It’s Perfect!by RonIt's Perfect!I have never posted much that is personal, much less a dream. But I woke up this morning with one that I feel applies to us as much as it does to me. Interpret it any way that you choose. First, there is a long processing line extending from left to right. At the end of the line is a very large oven. I have just tasted today's BBQ straight out of the oven. It isPERFECT! I explain to someone near me that we have been making this for years and years and it has always been good, but it was always just a bit less than perfect. We have not added anything. We have not left anything out. We have not changed anything. And yet, now it is perfect. "Here. Taste this." "It's perfect!" "See what I mean? I don't know why, but it is." We all felt jubilation and deep gratitude. Best wishes for the very best year ever for you in 2017. Happy New Year to all of the ONE
This really resonated with me today - thanks to Ron Head. We've been getting ready- preparing our perfected recipe up to this point & the celebrations are all getting ready for the big party which is Universe-wide. Enjoy all the new flavours of your life going forward! Davo
Méline Portia Lafont ~ Gateway 21 - 27 December 2016 ~ take the leap! Blessings Love Tribe and blessed Solstice Greetings, The movement of the old to be released and deported has been initiated by the last Full Moon of this month. Everything will be stripped off by the Universe of what you no longer need. You can't take it with you, this time it is very strong. Decisions, choices through self realizations are at hand. Now entering the Solstice Gateway we are in for a wild ride in consciousness! Solar energies working as fine tuning tools in our DNA and nerve system, rebooting our brain system and returning us back to the most authentic level of Self we CAN BE at this now moment. Gearing up through this Solstice portal towards the end marking of December 26, 2016 ~ The end cycle of the 9 year cycle and 3 phase wave ~ the conclusion and completion Gateway. Take the leap!! i experience a facing period of deeper emotions and a detox on the mental and emotional level. For once it is pretty instant recognized and released almost instant too. I noticed that when a situation occurs that usually would trigger these emotions, now after this emotional detox, I feel empty and numb instead of experiencing the usual emotions that would fire me up in that sense. They are stripped away instantly and thus is there nothing left anymore to be triggered. I stay very calm, numb as if I am in another bubble. For people around me it appears as if I am feeling apathetic and I even experience it this way in a sense. I can see much movement around me in the collective and in people their lives that are close to me. Serious fired up situations at times and distortions. All are ending contracts, that is why so much comes up to be finalized and released for once and all. Remember folks... The given time frame of December 26,2016 in one of my messages last year, being a marker and the finalization of a 9 year cycle, 3 waves movement is important! Work with this magnificent potent Portal as it is a vortex of creation and closure for the new manifesting in 2017. It is the time frame of all ending, closure, wrapping up movement. This wave that is hitting us right now is a part of this! Right on time to get digested by our bodies and brain system by the 26th to then embody this energy and RADIATE! This wave brings up undigested root causes of things translated in heavy, blowing and distorted situations. The time is NOW to release it and to make your closure decisions , to end certain stories and situations. This energy is at hand now. We're HERE now, stay focused, balanced and keep your heart wide open to receive, give and release. I wish you beautiful holidays and a heartfelt wish for Love, Unity, peace and Oneness. Thank you for being here at this time and for anchoring all these energies with you while traveling your own unique pathways of Divine Self into the Human shell. Love and Blessings, Méline Portia Lafont Thank you for all of your support and friendship in 2016! I beyond appreciate you all with Love in my heart <3 If you like to continue and support me in my endavours and sipiritual work, I would love a donation. Thank you so much <3 The Winter Solstice (& beyond), December 21st, 2016 ~ Your Initiation and Rebirth
By L'Aura Pleiadian The Winter Solstice, December 21st, 2016 ~ at 6:44am AST, an Initiation.A New Beginning.Immersed in the Darkness, of the Shortest day of Daylight, we celebrate the Darkness and go deeper within. Then we are Initiated into GREATER Light. As the return of Light begins. Culminating with the Summer Solstice, the longest day of daylight of the year. Every day we experience a Sacred Ritual. The Sun setting, symbolic of Death. The Sun Rising, Symbolic of Rebirth. We die, we are born. Over and over. Initiated through the darkness, resurrected, through the LIGHT.These cycles, are held deep within our subconscious mind. We prepare for the night. The initiations. We RISE in the morning with the Sun rising, a new day. A new cycle. A new birth. As we embrace REBIRTH and the cycles that as Eternal Beings of Light, we go through, as consciousness in form. we embrace the sacredness. The Sacredness of our Light. Of rhythms, the Sun and Moon. Our Breath, inhaling and exhaling. Of being alive. Many of us may find our life situations, are not as hoped for. Not as desired. Moving slowly. Yet when we have entered an initiatory phase of our consciousness. we know deep within us, it is the preparatory phase. Preparing for our Rebirth. Our beginning. A new cycle. A New way of Being.In the Darkness there is light. Though we cannot see clearly what and when and