Kara Schallock -soulsticerising.com
I share what Soul guides me to share about every two weeks. I don’t consider this channeling, for my Soul and I are One. The Ascension Notes include the latest energies and each word carries high dimensional energy that flow into you as you read, helping you during this time of Transformation. The Notes are very grounding and practical. They are your potential and the information is not to be stuck in your intellect, but felt in your Heart. Listen to Kara's latest Ascension Note Please go to the Donation page to make a donation that supports this work. Ascension Notes Embodiment - 24-May-2017 We certainly have made a huge leap forward in the last several weeks and this continues; feel it? Life is not as it has been. It's completely different. We have been releasing a lot and continue to do so. What helps is to embody completely Soul. Soul is the truest and most perfect you. I use the word “perfect” not in the old way, which indicates there is no more growth. I use “perfect” to indicate evolution in each Moment, aligned with Souls' Wisdom. It is also fascinating to observe (without judgment) others who seem to not embrace the New. It seems they cannot disengage from the chaos and drama in their lives. This is not saying I or we are better than others; just different. We observe, as we maintain our own Authenticity. This can push others' buttons and yet, what they choose to do with their lives is their choice; not ours. In fact, you may seem invisible to them, for you are no longer aligned with gossip or taking sides or other "old" things. They simply cannot hear nor understand you. (I feel uncomfortable using the word “them,” as they also are a part of us.) Living with a high Awareness is not anything like 3D. When we observe those anchored in 3D, they may seem so unhappy to us (my observation). It's like they want things to be better, yet don't know what to do, so they continue to create drama and chaos (for this is what they know) instead of taking Responsibility for their choices; they blame anything or anyone other than their own selves. Actually, they are wonderful teachers for us, for there is no us and them. All we can do is love them as they are; we love them as ourselves. There is always a choice to disengage from old programs. We cannot save or rescue others; all we can do is to shine our own Light and Awareness by being true to ourselves. With high Awareness nothing gets past us. We learn from everything and this Awareness continues to take us higher and clearer. This Awareness can't be talked about; it has to be demonstrated through choices and actions. This isn't meant to change anyone's minds; it simply is. We continue to clear ourselves of old patterns and beliefs. In fact, the old feels so alien and uncomfortable that we simply cannot sustain any darkness or ignorance. If there is any old left in the form of old, uncomfortable patterns, please resolve them. They won't transform until you face them honestly and with self-Responsibility. If you feel as if someone did something to harm you, you still have victim energy within you. Instead, forgive and let the victim energy go. Forgiveness is actually Gratitude for the gifts beneath the actions; they both set you free. Victim energy perpetuates life happening to you, rather than for you. It continues to create painful experiences until you get the lesson. It is giving your Power to another. If you use the Sacred Rose or other methods to release this energy, it is imperative you fill the empty space created by letting go with Source Love; otherwise the old comes right back and fills the empty space. The old comes with fear, shame, guilt, blame, resentment and other lower emotions that victim energy carries with it. As I have shared before, frequencies continue to accelerate. Before this began occurring, we actually had a rest period, when we could integrate the energies. Now, we integrate as we go; in other words, we integrate the higher frequencies in the Moment we receive them. This could feel stressful, so it helps to meditate and align your body with the incoming energies. You see, meditation helps you keep your vibration high and helps align you to the higher energies. Please know that meditation isn't an action you take one minute and then return to “regular” life the next. Meditation is a continuous way of being in life. Meditation and the higher energies you access during meditation continue as you move through your day. It helps you be aware of all in your life and the underlying messages within every event you encounter/create. Know too that your Heart Chakra is clear, for that is where Soul is connected. All old energies, such as pain, guilt, resentment, shame and other separate ego-based emotions are cleansed in the Solar Plexus, so it is important to keep that chakra clear. As you clear the Solar Plexus, it merges with the Heart Chakra to create a huge Heart that is nothing but Love, Compassion, Understanding, Acceptance and all that Love is. As we evolve, the first and second chakras will also merge with the Heart; this is a part of Embodiment, so that all our feelings, thoughts and physical expression express Soul only...through the Heart. Embodiment is the full immersion of Christ Consciousness; being Christed. When full Embodiment is integrated, all one experiences is Beauty and Oneness. There is no duality; therefore, there is no judgment or separation; all aspects of life are guided, as we express and experience only Love in all we think, say, hear/see and do. As you integrate the high flowing energies and are aligned with them, you will make choices and take actions based on your Heart's Guidance. If you aren't aligned with these energies, there is more physical adjusting such as sleeplessness, headaches, rashes, brain-fog and other physical adjustments...wherever in your body adjustment is required. You can always speak to parts of your affected body and ask what it needs from you. Your physical body is an excellent teacher. It will guide you in perfect ways. (Of course, it is Soul's physical expression!) Pay attention to what you vibrate and resonate with. This can be a place, a person or people, music, food...anything in the environment. Spend more time with what you resonate with and less time with those things that jar you. Things that “jar” you are not aligned with your consciousness; however, they can be excellent teachers as well. You can feel this more strongly now. As we continue to integrate our Embodiment, if something that is old comes up, celebrate! Once we can see and feel it, we can then shift and transform it. If it remains in the subconscious and out of sight, it continues to create and we wonder, “What am I doing wrong; why do I keep experiencing this?!” Of course, this is just one way to look at it; remember, we are