Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self
Source: Mike Quinsey ~ Treeofthegoldenlight 25 October 2019 A solitary life is not necessarily one without needed experiences and offers much time for contemplation, and certainly those quiet periods in your life are opportunities to clear the clutter from your mind. Clear thinking comes with positive knowledge that enables you to follow a life plan that is assured of opportunities to further your evolution. Have a life plan and if it is in line with your needs it will be supported by your Guides. It will also enable you to make decisions that are going to advance your plans in a way that is beneficial to you. What are often called the coincidences in life are intended moments that have been arranged on your behalf, to keep you on track with your life contract. Be assured that there are often times when your spiritual progress is taking place in accordance with plans laid down prior to your incarnation. Such arrangements will have been made with your agreement as although you might not accept such an idea, we would suggest that without a firm plan your life could be aimless and wasted. As you view it perhaps many souls around you seem to be without purpose, but be aware that you cannot necessarily know the reason for what others are experiencing. Also realise that you in part are also involved in other soul’s experiences, although it might not be apparent at the time. It is beginning to sound very complicated, but the Guides of all souls have the power to ensure that matters work out to the advantage of all concerned. However, if one soul should fail to “play” their part on behalf of another one or even for themselves, there will always be other opportunities. Spirit has more resources available to them than you would imagine and failure is not an option. Now that you are part way into the New Age you should be aware that there is no going back to the old ways. You are in a transition period when the shackles of the past have to be thrown off, as they have served their purpose and allowed an immense amount of karma to be cleared. Think back to two World Wars and the millions of souls who gave their lives during that period. It was the greatest ever clearance of karma,and freed souls to have another opportunity to evolve through their own experiences. Having been given a clean sheet it has put the onus on each soul to help plan their future lives, and ensure constant evolution and avoid a return to the old ways of brute force and ignorance that created so much karma. Providing you take this opportunity to keep to your agreed spiritual path, you will have every help to be successful and reach a level that leads you to Ascension. If you transgress and lose your way through life there are still opportunities to get back on track, but each time it is delaying your evolution. However, your Guides will never give up on you, and will be trying hard to help you overcome your problems. If you do not respond to help you simply make it harder for yourself to progress. There will of course be further life opportunities to evolve and understand that you will always have help, even if it is not apparent. Spirit wants you to succeed as they know your true potential, that in reality you are a very experienced soul and quite capable of overcoming the challenges that confront you. Understand that between each life you always review the outcome, and decisions are made so that your next life is planned to overcome your weak points. It begs the question as to whether you will recognise the opportunities that are given you to overcome your failures. However, providing you have faith in your Guides and respond to their promptings, you will make progress and the more you understand the purpose of life you cannot really fail. Take note of situations you find yourself in and try to understand the lessons to be learnt. Life is not all hard work and you are given ample time to also enjoy the pleasures. However, do not envy those who seem to have everything as sometimes the responsibility of it can be overwhelming. The poor man often dreams of being rich yet his values are simple and fulfilling. Remember that each soul will have all kinds of experiences over many lives, and the ultimate aim is to further their evolution. Those who are successful and seem to have everything in their lives may not be finding it as easy as you might imagine, wealth can be a great responsibility and even a burden. As you evolve you will find that you acquire a greater understanding of life and its purpose, and you will see others in a different light. All become as your brothers and sisters and you realise that all have a responsibility to each other. Humanity as a whole cannot truly move on until the very last soul has achieved progress because you are One and cannot be separated. Yet some souls obviously advance quicker than others, but ultimately all must be brought up to the same level. You should find life gradually becoming easier and progress straightforward and much quicker than it was in the last cycle. With the coming of the higher vibrations matters have speeded up and the influence of the lower vibrations has less impact than it used to have. As time passes life will definitely become easier and the Light will dispel the lower energies much more quickly. Things are definitely looking up and once matters settle down you will enter a new era of relative peace and happiness. At present however much confusion still exists and many small battles still rage, but the mood of people is changing and peace is becoming a matter of urgency. The old ways are no longer acceptable and the people have no hesitation in openly demanding a peaceful existence. The people are a powerful force for good when they all pull in the same direction and their voice will be heard and noted. We mentioned previously that Mother Earth is very active making her preparations for the upliftment that is coming. There are efforts all round to try and make progress with the least problems to Humanity, but until there is full co-operation there are going to be difficulties. There has to be more help given to those who shoulder the responsibility for making things run smoothly. Much time and money is used on projects that are badly planned, and Man is heading for difficult problems unless there is co-operation between the countries. For our part we will be trying to influence the actions of those involved, so that things run smoothly. Do not be discouraged by what is happening upon Earth, the upliftment comes after the cleansing has been completed of old energies that have run their course. You now have a better opportunity to link in with the new energies that will lift your vibrations, resulting in you being less affected by the lower energies. We ask you again to concentrate and focus on the new ones as these will carry you quickly forwards and help leave the old ones behind. You have been preparing for these times over many lives, and you have the experience to carry them forward to enrich your work for spirit. Now is the time to start using the talents that you have to help those that are ready to lift their vibrations. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God. In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey.
