Brenda Hoffman, -( written blog)
Dear Ones, Many of you are concerned that you do not feel like a different person. That you somehow missed your calling or direction. Neither is true for your shifts are so rapid as not to be noticeable. Perhaps that last statement feels as if it is just another carrot to maintain your hopes in something that is not happening – a switch and bait, if you will. For if all that is predicted is occurring, would you not have some sort of AHA sensation indicating how different you have become? Such is your belief despite something similar having happened in puberty and continues to happen to you without preparation as you mature. So it is for you once again. You are changing throughout your being – including your physical being – noted only by those who do not interact with you a great deal. You sound, preceive and sense differently. You are not the you that you were just months ago. But because you are noting and interacting with you daily, you cannot detect the difference. Allow yourself to shift as your being dictates instead of trying to reshape or recreate you in the way you feel is right for new you. You could no more dictate your eventual height or weight in puberty, than you can dictate who you are becoming now. Of course, you would prefer that you were the best at whatever you declare is important to you. Just as you wished for a deeper voice or a larger bust in puberty. But the reality is that your inner-being is helping you, the CEO of your totality, create the physical, emotional and spiritual being that is right for new you. There is no need to pine for a different type of spirituality or skill set. Just as there is no need to pine for a different physical or emotional being. You are who you are supposed to be – whether that be younger, older, taller or shorter than you are now. Allow your true self to emerge with all the necessary skills and physical, emotional and spiritual skills that entails. Some of you will be more immersed in spiritual healing or endeavors. Other will perform the same level of service through your physical or emotional skills. Time or frequency travel perhaps seems exciting to you – that is, until you attempt to do so. A bit like many of you were once enamoured of ongoing business travel until you realized how uncomfortable you would be to be running from one airport and hotel room to another. You are all discovering areas of interest. But not all of those interests are part of your new you focus. Those that are, are falling into place in ways you cannot yet imagine. Those that are not, are within your creative grasp for reasons only you know. Perhaps you once fell in love with someone not right for you. Yet, you pined, whined and cried for some time after the relationship ended. Only to discover he or she was not right for you once you found the person who was – that it was a learning process. So it is for you now. You are discovering your true talents and interests. The difference is that you do not have time to experiment with this or that skill or interest. So you will test a particular interest for a day or two only to discover that interest does not feel right. From, “I want to do that” to “That’s not as exciting as I thought and I want to try something else.” So it is that the next few weeks will be about playing with potential interests as you hone your interests and skills. Allow yourself to experiment with new you and you will discover your true being and direction. Curtail your interests and directions and you will continue to wonder who you are. This is your personal experiment time to discover your true self. Play with it. Test it knowing that you can do no wrong other than trying to put yourself in a box that does not feel right – and as a result, soaring to new you. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Copyright 2009-2016, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:
Improving Your Connection To The Divineby Jeff Street
Recently a reader of the my blog, Divine Cosmos, asked me to talk more about how to strengthen one's connection to the Divine — one's higher self, spirit guides, and spiritual family. Although I don't claim to have all the answers I decided to share my thoughts on this subject because it's such an important one — connecting to our higher guidance can dramatically help us on our journeys. And with the ever increasing numbers of souls starting to awaken is seemed like this might be very useful. You Are Always Connected But…The first thing to understand is, even though you may not feel connected, you are always connected to your higher self, spirit guides, and spiritual family — you are never alone. They are always listening and always answering you and sending you messages. It's just a matter of whether you are receiving the messages or not, whether you are hearing the information being communicated. The communication mode can vary. Some people can literally HEAR the messages — they hear the sounds of words (this is called clairaudience). But this is not the case for most of us, at least not yet. For most people the communication and guidance coming from their higher self and guides comes in the form of intuition — thoughts that come to your mind, ideas that pop into your head, and associated feelings. What some have called "the little voice in their head." Keep in mind that spirit usually communicates to us in a whisper — gentle whispers in our head and our heart, it will almost never shout. Because the messages are so subtle, it is very easy not to hear them, or to dismiss them as your imagination. Many people are so busy, and their analytical minds are chattering away so loudly, that they don't notice or hear the subtle messages coming from spirit. If they do notice their rational minds are likely to reject or ignore them. Hence, it feels like there's no connection! And indeed there is no FUNCTIONAL connection — but only because you are failing to receive the messages. Another way that spirit can communicate with you is through signs and symbols delivered to you via the outer world. Often this mode of communication is more concrete and unambiguous than the messages coming through your intuition and spirit uses it as an auxiliary communication channel as appropriate. As usual, you need to be paying attention and trusting what you see and feel for this channel to be effective. More on this later in the article but first let's explore the reasons why you are not receiving your intuitive messages and what you can do about it. The Top 3 Reasons Why You Aren't Receiving MessagesThe top three reasons why you aren't receiving the messages being sent to you are; (1) You're not noticing them because you are too busy and distracted, (2) you're not hearing them because they are getting drowned out by too much mental noise, or (3) You're not trusting them and simply ignoring or rejecting them. Let's dive into each of these in more detail and explore solutions. #1 - Busyness and DistractionPeople often DON'T NOTICE the intuitive messages coming from spirit because they're so busy — and DISTRACTED — by their hectic day to day lives. They're immersed in dealing with issues and chores; interacting with friends, family, coworkers; and dealing with any manner of things and are simply not paying attention for messages from spirit. And these messages are generally very subtle, so you really have to be paying attention to recognize them. We all have busy lives to some extent or another, and we can get very busy for periods of time, and that is to be expected. But if you want to have a good connection with spirit you need to set aside some quiet and alone time, preferably every day. A spell of time where you slow down and relax and allow yourself the opportunity to hear and feel your connection and the messages coming through it. This could be some form of daily meditation if that resonates with you. But any kind of quiet time will work; solo walks in nature, trail running, gardening, whatever. Anything that you enjoy doing that relaxes you and that is relatively mindless will allow the relatively subtle thoughts and feelings of your intuition to be heard. If you