multidimensional. There is not just one way to see something. Open your Heart and mind and see the different ways something can express itself. Flow with uncertainty. This is for sure a gift, for you certainly cannot control things when life seems uncertain. And control is a subset of fear. See how things are always unfolding for your benefit? Uncertainty helps you be spontaneous and flow with the unknown. It helps you flow with the many surprises that come with uncertainty. I don't say, “This is what you are experiencing,” for that would put you in a box and paste a label on your forehead. Rather, I suggest that you may experience this or that. We all are in different places of evolving. What you experience may not be what I experience, for we all are experiencing uniquely for ourselves. As we embrace the uniqueness (not specialness, which surely separates) of our own life, we find our own place of Stability and Strength; we find our own center. There is no “cookie-cutter” Ascension. ~ ~ ~ If so guided, your continued tithes are graciously and gratefully accepted. And thank you to those of you who consistently tithe to support this body of work. Tithing is giving from the Heart; creating a consciousness of Prosperity. I am blessed and grateful for each of you! http://www.soulsticerising.com/donate.asp
Angelic Realm: No One and Nothing Is as It Was
Brenda Hoffman, Lifetapestrycreations.com Dear Ones, Some of you have lost friends and family, others have gained new relationships. Such is as it should be during this epic Universal shift. For as you become a different being so do those with whom you interact. No one and nothing is as it was. You are interacting differently with different expectations. Such a dramatic shift in your being is off-putting to some and attractive to others. Even though the global light is shining more brightly, there are some who are not interested in being of the light. And there are others who are frightened of the light, of the shifts their inner-being knows are necessary to be of the light. So it is that some of your closest friends, co-workers, and relatives might shun you for you frighten them. Perhaps that last thought seems horrific for you have depended on these people throughout your transition. You have felt a kindred spirit that helped you run the gauntlet that has been your transition to date. Remember that each of you is evolving in your unique way. So this time is similar to when you graduated from high school or college. You were kindred spirits when you were on the same path, but once those paths began to diverge through different jobs, locations, marriage, and children, you lost track of your ‘forever’ friends and relatives. So it is now. You are starting to create or will soon start to create new relationships more in tune with your unique path. It is not that you love your former friends less, but that you have less to share for they do not understand you just as you do not understand their decisions and paths. The difference in this New Earth is that you will honor their unique path for you know throughout your being that unique is ‘in’, and crowd-pleasing is ‘out’. This is indeed a New Earth with new expectations and directions. In the past, those who did not follow your lead would be judged as not quite ‘up to speed’ or envied. Neither of which is part of your new repertoire. For you will know deep within you that homeless people can produce and expand light just as is true for you. That all are equal with different needs and interests. Interests are based on their inner directions instead of the ‘poor me’ or ‘lucky me’ approach of old. What is horrifying to many now regarding politics is that the love and acceptance of all are not priorities or even necessarily approached. The ‘have’, and ‘have-nots’ are blatantly exposed for all to see. And the ‘haves’ seem to be dancing a jig as they create more rules and laws tampering down the hopes of the ‘have-nots.’ This tampering down will reach a crisis point at which time you will see great multitudes claim their light. For many continue to feel they do not deserve more, so they are not yet able to move beyond what society tells them is possible. But daily, more are beginning to feel their inner-power which will direct them to their personal path of joy and love. So it will be that those in politics and other institutions who believe they are in control will begin acting more and more irrational as they feel their power slipping away. Irrational behavior that will encourage those who are merely dipping their toes in the ocean of freedom to jump in and claim their personal power. For now, all appears lost to those of you already of the light. In truth, all is merely starting to be found. Allow your institutional leaders the choice of jumping in their ocean of love or becoming superfluous as those around them realize that those leaders are similar to the Wizard of OZ with no power. Which returns us to our original theme of friends and family drifting in different directions than is true for you. You know you are never alone which is small comfort when your fears of being wrong come to the forefront – which most often happens when a friend or family member moves outside your close orbit. You will find others more in-tune with you. Allow that to be. And allow yourself to open to new relationships in all forms. For you are no longer a stagnant being nor is anyone else. The energy bursts and shifts are striking all. And it is the choice of all how or if they wish to access them. Some will ignore or deny new energies. Others, such as yourself, will welcome the energies with open arms. Each of you is evolving at the rate and time that is right for you. But as was true when you began your adult life after high school or college, not everyone will continue to be compatible with you. The difference now is that you will begin honoring those who differ from you, instead of judging them. Such activities help you hone your inner-light, as well as help others find their path. For the New Earth energies are not about shoulds and have tos, but “Who am I?” And those who seem to be the most dramatically wrong for you are helping push your being away from judgment to acceptance. For their actions are so blatantly leveled at non-acceptance that your acceptance cells are being pushed far beyond what they have ever been on earth. That is not to say that the current society rulers are more evil than those of the Earth’s historical past, but instead that they are using outdated concepts that you and those of the light cannot understand or agree with. New waves of acceptance are radiating throughout the earth and therefore the Universes to create New Earth, new beings of light and extremely frustrated leaders who have yet to accept that love is greater than fear. So be it. Amen. Parallel Timelines in Play!