Archangel Gabriel Daily Message
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 30, 2019 What if thinking you’re blocked is the blockage? We understand you wish to be diligent, but believing you are blocked is demonstrating judgment and resistance toward the perfection of your now moment. It also denotes a lack of faith and trust, both in yourself, and in the universe. Dear Ones, your focus is your blessing of continuation. Your energy is much better spent looking at what IS working for you and trusting the beauty and wisdom of both yourself and the unfoldment. You can rest easy knowing that if there is something you need to address it will come up into your awareness with the full energetic support of the universe for its healing and release. That is the beauty of working with the surrender, faith, flow, trust model which is the Divine Combination. It is such an efficient and supportive system, it takes the guesswork out of everything for you which allows you to settle deeper into your acceptance, presence, and beingness. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Challenge The Negative Nellies
October 24, 2019 | 0 I had a roommate years ago who was incredibly negative. One evening “Theresa” and I arrived home from work after a particularly long day. Neither of us had eaten dinner and we were just plain hungry and tired. The circumstances provoked a heated debate about some world issue. As usual, I was promoting an optimistic view of the situation. Theresa, who was always rather pessimistic about things, took the negative view. She was quite adamant that her view was right. She was so incensed with me that at one point she stamped her foot, put her hand on her hip and proclaimed, “I think you are PATHOLOGICALLY POSITIVE!” I have to admit that I burst out laughing at this comment, which didn’t help Theresa’s mood one bit. I just thought it was incredibly funny and I will cherish it for the rest of my life! Remembering that story got me to thinking…Have you ever been around someone who is a complainer or fear monger? It’s draining! “The gas prices are awful.” “The economy is going down the tubes.” “There’s a recession coming our way.” “It will be hard to find a job.” Shift Your Mindset And Open To Guidance If you find yourself thinking like this, shift your focus. What you say to yourself is often a self-fulfilling prophecy. It also shuts you off from a free flow of intuitive guidance. It may take some work to change your habitual thoughts but it’s worth the effort. Try saying things like, “Let me be open to new ideas.” “Things have a way of working out for me.” “The economy may be bad, but I’m open and receptive to new avenues of income.” “I’ve gotten through tough times before. I know I’ll be guided through this.” “I trust my inner wisdom to guide me to a better situation.” If it’s tough for you to do this, try to channel your “Inner Lynn.” Remember me? I’m the pathologically positive one! What Things Do You Say To Yourself When Times Are Tough? I’d Love To Hear Your Affirmations! Lynn A. Robinson is a leading expert on the topic of intuition. Her intuitive reading clients consistently praise her uncanny insights as “spot on,” resulting in personal clarity, creative solutions and overall success. Voted “Best Intuitive” by Boston Magazine, she’s also a bestselling author whose latest book is Put Your Intuition to Work. She’s also the author of Divine Intuition: Your Inner Guide to Purpose, Peace and Prosperity. To learn more about her books and intuitive readings, visit http://LynnRobinson.com Welcome to Brenda's Blog
What’s Your Earth Fear Theme? Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestryCreations.com Summary of Brenda’s October 18, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: Perhaps you’re feeling sad or angry without knowing why. You’ve become an observer of past fears that no longer serve you. To rid yourself of these odd sensations, merely close the memory as you would a book you don’t like. Feelings that have no basis in your present life are wisps of fears from other lives; you decided not to integrate into new you. Push the easy button and close that chapter. “The Sky is Changing, Not Falling” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestryCreations.com. Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information. Dear Ones, Perhaps an unknown sadness has overtaken you. It feels as if the skies are gray and cold rain is pouring down. This is not a time to play in the sunshine or even play. So it is you are discovering pieces of your 3D life you never mourned or accessed after THE incident, whatever that incident was. Even though you are earth angels, as is true for secret agents in your modern world, you needed to wrap a cloak of forgetfulness around your Universal being to properly play your 3D agent role. So it is you delved so deeply into 3D that you allowed yourself to be physically or emotionally tortured to such a degree you did not even explore that piece in your afterlife. That piece shaped your earth and at times, even your Universal lives, from that time on. Of course, you want us, of the Universes, to describe the horrible happening that prompted you to “stuff” that fear so deeply you were unable or unwilling to access it until now. Only you know what that information is. All you knew was that something impacted your actions and beliefs. Actions and beliefs that did not always seem logical. Even though it is possible the event happened in this life, it is highly