April 25, 2016 by Lauren C.Gorgo Here we stand on the other side of that robust eclipse journey, chastened but wiser…and holy crap, what a journey it has been. For the first time ever I found myself actually wishing I could return to it…that somehow it felt better (?) inside the birth portal than to be thrusted into the intensity that was waiting for me at the other end. Tumultuous or not, every single one of us has been altered in the most fundamental ways…to the point that we still don’t completely know what that means. April is always a month of obvious transition, both within and in the world around us. It is a time of being suspended between realities, of shedding our old skins and stories while beginning the intuitive foray into new, deeper level truth. Many souls also utilize this powerful energetic window of transition (literally) for their physical departure and so we have all have been deeply letting go in one way or another. We can’t truly be masters of the physical world until/unless we embody our physical form.CLICK TO TWEET With so much intense transformation in so little time it is has been pretty difficult to determine which end is up but from what I am hearing, that familiar ass-over-teacup feeling is about to ground into something very productive. If you are reading this then I am sure you are aware that in just a few days we will be in quite an extraordinary and rare celestial passage as FIVE planets will be retrograde…at once. (Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Pluto & Mercury) Not knowing how to even process this I asked for a clearer understanding of what this will mean for those of us who are deep in the throes of embodiment. What I was given was an image of a bulldozer clearing mountains of rubble from a roadway with the understanding that the next few months are going to provide us with quite an assortment of supportive energies to move some BIG things out of our way in order to clear the path to our new life and purpose…in some pretty permanent ways. Ways that will serve to finally reveal our true nature. It feels like we are being given a really extraordinary opportunity to release, remove, reset, restructure, resurrect so much from our past before we move into the second half of 2016. This reads like a housecleaning of the highest order…even if very literally in that the deeper we descend into our bodies, the more we inhabit our dwelling spaces which always prompts us to let go of more stuff, to eliminate excess and to simplify. For so many years we did not feel “at home” in ourselves or on the planet and that transient feeling of being between worlds has been reflected in our physical homes/living situations and lives. But now, after carving out so much internal space…dissecting & decluttering, detonating & dismantling our entire human existence…we are now ready to create some serious external space, for our new Self to fill in. So just like the Phoenix rising, we get to…erm…sweep up our ashes. Who knew. In the bigger picture, because the new reality system (grid) is now anchored (go team!) we too can finally anchor…both in our bodies and in our true lives. We diligently dedicated ourselves to building the foundation and framework for our new life template, and now we will get to embody it. And because we let go of so much heaviness within, we can now more effortlessly…and with great universal support…bring the world we inhabit into greater alignment to more accurately reflect our hard earned lightness of BEing. We seem to be headed for some very long-awaited cathartic moments…a monumental release of years, if not lifetimes, of spiritual imprisonment.
Posted on April 26, 2016
by NewSunUnity Embracing our sensitivity can make it a strength instead of a weakness Up to 20% of the population are considered to be ‘highly sensitive.’ High sensitivity isn’t a psychological weakness, but is an innate trait…the brains of highly sensitive people are actually wired differently to others Psychologist Elaine N Aron coined the phrase the Highly Sensitive Person, and has been researching sensitivity since 1991. She is a pioneer in the study of sensitivity and has written widely about it. People across the globe are relating to her identification of this innate trait of sensitivity and her work has opened up hope for those who felt they didn’t fit in to the world today, to feel valuable, unique and to accept themselves and their sensitivity. Elaine N Aron’s work is revolutionary and visionary. It has created widespread acceptance and understanding of the positive and life-affirming traits of the Highly Sensitive Person, who feels things more deeply than others and are more sensitive to the environment. Alt text hereSome of us are born with highly sensitive brains So what is a Highly Sensitive Person? Highly Sensitive People have nervous systems that are more sensitive than others and they process things more deeply. As a result, they pick up on more information from the environment than the majority of