Source: Meg Benedicte During the month of April we experienced 5 planets traveling reverse or retrograde, creating an intense review process into the depths of the human psyche. This has brought up many questions regarding the realm of truth and non-truth, or as we call it ‘fake news’. I’ve read multiple articles/posts from a variety of perspectives on this very subject. It has been very revealing! First let’s see if we can all agree on a basic universal principle – we live in a holographic universe of infinite timelines and planes of existence. Within an established timeline exists infinite storylines or sub-holograms that complete the whole. For example: we all agree we live in a current Earth timeline that hosts a variety of sub-holograms of differing races, religions, politics, languages, lifestyles, etc. Let’s extrapolate this further…we exist in a chosen holographic reality available within what our mind can access. Some can only access what their parents/ancestral lineage provides. Others can access beyond the limitations of their birth family, into a vast array of parallel holograms they were exposed to during their development. And then there are others who break the barrier of Earth’s timeline and access infinite universal timelines of infinite possibilities and outcomes. Those who are stuck in limited holograms can be fed ‘fake news’ and believe it to be truth. When the universal mind is blocked, they only rely on the 5 physical senses and their emotional feelings. It doesn’t matter how much you explain to them what exists in the vast universe, their mind cannot conceive it to be true. This leads us to the current crisis at hand, large swaths of civilians who lead their lives in diminished, limited holographic realities. They are easily manipulated by the puppet masters in control. They have very little if any access to their intuitive, psychic, multi-dimensional right brain capacity. We refer to them as the ‘unawakened’. Another large segment of the population are operating humanoid robots – soulless vessels running on ‘personality programs’. They do not have chakra pillars of spiritual life force. They are controlled by the Matrix simulation and function as humans. They have no heart center. I’ve encountered a few of them when working with the general public. They have no conscience. In 1994 my Soul entered an existing incarnation as a ‘Walk-In’. I’ve visited Earth several times in this manner. It allows my Soul to by-pass the Matrix simulation running in the earth plane. Anyone born through the birth canal enters into the Matrix hologram. Being a Walk-In is not an easy maneuver, but I’m able to maintain a clear channel and ‘birds eye view’ of the holograms running here. There is much confusion rampant in the earth plane. What is real and what is false? We are in the midst of a massive global timeline collapse, as we shift into a parallel 5D timeline. The two world timelines are banging against each other, as those firmly locked into the lower earth holograms are rigidly holding onto past beliefs/realities. This is the basis for the current conservative movement – to conserve past holograms, to hang onto the past. It is spreading across international politics and policies, in a last ditched effort to keep the collapsing timeline alive. They are feverishly trying to remove all positive progress achieved in the past 100 years. They are reverting back to the dark ages, when religion controlled every aspect of their lives. They deny scientific progress, climate change and inherent human rights, to name a few. They are behaving like the ‘unawakened’. It is the soulless who perpetuate war, violence, destruction, aggression, competition – they have no heart, no compassion, no empathy. They are killing their own. Clearly we cannot allow these groups to gain power and control over the awakened, universal family of loving beings. It is why we are here at this time. The Light Warriors are assisting with the timeline shift. We beam the spotlight of truth into these false holograms of control and manipulation. We are collapsing the false Matrix to dust. As we move into the final hours of the timeline shift, I recommend focusing your Light on all the positive change occurring in unity consciousness. Spread compassion and Love to those who are awakening but confused. Uplift those who are in despair. Hold the space for continued expansion into the vastness of our 5D timeline. Pull your focus away from the soulless, don’t give them your power. They are artificial intelligence, they are not human. We are here specifically to support Gaia’s ascension into the 5D timeline and support all souls seeking Love, Light and Joy. Namaste! Lovingly, Meg Copyright (c) 2017 Meg Benedicte All Rights Reserved You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice. Source: Meg Benedicte During the month of April we experienced 5 planets traveling reverse or retrograde, creating an intense review process into the depths of the human psyche. This has brought up many questions regarding the realm of truth and non-truth, or as we call it ‘fake news’. I’ve read multiple articles/posts from a variety of perspectives on this very subject. It has been very revealing! First let’s see if we can all agree on a basic universal principle – we live in a holographic universe of infinite timelines and planes of existence. Within an established timeline exists infinite storylines or sub-holograms that complete the whole. For example: we all agree we live in a current Earth timeline that hosts a variety of sub-holograms of differing races, religions, politics, languages, lifestyles, etc. Let’s extrapolate this further…we exist in a chosen holographic reality available within what our mind can access. Some can only access what their parents/ancestral lineage provides. Others can access beyond the limitations of their birth family, into a vast array of parallel holograms they were exposed to during their development. And then there are others