every day. Don’t let your circumstances determine your emotions. Make the choice to be happy now and respond positively to whatever life throws your way. Enjoy Your Life NowFinally, you don’t have to wait to live an abundant life. You can start right now by choosing to enjoy what you have around you. Recognize what abundance you already have in your life. Then set your goals to achieve a more abundant life; continue to work towards your success, and start changing your mindset now. Abundance is not always about some far off in the future goal, it can also be about finding happiness now, living an abundant life now. The choice is up to you. |