how, all things unfold, through these cycles of consciousness. In the darkness is the stillness, where we know, ALL Great things within, are born through the LIGHT. Reflect on each day, the cycle of Night and Day. The seasons. The darkness, and the rebirth into greater Light, as you NOW open, to ALSO receive greater Light. Celebrating this greater Light, our REBIRTH, the floodgates of HEAVEN now open up and we are Blessed. The SUN, representing the Spiritual Sun, is the life-giving force of life eternal. We breathe it in. We bathe in it. We celebrate in it. We love through it. Although this Sun feels external, it is deep within us. As well as the darkness, the subconscious. Uniting the darkness and the Light, we unite Heaven within us. The subconscious and conscious, all that we are not aware of, that plays out through us and all that we consciously experience. Embracing the unknown, what we do not see, is embracing all aspects of our being. The darkness and the Light. NOW this Winter Solstice. And NOW. Breathe in this Light. The Sun. Let it fill your Heart. Let its presence, be part of your awareness. On the Winter Solstice, the shortest night of the year, turn off the Lights. Light some candles, be present with the Light within the darkness. Reflective of the levels of consciousness, within you. Be aware of the Light within you, through your Heart. Welcome the GREATER Light. The Initiations, that are now set, for you to Experience. That are beginning NOW. Breathe in the NEWNESS, let go of the OLD. Embrace the darkness within, and the Light within. And the Glorious Light that is Eternal, will BLESS you through your darkness, through your initiations, through your INCREASE in LIGHT. Through your REBIRTH. NOW. The Glorious Return of LIGHT. Your emerging LIGHT. The Light of your Original PURE Light. All Miracles, NOW. Lauren C. Gorgo, Stepping Out of Duality finality, closure & the integration of Self masteryAs we walk thru the final weeks of the year and complete our completions from a very intensive 9-year cycle of learning via separation, many of us are finalizing the personal polarity journey and preparing to anchor of our hard-won experiences from duality into physical form. We are also headed for quite an auspicious solstice event as this upcoming gateway creates an extraordinary coming together in preparation for beginning a brand new 9-year creation cycle as whole-unified BEings. End of The END: liberation of the human slave raceAnd so here we are. The final month of the last year spanning an uber intensive 9-year journey of remarkable (miraculous even) inner expansion and transformation. We are at the (official) end of the end, completing the completions of quite a legendary cycle of human experience and as a result, every single one of us is being celebrated by the many enlightened beings who we have been working with us since the beginning to achieve such extraordinary aims. The culmination of this 9 year cycle has offered each of us the ability to defragment, to unify every lost aspect of Self thru the full acceptance and integration of our shadows…those parts of us that, until now, were not fully illuminated. For those of you who have restored your vision to see every part of yourself as LOVE, you will be moving into the new creation cycle with the ability to now experience yourself as LOVE. The new creation cycle commences on 1-1 and altho we are already feeling the super refined, highly concentrated (creator) frequencies of the new energy, I am shown the upcoming solstice gateway as quite pivotal in this regard. We are approaching a very sacred portal, a portal that is precipitating a profound moment of coming together, as LOVE. We also have two more celestial happenings that are being highlighted with regard to our completions: 1) The final supermoon of three in a row (on 12-13/14) is bringing with it some resolute closure…the last of which (on 11/14) was THE biggy of the three, the one that was heralded by the galactics as the end of the (duality) game and the beginning of the dissolution of the karmic (body) template for those who are on the path of embodied mastery. Since then we have been dodging some serious bullets created from collective and personal upheavals, but all in preparation to “begin again”. 2) On 12-19 Mercury retrogrades for the fourth time this year (3/year is more common) and so we have a really great opportunity to get our heads on straight, gain some brand new perspective, after an enormous year of introspection. According to my Sources, this retrograde offers us last minute resolutions, resurrections & especially revelations of the higher mind, those that will help us truly look forward in the new year. This will be a time of reorienting our thoughts after weeks of (necessary) disorientation…a final mental review of our past in order to propel us into the NOW, ensuring that we consciously move thru those last shards of fragmentation before renewal. I personally can’t think of a better way for this (9) year-in-review to end since we spent so much of the last 12 months in major retrogrades. In many ways this whole year felt like a time warp…like we were transported back to the beginning of our awakening again. It was far from easy but served as an effective & essential year of immersion therapy to condense, highlight and intensify any remaining shadow aspects so that (if we did the inner-work) we can finish the year out in a masterful completion. Unity grants us access to ALL things, including the experience of choosing our experience. CLICK TO TWEET Next year we move into many new physical reality alterations as the 1 vibration ensures, but we are having to get there with ZERO attachments & expectations…in complete faith, but with a deep awareness that what lies