Today I though it would be helpful to find some truth to set us all free.
Every day I am dreaming bigger & bigger in the direction of what I want, & yet like so many of us at times I feel stuck. Usually it comes down to a fear holding me back. Sometimes addressing that fear dissolves it right away, but some fears are certainly much more stubborn & convoluted. I'm sure they are lingering longer so that I might investigate & indeed learn a little more for the greater good from each experience or from each variation on a theme of which each fear represents... But the truth shall set you free For a long time the lesson was about unravelling the fears, then it became about having more trust to go forward & today I've arrived at a slight new variation which is COURAGE. Courage is a word that has incidentally come up synchronistically after asking & affirming that I would heighten my understanding of the choices of words I use in my vocabulary. Initially there are choices for positive & negative choices of words from "I can't..." to the I can or I AM wordings. This is similar & yet another shift from positive to more positive you could say. Every word in our language is incomplete, but in order to change our perspective & understand our consciousness a little more, these seemingly small changes in vocabulary can have profound effects Courage, in my perspective at least, beyond or different than trust which contains a perspective of surrender & faith, carries with it a sense of victory & success at the end of the tunnel. Do you see? As an aside, I would strongly suggest that you invoke the assistance of both angels & affirmations- whatever you ask for through either of these vehicles you will surely get! Faste your seatbelt! Along this journey we reach many tests & stretching of our faith. Certainly courage enters into it! It takes courage to be on this path to begin with - it is opposite the ego & certainly opposite the society & common belief systems around us, though that is changing! Often in order to get where we have intended to go, we are asked to step out & yet we cannot always see the next step or beyond the next step! Boy that's hard!!! Courage is definitely in order, but where do you find it? Here are a few comments to aid in that end & I'm sure that with such a focus or attention we can all think of many more truths to share with each other once we get started- wherever we place our loving intentions, we can expect expansion for it is a law of the universe. Here's my favourite slogan, given to me by the Angels one day, & one I have discovered to be totally epic!!! " BE AWARE OF THE LOVE THAT IS THERE" So let's dive in to that & see what love is there as we look for our next step or in the case of our dream LEARN TO SOAR -we don't need a step, but wings might be a little handier!! Your soul KNOWS what it is doing, where it is going & how to get them so if you DO have an inkling what to do next... God wouldn't bring us this far through so much only to destroy us or allow us to fall unnecessarily... The Universe/ God / Creator / the Angels / your higher self IS ONLY LOVE, it is not seeking to harm The old has gone or dissolving- the old karma , the old habits, your old truths have changed & thus your perspective has changed & so your response to any situations as well as what needs to happen for a karmic contract has also like changed for not only yourselves but others ... And to my next point, the collective consciousness has begun to shift along with this being the divine right time in our collective history in which we've all agreed to awaken. Consequently we will not run into the same fearful responses to our love as once was the case- the world is changing! We have been informed continually that things have shifted & also we have put to bed so many of our old truths that were our measuring stick for how things will go. In other words all is new & the riles have changed or are changing & what formerly lead to failure, may no longer hold true if you are encouraged to go down a similar road in you NOW. You are not alone! You are supported by the heavenly host of angels, God, Masters & beings of light as well as the collected consciousness of lightworkers too - LOVE seeks to show you something incredible! You may ask for assistance with everything! You are far greater than you know! The ego as we know is always lying to us, so therefore believe the opposite! You are capable, strong, skilled & much more. Your heart will show you the way your head cannot know! Face it, we've really run out of excuses now & the only real reason left is likely fear of the unknown- It's time to exercise courage which takes care of that. You're not alone! YOU CAN DO IT! VICTORY & JOY AWAIT. A robin will never learn to fly if it never leaves the nest & to fly like an eagle it may also take a bigger dream. Be true to your magnificence with courage along with me, & let's discover that we really can SOAR We're in this together to help each other be the best we can be. With great love to all, Davo ***This blog is intended for me as well - I need it!!! I do hope that it helps you as well. Please of course, pass this message & site link along to others who may benefit! We all win when you do so ! It only takes a few seconds to love somebody, but the benefits help all that is ETERNALLY for love is eternal, ever-expanding & ALWAYS PREVAILS
