Wealth’s True Joy
CANCER HOROSCOPE DailyOm, [email protected] JULY 29, 2022 You may be more cognizant of your abundance today, particularly if you find yourself face-to-face with the overwhelming injustices suffered by much of humanity. The wisdom that floods your heart as you grow to understand the dichotomy that exists between those with wealth and those without can infuse your heart and mind with the spirit of generosity. Since you are likely feeling more secure than ever where your financial health and resources are concerned, you may be inspired to share your life’s richness with those less fortunate. Consider today that the wealth you have amassed will likely seem all the more valuable when used to improve the lives of your fellow human beings. One of the greatest joys we can experience is that of knowing that we are secure enough in our resources to do our part to ensure that others can enjoy blessings similar to our own. There is a sense of impotence that comes with being unable to share our limited wealth with people in need. When we achieve a level of abundance that allows us to make use of the richness of our lives in a charitable and selfless manner, we come to understand that money and possessions have little value beyond what they are used for. Used philanthropically, our resources become a blessing more profound than any we’ve enjoyed in the past because we understand that we are not the only ones positively impacted by them. As you use your resources to do good today, you will feel, for the first time, truly appreciative of your abundance.
Kyle Gray -[email protected]
You’ve probably heard it before: Vibes speak louder than words. In fact, vibes speak volumes. And when we say vibes, we’re speaking about your energy and the energy you give off. You know – that unseen ‘stuff’ that you feel in your bones. We’re constantly picking it up and reading it. Even if you’re not remotely spiritual, I’m sure you’ll agree that someone’s energy gives an impression of who and how they are. You know how it is when someone walks into a room, and they bring what can only be described as a cloud coming in with them that feels heavy and draining? We have also experienced the opposite – when someone comes in and it’s like they bring in the sun – they’re shiny and happy – they’re positively influential. That’s what it means to be high vibe. Truth is – we’ve both been both of those people. We’ve all had the good day and the bad day; we’ve all had the cloudy aura and we’ve all brought in the radiance. It’s your human nature to radiate goodness everywhere you go. That’s why when you are going through a challenging time or are feeling down, you’ll do everything you can to bring your energy back up. Your vibe is supposed to be high. Your energy is supposed to be bright, shiny and happy. Because deep down you know – your vibes create your life. The energy you give off – is the energy you are creating and the energy you are attracting. That’s why it’s important to Raise Your Vibration! As The Heart Opens
CANCER HOROSCOPE JULY 13, 2022 DailyOM Horoscope , [email protected] You may have a strong desire to gather people you are close to around you today. Your affectionate feelings could lead you to seek out the people you care for so you can show them how you feel. You may also want to connect with others on a deeper level, and you could derive satisfaction from reaching out to your loved ones today in person, by letter, or by phone in order to open your heart. Your willingness to share your feelings may help deepen your relationships, and you may inspire your loved ones to reveal more of themselves to you. Everyone longs for intimacy. When you open your heart, you give others permission to do the same. Opening your heart to the people you care about can deepen your relationships. When you open your heart, you invite others to experience what’s in your soul. Your true nature is revealed for others to see, and by your intention alone you deepen your bond. A bridge of authentic intimacy is formed between the cores of your beings. When you and another person open your hearts to each other, no part of yourself needs to remain hidden. Your heart opens wider so that more of who you are can come through. By choosing to open your heart today, you create the space for more authentic relationships to enter your life. |