2020 Preparation
September 30, 2019 Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestryCreations.com Summary of Brenda’s September 27, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: In the next three or four months, you’ll let go of earth chaos. To do so, you’ll likely become more childlike searching for fun instead of fear. As those of 3D become engrossed in the chaos, you’ll evolve from participant-observer to observer via the element of self-designed play. “Are You a World Whack-a-Mole Caretaker?” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestryCreations.com. Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information. Dear Ones, Your days seem to float by without any change – one day after another of sameness. Oh, there are sparks here and there, but no fire, no need to do much of anything other than pretending to be interested in something. It all seems too much. Such is so because you are in a resting, or perhaps better stated, in a void stage for you are doing much internal work. So it is your outer world seems almost foggy. You have no concrete attachments other than those you have had for the past few months. Attachments that are not necessarily exciting, merely there. Those pieces are your security blanket holding you, if you will, to the earth as your inner-being shifts minute-by-minute. Resulting in possible changes to your sleep or activity patterns. We wish you to know all is well before we address your internal shifts. This last push before your calendar year of 2020 is to ensure you are ready for the global shift occurring throughout next year. For before this 2020 global shift, you were of 5D, but functioning much of the time as if you were of 3D. Not necessarily in your thoughts, but in your actions – attending this party or that activity or not functioning as you once did because of the inner confusion such activities cause. These 2020 preparations include both your inner and outer-beings functioning differently than has ever been true for you while of the earth. Perhaps you have had an inkling of what your new actions and reactions will be, perhaps not. It does not matter. All that matters is that you know your world will never again be as it was the past number of years. That you have prepared for this time. Those preparations are nearly over. For you are no longer of 3D, nor will you find it necessary to pretend that you are as has been true for as long as you have been of 5D. For most of you have hidden your shift, believing your true being could not be displayed. In 2020 and beyond, you will not care what others think of you. For you will be in such a different place that the gnats of 3D expectations will no longer tweak you externally or internally. So it is the division between 3D and 5D will be formalized. Perhaps you are now worried that those you love will not make the break, so to speak. That you will again lose friends and family. The opposite is true. For this division will be so evident that those you interact with will either be a follower or of 5D. And those you now find as your go-to friends and family are likely followers. The cut between 3D and 5D will become very clear. For the earth is no longer of 3D, nor are you or millions of others. Some of you might label what we are speaking of as ascension. Or believe you will rise from the earth in white garments to create a new earth. It does not matter. Merely know that what is today will not be in 2020 – not for you, the earth, nor most earth inhabitants. Even though the future is now at the sunrise point, it will be of the full sun by 2020. The difficulties of those of 3D will continue and increase. Something you will observe, but not necessarily care about for your new explorations will have little to do with fear and rage. Those of 3D will fight among themselves to no avail. For there will be no winners or losers in that battle, merely an ongoing rage that cannot be contained. You and those following will be in such a different place as to not notice. If you will, a complete reversal of what has happened as you progressed in your 5D life. In the past, indications of 5D thoughts and actions were either marveled at or ignored depending on the acuity of those observing. And if those of 3D were interested, that interest did not lead to a continuing practice of love, nor did it mean they wished to change. You were the opposite. Once you heard your inner-being call you to your spiritual 5D path, you could not stop yourself from shifting. In truth, doing so seemed less difficult than not. So it is now. You are different because of your curiosity and need. While those of 3D are doubling down on what they believe is the right path. It is for them, just as 5D and beyond is the right path for you. Those of 5D and of 3D will inhabit the earth simultaneously. For 5D is the vision of the future while 3D is of the past. Which is little different than earth generations not understanding one another. Perhaps you are concerned that those of 3D will start wars or continue harming the environment and earth entities. Such would be so if those of 5D and beyond were not the majority – as will happen in 2020 and beyond. This is a new earth with new beings. Not the least of which is you. You created new earth, so you could play with your creation skills in a concrete environment instead of the nebulous environments you experience when not of the earth. You have created your peace – even though you might not yet understand that. And in 2020 you will use that peace to create a new physical world for yourself and all others who wish to be of 5D and beyond. So be it. Amen. LifeTapestryCreations.com. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.