“I want to go kiss my wife, kiss my kids. I want to go celebrate with my family and teammates, and I’m going to drink a lot of beer. … Von Miller is buying,” Manning said. “Those are my priorities at this point. I’ll take some time to reflect. And I’m going to say a prayer and a thank-you to the man upstairs for this opportunity as well.” Take it as a sign that the world is changing! BELIEVE IN LOVE. While it has been created perhaps with many underlying political agendas such as LGBT Pride & Black Panther messages & so on it matters mostly how each of us choses to perceive it. What do you chose to believe about it & that is where your energy is directed. As such, I chose to & suggest that we all chose to delight in love. See it as some of the first glimmers of hope that the physical world & hence the collective consciousness is changing. We are collectively realizing that the old paradigms of control , materialism, power over others is crumbling & people are all starting to wake up to the truth that unity, accepting each other as we individually & collectively chose to express ourselves is awesome. Eventually as we continue on this path our consciousness will shift away from those political & marketing or power agendas too, but see this IS a powerful exclamation point for the path of love & unity. See it THAT way & this is the energy it will begin to take on It IS a path to more love, unity, acceptance & dissolving of all fears
IT IS HAPPENING NOW - there will be some bumps, but the direction is becoming clearer all the time... Love ALWAYS prevails Davo - We won't go down any political rabbit holes here- we're only interested in attention to LOVE Recently at the encouragement of a trusted friend I quite reluctantly at first, began to do daily affirmations - I had known about it for a long time & it was on my list of things to do, but I was "busy"... I was truthfully being a little bit lazy- I did't want to bother because it seemed like work to me.... I couldn't have been more wrong in that sense & though I did know it was a good idea I didn't realize just how good an idea it truly was! I feel radically shifted into far higher consciousness & awareness now- my affirmations are actually causing me to be far more aware which ups the learning curve into the "epic"' level! I could even say I'm someone addicted to affirmations, although I still have that lazy ego part of me that tries to prevent me from doing them. Once I get rolling my energy transforms! As a lightworker I've apparently come here with some pretty deep purposes which I am beginning to witness in writing my lists, so it's really cool to watch that take shape! I've actually had to break up my lists because they have gotten far too huge, but now I am able to elaborate on each section of my overall list, continually honing it as love expands. I've included an article & sample list I came across that may help to get you started, if you are into it. Blogging about it has been on my heart & list for some time, so this has synchronistically provided me a way to help everyone that will allow it. There's massive energy shifting & enlightenment beyond! Enjoy! Davo Re-blogged from Daily Cup of Yoga I cry at movies and commercials and youtube videos and people hugging at the airport and puppies playing and…well you get the picture. Even though I am not part of the action or in the movie, to the brain it doesn’t matter. The mind will fool our brains because the neural networks of our thinking brain uses past memories to quickly respond to the visual cues. The reality is that we have more than one mind. And each of these minds has a different experience of what is true. We can influence our mind through suggestion known by medical professionals as the placebo effect. We will believe a pill will make us feel better (e.g., reduce pain and anxiety). The same can be said for hypnosis. Based on the “power of suggestion” we can also use meditatation, visualization, and affirmation to lower stress. Affirmations work in much the same way. Our mind can be tricked into focusing on the positive by actively elevating our thoughts. Dr. Wayne Dyer likes to say, “as you think, so shall you be.” In Yogic philosophy, you become what you think, you create your own reality from the inside. That’s why we can upset ourselves just by entertaining demoralizing thoughts or catastrophizing what can go wrong. Or we can use affirmations to reward our brain into thinking positively about our situation. We can change our story, change our perceptions, and change our life. In other words, the world is not created “out there” and then experienced internally. The universe wants to hear our voice. We can tell ourselves what we want to believe, which in and of itself fools the mind into wanting it and believing it to be real. And our minds will find a way to make it happen (because it thinks it has). This is the difference between living from a philosophy of “I believe it when I see it” versus “I see it when I believe it.” Affirmations simply work! Pick one of these each day for the next 21 days and say it to yourself all day long, write it down, email it to yourself, post it up on your mirror. Surround yourself with the positive vibration of each affirmation one day at a time See for yourself that affirmations are what yoga talks about in harnessing the power of our intentions and directing them in the direction of our best selves and our happiest lives. Love your day, love yourself, love your life! Silvia 21 DAYS of AFFIRMATIONS