the population. Highly sensitive people: ♦Notice and are affected by smells, noises and bright lights (highly sensitive people often don’t like the TV on in the background, or being around people with strong perfume) ♦Pick up easily on the emotions of others ♦Feel overwhelmed by busy days and long to do lists ♦Prefer a meaningful one-on-one talk to speaking with large groups or making small talk ♦Are strongly affected by caffeine, alcohol, drugs, medication and herbs ♦Enjoy their own company, in fact they need down time by themselves to recover from the busy-ness of the world ♦Tend to burn out and develop chronic conditions like chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia ♦Have a rich and deep inner life ♦Were often described as ‘sensitive’ as a child ♦Appreciate creativity, art and music ♦Get overwhelmed and overstimulated in shopping centres and supermarkets ♦Are intuitive and empathetic Highly sensitive people often feel overwhelmed, but are also generally more creative High Sensitivity is not a Weakness It’s important to know that high sensitivity isn’t a diagnosis or an illness. It’s a trait, meaning that we’re born with it. It’s simply a way of describing the workings of the nervous system. I personally identify as a Highly Sensitive Person and have discovered chatting to many of my colleagues, that many other therapists do too. You see, high sensitivity is not a weakness, it’s a strength that makes us intuitive and empathic, and therefore it’s not surprising that it would be common in therapists. Highly sensitive people are in the minority, enough so that we’re often misunderstood and dismissed as overly sensitive, but we’re a large minority, and we have a lot to offer the world. Highly sensitive people often more aware of the subtleties around them Highly sensitive people process the world more deeply and are more aware of subtleties. And as a result we’re also more easily overwhelmed, as we get overstimulated when there’s a lot going on. Our nervous systems are easily over loaded. We need time to ourselves to unwind and unravel from all this stimulation. The challenge that comes with this is that we can get exhausted, overwhelmed and burnt out more quickly than ‘normal’. So fatigue related illness, anxiety, depression and low self esteem and are not uncommon. The up-side of being a HSP is that we are often deeply creative, spiritual, empathic and insightful. We make links between things in the world that other people may miss, and hence we are often thought-leaders and creative-folk. People who embrace and nourish their sensitivity are likely to be happy, healthy and doing wonderful things in the world. People who see their sensitivity as a burden and ignore it, are more likely to end up depressed and wondering why they can’t keep up with rest of the world. Loving life by embracing your sensitivity How to work with the gifts and challenges of being an HSP Dr Elaine N Aron says it’s important to recognise if we’re highly sensitive, so we can make full use of its advantages and compensate for its other effects. Elaine suggests: ♦reviewing our past, and taking note of times when we felt we failed, and reinterpreting the failure in light of being a highly sensitive person in a world that does not cater well for this trait (perhaps we were overstimulated at the time) ♦stop living like a non-sensitive person – you may need more down time and more meaningful work ♦work on your self esteem (our culture largely does not always value high sensitivity, so our self esteem can take a battering at times) ♦help the important people in your life understand your needs as a highly sensitive person♦such as your need for down time and for gentler communication (and that these needs are just who you are, they’re beyond your control) In addition, I believe that it’s also important to have ways to calm the nervous system when it’s over-stimulated. Getting out in nature, curling up in bed with a good book and doing yoga practices like iRest Yoga Nidra and mindful breathing can be a great help. By Lauren Tober
Chadwick Johnson, The W.A.Y. Project
While mindfulness does not directly interfere with the content of the mental activity, it does influence this content. Similar to how reality T.V. stars act slightly different when the cameras are rolling, the mind behaves differently when it is placed under the focus of conscious awareness. In science, the term “observer effect” refers to changes that the act of observation will make on a phenomenon being observed. Similarly, in quantum mechanics, which deals with very small objects, it is not possible to observe a system without changing the system. While that is the extent of my knowledge of quantum physics, my experience has revealed that the same holds true for the observation of one's own mind-movement. When thoughts attack, (creating fear, sadness, depression, anger, boredom, anxiety, etc.) the act of observing those thoughts from a place of detachment causes a shift in the system of