by Ron Head The messages you receive from others – The Council We will address today the messages you receive from others and your discernment regarding them. “We get a lot of channelings from the Angels, Ascended Masters and the Galactics all of which is quite positive. We also hear from Cobra and others about Galactic wars. Cobra talks about Plasma toplet bombs and the Chimera and Draconians. We never hear about any of the Cobra stuff from Angels, Ascended Masters or the Galactics. So ether it’s not true or you folks don’t want to talk about it. The question I have is A; is all or some of the Cobra stuff real? B: If it is true what does this all look like from your point of view?” This question is only one of many that have been received regarding several other sources. You are correct. We do not confirm, deny, or comment in any way upon other channels. It is not in our purview to do so. It is very likely true that many of these bring you Truth. It is equally likely that some are telling you things that may turn out to actually manifest, and again equally, that some is misdirection or just fear inducing. It is not our function to discern these, it is yours. This Council has a mandate, a function. We do not overstep. We exist to help, to aid, to teach if you will, the growth and evolution of human consciousness as expressed on your world. Part of that is encouraging the use of your discerning abilities. Part of that is pointing to your divine ability and responsibility to create the world that you live in. You are living in the world you have created. You will live in the world you are creating. You need to come to grips with the reality of that. You have been told this for ages. You have chosen, or have been led to believe that it is not true or not possible. And that relieves you, or seems to relieve you, of the responsibility. What is actually happening now on your world is that you are being shown what you have created and what you have allowed. And you are being told what you may create and how to accept that and do that. This is worldwide. Your world is changing. You asked for that to happen. You are being aided in that change. But you will learn that you are the change and you are the changer. Your consciousness is evolving into a higher state. Your reality will reflect that. That is Truth. That is law. So is this true? Is that true? What will happen? All of those answers are available to you if you know where and how to look. We will give you a hint… again… the answer is not outside of you. But the important thing for you to ask, the most important thing, is what do you want to be true. What things that may be happening, or may be in potential, do you want to be true. Humans create, and you help to create, your future. Who you are, what you are, and how you may evolve are our concern. We have no intention of commenting upon other information except to say that this message is arriving on your world in all languages and in all societies. It is time. Thank you. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:
How to Listen to Your Inner Coach
Intuition - Lynn A. Robinson [email protected]Dear Intuitive Seeker, A few years ago I gave a speech to a group of engineers on “How to Trust Your Gut.” I admit I was a little nervous about it. I’m a determinedly right-brained person and this was clearly a left-brained group! But to my surprise and relief they were a very open group. One fellow came up to me after my talk to share his favorite intuition technique. It was a decidedly low-tech approach. He explained that each morning he wrote a question to what he called his “Inner CEO.” He scribbled the question on a 3 X 5 card that he kept in his shirt pocket. He explained that throughout the day, he would receive flashes of insight, “thought messages,” and coincidences relevant to his question. He feels that having the question in his pocket kept him attuned to the questions and open to the answers. I ran into him recently at another speech I gave. He showed me a stack of his cards that represented several days worth of inquiry. They were filled with creative information and wisdom that he credits with helping him increase sales, hire good employees and successfully resolve a difficult issue with one of his biggest clients. “I couldn’t survive without my cards. They’re my second brain!” he said with a laugh. Your Inner CEO, or “Inner Coach,” if you prefer, is the creative part of your mind that answers when you ask questions such as, "I wonder how else I can look at this problem?” Or, “I wonder how else I could deal with this decision?” Or, “I wonder what other possibilities exist to solve this problem?” What is your “Inner Coach” telling you today? Intuitively Yours, Lynn SPEAK YOUR TRUTH: TAKING THE OBLIGATIONS OUT OF LIFE Posted on January 10, 2019 by Cynthia D. Griffin This month I decided to try something new and do a video blog post. I’m new at doing this sort of thing so I hope it turns out okay. Let’s start out 2019 about taking obligations out of life and making life more enjoyable and content!
Archangel Michael's Messages for 2019
Channeled Messages from Archangel Michael by Sarah Hall Each year, I meditate and call upon Archangel Michael for guidance for the year ahead. This year, his messages were all about trust. “Trust in divine timing,” Michael spoke. “This is a year in which your creations are taking wing, and your wishes are coming into physically-manifested fruition. We Angels are sending waves of empowerment, support, and inner realization as you complete the next steps on your journey. But still, it will be important to have patience, and practice unconditional trust in what you are creating. The dance of co-creation with heaven is balanced upon the forces of your Faith and Trust. The greater the strength of your trust, the more smoothly your journey of creation will unfold.” “How can we strengthen our faith and trust?” I asked Michael. “I am with you through every step of the journey of life.” He answered. “We Angels and Heavenly guides will act as your bridge into the consciousness of the Creator. Simply ask for greater faith, and so you shall receive it. The rest is accomplished by the forces of Heaven through you. We shall deliver the presence of faith into the deepest folds of your consciousness, and all manner of miracles will blossom through you. In order to feel, understand, and know this gift of faith, become still. In stillness, the truth will rise up from the deep layers of your consciousness to become realizations. Practice this art faithfully, dearest ones, and you will become as clear instruments of the divine. Through you, all of the light of heaven will stream as through a clear window pane. You are here to light the Earth through your creation.” According to Archangel Michael, 2019 will present an abundance of opportunities for you to come closer to your long term dreams than ever before. Write your intentions as you prepare for the magical energy of this first month of the year. Studies show that writing down your intentions correlates with a much higher chance of completing them! Allow these first days of the new year to set your precedent for the energy cycle ahead. You are coming into alignment with the fullest, most authentic version of you now.