Because this is somebody else's list I would suggest it as a simple guideline to be used once a day minimum, but in being true to YOU as a God-being in your own right, it's important to tweak it & make it your own. You may want to create various catagories to address different aspects of your life & use them at multiple times in your day to create more light - it's all up to YOU & your desires. In doing so then you will really empower yourself for the true magic to happen. As your ligh REALLY begins to radiate, that is what changes all the world around you - we ALL benefit. If you wish for any further tips please drop me a note- I'm happy to discuss what has worked for me further... Also, please pass on these tips to others & let them link back here where we can all benefit further!!! Blessings to you for doing so! Love On! Davo, [email protected] We are definitely in a whole New space (I know I keep saying that; we keep evolving). I know you feel it. We’ve been inundated with one solar event after another and this is not to stop, but intensify with each day. On February 8th, we have a New Moon, which further helps us evolve in our New Now. And we continue to have a five-planet alignment for a few more weeks to further empower the energies. We sure are feeling it, aren’t we? If you can go beneath the surface of how you are experiencing all of this, you will see old beliefs, patterns and other old energies making their way to the surface in order to make room for more Love and more Light. Yesterday I had an amazing experience with someone in which their Light Body enveloped them. Their Light Body showed itself as a beautiful bubble of liquid Light. It was amazing. I imagine that as each clears, their own Light Body will do something similar. Just remember that each experience is different and unique for each person and can only occur when a person is clear of old energies and programs. Once clear, it is important not to go back into acting in the old way. Everything must shift, so stay in the Moment, for it is only in the Now Moment that you will discover your next steps in the New Now. You may notice lots of phenomena that are not of the 3D senses. The Veil is either gone or thin (depending on where you are in your Ascension). What you may describe as miracles (really, so-called miracles are becoming commonplace in the New) occur rather frequently. They may appear as strange and beautiful lights or timelessness or in other ways. Be an observer so you don’t attach to the phenomena, for then you tend to stop your current flow. Many are receiving high dimensional Light Codes, so watch for symbols in your meditation or dreamtime. There is nothing to do, but observe, for the Light Codes know what to do and where to go. If you experience other phenomena (many label these as “ascension symptoms”), just observe without the old 3D need to know what, why, how, where, when or who it is. It all is simply a part of New Life. Also realize that while so many speak of a 5th Dimension Gaia, which is limiting, we are multidimensional, so the dimensions on Earth are varied and shift constantly. It is an old human desire to label and put things in a linear box. We are stepping away from anything 3D and each person’s Opportunity is to open up as each takes a big step in more Awakening. As a possible reminder, our Pineal Chakra is the distributor of Light Codes, high dimensional Light and a higher degree of electromagnetic energy. From the Pineal all of this flows into us, going where it is needed and especially upgrades our cells, DNA and electrical systems. You needn’t manage it; just your Willingness to receive is what is required. When your Pineal Chakra distributes this Light, you may experience headaches located in and around your 3rd Eye (the Pineal and 3rd Eye are not the same, by the way) and any time we receive Light, all that is not Love will surface and that is when you may do something; observe, release and fill up with Source Light. When you meditate, you create a field of Willingness, so do meditate or at least focus your attention in your Heart, High Heart or Pineal Chakra. If you feel anxious or amped up, realize that you are downloading high vibrational Light. Pay attention to what your body is suggesting. At times it will guide you to rest or sleep and at other times you will be motivated to move. If there is a part of your body that is holding pain or extra energy, ask what that area needs and then do it. Stay out of drama and chaos, for these things block your evolution. There could be a lot of that, including gossip and complaining, since many may not realize what is occurring and they just see that things are irritating them; they tend to blame everything and everyone around them (even listening to it lowers your vibration). Resist the urge to inform, save, fix or rescue if you encounter this. Remember that everyone has a choice and is responsible for their own choices. If you are invited to share, that is different; then share your Wisdom freely. Just don’t insert yourself uninvited. We have released and transformed some core beliefs; beliefs that have helped us be comfortable in the old world. Yet, we’re not in the old world now. We have been guided to let go of some big things; things we have been rather attached to. All one has to do is to look backward to find them. For instance, religion and sacred texts…did the prophets really write them; did they really intend for there to be such separation as there is in religion? Go within and ask for yourself. Be willing to see the Truth. Be willing to let go of all you’ve been taught. To move forward, one has to at least be willing to explore and come up with their own answers. Does perpetuating anything that has existed in the past help you to be in the New? Feel what has limited you and others throughout eons. What have you been told that you took as truth? These are some questions that once you discover your own answers to will either keep you back in them or set you free. Words are not just words. Every word is an energy. The words you use and the thoughts you think tell you and others where your consciousness is and they serve as a mirror to your beliefs. In the New, there is a letting go of beliefs and an opening of perceptions. Beliefs tend to be static, while perceptions flow and shift as you do. We know that most 3D words tend to separate and belittle. Use words that unify and in which you feel an expansion when you use them. Don’t