11/11/11 The Colors of Love ~ October 30, 2018
by cindyloucbp How to Embody the Incoming Angelic Frequencies for the New Earth Beloved Earth Family, we know that this has been a tumultuous time on your Earth, and that many of you have found it difficult to keep moving forward. As you move towards the completion of the year 2018, you will find that there will be a “completion” of many things that you no longer require in your lives moving forward to the New Earth. These may be things such as people and relationships, jobs, homes or even places that you were once drawn to. But be assured, beloved ones, that new light and new blessings are moving in to take their place as you move to enter into 2019. You are now approaching the powerful 11/11 Time Gate and Galactic Portal of Initiation that occurs on the 11th of November. And this year, the portal resonates with the number 11/11/11, which makes it a Triple Energy Master Portal. Which of course means that the energies that will be moving through will be very intense and powerful and will give you that extra “lift” that you need to move your Time Spiral into the New Earth Frequencies. On this Triple Energy Master Portal you will be “upgrading” your Light Body/Physical Body so that you may receive more clearly the incoming Angelic Frequencies of Light that will be manifesting the New Earth Reality. The Angelic Frequencies of Light and how to Embody Them in your Daily Life In the last year, the intensity and frequency of the incoming Light Codes has intensified. You are now in a time of “Solar Minimum” where Solar Flares have been all but absent in your Planet’s Solar weather system. This has allowed for deep Galactic transmissions such as the Diamond Light Codes to take the main role in establishing the New Earth and guiding the ascension process through changes in the Light Body and the Physical Body. Now, the very High Frequency “Angelic Light Frequencies” are coming through from the Galactic Center and are assisting you to raise your consciousness to that level where you can manifest New Earth in your reality. These Angelic Light Frequencies are Waves of soft and luminescent plasma energy that expresses itself as waves of beautiful color that encodes Divine Love as well as information for Transformation and Ascension. The Angelic Light Frequencies can be experienced as color, but also as sound harmonics and as waves or “symbols” or hieroglyphs known as “the language of light” or the original Angelic Fire Codes of Creation. Beloved Ones, as you spiral higher into the New Earth frequencies, you will embody these Angelic Frequencies and you will become transmitters of the Codes that they carry. You will also learn that these Frequencies carry Healing Energies, and you will become aware of how to work with these energies and codes to bring healing and balance for yourself and those around you. The way to embody these frequencies in your daily life is to become aware of these “waves” of Divine Light and then to be able to intuit the colors and the sounds and the symbols so that you can bring balance where it is lost and healing where it is needed. Soon you will also begin to “see” them with your physical eyes, and will become aware of the “shimmer” of Angelic Frequency when the waves move through the various portals and gates. If you are more attuned to the sound levels, you may begin to hear sounds and music, and if you are more attuned to light language you may begin to see symbols or hear languages or be moved to begin to express them through your body in dance movements. It is important to embody the “heart and soul” of these frequencies because in the lower levels they create disruption and chaos. That is their purpose, to disrupt what is old and no longer needed and to create space for the New. So, in your life you can either be disrupted and swirl in the chaos, or you can step into your Mastery and be the New Light Codes and express the Energy of the New Earth and of the New Creations. At this time on your Earth there are no “neutral” spaces, for the changes and transformations are too intense. It is time to take your place and make your choices and to embody the incoming Angelic Frequencies as a Master of Embodied Light! The Physical and Light Body Transformations Beloved Family, in order to better accommodate the flow and integration of the new Angelic Light Frequencies, the Light Body and Physical Body have had to undergo certain adaptations. Firstly, the Pineal gland has been “enlarged” and restructured on the energy level to enable more light and frequency to be shared between the Physical Body and the Light Body. These adaptations to the Pineal Gland also allow for the establishment of an energetic structure around the head that is known as “the Crown of Gold”. This structure carries the Gold Light of the Christ Consciousness and holds it in place from the Soul Star Chakra and into the Crown Chakra, forming a Bridge of Light between the Soul and the Physical aspects of Self. While you are undergoing this transformation you may feel symptoms in the head area, especially at the Pineal area at the base of the skull, and in the head and sinus and even down to the jaw and teeth. This can range from pressure to intense pain as the body adapts to this new flow of light energy. The increased Pineal flow also affects the Pituitary and the Thymus and Thyroid glands. The increase of energy at these areas will also possibly increase symptoms and discomfort in the throat and in the spine at the upper back. But know, Beloved ones, that as these energies are integrated and as the body becomes more comfortable with the new flows, your creativity and your ability to manifest will greatly increase. Now is truly the time to begin creating your New Earth! The Colors of Love Each of these waves of Energy Plasma light that comes through the portals of Earth carries its own message of Love, Compassion and Creativity. Each of these waves has its own color and sound frequencies and its own set of Codes in the Angelic Language of Light. Developing the intuitive ability to see and hear these waves of color, sound and code will greatly enhance our ability to integrate the waves of energy and to share the Angelic Frequencies with others as a healing and balancing modality. We will be able to “ride” the waves in a conscious way, working with the frequency and message of the wave rather than just being tossed around in the chaos and suffering in the disintegration and disruption of the waves passage. Beloved Ones, we invite you to celebrate the incoming waves of light, color and sound and to work with the Codes and the Language of Light as you Master the flows of Divine Consciousness that are building the New Earth in your Reality. We wish you a joyous passage through the 11/11/11 Portal and a creative time of Manifestation and Love.