can't manage to get some quiet time on a daily basis, don't worry — semi-regularly is just fine. In my personal case, I do not do well with sitting still and quiet, so meditation is out for me. I prefer to take solo walks in nature and in the hills. I don't do these every day but quite frequently. Getting exercise and being in nature seems to reenergize me and some of my best insights, inspirations, and obvious messages come to me before, during, and after these. What works best for you? Please share in the comments section below the article because it might help others with ideas. #2 - Mental NoisePeople often CAN'T HEAR the messages from spirit because their minds are so busy churning away coping with the problems of everyday life. If you are not hearing the voice of your higher self and your guides it may be that you are never quieting your mind enough to hear it. The constant chatter of our analytical and egoic mind is mental noise that can drown out the incoming messages that are being delivered through our intuition. The messages from spirit are like whispers and can be easily be overpowered by our other thoughts, fears, and worries. One must make time on a regular basis to quiet the mind so you can hear the guidance and information coming through from your higher self and guides. Any kind of quiet time will work but the less physical sensory stimuli, the better. Of course, meditation can serve this purpose very well if it resonates with you. It turns down the volume on the mind and reduces worry, stress, and anxiety which are the major sources of noise that interferes with us hearing our divine messages. In meditation you tune out the external world and go inside, which is your portal to the field of consciousness, making it easier to hear the messages from spirit. The eternal essence of all beings is pure consciousness and we are all parts of the one field of consciousness, that's why going within is your connection point. If meditation doesn't work for you then anything that allows you to relax and lets your mind get quieter is good — absolute Zen-like clear mind is not required. Often any repetitive relatively easy mindless task that you enjoy can serve this purpose. Quieting your mind by whatever means on a regular basis it the best first step. This will allow those relatively subtle thoughts and feelings of your intuition to be heard. #3 - Not Trusting Your IntuitionPerhaps the biggest problem in receiving the messages from spirit is that we will notice an incoming message but our rational minds will reject or ignore them. We won't trust that they are meant for us and are meaningful. This is one of the main reasons that people don't FEEL like they have a connection to spirit. They are NOTICING the messages but are promptly ignoring or rejecting them because their rational mind doesn't understand and trust intuitive communication or deems the thoughts and feelings as impractical, unrealistic, silly, or whatever. Developing Trust In Your IntuitionTo establish a functional communication channel with spirit you must learn how to trust your intuition. This is very challenging for many because of the very rational approach that our culture ingrains in us. You can't expect the communication process with spirit to follow rational rules — the rational model of the world was devised from our study of the material world and we are not dealing with the material world here. Try to keep an open mind and pay more attention to your thoughts and feelings as well as things that you see and hear around you. Firstly, It really helps to know that your higher self and guides are always with you (in fact, within you) and that their primary mode of communication with you is through your intuition. You must trust that you are being listened to and answered. And you must trust that you are able to know the answers. Don't expect this trust to develop overnight. It could, but it might require a little time. If you set the intention to achieve a better connection, it will come. Go ahead and tell your higher self, guides, and spiritual family (out loud or in your mind) that you want to establish a good connection with them. Then all you need to do is start paying attention to your thoughts and feelings and things happening outside. Most likely it will start with small coincidences and synchronicities. Make a habit of looking for these and to make note of them. Also, begin to make a habit of asking for what you need. Start with small things that you want to happen that day. The goal is to experience small successes that build your confidence that your communication channel with spirit is open and working. After asking for help with something pay attention to what shows up. Sometimes the answer arrives as the thing you needed, other times a helpful person will show up, or you might stumble upon some relevant or useful information. Often you will be answered by receiving an inspired idea or thought. Sometimes it will be blatantly obvious that the idea must have come from spirit because the idea had absolutely no precedent in your prior thinking — it just came out of the blue. Trust that these are truly messages intended for you from spirit and let yourself gain confidence and experience in how communication with spirit works. Ask For A Sign of Their PresenceOne way to build your confidence and trust is to simply ask them for a sign of their presence. They will deliver a sign to you that they know is the best way to convince you — and it might be something very personal — since they know you better than you know yourself. Some traditional signs that are offered by your angelic guides, as silly as they seem, are putting a coin or feathers in your path, perhaps repeatedly. But honestly, it could be anything so keep an open mind and pay attention. Another way they may indicate their presence to you is through repeating numbers. If you are seeing numbers like 11:11, 444, or any other number that is showing up repeatedly and more often or in quick succession in ways that seem improbable this is very likely a high five from the other side. Repeating numbers are how my guides got my attention initially. After they knew I had noticed the frequent and improbable repeating numbers, then they nudged me to stumble across the book Angel Numbers 101 which explains what they mean. I only had to read the first paragraph of that book, and I realized that this must be what was happening to me. As the book points out, not only will your guides get your attention with the repeating numbers but they can then be used as message codes and allow for an alternate channel of communication that complements and is a fallback to your intuition. Asking for a sign of presence isn't something that you only do when you are initially trying to establish a connection. You can do this whenever you're feeling of connection is waning or when doubt is creeping in, and you need reassurance of their presence. They will be very happy to give you a sign of their presence any time you need reassurance. They want you to trust their messages, and they know how important it is for you to trust their presence. I've done this numerous times myself. I occasionally get busy or stressed out and distracted by my work and the world and I feel like I'm disconnected. When I get in that state I just say out loud… "you know you guys (that's how I refer to my guides.. as you guys) I'm feeling really disconnected and it would be very reassuring to get a sign of your presence." A sign always comes and sometimes in the most amazing and delightful ways! That wraps it up for how to master your primary channel of communication to spirit — your intuitive communication channel. But there is an alternate communication channel that you should be aware of. Alternate Channel of Communication — External Signs and SymbolsAnother way that messages can be delivered to you is via signs and symbols in the outer world. Your guides frequently use this mechanism by presenting to you a picture or symbol, a word or phrase, a song, meaningful numbers, or anything else that serves as a symbolic message. These may appear on license plates, road signs, music