thought. In order to observe these thoughts, silently place your attention on the content of your mind-movement as though you were looking in on the thoughts of someone else. As the silent voice in your head speaks on your behalf, take notice from the objective perspective of a scientist conducting an experiment. Feel the sensation of thought and the corresponding feelings in the body. Do not try to affect the outcome of the experiment. Instead, simply observe with patience and openness to whatever may arise. The next time your thoughts go on a negative tangent, silently observe how they change course as a result of your silent and objective observation. Test this hypothesis for yourself. Be still and know... She is no longer disempowered. She is breaking out of the shackles, the too narrow confines, of the boxes she was forced in too long. She is awakening to the depths of her soul, her Being. She is born to the spiraling dance deep within her, anchored into her womb, her very core power, her womanhood. She is the virgin, the independent, the questing, the fearless, the strong, the woman who breaks all the norms and bonds of society. She is the mother, who is born with questing spirit and soul, which refuses to have her offspring squashed at the very core of their soul, by education systems which break the natural creativity of the soul. She is protective of the young, and she allows them to blossom into the genius they were born into as soul. She is the eternal wisdom keeper, the knowing which comes from deep within her. She knows things of yore and beyond even that, and she rides the winds of infinity, cosmically. She is not bound by convention. She laughs at the men and society who try to force her to look like this, to be like this, to squash her into physical forms which take away her natural curvaceous and luscious form and then laughs, at the way they cheapen sexuality, and make women slaves of the whims of mortal man. She knows the dance of her own body, and she loves every curve, everything which shows she is woman – totally woman – and she loves and honors her own body – and revels at her own uniqueness of form. She uses precious oils and perfumes, for they speak to her core feminine soul and she surrounds herself with beauty. She surrounds herself with high energy crystals, and is in tune with Mother Earth. She loves walking barefoot and grounds herself firmly into the Mother who sustains her with her life force. She only allows high frequency people into her life – the ones who are on the same wavelength as she is. She is no longer allowing her own frequencies to be jammed, and then zapped away. She is protective of her own space, and more than this her core inner sacred places, which she will share with no one but him who is worthy of her. She knows that music is healing balm for the soul, and she allows the whole cosmos to sing through her. She is the sound of all which reverberates throughout the cosmos and it is sound of the spiralling dance within and without and in all. She knows and treasures her infinite Divine connection to her own Father and Mother God. Her love for them knows no bounds. She surrenders her life, her being, to the highest possible service. She thrives in doing just that but she keeps crystal clear boundaries, which will not allow others to take advantage of her, nor to abuse her natural kindness and generosity, her loving soul and spirit and to zap her dry – or to stress her out. She knows that she only serve, if her own inner soul is fully there, and present, and fully charged. She is a free spirit. Her soul has no boundaries, she is infinite and cosmic. She consciously works at dissolving the emotional baggage, the pain. She thrives on Grace and Forgiveness, and she knows that the more she sheds of the emotional pain, the more rejuvenated and younger and reborn she becomes. She knows that inner harmony and peace, work better than any beauty treatment, to cure, and that when she is brought back to the very core of her soul, her being, her own inner guidance and knowing always pull her through. She breaks the norm. She stands her ground. She becomes immovable in her determination, her bravery, and her sheer dedication to speak her truth. So long she often could not voice the unspeakable which was happening to her. So often she had to shout her pain and abuse to the heavens, and she was made the scapegoat, the one who had to suffer for the untruths being told about her. She shines in her truth, her integrity, her refusal to wear masks. She is authentic and real. She has no need to hide her own inner soul self. She shines her light and love everywhere. She is growing in her greatness, and she is no longer shrinking from truly living her highest soul purpose and calling, with ALL that she’s got. She is glowing. She is prospering. She is validating herself. She is learning to love ALL of herself, totally, completely, utterly and she thrives being whole and complete. She no longer wishes for a man to