When you get through the big pain, this is what happens: Near-blinding radiance.
You will have more to give—and you will LOVE giving it. You will seek to give. It will be the most incredible feeling. Someone is going to come to you with a broken wing, or low on reserves and you are going to have so much love and insight to offer them. You’ll actually say things like, "I can help you with that!” And you won’t feel taxed or burdened or obligated. You will feel like you are doing your work in the world. In essence, you will become an Angel. You will have a LOT more energy. (If, currently, your adrenals are shot and you’re just piecing together your exit plan, this may be hard to believe. But… believe.) You’re going to get up earlier and stay up a bit later. You will intensely want to live life. Making, meandering, pleasuring, giving, learning, LIFE. You’re going to want more of it than you ever have. You will be intimate with joy—because at some point during your immense suffering you will have felt it. It seemed ironic, and then miraculous, and then… yes… even in the midst of pain, I can still feel my true nature--and it is joy. You’ll know that happiness and agony, and delight and grief come and go, but at the core is always joy—YOU. And you will be confident that you know how to find your way back there more easily. You’ll look different. As in better. A bit shinier, maybe even blindingly radiant. With all that weight off your shoulders, your spine will be straighter and the prana will be flowing more. The weariness in your eyes will be replaced with the sexiness of presence. It’s going to show in photographs and it will be seen by your tribe, and wow… holy shine. You’re going to make better choices. If you’re on the other side of agony, chances are you’re way less inclined now to make compromises or bend to your breaking point—and you will spot the death eaters and dream stealers before they get on your property. When you’ve transmuted dark poison, you develop an appetite for light and only light. You will choose to eat the light, point out the light, paint with light, speak with light, make love with light, dance for light, work for light, laugh with light, rest in the light, inquire from the light. You will throw light around like the lightworker that you are. It will be stunning. Compassion. You will be that. You will smell other people’s suffering. And you will consciously decide how to respond. Sometimes you will lay your light all over them, ceaselessly and committed. Other times, you will keep your wisdom quiet, step aside and let it unfold. All compassion. Your sense of time will morph, considerably. You may exist in the paradox of peaceful urgency. You will know that you have all the time in the world, but... NOW. Let’s make it happen NOW! And this is what happens when you fall in love with a new person, romantic or otherwise; or a new cause, or, best yet, The New True You: real love makes time holographic. A year in a day. A day in an hour. You will enter the zone of no regrets. You will be mindfully grateful. You won’t necessarily be grateful for the shit that went down, but you’ll be immensely grateful for all that you learned from it. There will be a Before & After delineation. “Before the death, the crisis, the break, the break up, the breakthrough. Before the revelation, the birth, the Truth.” Not much is going to scare you. Because you got through THAT. And you did all that it took to get through THAT. You’ll be decisively flexible. You won’t bend for just any cause now. In fact, your boundaries are going to be damn firm. But when you flex, when you melt... watch out. With all the inflammation gone from your being you will have full range of mobility in your Soul. You’re going to really dance when you dance. You’re going to know more about what Love is. Very specifically, Self love. And you are going to amaze yourself. And we will recognize you by your light. One Love, Danielle Laporte Angelic Guides
Dr. Taryn Crimi "How to tune to the solution of your problems" Today we would like to focus upon what is often considered to be a difficult task, yet it is absolutely necessary if you want your life to change for the better. We want to briefly discuss the topic of learning how to ignore or disregard the things "going wrong" in your life so that you may make room for the things you do want to create. You see, what we are speaking about is the strong attention that is often times given to the biggest perceived problems in your life. Many are taught that if you simply choose to ignore the problem it will only get bigger. After all, if you don’t fix it who will? And so we very much want to address this concern because it plagues even the most enlightened of you. The events and circumstances around you that are “back firing” or seemingly imploding from the inside out are there for your benefit, not your demise. We know this is hard to understand when you are in the thick of it, trying your very best to see your way out of the