just ahead is nothing like what lies just behind us. The physicalization of all that we have created during the last creation cycle is clearly calling us forward, but it takes absolute dedication and masterful restraint to not project what that is or will be. In the meantime, many of us are dealing with the final throes, the last remnants of purging our pasts…surrendering all that which we need to move into complete union with ourcellves. This final emptying out can feel depleting, pushing us to the absolute edge of our comfort zones as our life Force continues to withdrawal from the all that no longer fulfils us. This vacuum state can amount to the withering away of vitality, resources (financial & otherwise), creativity, motivation, etc. but it is all in preparation for ‘entirely new beginnings’. (more on that below) Technically speaking, the end is already over and the beginning is already here. Any remaining space between those two realities points to remaining separation (fear) left within…space left between you and YOU. The rest of this month we will continue to be pressed to find any gaps, no matter how small, and fill them with LOVE. [section protected: to read FULL report & comments see membership OPTIONS & PRICING ] © As LOVE, Inc. 2016 All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy and redistribute The 5D Report’s FREE VERSION ONLY on the condition that the content remains complete, intact, full credit is given to the author, and that it’s distributed freely. Message 20Global Service Work
Emotions are designed to act as guidelines to show you when you are off course. When you are feeling fear, it is valuable to express that in the moment, "I am feeling some fear right now." You don't have to know where the feelings are coming from, or what they mean; you just have to acknowledge them. Once they are acknowledged, they are defused. They are not stored in your system. Each time you personally transform an old pattern of fear or struggle, you are uplifting an energetic piece of the dysfunctional matrix. You are uplifting your personal vibration. Each time you shift an emotional response from anger or judgment to love, joy, gratitude, and acceptance, you are doing global service work at a personal level. Each time you come together with other awake, multidimensional beings, you are strengthening the power of your global service work. The gift you can offer to the collective by your embodiment is the gift of a pure, high vibrational frequency. A pure high vibrational frequency is held in joy, gratitude, and appreciation. Remember to maintain this frequency, or return to it as often and quickly as possible. Each moment is an opportunity to shift the long-held dysfunctional vibrations of lack, fear, anger, judgment, and unworthiness. ©2006 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: subscribe to the FREE 88 messages. Kara Schallock,
When you view life from the inside out, you are not seduced by anything outside of yourself; rather, you view it dispassionately (without attachment) as an observer and you find a message in it all. It begins with a meditation practice, as meditation brings your entire Awareness within you. Eventually, you view everything as if it was a meditation...from the inside out. Every book you read; every show you watch; every song or conversation you hear or take part in...all is especially for you, designed for you to evolve. This is not to say that buttons don't still get pushed and yet those buttons show you what belief or pattern still is creating your life. When this happens to me, I give sincere thanks, for otherwise I might fool myself into thinking I'm all clear of the old. (I don't use the word “trigger,” as that seems too violent to me and I am ever-vigilant with the words I use.) When a particular button is pushed, I journal and create a Sacred Rose above me to gather the old beliefs and patterns so they may transform into Love. When we focus on Compassion, Abundance, Love or any of the Soul Essences born of Love, anything that is not what we focus on will surface to be loved, accepted and then released. When we release that which is not of a particular Soul Essence, we will then fill up with more of what we're focused on. As an example, if you choose to focus on Abundance, you may very well bring forth any energy you carry of lack. Do you absolutely know that you are never alone and that you have a group of beings that are always guiding and cheering you on? These beings are an extension of you. Whether it is to see the deeper message in something or when you want to manifest something, you are always guided. They often speak to you through your feelings. Everything conspires to help you be more. When you truly trust this, your Faith grows and life become a lot easier and you feel a lot more relaxed. When you relax and allow things to unfold naturally, you actually manifest a lot quicker. You are not meant to struggle or worry. You are meant to flow with What Is in complete Faith. You open to receive. There is no need to advertise or market your gifts, for you receive according to your consciousness. You draw to you what and who you are. Life is meant to be simple. Being in Acceptance of What Is in this Now Moment shows you exactly where you and your consciousness are. When you flow, you are in ease and when in ease, you open to miracles. Make a fist. It is tense and hurts after a while. Now relax your hand and feel how gentle you feel. When you struggle or push, it's like making a fist, which affects every part of you and puts you in an energy of limitation. When you relax, your breathing become lighter and your entire body opens up. We are so used to striving and making something happen that this state of Flow may seem strange at