validate her, nor does her neediness beg him to love her. She now consciously chooses to rather walk her path alone, not live lies, nor give her own power away. She prays for a man – a real man – a soul-empowered man, who is whole and complete, deep within himself. One who will not cringe away from the Goddess within her, nor from the God within himself? He is whole and complete within himself, as she is whole and complete within herself. She knows that when two wholes meet at last – and God/Goddess how she is looking for him! – That their coming together will be that which heals mankind at the very core. For at last, they are finding the mystical, the hidden truths, the hidden meaning, and the hidden alchemy, which is only granted those who truly know themselves at the core. They have finally conquered their own inner dragons; they are courageous, powerful, and true. Yet that power is carefully harnessed, and the ego is under control. Ego has no place in the core of the greatest love between God and Goddess, as they merge into ONE and the same, in balance, harmony, and profound exquisite beauty – way beyond what mankind understands – for they lost the greater knowing a long time ago. She rises. She dances the spiraling dance. She is the free spirit, the haunting music, the energy which brings about the rebirth, the renewal, the creative force. She is the pure unconditional love. The brilliance of the Fire of Illumination. The catalyst. The Force. The very Soul of the first Soul, the Soul-force of Creation! She is now! She is now! She now! She is pure, purer than pure. (Judith Kusel) http://www.judithkusel.com http://www.judithkusel.wordpress.com YouTube: Judith Kusel Melanie Beckler- Ask-Angels.com
Hey there, As I mentioned in my last email to you, the bright light of the Full Moon is quickly approaching. To be a little more specific, the Full Moon reaches it's peak on Thursday, April 21 at 10:23PM Pacific Time... The energy of this Pink Moon, as it's called in the Farmers Almanac is all about coming into your power by bringing to light the fears, insecurities, and energetic blockages lurking in the shadows of your consciousness. If you feel like there are things coming to light in your life not that you don't like, that you don't want to look at, and really don't want to deal with... This Full Moon's energy is exactly why! These are the things in your life that are needing to be transformed so you can reclaim more of your authentic power, and use your inner light and magic to create blessings in your life. So instead of meeting the shadow dynamics head on, and diving into doubt, drama or despair... Go deeper. Like when pulling weeds... You can just chop off the tops of the weeds and it looks like the work has been done, but if you do this, the roots of the issue are still intact, and the weeds will quickly return. You can also spray weeds with poison, but then you're just contaminating the Earth, and poisoning the fertile ground where new seeds are meant to grow. So the solution? Dig deep. Look deeply within to see and get to the root of the patterns popping up like weeds in your life. Are there past life patterns? Ties to old wounds, timelines, hurts and memories you've been carrying and are now being called to release and let go? See the truth of whatever is happening in your life and with love and presence, ask for clear guidance for your very next step in healing and transforming it. You're supported in experiencing a powerful shift now... It's a powerful time of healing, miracles, and transformation. But you're required to be an active participant in the change. To face the truth and see: are you standing in your power? What needs to change in your life? What can be transformed and where do you simply need to let go? What roots of old pain, density and negativity do you need to pull out? Be willing to let go, and return to love. Because love is the real source of power in life. Love is exactly what will help guide you through.... With love, Melanie Reblogged from Alicia Power, Saturday, April 16, 2016
It takes pure perseverance to keep to one’s hopes and dreams alive - as LIFE gets fast and furious. You may have a picture in your mind of your ideal life – then life gets in the way! Now, your hopes and dreams ARE real. However, they clearly need to be DEEPLY INTEGRATED in your heart, BEFORE they emerge in your reality fully formed. Let’s take an insightful look at this. INTEGRATEDWhat does ‘integrated’ mean? After 40 years of spiritual training, I have found that when we feel deeply into our heart and then have an idea, or from that deep place remember a long lost dream from childhood – these realities can manifest quite quickly. However IF your deep emotional self has not yet formed a relationship with an idea – an emotional relationship, that idea or dream may not match your TRUE DESIRE - and you can find yourself frustrated with your life. – And this is the key. Your authentic TRUE DESIRE may be to simply stop everything in