who break the barrier of Earth’s timeline and access infinite universal timelines of infinite possibilities and outcomes. Those who are stuck in limited holograms can be fed ‘fake news’ and believe it to be truth. When the universal mind is blocked, they only rely on the 5 physical senses and their emotional feelings. It doesn’t matter how much you explain to them what exists in the vast universe, their mind cannot conceive it to be true. This leads us to the current crisis at hand, large swaths of civilians who lead their lives in diminished, limited holographic realities. They are easily manipulated by the puppet masters in control. They have very little if any access to their intuitive, psychic, multi-dimensional right brain capacity. We refer to them as the ‘unawakened’. Another large segment of the population are operating humanoid robots – soulless vessels running on ‘personality programs’. They do not have chakra pillars of spiritual life force. They are controlled by the Matrix simulation and function as humans. They have no heart center. I’ve encountered a few of them when working with the general public. They have no conscience. In 1994 my Soul entered an existing incarnation as a ‘Walk-In’. I’ve visited Earth several times in this manner. It allows my Soul to by-pass the Matrix simulation running in the earth plane. Anyone born through the birth canal enters into the Matrix hologram. Being a Walk-In is not an easy maneuver, but I’m able to maintain a clear channel and ‘birds eye view’ of the holograms running here. There is much confusion rampant in the earth plane. What is real and what is false? We are in the midst of a massive global timeline collapse, as we shift into a parallel 5D timeline. The two world timelines are banging against each other, as those firmly locked into the lower earth holograms are rigidly holding onto past beliefs/realities. This is the basis for the current conservative movement – to conserve past holograms, to hang onto the past. It is spreading across international politics and policies, in a last ditched effort to keep the collapsing timeline alive. They are feverishly trying to remove all positive progress achieved in the past 100 years. They are reverting back to the dark ages, when religion controlled every aspect of their lives. They deny scientific progress, climate change and inherent human rights, to name a few. They are behaving like the ‘unawakened’. It is the soulless who perpetuate war, violence, destruction, aggression, competition – they have no heart, no compassion, no empathy. They are killing their own. Clearly we cannot allow these groups to gain power and control over the awakened, universal family of loving beings. It is why we are here at this time. The Light Warriors are assisting with the timeline shift. We beam the spotlight of truth into these false holograms of control and manipulation. We are collapsing the false Matrix to dust. As we move into the final hours of the timeline shift, I recommend focusing your Light on all the positive change occurring in unity consciousness. Spread compassion and Love to those who are awakening but confused. Uplift those who are in despair. Hold the space for continued expansion into the vastness of our 5D timeline. Pull your focus away from the soulless, don’t give them your power. They are artificial intelligence, they are not human. We are here specifically to support Gaia’s ascension into the 5D timeline and support all souls seeking Love, Light and Joy. Namaste! Lovingly, Meg Copyright (c) 2017 Meg Benedicte All Rights Reserved You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice. Walking your Own Path and Trusting your Self Completely
article by: Jenny Schiltz at: 19th May 2017 Ascension help, Energy Update, Messages from the guides, My perspective What an amazing and excruciating time it has been. There seems to be an emotional component to this energy that is digging up areas where one feels unworthy, hopeless and that all of this is futile. We need to simply observe this energy and let it pass on through. Some are feeling very misunderstood and even invisible. Understand that this happens as we shift frequencies. If we move higher than the majority around us, it can feel like we are speaking a different language. While this can be disheartening, know that it is proof that you are indeed shifting. Another thing coming up for so many now is the need to trust deeply in one’s own self. That more than ever discernment is the key. If things do not resonate with your soul then simply let them pass on by. With all that is shifting around us, it is very important that one stay centered in their own reality. As humans we can very easily move from our center, our truth and go into another’s. Yet it is this action that actually dis-empowers us, causing much grief. We are learning that we can have compassion for another without buying into their version of reality. I find that I can move easily from my reality of heart centeredness when my children come telling me how they feel they have been wronged or mistreated by others. The mama bear wants to come screaming forward. Yet, they don’t need a mother to commiserate with them, rather they need someone to remind them that in all things, there is an opportunity to grow and that in the big picture, all is in the highest good. We are becoming the shelter in the storm as we pull people into our calm without allowing ourselves to be pulled into the chaos. To remain deeply rooted in our center, we must trust ourselves completely and stay on our own path. It is understanding that we all have our own truth, our own personal hologram of the experience we want on earth and we each create our own reality while contributing to the collective timeline. The challenge becomes: Can we believe in ourselves, our guidance, and our intuition when all around tells us that we are wrong? As we continue on this journey of embodiment, we must have the courage, the fortitude, and