playing on the radio, and the like. Unfortunately, most of the time people are not even paying attention to things like this. If they do happen to notice something they'll usually just write it off as a meaningless coincidence. Start paying more attention to the symbols in the outside world and your first impressions of what they might mean. With practice you may perfect recognizing them and begin to trust this symbolic communication channel. Start asking questions and pay attention to what form the answer comes in — it may show up through your intuition as a hunch or inspired idea, but it might come as a sign or symbol. For example, you might see a license plate with some pertinent and meaningful words on it that feels like your answer — trust your feelings and the message. Solidifying Your ConnectionWith trust, patience, and practice using the techniques described you will firmly establish your communication channel to the Divine as many thousands and thousands have already done. And many more are coming online every day, one of which will be you. Spirit is delighted when each of us becomes aware of, and then firmly establishes a connection. It allows them to start guiding us more effectively — and this is what they signed up for, and agreed to do for us when we decided to dive into an incarnation in the Earth game. So they finally get to execute their purpose fully, which is very rewarding and satisfying for them! Enjoy, Jeff @ Consciousness and Shifting - 18-Oct-2016
Kara Schallock - Ascension Notes I wonder often where everyone is consciousness-wise these days. To me, it seems there is so much variety in where one is. Some seem to be flying high, while others appear to be floundering. Some seem to be ignoring everything, pretending, it seems, that nothing at all is occurring within and then some are so entranced by outer life that they are attached to the old matrix. I certainly cannot assume that all fit into a generalized view of things, so all I can do is to share what my current consciousness is and what I am guided to share. I certainly cannot appease everyone for that takes me away from my own focus. What is consciousness? In the old view, it is, according to the Oxford dictionary, 1. The act of being conscious (as opposed to being unconscious); 2. Awareness; perception; 3. The totality of one's thoughts and feelings or a class of these. I actually see an expanded view of all these descriptions. It seems that as we transform the old into the New, we are to transcend and expand perceptions, transform a group of thoughts, beliefs, patterns and emotions and be more than conscious, but fully awake. Consciousness in the New is the extent to which a person truly knows they are Divine. We are all in different degrees of this knowing. To be in full consciousness is to be fully awakened. One's consciousness creates all of life. Your consciousness attracts to you everything and everyone. So truly, there is nothing to figure out. Your consciousness brings to you all you need to know; whether it is something to integrate or release. The only thing you do is build your consciousness. This can be done through meditating, merging with Soul, following your Guidance, taking full Responsibility for all in your life and the list goes on. Receiving readings doesn't do it; all the classes and workshops won't do it. Your consciousness is raised only when you apply all you learn into your life. There is lots of help from your inner Guidance and from those who share their Wisdom and yet until you integrate it into your life, your consciousness remains the same. Consciousness shifts as you do. We have New energies flowing into us and into Earth. As I sit here and write this Note, there is a power outage and pouring rain. My message is that somehow there is a power outage within me and the rain is clearing my cells. You see, everything on the outer is a reflection of the inner. While you may not have a power outage in your outer life, how many feel an inner power outage? Surely if you are not fully in your Power, you are experiencing an inner power outage. I AM thankful for this “outer” power outage as it not only helps me see where I am not standing in my own Power, but it reminds me of how grateful I AM for electricity. We also are receiving power surges within us in different areas of our physical body. I love them, for they remind me of all the energy pouring in. They can also disrupt sleep or create other phenomena, such as headaches; and I AM grateful for all of it. We can move between feeling cold and burning up with heat. The rain is a great cleanser, so as it rains, I AM being cleansed as is Earth. What is your perception? Is the outer world creating the inner or is your inner creating the outer? Remember, you are powerful. Much is speeding up. As you perceive the world, do you see how much is disintegrating, making room for the New? It is a reflection of how much is transforming in our own lives, is it not? All that is not Love or Light is transforming to a higher consciousness. You can rejoice or dread it; it is entirely up to you. Joy helps you rise; dread shuts you down. Much is being finalized, so that we may begin a whole new life. Of course, this is the potential and much depends on how fervently folks hold on to the old matrix and who allows for new birth. As you remove your energy from the old matrix; that of duality, which is certainly what governments and institutions are rife with, you allow the New to be born. Feed what you want to experience and let go of that which no longer serves you. If you feel exhausted, realize that you are moving a lot of energy within. For a while now there has been much perceived chaos and turbulence inside and out and yet the energies have been very transformational. There have been sudden changes, quickly changing circumstances and all of this has found us in a birthing stage; a moment in time/no time when all wethought we were shifts to who we truly are. Who we truly are is Love. Who we truly are is Divine. Who we truly are is pure Light. We are made in the image of Source, yet few truly believe or honor this. Birthing takes time and it takes relaxing into the Flow. It is not a time to push to make it go faster. In fact, pushing goes against the Flow. If you feel challenged, what are the challenges telling you; where are they guiding you to go? Most likely they are telling you to stop struggling and to allow things to be what they are. You may choose to walk away from challenge or you may choose to stay in the challenge. It is up to you. Within each challenge there is a message. What is yours? Yesterday I wrote about competition on my Facebook page, Ascension: The New. Here is what I wrote: “Competition is of the old matrix. There is no "us and them." Politics, governments, sports, business and just about every aspect of culture is based on competition..."us and them." To be New, one must let go of all competition; all aspects of "us and them." The latest example of this is the furor over "immigrants." Aren't we all immigrants? It's based on "us; not them." Even the spiritual community seems to be based in competition. I'm sure if you dig deep you will find many beliefs based on this belief of separation. There is no teacher/student; the minute one sets themselves up as guru or teacher they are saying, "I am different than you. I have what you want. Follow Me." Please do let it all go and realize that in the Higher Truth there is no competition, no separation, no us and them; we are One. Period.” “I’m Not Going to Take it Anymore!” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for