maze which has entrapped you. But that is just what any problem really is, it is a maze that can only entrap you if you continue to play the game, by this we mean, giving the problem your undivided attention. Often times we are asked, well how can the problem solve itself if I do not intend to fix it? To this we reply, it certainly cannot be solved by giving it your undivided attention. The reason is very simple. What you focus on will always expand. You cannot experience what you do not resonate with. And what we mean by this is, if you become engrossed or fixated on the problem then you only resonate with vibrations that are in harmony with the problem. However if you choose to redirect your thoughts and focus your attention upon something that is more enjoyable to you, something that feels more peaceful to you then you have quite literally changed the channel; you then will only resonate with your new vibration of harmony, joy or bliss. Why is this important, and absolutely necessary?Because by changing the channel, you are able to tune to the solution to the problem you are experiencing.If you have a problem, then you can rest assured there is also a solution to that problem.You’re task is to find a way to tune to the resonance of the solution rather than the problem. By acknowledging that this problem you are facing does indeed have an equal solution you begin to summon the solution to you.Anticipate its arrival, but do not try to logically solve it with your mind. Just simply allow it to flow to you so that when you receive the sudden spark of clarity you will be receptive and aware of its presence. We would suggest finding many forms of distractions especially when this practice is new to you. Music is a wonderful distraction and often times pulls you into a completely different frame of mind, for some exercising or walking in nature soothes their soul, for others, they prefer to meditate or read a good book or surround their selves with amusing people. Whatever your recipe is for concocting a completely new vibration makes no difference. You see, ironically the only way for the so called “fire” to put itself out is to starve it, to suffocate it. And so it is with any and all of your problems, you must starve them by giving your attention so completely to its opposite that they can no longer survive. One of the most beautiful things in your world is that your focus will fuel or suffocate anything you give your attention to. The more attention you give to any situation, whether you perceive it to be in the past, present or future does not matter. Yet one thing is for sure, if it is your focus, it will become your present very quickly. The stronger the focus, the faster the manifestation and this is why we say, brush off the problems that seemingly arise around you; as they cannot remain for long if you do not give them your attention. Uplift your thoughts, uplift your focus, uplift your life one thought at a time. We hope that we have been of service to you and that you have found this message to be helpful to you in some way. In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides An Impenetrable Shell
CANCER HOROSCOPE OCTOBER 17, 2018 Daily Om, Madyson Taylor Your privacy may be intensely important to you today, and you may feel compelled to keep certain details of your life and professional career to yourself. Your resolve can weaken, however, if people you care about approach you to inquire why you will not share information with them. To protect that personal data you wish to keep private, you may need to outline your reasons for holding back so that they understand that your reluctance has nothing to do with your feelings for them. You may find yourself spending a great deal of time in thoughtful and reflective solitude today as a consequence of your quiet mood. Keeping certain elements of our lives private allows us to reflect upon them away from the distraction of outside interference. Though others may question our decision to hold certain information back, those who care for us will respect our right to choose when and how we will share personal or confidential issues. We have plenty of time to think through these without worrying about what others will think of our beliefs or choices. Likewise, very little outer-world influence can penetrate the shell of our privacy when we do not wish it to. When we are finally ready to divulge the secrets we have kept locked away, our loved ones and trusted colleagues will still be eager to hear what we wish to share with them. Your privacy will be of utmost importance to you today if you wish to come to your own conclusions where certain personal matters are concerned. Want To Create A Life You Adore? Try This Intuitive Experiment!
October 4, 2018 Lynn A. Robinson I love doing intuitive readings to help people figure out what they want in life. It’s gratifying to be able to provide insights that will allow them to achieve their dreams. Do you want to know what stops most people?