the resilience to trust ourselves completely. The truth is, how can we possibly embody our soul if we don’t completely trust it? I was struggling with the concept of staying on my own path when the universe, as it always does, showed me in more concrete ways. We went hiking over the weekend on an ambitious trail and while I made it up fine, the descent was slow. The skies were threatening a downpour which can be dangerous on steep mountain trails susceptible to run off. Everyone on the trail wanted down as fast as possible. I am a slow hiker and to accommodate those with the ability to run, I kept moving from the center solid lane, over to the high side. This part of the trail was not even and I tweaked my knee, bad. It swelled quickly and each step was painful as I struggled to bend the knee. My husband came back to me as he was up ahead with our daughter. He saw my pain and labored walk and I told him what happened. He looked at me and says – You stay in your own lane, don’t move from that center. If people choose to run, they can go around you. A few minutes passed and another group of young runners came up and my husband looks at me and says “STAY IN YOUR OWN LANE”. At that moment it clicked and if I didn’t hurt so badly, I would have laughed. I had moved from my center, I had accommodated another, didn’t honor myself and got injured and completely caught in that downpour. My safety is to stay in my center, in my truth completely connected to my soul. The universe definitely tested my new found resolve to stay in my center. I read an article that the Schumann resonance had spiked and I went within confirming that there was a spike and was told how it was affecting people. I published a blog stating that there was a spike and what it meant for us physically and mentally. While most resonated with the piece and corroborated the effects being experienced, there has been much buzz about the science behind the spike. This absolutely caused me to go into doubt as I am not science minded and I drove my team crazy confirming again and again that I heard correctly. They explained that much is changing on our planet with the frequencies and technologies and much will be released moving forward that will not be understood, believed and it may simply be squashed. What I have come to realize is that I have no clue what the truth is. The more I look at the world around us and how much is fabricated, it is so hard to discern the truth. That is the point I feel, to destabilize us completely so that we give over autonomy to some power perceived greater than us. We have meteorologists who can’t report on chemtrails without the fearing job or tenure loss. We have newscasters that can’t speak about the fabrications without fear of reprisal. We have heard that live feed from space has been manipulated through the time delay and those that report it are ridiculed. We know that there is frequency warfare taking place, which may explain the spikes, yet it is not acknowledged in the mainstream. For every argument there is a counter argument and it is the perfect set up to keep people arguing for or against something. It creates so much distraction and ego. The spiritual community is not immune to this at all and it is happening in every community. Even with all this, I have the firm belief that all is in service to the Divine and what has been hidden is now a catalyst for great awakening. However, it does mean that we must use our discernment and run everything by our own gut, our own intuition. All I, or any of us have is our own inner guidance and our task is to make it as clear a connection as possible. This is where staying in our own lane is essential. We must trust ourselves completely in spite of all around us pointing to the contrary. As my higher self said “Why would you allow a blind man to tell you what a rainbow looks like?” With so many agendas and distortions running amok in our world, we must take what resonates, relate it to our own truth and simply walk away from the rest. The purpose of this is greater than we may realize. New healing modalities are coming forth that will challenge what was known and accepted previously. I have a client that received a new reiki symbol and has had success using it. If she had doubted the information, she would have stopped the flow of potential coming forward. Our job now is to be strong within ourselves, confident and secure so that we can trust what we receive allowing a much deeper connection with our soul. So much is coming to light and at the same time so much disinformation is out there too. It is up to each of us to determine what resonates within. The only way to really feel what matches our vibration, our frequency is to be centered and in our own lane. This takes practice and I have no doubt in my mind that each of us will be presented with situations that move us from our core, so that we can then see what issues block us from always being centered and the walking embodiment of our soul. Onward we go, growing, learning and exploring. Sending you all much love and support. Jenny Phoenix Rising: The Event, DNA Activations, Global Currency Reset