Brenda Hoffman Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information. Dear Ones, It’s time to use your new skills developed as a result of discovering more about new you. Even though many of you remain in disbelief that you are any different from that which was true five years or even one month ago, such is an accurate assessment of who you now are. Perhaps you do not feel that difference for a variety of reasons – most notably that new you is the CEO of your totality. So new you is dominantly you with new helpers and assistants. You have transitioned beyond your guides, angels, and most of your council – for you are a member of your council with greater transition knowledge than any other member. So it is that even though we of the ethers can prod you and give you hints here and there, as you develop more clearly into new you, we can no longer fully comprehend your capabilities. Perhaps it would be easier to understand if you remember how filled with joy you were the first time you held your infant son or daughter knowing that they were a unique individual but not sure what they would experience throughout their life. So it is for us. We love you dearly, but we do not comprehend how your past, present, and future experiences will ‘play out’ during or after this transition. You are a new Universal entity – just beginning to realize that kicking your feet and feeling with your fingers is enjoyable. Yes, you are in the baby stage of your new creation – for you created new you. But a baby stage far more developed than anything you can imagine. For many of you, personal computers are a relatively new invention. Yet, your children and grandchildren cannot comprehend life without computers, nor do they have a fear of computer technology for they were computer savvy before they were born. Such is how your skills and paths will become commonplace among those of the future. But for now, we are speaking to you about your new being and therefore, new skills. Test your new skills for you can do no wrong in doing so. What is your dominant thought this moment? Is it an ongoing dream, fear, or request? That thought is that with which you will test your skills. Perhaps you have no idea what we are speaking of for your dominant thought seems unattainable. For many such is true, but not for you. Granted, your new skills will feel somewhat cumbersome, perhaps even difficult at first. Just as infants have difficulties picking up small objects or crawling until they have practiced a bit. You declared self-love and therefore, greatly expanded your personal repertoire. Now it is time to act upon those skills. The first months or weeks of your new skill experiences will seem somewhat unwieldy just as when as an infant you were given a rattle that you waved so wildly you hit your head. You did not give up until you learned how to shake that rattle. And once you did, you moved to other objects, others skills. So it is for you now. Stop for just a moment to crystallize your dream; your dominant need within your being. And KNOW you have the skills to achieve it. Some of you are questioning that thought for your dominant need is to have another person love or accept you. Ah. What you truly wish for is the experience of love or acceptance. For if another were to appear that produced the same feelings within you as is true for your current love object, you would be joyous. So it is that it is beyond time to wish for a certain someone or something – and instead to generalize what you are dreaming of. It is no longer your concern how that dream is fulfilled for you are now a natural creator. Creating those sensations you dream of in the way most right for your being. You no longer need to be concerned about the specifics. Such as was true of 3D when your creative skills were limited to focussing on one item long enough to create at least a portion of what you wanted, as well as allowing you to retain some of your creation skills. Now that you are no longer boxed in with the shoulds and have tos of 3D, you are free to create those pieces right for new you. Which seems somewhat difficult because you feel little different from just months ago. Yet, you opened your being to a new totality with new creation skills. Perhaps those skills need a bit of honing – just as is true for an infant with a rattle. But also just as true as for an infant, your world of possibilities is so vast as to not be tallied now or at any time in the future. Think of the first time your infant eyes focussed. And then imagine all that happened to infant you following that. Such is your world now. It is so far beyond any past expectations that it is no longer definable. That is new you. That is the you who no longer needs in-depth assistance to forge ahead. For you are creating a new world and new Universes as you deploy your new talents in ways no one, least of all you, can now imagine. Allow that to be. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog and Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Copyright © 2009-2016, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: EARTH CHANGES AND REVELATION ~ A QHHT SESSION STORY BY SUZANNE SPOONER
Posted on October 14, 2016 By suzannespooner Hi Everyone, Last week I gave a QHHT session to a lovely young woman. She is a doctor but taking a leave because she feels there is something bigger she should be doing. Her High Self gave interesting updates to the current Earth changes that I thought would be good to share. Many of us can relate to the understandings and advice her High Self gave and perhaps can shift our belief about depression. Buddha In the first past life she was with the Buddha on a mountain with other enlightened monks. The Buddha was telling them that they would need to be reborn when the time was right. She was very sad and emotional to leave the Buddha. Her High Self explained: She had a contract with the Buddha to come to Earth when needed. She will change many peoples lives. There is a Great Change coming. She is to be a collector of information and to heal herself. She will use all of this together for integration and healing to help others. She had been completely enlightened in her lifetime with the Buddha, she did not have to come back and could have remained in the light. She was chosen and she has the capacity to take the suffering from the collective, she takes it on as her own and she has the capacity to heal them. As she heals herself, she heals others (the collective). Earth Changes and Feelings of Depression Explained She asks about the Earth changes and moving into the 5D Earth. She is highly sensitive and every time there is a big shift or frequency change she gets into a depression mode because her body is trying to purge and match to the Earth vibration. This is normal and she should not judge. It truly is not depression. Whenever there is a shift in a body you need time to adjust. You have low energy and the body needs rest. There have been lots and lots of frequency changes, especially this year. She needed time to rest and come up to a higher frequency and it is ok, it is normal and she should not call that a depression. What exactly is changing in her body with these frequency changes? A lot of the DNA is restructuring. A lot of karma is being forgiven, extracted. A lot of DNA that is not discovered is being constructed. The different world will come. The Different World What is your understanding of the different world? A lot of people are awakening. Big change is coming. From your perspective what will the big changes be like? Initially big chaos. But after that it will be the Golden Age. Why does the chaos need to happen?Just like our physical bodies, Mother Earth needs purging and healing. Because of that, there will be changes on Earth. Just like going through an illness and recovering; it is the same process. What will the chaos look like to the humans on the planet? Fear at first but a lot of awakened ones know it is going to be ok. A lot of awakened ones will know that no matter what happens you are all ok. Only the unawakened ones will fear. They will decide to drop off and go to another 3rd dimension. Will the current planet of Earth be the ‘New’ Earth? Yes. And when will the planet be changing to the 5D? A lot of things will happen next year but some will start in December of this year. What will we notice happening in December of 2016? At first a lot of chaos and darkness. Black, orange, red. But the changes will continue throughout next year. A lot of new construction and new things will start to emerge. By 2025 a lot of new things will be done. What causes the black, orange and red I wonder? Some shift on Earth will be earthquakes, volcanos. Earth