your busy life and to rest. Maybe your true desire is to do absolutely nothing – for a long long time. To recuperate and rejuvenate. If you are a ‘doer’ who loves new creative projects, and you regularly birth new ideas - and the pile of ideas gets higher and higher on your desk… your true hidden longing may be to stop all action. To stop all new emerging ‘latest’ projects, and simply ‘be’. MAGICAnd then – magic happens. In the ‘being’ - more creativity and more ideas are birthed. However in this quiet and healing pause - emerges the REAL HOPE – And it is the hope for love. For love. For loving yourself – just for a minute. Or for a week, or a year. To stop and relax. SO that your deepest self is allowed to speak to your conscious self. Stopping all activity is MUCH more productive in the true soul satisfaction arc of your life. Stopping creates momentum. And momentum is birthed from connection to your deepest self-love and self-respect. Momentum IS real and measured – because WHEN it is birthed from your deepest connection to self, others’ demands and agendas suddenly are not prioritized. There is a recognition that this lifetime matters. And that the ONLY choice in any moment that is correct and soul-satisfying emerges directly from your true deepest heart and soul. Imagine a life where ALL your life moments emerge from YOUR deepest heart connection! Where you consciously recognize that all circumstances in your life gift you a choice of either capitulating to outside demands, or choosing from your heart. LIFETIME PRACTICEIs this a practice of a lifetime? To stay connected to your own inner spirit so that each micro-moment is ‘owned’ by you? Owned by your heart? So that your HEART is living the life IT chooses – moment by moment. This may sound like way too much of a tall order for a mere human. However, this just might be THE true focus of your soul in this lifetime. If you imagine your soul standing before you in your mind’s eye, and in a gentle quiet moment ASK it what it would love you to do in this lifetime – you may find this key to your life is one of its major requests of you! So….. is this valid and valuable? I think so. THE MOST VALUABLE KEYImagine a practice where you alone have responsibility to OPEN your inner awareness to your HEART desires and preferences – each moment of each day. Your heart may be hurt, it may be a long lost part of you that hasn’t been touched or loved or listened to for some time. This need not be a reason to not START ‘being’ with it. ASKING it what it wants - regularly. BUILDING a relationship with its joy – NOTICING its joy. WHAT triggers its joy? And beginning a gentle simple program of love – for that divine part of you. That IS the real you! SACRED PRACTICE If you have children that demand your constant attention – give that attention…. However – LEARN to LOVE yourself exactly in that moment when you choose to answer their needs. Learn to step back inside yourself and feel – in that split second – HOW are you feeling? ARE you feeling angry, powerless, fearful, weary, overwhelmed, sad, unloved, lost or depressed? IF you are, begin changing that moment when you want to give up on yourself. Begin changing that moment when you give up on yourself. Change your INTERNAL reflex – right in that moment. Yes your feelings are real – however there is a choice in there too… And the choice is to be REAL. To be honest – at least with yourself, if not someone outside of you. That moment of TOUCHING your own heart – gets you out of jail. This is a UNIVERSAL LAW. The instant you NOTICE your truth – your personal universe bends to your desire. Try this and notice the shifts quietly changing around you – as you practice SELF-TRUTH. SELF-TRUTH is YOUR weapon against fear, and a life lived in powerlessness to others. This is a potent statement. Yet when you try this process out in your own life you will notice how genuinely powerful this universal law truly is. It is the ultimate reflex of the universe – which waits for YOU to grow and evolve. You may well be alone in your personal classroom – just yourself and ‘god’… Your decision to evolve and grow your inner self-love despite your circumstances WILL be rewarded.Your personal classroom is designed just for you – it matches your secret soul needs to learn particular lessons, peculiar to you and the journey of your soul. However this SELF-TRUTH practice lies at the core of all lessons. For the simple reason that the ultimate truth is – that you ARE alone in this short lifetime. And this time on Earth is for YOU to uncover your core inner power – despite your circumstances. This article has been written directly from my spirit tutors – who observe our journey in our inner worlds, our private inner thoughts. These intelligent beings understand the overview. And the ultimate goal of our souls and our lives. Blessings to you! Alicia Power www.soulmentoring.com Signs of change that you will not hear about in the dark controlled mainstream media for your interest...