Greetings Souls of the New Earth! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. We hope you FEEL our LIGHT and LOVE in this message. Phoenix Rising We are most fortunate to be here in these times of great change. Of course many may not see the opportunity that is offered to us now. For now we are able to move not two or three but ten steps forward in our evolution, not just on an individual level but as a collective. Many choose to simply pay attention to areas where they THINK the light is absent, and remain oblivious to the fact that the light has washed all of Earth and continues to expand. Even in those places where darkness appears to be strongest, it is only the light readying to burst out. The old has dissipated, it has been dissolved. What you see now in front of you is a mere memory. The ashes of the old world are being INFUSED WITH NEW DIVINE LIGHT. The Phoenix is rising renewed. A new intention, a new love, a new freedom, a new Earth and humanity is being born now. The Divine Plan is unfolding and humanity is at the center of the show. Millions of years ago in the constellation of Lyra(humanity’s original home), the symbol of the Phoenix was used by the people to let the enemy know that their confederation cannot be destroyed. A symbol of reincarnation and restoration. Returning stronger, brighter, and more resilient than ever before. And this is what is occurring here on our world today. Humanity is rising with the new energies, awareness is returning, restoration has not only begun but IT IS ALL READY SUCCESSFUL. Every human being is about to SEE the great changes unfolding with their own physical eyes. The best advice we can give you now is remain HEART CENTERED. Do not fear or worry about a thing, do not judge, do not try to hold on to anything outside of the self. Just BE and let all else flow as it should. The waiting is over, the time is now. DNA Activations There is zero doubt that great change is happening on all levels, in every cell, in every atom, proton, neutron, electron of your being and the FORCE that powers those elements is also changing within YOU, within ALL. An expansion of awareness, an expansion of the heart’s ability to FEEL and to GIVE more love. A powerful light permeating all of us here on Earth and beyond, and the only thing YOU need to do is CHOOSE LOVE. Think, speak, BE LOVE. Go WITHIN and you will KNOW that a new reality, a new era has begun, the era of light is NOW. As the energies continue to increase, the more refined light entering Earth and touching all of her inhabitants to the core, your DNA in this very moment is turning on like a line of Christmas lights. The only difference is that within your DNA there are hundreds of lines connected to one another, and each of these lines has billions of light bulbs. The 97% of your so called “junk” DNA is coming online FAST. One of the things that many do not take seriously is what they put in their body for nurturing. With your new DNA activating, only PURE FOOD/WATER are accepted by your body. Anything else will only cause harm, slow down your bodies ability to adapt to its original template, it will be like throwing a wrench in your bicycle’s front wheel. Some of the signs of your DNA activating are; Seeking solitude; Tingling on the skull and down your spine; You now see light and geometrical shapes when you close your eyes; Change in your libido and sexual potency; Time speeds up but it also feels like its standing still; Unusual aches and pains throughout your body; Vivid dreams with messages; Short term memory loss; Impatience; Eyes changing(tired, heavy, blurred vision). These are just a few of the signs. I will mention three of the most important things you can do to ease your process of these new activations; 1. Drink plenty of (purified)water throughout the day. 2. Eat fresh, organic, LIGHT(veggies, fruits) foods. 3. Rest as much as you can; yes, lie down and do NOTHING every time you get the chance. The Event The Event has begun as you may have heard from a couple of other sources. The mass arrests continue, the going after of the main people at the top continues and the light forces have been very successful in catching them. The light is increasing as if darkness never was. But in truth there is no darkness, ALL IS LIGHT in many different forms and shapes. Now even the old rulers, the “darkest” ones are beginning to see a reflection of their true inner most essence, LIGHT. They have forgotten about this light, so now they fear it, but cannot hide from it. The arrests, resignations, revealing of advanced technologies, changes in weather patterns, revaluation of currencies, and more, these are all precursors towards the main wave of light that will be released from the Great Central Sun, which will change EVERYTHING in an instant. We are closer than ever before for the main wave to wash over and through Earth and beyond. Though most sources avoid giving dates because they have been and are ridiculed when those dates come and go and nothing happens. Well, for one, I think predictions are fun(laughter), and two, when you predict and keep your thoughts on that one thing, on a certain date, you attract that energy, yes? I tell you now that the Event WILL occur within our year of 2017. Should I narrow it down a bit? We are looking at the Summer Solstice all the way to 10/10/10(2+0+1+7) – 10/10/10 = 30 = 3 – This is the number of EMPOWERMENT, CREATIVITY and ACTION. And indeed it is now the time to find ourselves EXPRESSING all three. The Global Currency Reset Let us first say that the challenges you have faced and sacrifices you have made in the past have paved the way to a favorable future that is imminently to blossom into manifestation. The turning of the key towards the open position has occurred. The Republic has been restored, it is all a matter of making the announcement public. NESARA is ready to be announced. The Global Currency Reset is ready to be released. What you may see now in politics are just games being played by the New Powers That Be. We can say they are just “messing around” with the few remaining Cabal minions. The two know that the light has triumphed, and we have long past the point of no return. What we have been waiting to hear about and see for all these years is to be manifest for us all within a very short period of time. Things will never be the same again on our beloved Earth. Great joy, abundance, and good fortune shall reign and are on your way. There is a very important celebration coming, and YOU will not miss it. So hold your light and feel the change, be ready for the much EXPECTED MIRACLES and MORE. In every thought, word and action let love be your intention. Know that the brightest light shines from within. From heart to heart, KejRaj. http://www.EraOfLight.com
Hello Powerful Love!