Changes From your perspective how is Earth doing with all these changes right now? There is still a lot of struggling. There are dark forces that are afraid to let go. They are holding on but don’t worry. Everyone eventually will move to 5D. The Earth will move and everything is good. When Earth moves will it be a gradual or sudden change? It will be sudden at first and then gradual. Immediately after the sudden change what will we notice? A lot of chaos, disbelief and a lot of anger! Why anger? Because you have all been lied to. You have been taken. A lot of your rights…You have been manipulated. How will that be revealed to the people, I wonder? Through the chaos, all truth will come out. There will be a group of people. There are a lot of groups of people that already know the truth and eventually the mass will know the truth and along with that there will be a lot of new technologies that will be revealed. The new technologies are already here. Is there anything she didn’t ask that you wish she would have? All this suffering is an illusion. She should always remember to love and love herself. She should not be the victim, she should be the master. And all the things that life throws at her? It isn’t about what gets thrown at her it’s about how she solves the problem that is important, so have a good time with that! It is important to live in the Now Moment; meditation, acupuncture & yoga help to this. How should she live the highest version of herself? She should take one day at a time. Copyright © 2016 by Suzanne Spooner. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete with the links below. UMP Website: TAUK Website: You can only Love God by loving yourselves!10/12/2016 by John Smallman
Audio Player 00:00 08:48 Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. Saul Audio Blog for Wednesday October 12th All are loved. There are no exceptions. All are children of the Divine One. Nothing can change that because God, Source, Love – choose whatever word works best for you, resonates most powerfully with you to signify the Supreme Intelligence of infinite Love – eternally and without conditions loves all that It creates. Choosing not to love even one other person, however unlovable they may appear to be, is in fact a choice to remain separated from God, from yourself, and from all of creation. It intensifies your own sense of abandonment, of worthlessness, and of terror – terror because separation, were it possible, would be eternally terminal. That terror is deeply buried way below your conscious level of awareness. If it were not, and if it were believed, it would cause insanity. You do need to remind yourselves at least daily that you are Divine Beings created in infinite and eternal Love, and realize that your lack of knowing that, of feeling that, is a choice that you made and that you can reverse. How? Go within, to that holy inner space where the flame of divine Love burns eternally on your own personal altar, and open yourselves to the Love that awaits you there, wishing only to enfold you within Itself in every moment. Many of you do, but you have great difficulty in releasing your strongly ingrained belief in your unworthiness in the eyes of God! You turn away in fear of rejection. The thought of rejection by God is endemic within humanity! That thought is part of the illusion and part of practically every human culture. However, it is utterly invalid. That Insane Thought Must Be Released! Only you can do that. If you refuse to love yourselves, as is the case with so many of you, then the love offered by others is ineffectual because ego-driven thoughts arise when love is offered telling you that you are unworthy. You perhaps think: “Why on Earth would anyone love me, they surely see how unlovable I am.” And, of course, to not Love yourselves is also a refusal to Love God! Each and everyone of you is eternally and inseparably One with God. You can only Love God by loving yourselves! It really is that simple. Trust God! He trusts you implicitly because He knows that you are His perfect children, incapable of anything but Love. Release your fear of Him, your sense of worthlessness, of inadequacy, of sinfulness, and open your hearts to allow His infinite Love to enfold you, embrace you, comfort you, and fill you with joy! There is only Love. You are being repeatedly told this by channels, by mediums, by psychics, by mystics, by sages, by any number of wise and loving beings, and yet you dismiss this unalterable Truth, considering it “woo woo,” unreal, and impractical in the everyday world you appear to inhabit. But have your “more practical” approaches to the problems and issues with which life in the illusion presents you proved effective? As your history clearly shows you, they have not. Nor will they, because those “more practical” approaches rely on conflict, and that always invites more conflict leading to an endless feed back loop of further, endless conflict. The reason it seems to you that Love could not work, and is inappropriate and impracticable in attempting to resolve your human issues, is because you do not engage with It fully and trust It, but instead, even when you feel like trying, you keep a very firm hold on the right to engage in conflict if you think that might be necessary. And that mind-set always results in conflict because that is what you want. You believe that you are right and that the other is wrong and you use conflict to punish the other and prove your point. Is that not completely insane? You always have a choice – to choose Love or fear – and your egos excel in choosing fear, and then, when possible, enjoy making preemptive strikes to keep you “safe,” but the only safety lies in God. To be right is to be wrong, because when you make judgments you are choosing fear and conflict. The righteousclaim that if the wrongdoers would desist then they, the righteous ones, would not have to start a conflict to put matters to right. But as both sides to a conflict consider themselves to be right there can be no meaningful resolution. Let go of righteousness, forgive yourselves for making judgments and stop doing so, then allow Love to show the way to harmonious and totally practical resolution. When you honestly engage with one another lovingly and transparently practical and uplifting solutions always arise. It is your personal egotistical agendas, intentionally disguised and hidden, that destroy agreements supposedly made in good faith when what was hidden is revealed and trust is once again demolished. The only message you receive from the spiritual realms, and which has been repeated again and again over the eons, is that Love is the only answer that will provide meaningful resolutions to the issues that beset humanity. Finally that message is being heard, acknowledged, and acted upon. Humanity is experiencing a massive and world-wide spiritual awakening, a growing awareness that there is a spiritual meaning to life and that it is the only meaning. All else is distraction, and the distractions that have enticed and enslaved you for so long no longer appeal. As you focus more and more intently on your true nature, Love, and find that It is completely effective, the distractions no longer distract you because Love, when recognized and engaged with, provides in abundance a sense of peace, contentment, and joy that youabsolutely know is Real, dissolving all the other ephemeral and distracting desires that you have been seeking and sometimes finding, and yet which have in the end always disappointed you. You are, as I have already mentioned, infinitely powerful divine beings, and your heartfelt desires can only be satisfied by being in the Presence of God, by being One with God. And truly you have never left that state, you just drew a veil over it in order to play dream games, sometimes of a quite horrific nature, in the illusion. Now you have chosen to awaken and return to joy, and as that is God’s Will for you, then you willawaken. With so very much love, Saul. Mastering the Merger: the dissolution of identity