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room Posted By: Mr.Ed Date: Sunday, 17-Apr-2016 19:19:20 The Old System: Federal Reserve Bank / Federal Reserve Notes / IMF / SWIFT The New System: AIIB / BRICS / CIPS (The following notes are from this agent to a reader asking about this topic so I will include) I heard Wells Fargo is now owned by the Elders / Dragons who are backing the banks with real gold that they have...after all...they got more gold than anybody else on earth. I also heard Chase is the same deal...and that in the end they will have control over them all. In other words...your $$$ will now be safe there. (like a bank should be) I heard WF went Basel 3 a good while back and I believe it was the 1st bank the good guys were able to buy out. (the bad CEOs went to jail) They say these delays we are experiencing now are due to the further arrests of the bad bankers. This RV is a sting operation as the greedy bad guys are first in line to cash in...but instead get handcuffs. Greed will get you every time. So they want all the sticky fingers removed from the banks so your $$$ will be safe and once they clear the way...the PPs will flow...RV & GCR...and more. All the new system is tied in together with banks becoming Basel 3 compliant (going to Basel 4 soon which is even tighter regulations to keep the banks honest / safe) then you got the BRICS alliance (Brazil / Russia / India / China / South Africa) (more nations have joined Germany & France and eventually they all will) who will basically replace the IMF to move the world funds around. The AIIB (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank) will replace the world banks (now owned by the cabal families) and to replace the SWIFT international wire transfer system (owned by the cabal) with the new CIPS (Cross-Border Inter-Bank Payment System) which is working now along side the old SWIFT system and soon to be weaned off. BTW...they did not like this new idea but were forced to comply or else by the new powers to be. Get ready to prosper soon. This will be an interesting week in history. Nothing to fear...so enjoy the show folks. Mr.Ed :) (The following intel is correct and true IMO) This just in via email from anonymous source. -------- Original Message -------- Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2016 On Tuesday, 19th April 2016, the Chinese will launch the new gold- backed Yuan (the new Chinese currency). They will simultaneously launch a new Chinese electronic payment system so the current western banking system, called “SWIFT electronic payment system”, will not be able to access and exchange the new gold-backed Yuan. The SWIFT system will not be able to exchange gold-backed Yuan for any other currency in the SWIFT system; it will only be convertible on the new Chinese payment system. That is why the chairperson of the Federal Reserve in the USA, Janet Yellen, met with Barack Obama this week. You might think that they meet regularly, but the chairperson of the Federal Reserve only meets with the president on issues on national security. This development which has been several years in the making, and which is now coming to pass, has many implications for everyone on this planet, but especially the people of the United States of America. This new gold-backed currency is likely to be a far more attractive currency exchange and payment system option, as there is an underlying asset backing the currency, whereas the US Dollar is based on debt owed to the banks that is highly leveraged, with little real asset backing. Already there are 188 countries that have agreed to use the new Chinese electronic payment system that comes online on Tuesday. What this means is that the fiat US Dollar will be replaced as the world’s reserve currency by the gold-backed Yuan. Further, what this means is that countries that have “bought” and held US dollars to facilitate trade will repatriate their US dollars back to the Federal Reserve and demand exchange for their own currencies. This will hold dire consequences for the Federal Reserve because they don’t hold sufficient reserves to repay all these countries, and the value of the US Dollar will come crashing down. Printing more US Dollars will not assist the US in a US economic recovery, as they did in 2008. This act by the Chinese may be viewed by the USA as an “act of aggression and war” so the US is considering its options in this regard. Its only real options are a nuclear war with the Chinese, or to accept an “olive branch” from the Chinese to accept the situation and accept the offer from China to back a new treasury issued US Dollar with gold. If the US opts for option 1, it would place the entire US population at grave risk, as well as its allies, and the entire world. If it opts for option 2 it would mean the end of the Federal Reserve System and the old US Dollar. If option 2 is accepted, then there will be an evaluation and revaluation (RV) of the world’s currency system. This will require a shutdown of all banks for a few days, or even weeks. It would also usher in the release of the wealth in the Collateral Accounts, and the World Trust accounts, which will mean a basic income for every man woman and child on the planet, and a forgiveness of all debt (a debt jubilee). I thought I should explain this, although it might seem a little complicated to understand, for it is best you to know and do not panic. It is transpiring ("trance spriraling") soon. rumormillnews.com The Abundance Project