Starting New
DailyOM,[email protected] BY MADISYN TAYLOR We can choose to start over in this very moment, there's no need to wait for a new year, month, or week. There are times in our lives that lend themselves to starting something new. The beginning of a new year, finishing school, leaving a job, or changing homes--these all are times that turn our minds to fresh starts. Their advantage is that they bring with them the energy of that event, creating a tide of change around them that we can ride to our next shoreline. But we can choose to start anew anytime. In any moment we can decide that a bad day or a relationship that's gotten off on the wrong foot can be started again. It is a mental shift that allows us to clean the slate and approach anything with fresh eyes, and we can make that choice at any time. Starting new is most powerful when we focus our attention to what we are choosing to create. Giving all of our attention to the unwanted aspects of our lives allows what we resist to persist. We need to remember to leave enough room in the process of new beginnings to be kind to ourselves, because it takes time to become accustomed to anything new, no matter how much we like it. There is no need to get down on ourselves if we don't reach our new goals instantly. Instead, we acknowledge the forward motion and choose to reset and start again, knowing that with each choice we learn, grow, and move forward. Making the choice to start anew has its own energy--it's a promise made to you. The forward momentum creates a sort of vacuum behind it, pulling toward you all you need to help you continue moving in your chosen direction. Once the journey has begun, it may take unexpected turns, but it never really ends. Like cycles in nature, there are periods of obvious growth and periods of dormancy that signal a time of waiting for the right moment to burst forth. Each time we choose to start anew we dedicate ourselves to becoming the best we are able to be. Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestryCreations.com
Summary of Brenda’s September 20, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: You’ve been preparing for 2020 since 2012. So it is you’ll discover new skills throughout the next 3 months. Those following won’t experience the same for they’re completing phases you completed earlier. And those of 3D will become more fully enmeshed in fear, anger, illogic, rage, and pain. For they accepted a challenging earth role – pushing all who wish to be of 5D or beyond out of the 3D nest. “Feeling or Acting Odd?” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestryCreations.com. Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information. Dear Ones, We wish to address the uneasiness you feel about your future and the future of the earth. For even though you have been informed that all is well, it is becoming more difficult to believe that such is so. You can ignore the media and similar factors, but it is your inner feelings you cannot understand. For you are concerned about areas, you believe you and others addressed decades ago. It is as if you have worked months to complete a report only to have your one copy destroyed. You are tired of fighting, of carrying the world and your family and friends on your shoulders. You feel as if you are on caretaker overload for the same issues keep popping up with seemingly no resolution. Should you protect the environment? What about people being held without their consent? Then there is gun violence as a result of the racial, religious, gender, economic, political, and homophobic hatred displayed daily. When and where will the next war be? And if that is not enough, you are discovering those you love are filled with fear because they do not understand their transition, nor do they listen to the explanations you offer. It is as if you are playing Whack-a-Mole with the world and your emotions. You assumed that by now, you would be living in your dream world with little or no stress. Yet, your stress seems to multiply daily. For just as one issue seems calmer, another arrives that requires immediate attention. Where is your peace? Where is your rest? The truth is you have not yet let go of your need to caretake the world. Even though you supposedly turned that concern over to your followers, you continue that role in addition to your new assignments. You are trying to be everything to everyone. In your work-a-day world, you would be labeled as someone who cannot delegate. For indeed, 90% of your worries are not your role. You are no longer a caretaker of the earth or its inhabitants. You have other, more compelling tasks to complete. Your caretaking days are over. But because you have not yet allowed that to be your truth, you are anxious and angry. You are trying to do too much, for you do not believe those following are skilled enough to pick up where you left off. It is no longer your place to worry about atomic bombs, sheltering others, or the concerns of your friends and family. All are caretaking modes you have outgrown. Of course, you do not believe our statement for you are quite proud of no longer caretaking those family members or friends who seem to be in the same predicament year after year. What you have not yet addressed is your feelings of a similar nature. You were likely concerned about the environment and humanity decades ago. For such was your key to this life. But you remain so deeply entrenched in those concerns that it is difficult to turn those issues over to your followers, or if you will, the next generation of light-bearers. Your one and only responsibility, no matter how much others beg you to return to your previous roles, is to find and follow your joy. Worrying about the earth, the environment, or humanity is no longer joyful for you. We, of the Universes, have told you the same month-after-month. Yet, our information has not resulted in your knowing that worry is not joyful. That your followers are capable of picking up where you left off. Granted, they might not approach issues as you would, but then, you have known for years that all paths are unique. Your world solutions are based in 3D. Your followers’ solutions will be much different. For their lens is of the future and yours is of the past. Not in terms of your joy, but instead how to solve issues that continue to be troublesome for you. Your role in this life was to shift yourself and the earth from 3D to beyond. You completed that difficult task. Even so, you now wonder what you did wrong and how to fix those wrongs. You did everything wonderfully right. Those who follow have the puzzle pieces for those areas that worry you. You are creator beings. So it is you created the new earth. Now it is time for you to create something that is yours alone. And you will know what that something is by the joy it gives you. No longer is it necessary for you to hide your joy from those who might not understand. For those actions were of 3D. You are no longer of 3D, nor are your followers. Allow them to complete the roles they assumed for this life, as we did you. Will your followers try to obtain your help with the issues they need to solve? Of course. Just as you continue to request solutions from us. Yet as is true for you, those following must claim their place without your interference or coaching. They are skilled enough to carry on. Such is so to allow you to create, to shift to the next step. Of course, you wish for us to tell you what your next step is. This we cannot do. For it is your creation step on your unique path. No one, least of all we, of the Universes, know where that path will lead. The only definite we can relay is that it is not caretaking anyone or anything. Continuing to do so will only result in exhaustion. You are no longer responsible for the earth or any earth beings. Your role is creating. And your unique joy will lead to those creations. We know what you are not. But not who you will become. Something only you can discover through your joy. So be it. Amen. LifeTapestryCreations.com. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com. Ron | September 23, 2019 at 9:29 am | Catego Feeling or Acting Odd?