Would You Like To Try An Experiment To Get You Moving In A New Direction?I’m going to ask you to try some things on pure faith. Try to put aside your natural inclination to make logical sense of this process. Here are the concepts:
Each day take at least one step toward what you’re excited about. This might mean taking a class, going to an informational interview, joining a club or association, writing an article, making a call, or sending an e-mail. Your excitement is a message from your intuition about the next step to take. Whatever it is — do it! Your goal should be to enjoy this process. Learn to be grateful for all that you’ve created. As you move towards your desired outcome, you’ll find new objectives emerging. That’s fine and as it should be. Remember to have fun! What did you come up with? I’d love to read your answers! Lynn A. Robinson is a leading expert on the topic of intuition. Her intuitive reading clients consistently praise her uncanny insights as “spot on,” resulting in personal clarity, creative solutions and overall success. Voted “Best Intuitive” by Boston Magazine, she’s also a bestselling author whose latest book is Put Your Intuition to Work. She’s also the author of Divine Intuition: Your Inner Guide to Purpose, Peace and Prosperity. To learn more about her books and intuitive readings, visit http://LynnRobinson.com ![]() Shining Through the Clouds BY MADISYN TAYLOR, Daily Om We can shine like a beacon from a lighthouse, when met with the force of a grumpy person. When we're in a good mood, we shine like the sun. But if we find ourselves in the presence of a person, or people, in a grumpy mood, it can feel like a dark cloud approaching to dim our radiance and block our positive way of seeing the world. We can remind ourselves that clouds pass, while the sun and stars continue to shine above. Then it's easier to think of these "grumps" affectionately, knowing that they only have the power to affect our mood if we allow it. With the power of change firmly in our hands, we can choose how to respond to a grumpy person, or a grumbling group of people, with confidence and understanding. Like a lighthouse, we can continue to shine through the darkness, offering our light to help others find their way back to their own. We can send them a silent prayer of peace or a sympathetic smile. We may sense that reaching out to offer a comforting touch or hug can ease their frustrations and cause the clouds to dissipate. If they need understanding, we can sympathize without reinforcing the negativity they may be experiencing by directing their attention someplace more positive. Helping them find the humor in their situation might be appropriate and is a great way to lift spirits, or a logical approach may help them see all the good in the situation, in their lives and in the world. We might find that someone we encounter often seems to be in a perpetual state of gloom. Our tendency in such cases may be to try to avoid them, but instead we can make the choice to offer support that comes from the heart. We may be inspired to ask if they would like some help or to offer suggestions that have helped us in the past. We can include thoughts of their health and happiness in our times of prayer and meditation. When we lend our energy to uplift another in any way, we improve our own lives while making the world a better place for all of us. Alpha & Omega: the beginning and the end
by Lauren C. Gorgo We are completing a month of epic endings, finalizing wayward aspects of our past selves in order to qualify for the vibrant new beginnings we’ve painstakingly gestated during the last 9 months of this incredible, yet deeply challenging year of the Mystical Merger/Alchemical Marriage. Each of us in our way, and based on our own timeline, have been moving thru…facing, feeling, healing…THE wound (and all subsequent wounding) that has prevented us from actualizing our full potential in the physical world. In many cases we have transmuted-transformed-transcended this root karmic dynamic, but now…and all the way thru to the next equinox in March 2019…it is time to integrate that transcension into the our physical lives → thru the ultimate synthesis. Last season’s triple eclipses + intensive retrograde cycles have paved the pathway for this transcension thru the clearing of so much density (karmic residue) in our physical selves & lives. As of the 9/9 new moon, we are reborn into in a whole new way of being, reoriented to full Truth which will now enable us to weave our (diamond) light thru every aspect of our lives. All that relentless clearing work has finally made way for a new inner authority that will empower us to surmount any remaining obstacles one by one…to rise up and challenge/confront any expired creations born of the illusion, and shift wholly to the new trajectories that are right now becoming available to us all. For some, this month has amounted to THE death of ALL deaths that leads to THE birth of ALL births…the (hu)manifestation of our Divinity in form. And just like it sounds, this particular round of death → no. joke. Clearly those on the mastery path have already died a thousand deaths at this point, so erm…we have death d.o.w.n. We die like it’s our job. Cuz, well, it is our job. And yet, nothing IMHO, has compared to or felt more final than the month-long death episode that has been this entire month of September…the month we met our convergence point. Convergence is akin to the eruption of a Big Bang where you create a whole new YOUniverse within.CLICK TO TWEET To ascend beyond the karmic cycles of reincarnation we must literally “survive death”…die while alive…and that is what this month offered those prepared, in entirety. The irony is that for years and y e a r s we have been d-y-i-n-g to LIVE…but the reality of a physical ascension is that first, we all live to die. We must die to our identity (personal & social), our past, our creations & contributions, our relationships and finally the BIGGIE→ to the whole illusion of life AND death (ironically) in order to be reborn into the next level of Life. September is always a (9) month of endings & beginnings/deaths & births but this year is so critical to our becoming that there has been an underlying urgency to really “get it right” this time, to absolutely not fall back into habitual reactions and core (wound) patterns, and to let go on the deepest of levels. To achieve that, each of us have (seemingly) been pulled back into our old ways, selves & lives in order to anchor the finality of “no-return” from within that space…to thread the higher/divine principals into those places we have (as yet) been unable to. This has meant revisiting those freshly cauterized wounds from the summer (winter) months, not to reopen them, but to lay new structures from within that space…to ground our divinity so deeply into the recently amended soils of The Garden that our sacred seeds for new Life can finally germinate by the light of our own internal Sun. Next spring, when our Divine Truth is fully rooted in the physical world, we will finally begin tending to the Holy Crops of True Triality consciousness…utilizing new tools and skillsets to build the lasting and stable structures of the completely authentic Life we came here to live. ThinkWithYourHEART.com ©As LOVE, Inc. 2018 All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy & redistribute The 5D Report’s FREE VERSION ONLY on the condition that the content remains complete, intact, full credit is given to the author & it’s distributed freely. |