Lauren C. Gorgo, It’s official. September 2016 was the l o n g e s t month in the history of everness. In some ways it was also the most excruciating, and yet, because we have spent so many years preparing for the ultimate (and repetitive) death that we would all have to walk thru last month, there was also a growing sense of capability…maybe even mastery…as we persevered thru some of the oldest demons of our existence one last time. For those of you who took a final inventory of your most ancient wounds and have fully realized your wholeness…i.e. that the defragmentation (read: self-healing) journey is officially over…the door to your new reality is now opening. This month we begin to make our way into the next 9 year cycle of our divine-human mastery, one that no longer requires suffering in order to evolve/expand/experience life on earth. It may not feel that way yet as we have been hollowed to a point of near non-existence, but we are still pivoting from empty to full…refilling our LOVE cups with only what’s true. It will continue to be a slow and steady strengthening but our new beginnings are anchoring and we are starting to tap into the new potentials that are fully aligned with our soul’s truth. The dissolution of identity is the ability to live in full truth without having to name it.CLICK TO TWEET As we dissolve our old world identity the new world opens to us which is why we waded thru the death of our past self/life for 30 very long, very thorough days…at least half of which we spent engulfed in seas of uncertainty and non-meaning. For those inquiring, this encompassing process is why I chose to not to write a report for September as something so BIG has so completely ended that I found myself literally unable to speak on it while in it…which I guess says more than any words could have possibly conveyed. That said, this report ended up significantly longer than most (sorry ) so September found its way into my October after all, just in it’s own timing. I will call this unexpected amalgamation of months my Septober report. NOTE: For those of you who were inquiring about my well being, thank you and sorry to cause you concern. It was a deeply challenging month for me on a personal level and I needed to completelywithdraw in order to get my bearings, to be able to understand what was taking place to the point that I could speak on it with clarity. Tho I only write when called, I know this stretched some of you beyond your comfort zones and I thank you all for your patience during what amounted to be a very heartbreaking moment in my life. Until now, every thought/word/deed was literally devoid of meaning and riding that cycle out with awareness brought us all to a place where we can now begin to understand what we’ve all just been thru, why, and where we are now headed…which will ultimately amount to the materialization of our most recent transformation: creating/learning/practicing new ways of relating and responding to life, devoid of karmic participation, as we bridge our once ‘spiritual world’ with the material. It’s time now to experience a new/true physical expression of Self and so last month was akin to a grand finale moment for many, a last hurrah and final foray in separation…not just the finality of the year, or even the last 9 years…but of lifetime after lifetime of painful/limiting karmic and repetitious patterns. And while that sounds super great on paper, the reality is that this cycle is/was not going out without a fight… The equinox followed up by the recent (black) new moon in Libra has seen to it that we are/were all presented with a last minute sobering dose of truth…an inner-awakening of falsity that in some cases we had no idea we were upholding, and if we did, it wasn’t until now that we understood why. In order to complete our sojourn in duality we are all being called in one way or another to rip off the bandaid covering our deepest wounds and own up to past choices that may have felt true at the time, but now require us to balance out the effects of our unconscious cause. The amazing news is that any cold hard consequences that we were (long ago) misguided into be-lie-ving to be our truth, while razor sharp, have finally presented us with the opportunity for radical, permanent change. For the remaining months of 2016 we will all be held to our new truth, asked repetitively to act on it…to make certain that we honor our heart & inner-authority over “outer/other” in order to carve out the new (neural) pathway bridging us to the new world/year. The light at the end of the death/birth tunnel (eclipse portal) has called all those who are purged of density back Home and now that we are beyond September and can view it more objectively (?) we will begin to notice just how much dead weight we actually dropped. We all know by now that to get thru the eye of the needle means no attachments to 3D, but what we found last month is that even the t-i-n-i-e-s-t little thoughts/feelings/actions that maintained a false sense of security have/had to be relinquished, given over for our greater good. In some cases we were even forced to let go of our attachments to letting go. In the best cases this meant finding a new outcome to our most painful past experiences….facing our fears with brand new perspectives in lieu of over-identification with our wounding. The extent to which we were successful at this last month will see a radical shift in consciousness this month and onward as the phase of seeking lost parts of ourselves ends and the journey of living spontaneously, courageously, empowered As LOVE begins in earnest. Where September may have felt like the (old) world was closing in on us, October will feel like a whole new world is opening up to us. Because it is. [section protected: to read FULL report & comments see membership OPTIONS & PRICING ]– ©As LOVE, Inc. 2016 All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy and redistribute The 5D Report’s FREE VERSION ONLY on the condition that the content remains complete, intact, full credit is given to the author, and that it’s distributed freely. Straight From The Heart - October 4, 2016 Straight From The Heart by Valerie Donner Poem By Valerie: Fun in the Skies A Message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council "Like" Us on Facebook!Dear Ground Crew, Time is flying and we are rising up into the fourth dimension. The intensity is increasing. The old 3D world feels insane at times. “Things aren’t the way they used to be and the old life is slipping away,” stated Vidya Frazier. How did we take it seriously? It’s the lower vibration that we are leaving. We are watching it implode upon itself. Why are we taking ourselves seriously? Whatever is vibrating at the lower consciousness is asking us to release it. Let’s put it to bed like the little child within and say “Good night.” It has been a long and wild ride. We have been told by some that beginning in September, life would no longer be the way it was. Can you see this occurring? Here in the San Francisco bay area it is usually warm at this time of the year. Today we had rain and I turned on my heater. Usually the heater doesn’t go on until the end of October. It might also be obvious in the news when we see Wells Fargo Bank getting some consequences for their bad business practices. Maybe the good old boys won’t be able to keep their cronies protected from an already angry public that still remembers 2008. This is getting exciting. Last month I wrote about our galactic friends. Guess what happened to me! On September 20 while preparing to drive about 20 miles away to do a class, I was making dinner in my kitchen. All of a sudden a while light flashed me right in front of the stove. This had never happened before and I am not near a window where the light from the sun could shine on a car and end up in my kitchen. When I went out to drive to my class I looked in the sky and there was many ships of all shapes and sizes including mother ships. I was thrilled and kept driving to class while gawking all the way. The ships were also in the area where I was going to do my class. I felt tremendous loving energy too the whole evening. A couple of days later a friend who knew about the experience asked our teacher Archangel