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestryCreations.com Summary of Brenda’s September 13, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: For the next few weeks, you’ll find yourself and others acting oddly for the energies pummeling the earth are shifting everyone. Those following will want you to explain what’s happening despite the information created by you and readily available to all who wish to understand their transition. You, in turn, will be shifting dramatically in preparation for your new 2020 being. “3D Doesn’t Know There’s a Within” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestryCreations.com. Dear Ones, You are likely discovering new and somewhat odd reactions to others. Even though you knew you would function differently than was true in 3D, you no longer understand or are able to predict some of your new actions. Actions and words that are both exciting and frightening. Who are you? Despite internalizing new segments and adapting to the new earth, you believed you would continue to be your 3D self with a few tweaks here and there. Such, as is becoming apparent to you and others, is definitely not true. For you are a new being with new directions and needs. Perhaps that feels like a frightening concept because you wish to retain your 3D life, including relationships, homes, locations, jobs, etc. You are discovering that despite your best efforts to be the ‘old’ you, you are claiming more ground for yourself. Something you denied yourself for eons. As a result, you are saying and doing things you do not necessarily understand. So it is you find yourself snapping at loved ones with words that do not seem to be part of your being. Or you refuse to do something you once found deliciously exciting. You have prepared for this phase for the past nine months. Even so, the outcomes are not what you expected or want. Perhaps you remember your teens when you functioned similarly. The difference is, your objections to your parents or society were to ensure acceptance by those you felt were your teen group. You are now doing and saying things that seem to have no purpose other than irritating or hurting those you love. Do not fret. Those of your inner circle are undergoing similar shifts. So it is you feel you are missing the mark – whatever the mark is – as are all others. It is as if you are all trying to hit the baseball, with your back to the pitcher. Nothing is as it was. And so nothing seems to feel like the right formula for you or others. You are foggy, belligerent, silly, nasty, and confused – as are all others. This is not the time to take your personal temperature if you will. Nor is it time to start or end relationships. For all is askew – including you. You want us, of the Universes, to tell you that you will soon return to 3D sanity. We cannot. For you and all others have become new entities as a result of the recent energies. It is as if you have been puzzle pieces that fit together once in a while. Now you are a complete puzzle with an image not yet visible. Of course, you do not feel complete or even know who you are. Imagine that you are viewing your completed puzzle from an inch away instead of with an overview. As you travel throughout the remainder of this year, your view will expand to include a complete image and an understanding of what that image represents for you. You, en masse, decided that accepting your being in less time would be too frightening for you and those you love. You are growing into self-understanding and acceptance, much as you did as a young 3D adult. For then, as is true now, you likely could not imagine who you would become. So it will be for the next several months as you grow into your new being. Perhaps some of you are concerned you will end relationships you thought permanent in this lifetime. And so you might. But it is more likely you will develop closer ties with those of your inner circle. For you have cleared your path, your being of those so dissimilar as not to be of interest to you. Those you no longer interact with are not currently interested in moving beyond their 3D life. Even though they may change their direction as a result of recent energies, they are so far behind you in their evolutionary process that you will likely not return to those relationships. You are becoming new you in abrupt stops and starts, just as was true when you were a teenager or young adult. The difference is there are no road maps, no others who have traveled your path. So it is this shift seems more frightening for some than was true when they were a teen group member. No one is shifting the same way as you. For only you can allow yourself to shift as your inner-being needs to. Not because you know the rewards that doing so will bring, but because it is time – like salmon swimming upstream. You are new you with a limited vision of who that is. A vision expanding daily despite your fears of what you will find. Allow yourself to fully explore your needs, and you will experience an easier shift than if you deny yourself the freedom to be. You will not lose those also transitioning. And those who are not, are already out of your world. So allow yourself to be in the easiest and most exciting way possible – without guilt, regrets, or self-questioning. Any more than you did when you were angry at your parents as a teen. You will evolve rapidly in the next four or so months. Allow that to be. There is no need to question your motives. For your only motive is growth. And so it will be. So be it. Amen. LifeTapestryCreations.com. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com. Brenda Hoffman | URL: https://wp.me/p6VmDX-3Go Perception