unlikely. For most of you selected unpleasant experiences in this life to open your hidden memory bank, to rid yourself of that fear. Such is why you are now feeling so heavy. You finally feel safe enough to expose the piece that has haunted you for eons. For until you accept that fear as an anomaly that has nothing to do with your future, you cannot fully love yourself or others. This piece, this drama, has colored your earth lives in ways you cannot imagine. Many of you now think the memory must be a horrendous death or emotional pain. For you suffered as a result in every following earth life – no matter how wealthy or powerful you might have been. In truth, it was your first betrayal of love you hid for you could not grasp how that betrayal happened to you, a star god or goddess. You wanted to fill the earth with love; instead, you discovered fear and pain. So it is that those first painful discoveries were so unpleasant they propelled you into eons of earth fear. Fear needed to start somewhere. That somewhere was with those of you creating this planet of love, but wishing to experience the opposite to know love. Even so, you were not prepared for the pain that ensued with your first fear action or reaction. You were a bit like a boxer after being hit in the head who is stunned, trying to find his or her bearings. Boxers know there is a possibility, even a likelihood, of extreme pain when they enter the ring. Yet they continue to box match after match. And so it was with you. That first stunning blow hurt so profoundly, you did not dare explore it knowing if you did, you would never enter earth again. So you hid that pain allowing you to return to earth but also coloring your actions. You likely have no idea what that original fear (in Biblical terms – sin) is. Most, if not all of you, have had a theme of pain in this life. Perhaps it is abuse, lack of love, betrayal, abandonment, rejection, or something similar. A theme that flowed through your family, work, and friendships. Even though that theme is likely no longer apparent, for you have climbed your mountain of fear, it is a theme that continues to haunt you. For example, if abuse was your theme, you are likely not allowing yourself financial freedom or the freedom to trust in love and so on. Your first step is to review this life to discover your fear theme. Your second step is to acknowledge that theme is no longer valid, for you are a new being in a new world with a clean love slate. Foremost of those new love actions, is to forgive yourself for allowing that theme to dominate your earth lives. In essence, you lied to yourself lifetime after lifetime, acknowledging the pains of one particular life but not allowing yourself to look at the causation of your original fear (sin). For those of you who find the phrase ‘original sin’ disconcerting – think in terms of keeping a significant secret from yourself. A secret that overrides all actions in all lives. A fear so deep you could not love yourself because you did not know you. And, therefore, having difficulties fully loving anyone. Your actions were colored by your original fear. Perhaps this concept better helps you understand your world leaders. For unlike you, many wish to keep their original sin/fear, hidden. They wish to remain in the 3D quagmire or anywhere that allows them to hide from themselves. You, in turn, wish to expose your hidden fear so you can close your fear factory. So it is many of you are experiencing feelings of discomfort, discontent, and sadness without knowing why. It is your original fear/sin coming to the forefront. You do not need days or months to track down that fear. You merely need to allow yourself to know it is over. For you have truly cleared your paint palate of fear colors. Your original fear theme is no longer viable. Allow yourself to know that you no longer need to hide that fear, nor do you need to fear it. You can open your secret safe. And you can move into true self-love – when you are ready. For no matter how many times we inform you that ending that fear is like closing a book you do not like, many of you will search for convoluted methods of discovering and eradicating it. Even though such methods are not necessary, how you clear your secret fear is up to you. You can push the easy button or mull over the resulting fears and anger for years. It is your choice. But why make it difficult? Fear and pain are difficult and dramatic. Love and joy are easy and dramatic. It is your choice. So be it. Amen. LifeTapestryCreations.com. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com. The Sky is Changing, Not Falling
Posted: 14 Oct 2019 08:00 AM PDT Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestryCreations.com Summary of Brenda’s October 11, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: You have expected your leaders to take care of you. Leadership will now be shared by the masses – from the bottom up. Even though some of you might be the physical instigators of that change, it’s more likely those following will create new forms of equitable governance. Most of you forerunners will send loving thoughts. Those following will act on your thoughts. Your joy will inform you if you’re a thought activator or action entity. “You’re Deliberately Creating Your Isolation” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestryCreations.com. Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information. Dear Ones, You are shifting minute-by-minute even though you have difficulties believing such is so. For there are several pieces within you that need to be in place before you enter 2020. Not because the year is necessarily magical or even accurate for all calendar keepers, but instead that you are entering a double two year. For some, this double two year will mean finding a secure home base – whether a current home or a new home, or community. Others will discover a new earth life perspective. For many of you have been pining for another dimension or focus while of the earth. Such is logical given you have felt like an earth visitor since you arrived. For you have refused to acknowledge you are fully of the earth in this lifetime. Not because such an admission is terrible, but instead that you maintain too many memories of what was. Earth life has never been particularly easy. And given your responsibility for helping earth shift from 3D to 5D as you achieved the same for yourself, this has been an exhausting lifetime. As is often true in 3D, you probably are ready for a warm blanket and a comfy chair in front of the fire to satisfy your comfort needs. Instead, you are uncovering pieces of earth life you did not expect from environmental issues to leadership declarations. You expected to rest and then receive hosannas after shifting the earth and yourself. Instead, you feel as if you are walking through quicksand for your body, especially your feet, feels heavy and cumbersome. Where is the joy? Where is your completion party? So it is many of the pieces you now find almost unbearable, will ease in early 2020, and be completed by year’s end. Not because such is an earth plan, but because of the internal drama, many of you are now undergoing. You will likely find yourself exhausted, isolated, worried, and depressed for the next few weeks. Not what you expected, but emotions pushing you through this final 2020 preparation stage. The glaring issues for you now have always been there, merely sugar-coated as a pretense that all was well. Issues pummeling into your being with few, if any, ideas for change. For changing the issues that now disturb you, is not within your role. Such will be completed by those who follow. You have accomplished your major steps. Many of you continue to request a role designation despite your exhaustion. Your exhaustion is that you do not know how to rectify the “wrongs” you see so clearly. Again, those wrongs have always been there; you merely refused to see or sense them. So it is you are identifying that which is not appropriate for 5D you. Those following will have the solutions. Your role now is to end your fear, your drama about how terrible everything is. For you are functioning as “Chicken Little,” saying over and over, “The sky is falling. The sky is falling.” While in truth, the sky is changing. Your fears, your depression is based on what you cannot do. Those solutions are for your followers. So it is that by the calendar year 2020, you will likely allow yourself to know your joy role has little to do with social media or your leaders. Your role is to be in joy. Memories of past issues that haunt you – whether as a leader or of the groups negatively impacted by leaders – have little to do with new you. Yet, before you can accept that piece, you must clear those memories related to what is now visible. For just as you did not have solutions in the past as a leader or follower, you do not have solutions now. For such is not your role. Accepting that as your role merely forces you down the “rabbit hole” of confusion and fear. Your piece is to shift yourself from fear to joy – knowing you are not responsible for shifting the quagmires you find in your leadership, social media, and the press. If such were your role, you would be excited and joyful to tackle it, just as you were dedicated to helping the earth shift from 3D to 5D. Move toward joy, and you will find your role. Continue to fear which you do not have skills to shift, and you will stagnate in place. Trust those who follow, as we trusted you. You have different skills – most importantly for 2020 and beyond – to display your joy. For you are the sunbeams, those following will discover as they end earth fears through constructive shifts, just as you have done throughout your transition. Your fears are ghosts from past lives – lives that have little to do with who you are now. That is what you will discover in the next few weeks. For you cannot fully sparkle if you have fears that the earth – your creation and delight – is not able to circumvent the odious leaderships now destroying all that is important to you. Allow yourself to delegate the next earth shift to those who have completed such roles time and time again – just as you created many planets and places in addition to the earth. You are the creator beings. Those who follow are the social butterflies shifting those now of the earth – either more completely into 3D or 5D. Your followers are social creators. You are planet creators. Allow you and your followers to work together to create a shining, loving example of Universal possibilities. For the earth was an experiment, you changed into Universal reality. Now allow the decorators, if you will, to brighten the earth and its inhabitants in ways you do not understand. All you have to do to assist them is to shine your joy light day in and day out. So it is you will release your current fears through example and need the next few weeks. So be it. Amen. LifeTapestryCreations.com. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com. You are subscribed to email updates from Welcome to Brenda's Blog. To stop receiving these emails, you may unsubscribe now.Email delivery powered by Google Google, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States Kyle Gray [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net