Gabriel (Benu through Karen Cook) in a personal session what happened in my kitchen. He told her it was from one of the commanders on a Pleiadian ship. Yes, we have friends in high places, ground crew, and they are making themselves more evident. On top of that, last Thursday night when I went out to get my garbage cans, I said, “I wonder who is going to strobe me now?” I looked up in the sky and I saw two good sized flashes of light. They heard me! How fun is that? Back to top Fun in the Skies By Valerie Donner We’ve got friends in high places; Just look to the skies. You could discover A new world with your eyes. They come and go And strobe those in the know. They go very fast And can make themselves glow. Our fun in the skies Is just beginning. We knew it would happen; That we will be winning. Let’s ride across town In sheer delight While the Galactic’s show us Some things about flight. It will be fun to be on board, To dance through the skies, To have fun with our friends And to dispel the lies. Let your heart sing with joy As more and more The truth will come out That will end the lore. There is more to learn, More love to be found. Let’s give the Galactic’s The sign to land on the ground. © 2016 The Ground Crew Back to top In a session with Archangel Gabriel last month I asked him about the planetary state of affairs. He said, “The planet is moving into the fourth dimension, and again he said you can’t take your old stuff with you. The fifth dimension is not really a dimension that you will live in, it is more like a reserve of pure energy. You will move from the fourth dimension to the sixth dimension where it will be stronger energies than the fourth and more intense.” This is why we are feeling greater intensity now and we are clearing out more things so life is becoming different now. We have to do our work. “There will not be a financial collapse although it could get a little ‘rocky.’” According to Gabriel, some of the cabal’s children do not like the way their parents are behaving. Right now about 18% of them have turned to the light. Planet X with the Annuki is not here yet. We know there is a lot of disinformation on the internet. As lightworkers we can be too trusting because we are trustworthy. That is why I told you some of the information from Gabriel. Please be discerning. “Very few lightworkers are doing their homework,” per Gabriel. It sounds like we need to step it up. Even though many of us have been working on ourselves for years most of us still have a little more clearing to do. Last month I attended a four day conference on “The New Paradigm Shift, by in Berkeley California. The information was voluminous so if you are interested you can purchase the videos from all of the interesting talks. I have been researching some of the best ways to do the clearings. Here’s some ideas: is a good website if you want to learn more about ascension symptoms. She has written two books on the subject. According to Gordon Asher Davidson, author of “The Transfiguration of our World,“ The Galactic’s are increasing the spiritual energy and their communication with us. The dark forces can’t stand the higher frequencies. There has been a huge shift in the last three to four years. The cabal’s power continues to go down. It’s being called a ‘cosmic sort.’ The heart of humanity is sound. The amount of light and love that is being released is what the masters look at and match us with a light grant. ( A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner October 3, 2016 Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. As most of you know I am working full time with the Earth Council as the earth proceeds with the ascension process. Some of you may wonder how you are progressing. We want to tell you that you are doing well, better than you think. We see it from a global perspective and you only get bits and pieces according to how you are feeling and what is being revealed in the scope of your experience. Since we have a broader perspective we can tell you that there is a huge acceleration of energies. You are on the fast track. If you look at the political turmoil in the U.S. as well as around the planet you can see the melting down of the third dimension. We watch with dismay at what is occurring and being said to the public. We also see what is going on behind the scenes and tell you that there is a lot of scurrying about of the dark forces. They are feeling untold pressure to remain in control for they know they are losing it. We have a plan to corral them since they need to either adjust to the light or make other choices. The dark forces are blocked in their ability to understand that are many people in the world who have serious needs that some of their money could help. We find this incredible since they are so myopic they only can remain true to themselves and their desires. The consequences will get more intense for them as the other energies increase in numerous ways. As this channel has told you, we are increasingly active in the skies as well as on the planet. When we come with some of our fleets to various areas we are working in different ways. Partly we keep tabs on the populace, check on how you are doing and what you need, and we clear out the atmosphere where it continues to be polluted through unnatural means. We show you that we love you and care about you so we ask you to keep your eyes in the skies. We come in ways, shapes and forms that are mostly cloud like and you can feel our energy. We are telepathic so you can also talk to us. We will hear you. We appreciate your welcoming energy because we have much to learn together. Work on taking us into your hearts. Feel the love and goodwill that we have for you. Your focus is precious to us because for so long we have not been allowed to communicate the way we have wanted to communicate. This will change and it will not be much longer. Your patience is helpful. We know that many of you are feeling exhausted and drained from the incarnation on the earth and the cumulative effects from my arduous lifetimes on the earth. We want you to know how much we love the earth and how much the earth loves you. She is most appreciative when you consider her and send her energy in meditation. She will talk with you too if you listen. You are riding the waves of a changing tide. Huge progress is being made. Human kind is on the brink of a new discovery and it is an adventure for all. We can’t wait to be there in person so that we can get to know you and work together to heal the planet. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council Lao Tzu’s Four Rules for Living By Azriel ReShel on Friday September 23rd, 2016 UPLIFT Weekly How to Live an Inspired and Peaceful Life Many centuries ago, Lao Tzu, spoke of the four cardinal virtues, teaching that when we practice them as a way of life, we come to know the truth of the universe. The ancient Chinese master said that living and practicing these teachings can open you to higher wisdom and greater happiness, as they realign you to the source and enable you to access all the powers that source energy has to offer. “When you succeed in connecting your energy with the divine realm through high awareness and the practice of undiscriminating virtue, the transmission of the ultimate subtle truths will follow.” Lao Tzu Lao Tzu means ‘Old Master,’ and he was believed by some to be a God-realised being. The Four Cardinal Virtues are found in the Tao Te Ching, a collection of sayings expounding the principal Taoist teachings. It has 81 short poetic verses packed full of universal wisdom for politics, society, and personal life, and aims to support personal harmony through the right view and understanding of existence. The Tao (also known as the Way or the Dao) has baffled its readers for centuries with its cryptic and deliberate contradictions, yet it offers a profound contemplation to seekers, lending itself to varied interpretations and inner questioning. Lao Tzu means ‘Old Master,’ and he was believed by some to be a God-realised being.