Daily Om BY MADISYN TAYLOR A simple shift in attitude can help us recognize the hidden potential for fulfillment in every event. There is no secret recipe for happiness and contentment. The individuals who move through life joyously have not necessarily been blessed with lives of abundance, love, success, and prosperity. Such people have, however, been blessed with the ability to take the circumstances they've been handed and make them into something great. Our individual realities are colored by perception--delight and despair come from within rather than without. Situations we regard as fortuitous please us while situations we judge inauspicious cause us no end of grief. Yet if we can look at all we have accomplished without dwelling on our perceived misfortune and make each new circumstance our own, the world as a whole becomes a brighter place. A simple shift in attitude can help us recognize and unearth the hidden potential for personal and outer world fulfillment in every event, every relationship, every duty, and every setback. The universe is often an unpredictable and chaotic place, and the human tendency is to focus on the negative and assume the positive will care for itself. But life can be no more or no less than what you make of it. If you are working in a job you dislike, you can concentrate on the positive aspects of the position and approach your work with gusto. What can you do with this job that can turn it around so you do love it? When faced with the prospect of undertaking a task you fear, you can view it as an opportunity to discover what you are truly capable of doing. Similarly, unexpected events, when viewed as surprises, can add flavor to your existence. By choosing to love life no matter what crosses your path, you can create an atmosphere of jubilance that is wonderfully infectious. A change in perspective is all it takes to change your world, but you must be willing to adopt an optimistic, hopeful mind-set. To make a conscious decision to be happy is not enough. You must learn to observe life's complexities through the eyes of a child seeing everything for the first time. You must furthermore divest yourself of preconceived notions of what is good and what is bad so that you can appreciate the rich insights concealed in each stage of your life's journey. And you must strive to discover the dual joys of wanting what you have. As you gradually shift your perspective, your existence will be imbued with happiness and contentment that will remain with you forever. 3D Doesn’t Know There’s a Withinby Ron
September 9, 2019 Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestryCreations.com Summary of Brenda’s September 6, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: You’re probably discovering some guilt for not doing or saying what others and you expect. You’re healing others by allowing them to find their strengths. For eons, you’ve believed you were stronger than others, or it was your responsibility to care for others despite your needs. In this earth chaos, others will try to push you into caretaking even though that’s no longer who you are. Dear Ones, Today is not the day to ponder your future. But then, neither is tomorrow nor the day after. For you are creating your future day by day. Many of you wonder, even worry about your role in this new earth. “Should I be patient, stand-offish, or something other than what I’m feeling? Why can’t I get the big picture of my future?” All of which is a doing instead of being, 3D focus. Being instead of doing is beginning to have new meaning for you. For as you exit your cocoon stage, nothing likely seems large enough to create a new direction. Even though you are more peaceful and relaxed, that cannot be your future role for you should be doing something more expansive. We prophesized you would feel more peaceful. But now that such is starting to happen, you wonder what happened to the excitement, the fireworks. Because your fireworks are no longer fear-based, your new excitement is not yet describable. For you are just beginning to experience new sensations and emotions. Much of your 3D excitement was based on achievement or celebrating society shoulds whether it be marriage, academic advancement, a promotion, children, a new home or car, etc. Most of which was because it was time or past time for you to do so according to your society. ThreeD excitement was not bad, but instead focussed on escape or achieving something others did not or could not have. No longer will others ooh and ahh over your perfect wedding or beautiful new dress, job, house, or car. For what gives you joy is not necessarily something anyone else wants. You are on a unique path with unique needs and rewards. So it is your new excitement might even be frightening. For no longer will there be many outer success indicators – your new indicators are generated from within. Perhaps such seems less exciting than was true when you could discuss your new car, home or whatever allowed you to feel a secret joy that you had more than someone else. ThreeD joy and excitement were competitive. FiveD and beyond joy and excitement are internal. So it is your society is breaking along a divide most will only understand if they are of 5D or beyond. For those entirely of 3D will wonder at your lack of enthusiasm for their latest toy or achievement. And those of you of 5D will be amazingly satisfied with that which you never thought possible before your transition. You