Hey friend, Here's this week's High Vibe message from my bestselling book Raise Your Vibration, available for purchase through all great booksellers. Love, Kyle P.S Make sure to keep up with me on Instagram: @kylegrayukVibe of the Day Turn your frown upside down... Everything you do in this world moves out from you like a wave of energy. When you are kind, happy and harmonious, this wave extends to all those who cross your pathway. And the kindness you share is eventually going to come back to you. People always say, ‘What comes around, goes around!’ and I know they like to drop the word ‘karma’ online, especially if someone has been challenged in their life, but that’s not the point. Karma, the law of cause and effect, is ultimately a spiritual tool to encourage us to be kind and loving. When you are kind to others, you are literally being kind to yourself too. When you focus on what makes you happy it’s as if the doors of your heart swing open and you move into the space of love that rests gently within. When you experience this love, you welcome all those around you into this space too. So, every time you experience bliss and joy you are literally holding space for others to experience it too Your happiness is a wave of healing to the whole world. Today you are encouraged to recognize all the simple things that make you feel happy. When you are happy, you raise your vibration to the divine and you allow others to raise their vibration too. Happiness is infectious. Think of it - when someone starts to smile, you can’t take that smile off your face wither, can you? Today’s exercise is smiling as much as you can. Offer the gift of joy to all those you meet. Everywhere you go, look for the simple blessings that surround us all. Today, recognize that happiness is a gift and it’s yours anytime you allow it to be. #ShareYourVibe ‘My happiness sends healing to the world.' Welcome to Brenda's Blog
You’re Deliberately Creating Your Isolation Posted: 07 Oct 2019 07:48 AM PDT Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestryCreations.com Summary of Brenda’s October 4, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: Perhaps you’re concerned about the chaos created by 3D world leaders. They’re displaying childish temper tantrums fully expecting you to acquiesce to their demands. You, in turn, merely wish to play. So it is you’ll be both the adult ignoring temper tantrums and the child more interested in play than the silliness of 3D world leaders. You’re now of the majority. “2020 Preparation” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestryCreations.com. Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information. Dear Ones, The phrase, “You’re not alone.” has been bantered about the past few years. Even though we, of the Universes, are dedicated to your growth, we are not you. Nor is anyone else. So in a sense, you are alone, not in terms of your actions, but in your emotions. No matter how many of us are of your Universal support team, you are alone in the physical world. For likely, even those you love seem to be in such a different place emotionally, you cannot understand them or perhaps, wish to be around them. So it is you feel alone – and frightened. For you never expected to feel thus when you initiated your journey of self-love. You assumed you would be welcomed by other humans with like interests and needs. Such has yet to happen. For as you extend further from your transition start-point, you feel more alone. Of course, we could inform you that such is a mirage that has little to do with reality. In truth, loneliness has everything to do with your current reality. Think in terms of starting a new school looking for indicators of the correct behavior and words. In this phase of your transition, there are none to observe or to place your feelings of rightness, for you are the first to enter this school. There are no others like you in this new school. So it is you try this or that outfit, mock how others act, or try to relate to no avail. For even though others think you are in the right place with the right actions and words – for you are used to 3D pretending – your inner-compass is telling you that all is not well. You are lonely. “Did I work this diligently to be alone, to be even more isolated than I was before I started this arduous transition journey? Why am I so alone?” Questions with no answers. For you want us to tell you that friends will miraculously appear tonight or tomorrow. Instead, we must inform you that you are the trendsetters. Something that does not feel accurate now, but will shortly. You are no longer a follower, you are a leader. Just as was true for most who invented everything from the wheel to computers, others are perhaps pooh-poohing your new being. For you are not like those with whom they are comfortable. The difference between you and 3D inventors is that you are more prepared for this isolation than you realize. For if you note your reactions to others, you will discover you are isolating you instead of the traditional 3D action of indicating who is in or out of society. You are creating your isolation. If we were to tell you that all you had to do to increase your friendship