first. You might feel guilt, because an old program tells you that you aren't doing enough. Yet as you practice just Being, you will understand. This is a part of the shift. It is important to sleep. Sleep helps to turn the mind off and helps to integrate the many upgrades we receive. If you find yourself experiencing disruptive sleep, meditate or call on a spiritual being and have a conversation. Lately I've been calling in The Magdalen. It's fun and revealing and helps you align with Love and higher consciousness. You can call on anyone actually. They like to connect with you. Once when my youngest daughter would crawl in bed with me as a child, she told me that there is a web and each light in the web was someone who was no longer on Earth and someone we could speak with. The brighter the light, the more they were willing to speak with you. Of course, I don't look for a bright light in the universal web; I just call on whoever pops into my mind. You can call on your Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters, a beloved one who has transitioned or anyone you like. And then you sleep. Last night Yeshua popped in. I found this to be interesting because I don't feel a strong connection with him. He told me some interesting things including that some have more than one Soul, like he does. This was a new piece of information for me and based on how it felt, I know this to be true. While we end 2016 in human terms, do remember that in Truth there is no beginning and no end; therefore, each year flows into the next infinitely. All is a circle of Unity with no beginning and no end. However, let us focus on being more loving, more kind and more of everything we know is of Love. Anything that is not that which we focus on will then surface to show us what still needs to be done. As we do this, we become more and more of that which we choose to be. Be the Compassionate Observer so that you don't recoil in angst if you see you still have non-Love within you. Remember too that we are free to choose, as we have Free Will and forces us to do one thing or another. This is powerful; do you feel it? Do you sense that you are no longer bound to the 3D matrix? We get to choose what and who we move forward with and what of the old we choose to let go of. We know because we have an inner guidance system. When something isn't aligned with who we are now, it feels off-kilter. When something is aligned with who we are, it feels like Home and things flow with a wonderful feeling Flow. As you focus on Love, realize that old emotional energies of worry, guilt, judgment, etc. are shadows of fear and they simply do not belong within your new vessel. They do show you what beliefs you still hold. For those who are fully anchored in the New, these old energies hold no charge at all. You know if you have transcended old limiting energies when they surface, for you do not react to them. If you do react, it is something that pushes your buttons and then you may choose to either let it stay as well as the underlying belief, or you may choose to release it, followed by a change in behavior and filling up with Divine Love. Let us not create a new pattern however, for then eventually you create another situation that is solid, rather than flowing. It is the same with beliefs; do not create a new belief to replace the old one, for that too limits you. Allow yourself to flow, because as your consciousness shifts, your life does as well. Perceptions flow; beliefs stifle. If it seems that all your shifting and changing does not make a difference, please know that it does. Let go of looking outside of yourself for proof and let go of wanting approval from others. You know who you are, so trust that as you honor your own Integrity, you make a very large difference in the world. If you are discouraged by what you judge as bad, please realize that all is in Divine Order, even when it doesn't seem so. Everything shifts, so continue to shine your Light and be all that you are, letting go of what appears to be true; for all is not as it seems. To help yourself be more Love, take care of yourself through meditating, spending time in Nature, eating and drinking healthily, move and be creative (whatever that means to you. Creativity empowers the Soul). And more than anything, trust yourself, love yourself and be kind to you. From your full cup of Love, you effortlessly share all that you are with others. ~ ~ ~ If so guided, your continued tithes are graciously and gratefully accepted. And thank you to those of you who consistently tithe to support this body of work. Tithing is giving from the Heart; creating a consciousness of Prosperity. I am blessed and grateful for each of you! We're not wanting to be insensitive to what so many of you are feeling, but we are very much wanting you to put this death thing in the proper perspective: You are all going to die! Except there is no death. You're all going to make your transition into Non-Physical. It is time to stop making your transition into Non-Physical sound like a subject that is uncomfortable and begin acknowledging that it is something that happens to everyone. This death thing is so misunderstood that you use it to torture yourself never-endingly and just absolutely unnecessarily. There are those who feel such fulfillment of life and such Connection to Source Energy, who understand that there is no separation between what is physical and Non-Physical; who understand that there is not even a lapse in consciousness, that "death" is a matter of closing one's eyes in this dimension and literally opening one's eyes in the other dimension. And that, truly, is how all death is, no matter how it looks, up to that point.. The re-emergence into Source Energy is always a delightful thing.