are a new being with new needs, thoughts, and actions. None of which are compatible with 3D yearnings. So it is those fully enmeshed in 3D will watch you with pity and those of you of 5D will do the same for those of 3D. It is a divide that is becoming more significant daily. You will continue to interact with those of 3D, but not on the same level as was once true. Those of 3D will thrive as they continue to fear those actions and people outside their world. Those of 5D will wonder why society means anything to anyone given that the current society is based on fear and groupthink. So it is that even though the two dimensions will continue to populate the same space, everything from needs to excitement will be of two philosophies. You want us of the Universes to tell you that all will be of 5D eventually. Such is true, but not necessarily in this lifetime. For some need to maintain their 3D identities to give you something to compare – that is their role. But because those fully of 3D are now in the minority, their fear is compounding daily. That which used to work so well – fear and anger – seems to be less powerful daily. Even though you might still become angry at 3D antics, you will have no need to join in. Before you and others transitioned, you were all trying to obtain the same pieces within the same fears. Now society is splintering. Encouraging you of 5D to look within, while those of 3D do not even understand there is a within. Your transition has been amazingly successful – with the help of those of 3D who sacrificed their joy and new beings in this lifetime to help push you into your new being. For if 3D fear were not rampant, you might have wavered longer before transitioning. Change is constant, but not the timing of that change. So those deeply enmeshed in 3D are your secret diving boards encouraging you to dive into the deep waters of the unknown. Despite your rage at times at their antics, your 3D foils are becoming braver by the day. For as more transition, those of 3D are becoming more confused and yes, lonely. Just as you perhaps felt when you initiated your transition decades ago. For the scales have changed from you being the odd person to others wondering how you project peace given all that is happening in the world. Granted, many of you have jumped back on the fear wagon time and time again, only to discover your fears were unfounded or too uncomfortable to continue. You are no longer of 3D, nor are most humans. Some are just starting to transition. Others are in 4D and still others, like you, are in 5D. But the majority are no longer of 3D. Something you are just beginning to note for you are now comfortable enough with your oddness that you do not notice others observing you in wonderment instead of fear. You have become new you with new roles that do not include being better than others. Your new role might be watching birds, taking a walk, or dancing the night away. It does not matter what gives you joy or provides excitement. It is your joy, your path, and your excitement. And the same is true for all who are evolving. As for those loving beings who dare remain of 3D, please understand their pain as they see their joys of power and containment of others slipping through their fingers. Do they deserve your pity? That is up to you. If it feels right for you to do so, please do. But if it does not, such is so. For in this life, as in all lives, you have choices. It is not your role to carry those who are of 3D anymore than it was their role to caretake you as you found your unique 5D path. So be it. Amen. LifeTapestryCreations.com. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com. ![]() Sight Versus Vision DailyOM [email protected] MADISYN TAYLOR Vision comes from within and shows us how to navigate the realms of thought, feeling, and emotion. Sight is the ability to see the physical world while vision is the gift of seeing beyond it. Sight enables us to take the physical world in so we can participate in it with knowledge. It brings us pleasure through our eyes, which perceive the colors and shapes of all the myriad expressions of nature and human beings. It helps us feel in control, allowing us to see what is coming toward us, which way we are going, and exactly where we are standing at a given moment. We are able to read signs and books, navigate the interiors of buildings with ease, sense and perceive how a person is feeling by the expressions that cross her face. As anyone who has lost their eyesight can tell you, though, there are things that are clearer when you cannot see the world through your eyes. One of the reasons many meditation instructors advise sitting with the eyes closed is because we automatically become more in touch with our inner world when we are not distracted by the outer world. It is in this state that vision becomes our mode of seeing. Vision comes from within and shows us how to navigate the realms of thought, feeling, and emotion. It enables us to see things that aren't yet manifested in the world of form, and it also connects us to that part of ourselves that exists separately from the world of form. As we age, even those of us with perfect eyesight will generally lose some of our acuity, but this loss is usually replaced with inner vision. This is the time of life when we are meant to turn inside and take what are sometimes the very first steps of a journey that cannot be traced on a map. We call upon intuition and feel our way along a path that ultimately carries us beyond the realm we can see with our eyes and into the land of spirit. |