base would be to fit into society, you would laugh at us. For you already know how to do that. You no longer choose to be in the circle of social rightness. Perhaps you remember a recent time when you participated in a social group only to discover their conversation was boring. For you are a trendsetter for the first time since you entered the earth in any lifetime. In past earth lives, many of you played roles such as a king or queen, political or religious leader, or wealthy being, which would seem to indicate you set the social trends. We beg to differ for you entered earth in that life as an adjunct to what was in place socially. You ensured you were in the right place at the right time. For if you were to study earth history, you would discover that even though leaders were at the forefront of rightness for the times, they were not the creator of those times. They slipped into the right spot for those times. You, on the other hand, are now creating new social mores. Not because you need or even want to, but because such is part of your role in this new earth. The current social climate does not fit your new being, as can be noted through your disinterest with most social groups. You are creating a new society of love. Something those following do not yet understand. So at times, you will find yourself snapping at those you love dearly knowing they are soon to follow. Much as you probably did with your younger siblings who could not understand your interest in dating or activities with your friends instead of playing with them as you once did. You are perhaps wondering what this new society you are creating will look like. All we can relay is that you are creating this society as a result of your new self-love and joy needs. Perhaps you will seem silly or frivolous to those following until they achieve a similar growth – or not. It does not matter. All that matters is that you know you are progressing exactly as you wish, and we expected. Allowing you, even forcing you, to change the social milieu instead of changing yourself to fit in as you have done all other earth lives. What gives you joy? That is your only guideline as you shift earth from fear to love – one day at a time. And yet more rapidly than you now imagine. For 2020 is your new life in a new world. So be it. Amen. LifeTapestryCreations.com. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com. IN THE COMPANY OF ONE
Marilyn Raffaele, Onenessofall.com "In the company of One" were the words I clearly heard upon awakening one morning. This phrase perfectly expresses the energy of the times we find ourselves in. It informs us that at all times we are in the company of One, whether alone or with another. One appearing as: flowers, trees, rocks, or even the chair we may be sitting in. The mistake we make, which in fact is the whole cause of the human condition, is our acceptance of a sense of separation--from each other and Source. We have a God/Source and... Our human eyes see the many, and we erroneously assume that everything and everyone is separate. It certainly looks that way, but could there be an infinite God and something else? Who would of made it? What would it be made of and where would that leave an Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Creator? If God is not Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient then what sort of God do we have in our consciousness? Every person who seriously asks himself; "Who am I, how did I get here, and what on earth am I supposed to be doing?" aught not begin an inner journey to find the answers unless he is prepared to get information he may not like, because a serious inner journeys are is a little like opening a proverbial "can of worms". Artifacts discovered during a serious inner dig more often than not are found with many long standing and cherished beliefs attached which will require bloody footsteps to remove. Countless is a good word for all the times over years that I asked; "Who put me here and why did they do it, because I surely would not have chosen this!" But alas, with time comes the realization that everyone indeed consciously or unconsciously choose their life experiences. In fact, each and every one of us begged for the chance to be on earth at this profoundly spiritual time. We chose to be here to complete our own inner dig, and then help free others from the chains that still bind so many to the three dimensional belief system and for those ready, be guides leading them through the fourth, and finally into the fifth dimension which is the dimension of unconditional Love. Metaphysically speaking, the energetic significance of the number five is Love. The reason this is such a powerful time in the history of mankind, is that we as a race have finally evolved to a point where we can to let go of the three dimensional false concepts, teachings, and beliefs we have heretofore accepted as truth. Organized religion and metaphysics have always been about changing bad pictures in to good ones, and patting themselves mightily on the back for doing it. But now comes the universal kicker knocking those unwilling or unable to change, right off their feet and into self righteous fear which is manifesting as an intense amount of proselytizing about hell and damnation to anyone refusing to stay locked in the old. What is this "kicker"? It is the knowledge that nothing needs healing, correcting, or changing for there is only ONE, always has been, and always will be, and that ONE already perfect. This