just use words because they’re popular or automatic; feel the words you use, read, write and think. Use words that are in the present and empower, rather than separate or diminish. Be aware of the words you use. Be silent often. Observe. Don’t speak unless you truly feel beneath each word you use. This goes also for words you do not speak, yet you think them. Be an observer of your words and feelings, for this tells you a lot about yourself and others, as you read or listen to their words. It is only through full conscious Awareness that we are New. Words and thoughts create. As I have been sharing for a while now, each one of us must take full Responsibility for who we are and what we exude and experience, for we are pure energy. Energy doesn’t stay encapsulated in our body; it flows out, for it and we are much bigger than our physical body. We flow out whatever we are thinking, being and feeling at all times. And to create the New, be it personal or global (actually both), we must take an active part in the Transformation in our lives. While our Pineal Chakra does much to distribute the Light within us, unless we use it to expand ourselves, the energy sits dormant within. While the Light has helped expose certain old energies, it is up to us to make the changes that are aligned with our Soul. Because Soul is the more powerful voice now, as we listen to our Guidance, what we can do is shown to us. To strengthen your Soul’s voice, meditate and consciously connect with your Soul; the True You. It is not enough to speak the New words; we are guided to demonstrate them. Words are pretty simple to speak, yet what is more important is that our life is congruent with who we say we are. How disappointing it is when we discover someone’s words don’t match their actions or how they live their life. Of course, this also is a perception and a reminder to look at our own lives to see how congruent our words and life are…or are not. As we move forward we have opportunities where we can leave our old life and have new life experiences. These are not a part of new “life scripts or stories” that we create, as scripts and stories are limiting. There is no new paradigm, for that word limits as well. In fact, anything that is a label tends to identify us as "this or that” and we are so much more than “this or that.” We are free to flow and shift and create and create again. And as always, it is the choice of every single being to do so…or not. I can tell you though that if you create a comfortable box around you, you won’t like it for very long. We are not here to create more programs or labels; we are here to free ourselves from all constraints…eventually. We are moving into that. I still pay taxes and rent and bills. I still see almost all governments are in place (for now). I see that most have their rules about what’s right and what’s wrong. So realize that we are not forced to push things along. It is enough to just take one conscious step after another, knowing that each conscious step we take leads us to the Freedom we say we want. Be aware that everything you are guided to do is not based on your life as it has been, but is a new expression of who you are. We are not meant to fit in somewhere; we’re meant to stand out in our uniqueness. Therefore, we remove our energy from situations where folks are complaining about certain things and mind what we are doing in our own lives. We are not even meant to fit into and attach to our own plans and intentions, for they shift as we do. The best way is not to be so rigid about what we are to do in any given moment, but to feel what we are guided to do…or not do. Honor your rhythm; your own flow. Feel within always as to what inspires and expands and what does not. We are not recreating ourselves; we are creating ourselves. We get to see where we flow and where we don’t. We get to open ourselves up to a brand new experience of life. We don’t reconnect; we connectin a whole new way. We are not recalibrating; we are calibrating to the New and slowly we are finding out what that may be, while still allowing ourselves to shift higher and higher in vibration and consciousness. We continue to clear ourselves and this clearing isn’t based on the old resistance; it is a clearing that flows easier because we’re in a whole new way of being; with new perceptions and new consciousness…new everything. Do you notice that who you liked being around before, you don’t anymore? Do you notice that what you used to enjoy, you don’t anymore? These are just a few of the signs of shifting. Do you notice that you want to play more without the restrictions of having to do something that is required? Do you notice that you desire to arrange your physical space so that it reflects more of you or that you want to move to a different location? Do you want to travel to a place you’ve never been before and a place that promises to be a new adventure for you? Are you unwilling to play the role that others have put you in and you agreed to? Are you done with being a victim and sense that you are rising in your own personal Power? These are all a part of your shift. Have you noticed that your meditation is not necessarily relegated to a particular time and space; it’s how you live your life? While meditation is and has been a very important part of opening your Heart and empowering your Soul’s voice, the higher purpose of meditation is to live your life as a meditation, meaning that what you feel in meditation, you feel in your everyday life. Meditation may take on a new quality of Silence, while also becoming a part of your life whether paying bills, doing chores or relating to others. As we anchor more of this New Life, we will feel more energized and perhaps we will not feel so exhausted in the morning after