“The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name. The Tao is both named and nameless. As nameless it is the origin of all things; as named it is the Mother of 10,000 things. Ever desireless, one can see the mystery; ever desiring, one sees only the manifestations. And the mystery itself is the doorway to all understanding.” ― Wayne W. Dyer, Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao The Tao Te Ching is the basic text of Taoism, but it has also influenced Confucianism and Chinese Buddhism, and is among some of the most translated works in world literature. This powerful text of the Tao, road or way of life, reflects the force of the universe and even the universe itself. While many have tried to make sense of its mystery, one man immersed himself in this text, literally living its wisdom, and then distilled the essence of these ancient mystery teachings for a modern audience. In 2006, the late Wayne Dyer was inspired to spend his entire 65th year reading, researching, and meditating on Lao Tzu’s messages, going into retreat to practice them and ultimately write down the insights he felt Lao Ttzu wanted us to know. Dr Dyer researched ten well respected translations of the text and the result of that life-changing year was his best-selling book Change Your Thoughts—Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao. Affectionately known as the Father of Motivation, Dr Dyer says Lao Tzu’s four cardinal virtues represent the surest way to leave habits and excuses behind and reconnect to your original nature. “The more your life is harmonised with the four virtues, the less you’re controlled by the uncompromising ego.” Dr Dyer says Lao Tzu’s four virtues represent the surest way to leave habits and excuses behind.The Tao encourages us to be in touch with our own selves, particularly our deepest selves, for when you know who you really are, that is when you discover eternal peace. Lao Tzu liked to compare different parts of nature to different virtues. He said, “The best people are like water, which benefits all things and does not compete with them. It stays in lowly places that others reject. This is why it is so similar to the Way (Dao).” Each part of nature can remind us of a quality we admire and should cultivate ourselves—the strength of the mountains, the resilience of trees, the cheerfulness of flowers. We enter life with a seemingly clean slate, a spectacular pathway ahead of us with unlimited potentials and choices. To navigate our lives and get a handle on the challenges and gifts life will throw at us, it is useful to have some sort of compass so that we don’t end up on the rocks or lost at sea. For many people this may be religion, morality, or the belief systems passed down by their family, and they may derive a sense of strength and direction through their strongly held inner compass sourced in this integrity. No matter what happens in life, they’ll always fall back on that maxim, whether it be, for example, to lead from the heart, or to be kind. “To realise the constancy and steadiness in your life is to realise the deep nature of the universe. This realisation is not dependent on any transitory internal or external condition, rather it is an expression of one’s own immutable spiritual nature. The only way to attain the Universal Way is to maintain the integral virtues of the constancy, steadiness and simplicity in one’s daily life.” – Lao Tzu The four cardinal virtues, or rules for living life, can provide a framework for a life filled with inner peace and purpose. A framework for a life filled with inner peace and purpose.1. Reverence for all LifeThis virtue manifests as having unconditional love and positive regard for all creatures in the universe, starting with ourselves, then this will naturally flow out to all others. This reverence is for all life, not just some forms. It is honouring all forms of life, and at its core has an innate spiritual understanding of how the universe truly works – that we are all sparks of the one fire. When we live with reverence for all life, we surrender our need to control and to dominate. We naturally come into heartfelt appreciation and gratitude for all of life. This first virtue is the key to diminishing the ego. “Affirm this as often as you can, for when you see yourself in a loving way, you have nothing but love to extend outward. And the more you love others, the less you need old excuse patterns, particularly those relating to blame.” Wayne Dyer 2. Natural SincerityThis virtue encompasses kindness and authenticity. To me, it has a feeling of compassion and an all-encompassing love for all beings. When we are sincere and act with integrity, we move towards peace and inner tranquility. Our conscience clear, we don’t have the inner niggles over our dishonest actions that can erode a peaceful mind. Much of these four pillars relate to karma, the law of cause and effect, and maintaining equilibrium and impeccability. This virtue is honesty, simplicity, and faithfulness, says Wayne Dyer. It is about being true to yourself and walking your talk. According to Dyer, if you find this challenging, try affirming, “I no longer need to be insincere or dishonest. This is who I am, and this is how I feel.” Having unconditional love and positive regard for all creatures in the universe.3. GentlenessGentleness is a deeply powerful trait. Often interpreted as weakness, gentleness is sensitivity, respect, and reverence for all life. Perhaps this virtue can be summed up by the Dalai Lama who often says; “my religion is very simple, my religion is kindness.” In life, it is far more important to be kind than to be right, and to be kind rather than important. Gentleness is an umbrella for forgiveness, acceptance and love. It is much like the yogic term ahimsa, or non-violence. When we give up being right and being superior, we start accepting ourselves and others, and so much conflict in our lives drops away. “Gentleness generally implies that you no longer have a strong ego-inspired desire to dominate or control others, which allows you to move into a rhythm with the universe. You cooperate with it, much like a surfer who rides with the waves instead of trying to overpower them. Gentleness means accepting life and people as they are, rather than insisting that they be as you are. As you practice living this way, blame disappears and you enjoy a peaceful world.” – Wayne Dyer “My religion is very simple, my religion is kindness.”4. SupportivenessWhen we are supportive of ourselves, with kind words, loving actions and self-care, we are naturally supportive of others. This virtue is the basic tenet of humanity. We are naturally social beings and, at our core, we want to be with others and to help others. Many experiments show how humans are motivated by connection and will move towards this rather than other things. When we give to others, share and support others, we become happy. Our lives become meaningful and our hearts full. Supportiveness is about service. Open hearted service for the sake of helping others and benefiting others, with no thought to our own gain. Supportiveness is also about holding space for another, listening to another, and being there for others. It is radical loving kindness in action. This quote by the poet, Hafiz, sums it up: “Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth ‘you owe me.’” “The greatest joy comes from giving and serving, so replace your habit of focusing exclusively on yourself and what’s in it for you. When you make the shift to supporting others in your life, without expecting anything in return, you’ll think less about what you want and find comfort and joy in the act of giving and serving.” Wayne Dyer Let these four virtues fragrance your life, and notice the grace and ease that will come your way. For each one of these virtues brings in a way of being that is light, graceful and flowing and will help you shed destructive, self defeating patterns that sabotage your inner peace and happiness. “The four cardinal virtues are a road map to the simple truth of the universe. To revere all of life, to live with natural sincerity, to practice gentleness, and to be in service to others is to replicate the energy field from which you originated.” Dr Wayne Dyer |