is the scary secret that the leaders of most organized religions who function primarily from fear based beliefs of duality and separation don't want you to know. Their ego selves are not receptive to anything new or different from what they already know and so they have nothing new to give their followers. They falsely believe that they already have all the answers. Churches and their leaders could wake up to so much more if they chose. Religious "leaders" could lift their congregations to new levels of consciousness and truly serve if they would only allow themselves to open and begin to think outside of the box they have put themselves in. If everyone suddenly woke up and realized that God is within and not in a building or that they didn't need an intermediary to teach them truth, where would that leave them and their multimillion dollar churches? Fear keeps most of them stuck in what has worked in the past, but these teachings can only fade because teachings that worked in the past will no longer resonate with people as they evolve to new levels of awareness. Am I alive? Are you alive? This is the key question because if we are, (and I highly suspect that we are), then we must be in and of the One and only Life there is, that which we term God. If so, we too must constitute all that the One Life is. One Life manifesting ITSELF as us. ITs completeness can only ever be our completeness. ITs wholeness appearing as our wholeness. ITS intelligence appearing as our intelligence, and on and on infinitely. We can't have just one little part of God if God is all there is. Life is Life is Life... It is at this point in our inner digging which may have gone on for lifetimes that we finally discover the pearl of great price--Unconditional Love-- the ONE manifesting ITself in infinite form and variety but always remaining ONE. Unconditional Love is the realization of ONEness. Everyone's physical, emotional, mental and spiritual experiences manifest outwardly according to the state of the depth of their realization of truth--their attained state of consciousness. Many love to quote; "The truth shall make you free." Especially when expounding their particular truth to others. However, the full and correct quote is; "And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." I/Source/God is always expressing ITself and because IT is all there is, Its manifestations and ideas are maintained and sustained forever by spiritual law. So why is it that our day to day living experiences do not always express in complete, whole, or harmonious ways? Like the person who starves to death because he is ignorant of having million dollar bank account somewhere, we too do not realize or believe that we hold a million dollar account within. Truth must be realized before it can manifest because we are creators. Our inner IS our outer. Mind is the substance of matter. We really are the creators of our lives, and we have the courage to ask ourselves; "What have I been creating?" Time is running short. Are you ready to enjoy the Company of ONE? Marilyn Champagne Raffaele 10/15/18 In Touch with True Emotions
DailyOM [email protected] BY MADISYN TAYLOR Our bellies can be wonderful monitors of our emotional health, and the truth can always be found there. So often, emotions that we long to express get stored in our bodies instead. The space where this most often happens is in our bellies. Rather than telling people, or even ourselves, the way we truly feel, we may stuff our true feelings deep inside of us, where they take up space until we are ready to let them go. Stuffing our feelings in our bellies may feel like the "safe" response, since we then don't really have to deal with our emotions. Yet, doing so can actually be detrimental to our emotional well-being and physical health. One way to connect with and release your emotions is to do a focused exercise with your stomach area. Take a moment to center yourself with some deep breathing and quiet meditation, relaxing your body fully and turning off the chatter in your brain. With your right hand on your stomach, tell yourself three times: "Please reveal to me my true emotions." Listen for the answers. Repeat the exercise as many times as you would like, allowing yourself to drop deeper into your body each time. Notice any physical response in the stomach area, whether you have a warm, relaxed feeling in the middle of your body or if you feel tight knots in response to any emotions that do come up. You may even want to write down any answers that come to you. Remember that the body doesn't lie. Releasing our pent up feelings from our bellies can prevent disease and allow us to live more authentic and expressive lives. Sometimes, if too much emotional energy builds up inside of us, a blowout can result that can cause discomfort. You can help to alleviate this compression by doing the same exercise and adding sound to your emotional release. The more guttural the sounds released through your mouth, the more emotions you are likely letting go. Releasing your emotions from your belly doesn't have to be painful and hard; rather, it can be organic and effortless. It's important not to judge whatever comes up for you. We tend to stuff our feelings in our bellies when we are ashamed of them or not ready to express them. There is nothing wrong with having feelings, whatever they may be. You can't help your feelings; if anything, you can help yourself by acknowledging the truth of your emotions so you can set yourself free. |