a nighttime of downloading. You will continue to feel uplifted and it is getting easier to just Be, rather than having to do and push and control. It is pretty fun to observe all the changes without needing to know why or how or what’s next or all those meaningless details separate ego likes to busy itself with. The New is about Flow and Allowing; and of course, Love; for Love is Flow and Allowing and everything! Kara Shallock Lauren C. Gorgo ~ The New Human: 5.0 edition Well, in actuality the “new world consciousness” officially entered in September when that insane wave of transformational energy hit the planet in the midst of an eclipse cycle, the equinox, AND the final blood moon in the highly prophesied tetrad. The difference is that now we are moving into participation with it. That gargantuan download of divine light was so far reaching it has literally taken months to sort thru the rubble from the explosions it set off in our DNA. Those explosions served to shake loose so much expired content from within our ancient human lineage for the purpose of transmuting/transcending our limited genetics in order to move fully into the sovereignty of our divinity, our star genetics. The Pleiadians share that for many, this is now a reality (!) and as a result we are moving into what they call a brand new life program, one that is malleable and very responsive to the way that we, as conscious creators, participate with it. This new life program is ALIVE with consciousness, and responds (favorably) to those with commensurate-level consciousness. It’s no longer about “fitting into” this world, but about standing out. CLICK TO TWEET The coming weeks represent this first new chapter as new humans in the sense that we are now beginning to rewrite our scripts from a place of pure truth. This whole year in fact could be considered an entire rewrite program, one that will present us with opportunity after opportunity to move into new life experiences without our past hindrances attached…weighing us down…holding us back. As always, that choice is continuously ours to make…in every moment now. We are pivoting from 8 concentrated and intensive years of inner excavation and transformation to an entirely new life, as new humans, in a new world…this will obviously take some time-space to recreate ourselves and rebuild the rest of our continually transforming lives based on our new, true coordinates. Coming full circle this (universal 9) year, we will engage with new, unexplored aspects of ourSelves but we will also begin to return to/reconnect with those things we love, only from a place of cosmic expansion…of owning ourSelves and knowing our true worth. In the last report, we were told that we would undergo a comprehensive recalibration (during Mercury’s retrograde cycle) that would lead to a more permanent reconnection to the higher (GOD) mind. That upgrade is officially complete tho will be calibrating from this change for the entire year ahead, if not longer. In a sense, we will still be required to clear..but, because of the recent and radical mental upgrade we just endured this will be on a whole new level, with a new level consciousness and brand new perspective. Aka, the process will be unlike anything we have experienced to date. The new human 5.0 has a new, unlimited capacity hard drive, new RAM, a new OS and new system applications that are no longer compatible with our old equipment and processor, so all year long we will be required to take pertinent steps to clean out any remaining past patterns by reprogramming/repaving new neural pathways with new choices and actions that align with new life experience…that of our deepest desires and most cherished, heartfelt dreams.(NOTE: in some cases this uplevel in consciousness may have resulted in a very literal need for a computer upgrade…ie, a hard drive crash, operating system failure.) Our entire communication system…how we perceive, parlay and interact with the world hologram…is reassembling itself to reflect our new, higher consciousness and so a lot, if not everything, will change. Already we can see life shifting to reflect these changes thru a universal sorting system where those things that are no longer in resonance with the new consciousness are rapidly falling away, being rerouted while simultaneously new openings are appearing to replace the outdated. Relationships are ending, new ones forming, old ones reestablishing…groups of souls are leaving the physical world…some people are suddenly and unexpectedly relocating…old business ventures and/or careers coming to a close…new partnerships and purposes developing…the list goes on. We are all emptying out in one way or another before we fill ourselves up with brand new life. This is manifesting in a myriad of ways, the most common of which may translate as a major dip in vitality, finances, clarity and/or creativity… even an early “spring cleaning” in which you feel a compelling urge to let go of stuff/clear space in order to organize and prepare for the coming infusion of new energy. As we clear the clutter and reorient to our new selves and lives, you may also be suddenly noticing new, more limitless thought processes based in solid self LOVE, reverence even, and the ability to stand in your light/speak your truth without a glitch. This is one of the definite perks of the new processor, what the star beings call our “GOD processor”….the part of us that KNOWS our worth, without question, and is able to communicate that with unwavering confidence. This budding ability, along with many others, provides us with the basis by which each of us will be able to ‘BE the revelation’ this year…to participate with, and ultimately excel in, the new world consciousness. This is our game now, time to PLAY….human. Lauren C. Gorgo |