April 13, 2016 Eleanor Roosevelt said that “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent” I am definitely my worst critic. In fact, I am really amazing at it. No one can make me feel lower than myself. Because of this I am very aware of when I start down this path and quickly put a stop to it. Here are 5 ways to remember how amazing you are… Stop comparing yourself to others. We all know that we need to stop trying to “keep up with the Jones’s” Because behind close doors they are usually in the same situation or worse than us. Stop beating yourself up over someone else’ fabricated persona. It has nothing to do with you, and it is very damaging to The Real You. Get Rid of Negative Influences. So while you are getting rid of the “make believe people” I want you to throw out the image of “who you are Supposed to be” ; supposed to be with, supposed to have, supposed to do, supposed to look like. If we could stop trying to live up to some of these damaging ideas and be the real YOU, we would be happier. By eliminating the “supposed to be” you will be able to see the things we are doing right. We will be a better version of ourselves; the loving, positive person that you want around you; be that for yourself and for others Visualize. Its hard to step back and look at ourselves objectively, so next time you have any negative self talk you need to paint a picture in your mind about who that person is. I picture mine as a “mean girl” and then I don’t worry what she has to say because by creating the visual of someone I don’t respect, those cutting words lose their power. Write your problems down. All day long I have a million to do’s in my head, which makes me feel like I’m not accomplishing anything. But take a second, as I have done and make a list of the “millions” of things that are troubling you, and you will see there are not millions. I rarely have more than a couple things in my life that are worth worrying about. Now that you have written your list down, prioritize the list. Not everything is a “TEN” And when you rank them, it always you to see the problem in a different light. “oh that one is really not that big of a deal because it ranked so low on my list. Be your friend. As a mom I try to highlight the importance of this to my children. When my son says, “I’m not that smart, I tell him to stop talking about Jeffrey like that, because I love Jeffrey.” He always laughs, because he knows that he is the Jeffery I am referring to. So next time you hear or think any negative self talk say, “Don’t talk about me that way” You are Amazing, remember that! (also posted in our Hartbridge.ca Health section for your benefit)
David Suzuki The benefits of getting outside (Credit: Anton Bielousov via Flickr) For the most part, our brains didn’t evolve in cities. But in a few decades, almost 70 per cent of the world’s people will live in urban environments. Despite the prosperity we associate with cities, urbanization presents a major health challenge. Cities, with their accelerated pace of life, can be stressful. The results are seen in the brains and behaviour of those raised in cities or currently living in one. On the upside, city dwellers are on average wealthier and receive better health care, nutrition and sanitation than rural residents. On the downside, they experience an increased risk of chronic disease, a more demanding and stressful social environment and greater levels of inequity. In fact, city dwellers have a 21 per cent greater risk for anxiety disorders and a 39 per cent increased likelihood of mood disorders. A study published in Nature links city living with sensitivity to social stress. MRI scans show greater exposure to urban environments can increase activity in the amygdala, a brain structure involved in emotions such as fear and the release of stress-related hormones. According to the study, the amygdala “has been strongly implicated in anxiety disorders, depression, and other behaviours that are increased in cities, such as violence.” The researchers also found people who lived in cities for their first 15 years experienced increased activity in an area of the brain that helps regulate the amygdala. So if you grew up in the city, you’re more likely than those who moved there later in life to have permanently raised sensitivity to stress. Author and professor David Gessner says we’re turning into “fast twitch” animals. It’s like we have an alarm clock going off in our brains every 30 seconds, sapping our ability to concentrate for longer periods of time. The demands of urban life include a constant need to filter information, dodge distractions and make decisions. We give our brains little time to recover. How do we slow things down? Nature seems to be the answer. Cognitive psychologist David Strayer’s hypothesis is that “being in nature allows the prefrontal cortex, the brain’s command centre, to dial down and rest, like an overused muscle.” Research shows even brief interactions with nature can soothe our brains. Stanford’sGregory Bratman designed an experiment in which participants took a 50-minute walk in either a natural or an urban environment. People who took the nature walk experienced decreased anxiety, brooding and negative emotion and increased memory performance. Bratman’s team found walking in natural environments can decrease rumination, the unhealthy but familiar habit of thinking over and over about causes and consequences of