What a rollercoaster! Each moment seems different - peace, excitement, fatigue, confusion, energy, clarity, irritation, understanding - the full spectrum of Love! These are the times that a foundation of empowered Love are so beneficial because the ups and downs are prevalent. But it's just movement. I've experienced some interesting Ascension symptoms this month. I noticed my eyes going in and out of focus, and heard this from others as well. A day or two of blurry vision, needing reading glasses, then perfect vision and not needing them at all. Now I'm noticing this same thing for a time frame from hours to minutes. Progress! This month's energy of focus is prevalent in the symptoms, yet it is also about relaxing, knowing when not to over-focus on something so much that you don't allow flow. So the energy is better stated as, "Focus Unfocus Focus!" Enjoy this (light) blast from the past as it pertains to these energies. There is also a link at the bottom of the LightBlast to another one that is the prevalent theme of this time. Have a great week! Much Love, Jamye
Dear Focuser of Love, you are being called to your empowerment. You are being called to Focus your Truth so strongly that you become a dominant vibration in your own life. To find your Truth, you must look within.
All the wonderful information that flows from others, in words of kindness and words of degradation, helps you to find your Truth. You are a unique Being, God in form, informing Life. Do you feel that wisdom? You were not created because God was bored and needed worshipers. You were not created by mistake or mere chemistry. You are a Divine Being, you see that in All Life around you. You were created in such deep Love that your Freedom to choose is unconditional from the broader perspective of Life. Your Truth is as internal as all other perspectives of life. As you Focus, you are choosing your actions and reactions to life and emanating them strongly. That is what Focus does, it is a powerful beam of information. As you are Focusing Truth, you are speaking volumes of quantum information outward into Life. Life responds. Truth is relative and ever changing. What truth you find—as you maintain your open, connective, loving nature! You are available to broader, encompassing truths. For instance the truth of your separation as a being is evident. It is true. You can not think, choose or live for another, you are separate beings. Yet there is a broader, less visible, less solid truth. You are united with All Life. Whether through the collective of humanity, the nurturance of nature or the cosmic heritage of your universe (not to mention the dimensional expanse of your multi-verse!); you are united. You matter, you make a difference, you are important and you are appreciated. Are you Focusing your Truth and observing the response? It comes in the form of synchronicities, or energy alignment. Focus your Love and observe Love’s response. Of course, you are also free to Focus on the truth of anger, war or lack and see that response as well—merely a truth within a broader Truth. Choose your Truth and Focus. That is your primary action in life. React with Love. As we sit to Blast Focusing Truth, we are choosing to broadcast Love throughout the airwaves of earth, the greatest truth in advertising! We are remembering the Divinity of Life and emanating that Truth to all who pass into our awareness. We are loudly Loving in the silence of our transmission. We are empowered, sovereign and deeply connected to All Life, choosing to focus on the greatest Truth of Love. Blast on! ![]() You are Always Wrapped in Wings of Pure Love We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives. For this week's issue, the message from Archangel Gabriel is reminding us that there is never a time when we are not cared for and loved beyond our capacity to understand. The Gabriel Message Card for this Week There is never a time when you are not wrapped in the wings of Pure Love. I remember receiving this message from Archangel Gabriel at a time when I felt very lost and alone. It soothed my heart in a deep and comforting way. So many people feel alone right now, and they don't have a sense of connection to God or the Angels who have supported them throughout lifetimes. It takes intention and some effort to retrain your thoughts to create a focus on this Divine Presence within you. That is why I loved the beautiful visual image of being surrounded in Wings of Pure Love. I could sense with my imagination the feeling of being wrapped in feathers of white light that were imbued with the sweet feeling of Love. I could even imagine that these feathers were brushing away any sadness or pain. I could also taste Divine Love in that little sweetness I sensed at the back of my tongue. There is a quote from Einstein I love: "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution." Through our imagination, we have a powerful tool that will allow us to become creative and open to new levels of consciousness. These images raise our vibrational frequencies and create empowered connections to Source energy and our guidance system. Even though it may not seem very sophisticated, this visualization practice inspires our heart's intelligence. One day a friend and I were walking. She