---Abraham Brenda Hoffman
Many believe they must carry loved ones through their dark night of the soul. You can’t do so without both losing your places. Just as a parent doesn’t protect a child learning to walk from falling by carrying them for doing so will prevent that child from walking. Your role now is the same we performed as guides and supporters during your initial transition stages. Holding your light high is all that is required. “Who Will You Choose?” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information. Dear Ones, Perhaps you wish to rewind your personal clock, to start over. Such is not possible any more than you can unbirth yourself once you entered earth. So you adjust to life as it is. Even though you can transition if you wish, you will not most likely for the reasons you entered earth in this lifetime. Perhaps those of you who accept challenges – which is most of you reading these words – take that last statement as a dare. It is not. It is merely stating your reality at this time. Your world might seem gray, lifeless, unexciting or any number of words that tell you that you are too tired to continue with this silly shift process. This feeling will soon pass, and you will grasp the stardust of joy once again. For those of you doubting our words, please review your life a bit before you toss this message aside. Your outer perceptions continue to jump between 3D and 5D. From a 3D perspective, your world seems very glum indeed. From a 5D perspective, it is one of joy. Of course, you cannot believe or note the joy at this time, but you will. For all is an illusion you created. Likely, your current thoughts are that whether you created the illusion or it is a reality, it is too painful and difficult to change. You are not a protester. In truth, you barely have the energy to accomplish your daily agenda items. So how can your world possibly shift from your current glum state to joy? Change your perceptions. Think for yourself. Ignore naysayers and doomsday predictors. Think of this time as the beginning of something exciting you never dreamed possible in 3D, instead of this is the worst that could have happened. You have forgotten how devastating your dark night of the soul felt when you were processing it. Or perhaps you remember all too well how dramatic and painful that time was. At any rate, what you are experiencing now is a combination of the memories of your dark night of the soul and the trauma of those just beginning to experience it. Your feelings of doom and gloom are not based in your reality, but instead memories or what was or what could be. Memories you can erase with a shift in your perspective. Is it not true that despite your greatest fears during your dark night of the soul, you not only survived but felt stronger as a result? Yet, when that experience is replicated throughout the globe for those beginning to awaken, you return to your original fear instead of your outcomes. In a fear-based society, such would be the norm. But you no longer are of that fear-based reality. You are outside looking in. It is time for you to claim your wisdom. Perhaps you remember a time when you first became enamored of transition information and were concerned about forces taking over your being. As you progressed in the knowledge that you create your reality, you understood that any heavy pieces that did not fit your shift to joy were your inner fears instead of forces taking over your being. That you created your own boogeyman to scare yourself into submission or returning to 3D fears. None of which worked for you knew deep within you that you were not of the earth to reinforce fear, but instead to overcome it. And so you have internally. You now are doing the same in your external life. Some of you proclaim that such is not at all how your life truly is. That you have a perfect right to be terrified of this or that person, earth storm or war. Of course, you do in 3D. But most certainly not in your new 5D being. You are beacons of light for those who wish to follow. Do you wish to play the Wizard of OZ role of hiding behind a curtain of fear with no real power – other than verbal rantings – or Dorothy moving through her fears to realize she is a powerful being without need of help from the Wizard? You have danced down your yellow brick road. You have proclaimed your power. Now you stand before the Wizard of OZ curtain. Why pull back that curtain when the Wizard has nothing to offer you? And so it is with your new outer fears. There is nothing to offer you for you are more powerful than any fear you can imagine. Many of you cry that you are not able to move beyond your outer fears because they are overwhelming and all-powerful. Such is true only if you allow them to be. Shift your thought processes from, “The world is doing this to me.” to, “I am no longer of the fear world so I can observe, note and do whatever I please.” Or, “I don’t want to return to fear, so I’m shifting my view from fear to, I wonder what this piece will play in the transition of society from 3D to 5D?” The trauma you are noting throughout the globe now is not about you. You are an observer, not a participant. It is time for you to claim that role instead of adding to the fear now rampant throughout the globe. You are no longer a fear-follower. You are a joy beacon. Claim your role. Play your role which you can begin by adding interest and humor to your outer fear thoughts. How did you overcome your fears of a boogeyman under your bed? That is all the fear mongering is right now – a pretend boogeyman. In this instance, this time, you are the parent shining your beacon brightly for all to see that there is nothing under the bed. So be it. Amen.
They fooled everyone with JFK, 911, many many assasinations & much more- they have the technology & this is their last ditch effort - they are desperate now & so dangerous...
THE LIGHT WILL PREVAIL & many of their plans will not work, but best to be aware... NO FEAR |