negative experiences. Their study also showed neural activity in an area of the brain linked to risk for mental illness was reduced in participants who walked through nature compared with those who walked through an urban environment. Korean researchers investigated the differences in brain activity when volunteers just looked at urban versus natural scenery. For those viewing urban images, MRI scans showed increased blood flow to the amygdala region. In contrast, areas of the brain associated with empathy and altruism lit up for those who viewed natural scenes. In Japan, scientists found people spending time in nature — shinrin-yoku or “forest bathing” — inhale “beneficial bacteria, plant-derived essential oils and negatively-charged ions” which interact with gut bacteria to strengthen the body’s immune system and improve both mental and physical health. Spending time in nature regularly is not a panacea for mental health but it’s an essential component of health and psychological resilience. Nature helps us withstand and recover from life’s challenges. Even city dwellers can find nearby nature — a garden, local park or trail — to give their overworked brains a break. Every spring, the David Suzuki Foundation challenges Canadians to spend more time outside for health and mental well-being. The 30×30 Nature Challenge asks people to commit to spending at least 30 minutes a day in nature for 30 days in May. When you take the 30×30 pledge at 30x30.davidsuzuki.org, you’ll receive the latest research on the health benefits of spending time outdoors along with practical tips on how to add green time to your daily routine. Let’s show our brains — and bodies — some love. Get outside! Jayme Price
Blessed Being, change is constant in life. It is the fact that Time marks. You see change around you and happening to you. You see that the passage of Time has an effect. Rather than change, we could say that movement is constant in Life. From the subatomic to the visible, movement is occurring infinitely. We have said before that the movement of Time is around you and within you. It responds to you, with you, and through you. Your ability to work directly with Time relies on your ability to speak clearly with it, to speak its language, to come to an understanding. This speaking is not with words, it is with vibration. What is vibration but movement? As you observe Time and your life on Earth, you recognize a cycle of movement and rest. You recognize that your body needs a distinct amount of rest from movement to function optimally. It is in these moments of sleep, meditation, and imagination that your biological system is in tune with the language of Time. In these moments, you are Allowing Time, you are connecting with the flow of Time so peacefully, that it nurtures instead of propels. This state of connection—of rest, quiet, calm, and allowing—it is a moment of Conscious Peace. How often do you reach that by choice? Sleep is a great need. Without it, your functionality is noticeably difficult. You can even utilize stimulants to combat the fatigue, but eventually you must succumb to sleep or suffer rather extreme consequences. We point out the obvious to bring the non-obvious into better focus. What about your states of meditation and imagination? How important are they? You know that with a practice of quieting the self, you reap benefits. It is actually a state of focus, it is just that these particular states of focus combat worry and anxiety. It is a time of focus within the self rather than outside of the self. These states soothe chaos or disharmony within the vibration of self, just as sleep does. This is the key of Being Change. As you allow your self to soothe into a conscious connection of peace with Life, you touch the beneficial and nurturing harmony, the support of Love—the passive strength of the invisible realms. In these moments of Conscious Peace, you are becoming One with the harmony of Life, with the great force that builds worlds. You are whole, connected, and affecting great change through the passive force of Love. It is in these moments that your power to build the future increases, for you are working from the internal, rather than the quick fix of reworking the external and convincing the self into believing that because the outside has changed appearance, the inside must be different as well. It is in these moments that you allow a connection with Love to emanate from you—into your life, and your world. It is in this way that you are Being the Love that is causing change. You are Being Change. This movement is not visible in the moment, but it is rearranging Life at its core, where Love resides. Perhaps in another moment, you will be called to action, but this internal harmony is your first action of change. A state of Being that allows Love to nurture change. Quiet yourself. Imagine it. Be it. As we sit to Blast Being Change, we are opening our minds to the ease of Time flowing, for each new day and night supports change and offers improvement. We are allowing the Love of Life to soothe our fears into a Knowing that All is well. We are connecting with the vastness of Life, receiving its infinite safety as Time illuminates the path of Love. We are holding our harmony in the chaos of fearful humans that have not yet touched the beauty of their own heart. We are the calm in the storm, the safe shores that await the courageous to reach out and touch the future of Love. Blast on! Jayme Price |