told me that she would receive a white feather whenever she doubted the presence of Angels working in her life. For fun, I said I also wanted a sign like that. Within the next two steps on the path, there lay a fluffy white feather. I still have it. Here it is: Within our hearts is the greatest level of guidance and power that we have ever known. Our heart has more intelligence than our brain (according to Heartmath.org). It is certainly as powerful as that part of us that judges these practices as childlike. In fact, our spirits respond to the magical way in which our inner child is filled with the devotion of the heart. The magic of synchronicity has become the way of the 5th Dimension. When these deep feelings of love and wonder raise our frequency, we become capable of creation at a level we have never before experienced. Devotion becomes a powerful tool to manifest the life we have dreamed of. Allow a little sweetness to enter your very practical, grounded world. Allow the wonder of a child to become your new open-minded approach to life. In Buddhism it is called the Child Mind and is a requirement for allowing yourself to be trained by a wise and enlightened master. Divine Presence, I ask for a sign that I am being guided and blessed in every moment. I want to have such a powerful experience within my heart that I know that I am always being wrapped in Wings of Pure Love. Please help me to open my mind and heart to the universal flow of energy that allows me to have a full experience of the Divine working in my life. In turn, I dedicate my life and all my actions to bringing more Peace into my heart, and into the hearts of all humanity. Thank you God. And so it is. Shanta Gabriel ShantaGabriel.com May 7, 2017 The Gabriel Messages #12 There is never a time when you are not wrapped in the Wings of Pure Love. Dear One, This is a time when the forces of Light and Love are very close to your daily consciousness and you are blessed in a way you have never before known. You have only to turn your attention away from what does not work in your life, and turn toward that which is positive and worthwhile. This may sound simplistic and too good to be true, especially when you have such overwhelming problems in your world today. However, you are not alone. In fact, there is never a time when you are not wrapped in the Wings of Pure Love. Turn your attention to the feeling of love that is hovering around you. With a little imagination, you can even feel the presence of the angelic beings who are working closely with your earth at this time. The Angels carry a vibration very different from your normal world. It is a powerful force of love and light. Imagine being enfolded in this light, with an incredible sense of Divine Love flowing into your heart. Let this love spread throughout your entire body. As this love fills you and surrounds you, your fears begin to drop away, and beauty becomes a greater part of your life. Practice Imagine what it would feel like to be filled with so much beauty and love that it would not matter where you were, or what your physical eyes could see at any moment. You would be basking in the warmth and goodness of the loving presence of the Angels, and this would transform your perception of reality. When you can continue to remember that you are wrapped in Wings of Pure Love, and that you are filled with loving light, you will begin to vibrate at a higher level of consciousness and this in turn will create change in your immediate world, on a physical level. Just this small shift in your awareness can create miracles. To have a "miracle" consciousness is to have an awareness that this is your true state of being. To be in that miraculous glow of love, to trust in the universal flow of your life, and to receive a new level of goodness — this is the way you were meant to live. To actually live this way, however, you must turn the focus of your attention away from problems and troubles toward the essence of God within all things. Sometimes this means that you must close your physical eyes and really feel the Wings of Pure Love surrounding you. So take time every day to turn within yourself to the presence of God and the Angels. Where your attention goes, energy flows. Ask yourself if you are giving more attention to the challenges of your world or to your miraculous link with the Universal Power of good that exists in all things. You are not alone. You have powerful forces available to you in order to begin this transformational work in your life. You have a guardian Angel whose job it is to assist you, and you have the benevolent force of the Divine that is the One Presence within all things. These gifts exist within you, and within all situations occurring in your life. At times it may be difficult to see the gift in your present situation. But there is a gift, and asking to see it will help to bring this awareness to your consciousness. So as you go through your day, keep remembering that you are incredibly loved. Not only by the Divine Presence within all things, but the Angels are with you, blessing you in every moment. Remember also: There is never a time when you are not wrapped in wings of Pure Love. Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel May 7, 2017 ShantaGabriel.com |