DailyOM BY MADISYN TAYLOR Importance Of Looking Deeper When we start to feel bored or blue, it is often a sign of needing to dig deep and take time for some much needed introspection. It's easy to get caught up in examining our actions instead of really deeply examining ourselves. This can be deceiving because our actions may be very spiritual--we meditate, are nice to people, take care of ourselves and others--and yet, we may not be penetrating to the issues below the surface. It's as if we've washed and shined the surface of our car without taking the time to check under the hood. We may appear to be in great shape, but if we aren't engaging in the deep, inner work of self-examination, the chances are good that we are not deeply aware of the real substance of our lives. We live in a very appearance-oriented, externally focused world, so it makes sense that we place a lot of value on how our lives look, sometimes to the detriment of noticing how our lives really feel. When we get too caught up in what we are doing and lose track of our core, we sometimes begin to feel dissociated, as if we are not fully awake, alive, and grounded. This is a sure sign that it's time to engage in the hard work of going deep within to rediscover the foundation of our lives. Without the substance that comes from looking at ourselves deeply, and working through the difficult things we find, our spiritual lives can start to feel hollow or shallow, as if there's nothing at the center holding it all together. Of course, the peace that comes with meditation and spiritual practice is an essential part of the whole picture of our development, but it serves us best in conjunction with the less settling, more chaotic work of digging around below the surface to see what needs to be healed, owned, or released. Then our actions are more than just an attempt to keep everything in control, looking pretty and nice. Fueled by the energy of a life in transformation, they become powerful expressions of courage and faith, further inspiring our own inner work and that of those around us.
In this time of rapid change and downloads of the most powerful Light we have experienced in the history of the planet, there are new opportunities for us to enlighten our lives.
For nearly 30 years Archangel Gabriel has passionately extolled the virtues of our creating Alignment with Divine Light. He has said that when we activate this Light alignment through our energy system every day, our subtle bodies light up, which then raises our vibrational frequency. When we do this, we transform and become both radiant and magnetic according to Archangel Gabriel. That means that we can not only receive the beautiful essence of these qualities of consciousness, we will then be able to radiate their power into the world for the transformation of all. There has been much conversation recently about our learning to radiate Light into the world. When we use this alignment exercise, we literally become Living Rainbows. Each color of the rainbow has a frequency that is empowering and useful for our lives. Imagine having a simple way to bring all the rainbow colors and their frequencies into your physical body every day! I use the word Energy frequently because my background and training for the past 40 years has entailed working with subtle energy. Concentrating on the fact that we are all energy awakened me spiritually. It provided a framework for my spiritual beliefs recognizing that God is the energy in which we live, move and have our being. For thousands of years in India, the yogis have spoken about the energy of our chakra system and its purpose in our enlightenment. There are seven main chakras which are energy centers in our subtle body, sometimes referred to as Wheels of Light. They also contain attributes of consciousness that reflect the virtues that most of us want to experience more of in our lives, such as Illumined Insight, Compassion and Courage. Archangel Gabriel used that framework in 1990, when he gave me the Light Field Technology that aligns Heaven and Earth through my chakra energy system. Whenever I would receive an inspired message from him, there would be certain words that were always capitalized. These are words containing a high frequency that can shift the energy in our bodies. When we use these power words, that are literally living words of Divine Light, the essence of each of those words activates its own special frequency in our personal energy system. This is very much in alignment with Quantum Physics also. In addition, when we activate Light in each of our chakras, we create a powerful field of Sacred Geometry that becomes our Light Body for ascending consciousness. Here is the Bridging Heaven and Earth exercise given to me in 1990 from Archangel Gabriel.
Using these visualizations and the activations of living words of power is one of the ways that we use the sacred technology of Light Fields in order to create positive change and add value to our lives. Please experience the Bridging Heaven and Earth Alignment for 21 days and see what a change it can bring to your life. It is especially powerful first thing in the morning, but can be useful any time during the day when you want to feel more connected with yourself. It can also be used before you go to sleep to clear your day. In the past 20 years, I have been told by many people that it was the single most important thing they ever learned. It was for me too. Enjoy! Shanta Gabriel February 22, 2019 Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken: * Our connection to God * * Our belief in ourselves * * Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God * * Peace on Earth * God is always bringing us closer to Him. God's New Series - Heavenletter #6601 The Sun Does Come Out, February 21, 2019 God said: Beloved, gear yourself for more blessings to come. Don't be hesitant or utterly cautious. Lots more goodness is on its way to you. Root for yourself. At the same time as you don't demand from life, anticipate all good from it just the same. Don't tiptoe around life. Count on it. At the same time as you don't corner the market, you also aren't overly lackadaisical about it. All good is on its way to you. You deserve. Don't confiscate, however, nor are you to beat around the bush. Don't covet life's jewels. Don't be desperate for a different kind of day. Be just right. I tell you, in all certain terms, that you are poised for all blessings. I, Myself, am getting impatient for you to be filled with happiness. You are being readied for happiness. You are not to be timid about it. You are deserving. Don't be too modest for it. Don't be out of your mind for it either. You don't have to win every hand of poker. Accept that your life isn't odd-man out. It's true that into each life a little rain will fall, yet it doesn't rain every single day and night where you are. There are also sheltered paths to stand under. Babies do sleep through the night. Rain does stop. Rain isn't all bad. In fact, rain has its good moments. Yes, rain leads you to higher places. Sun does come out, and you dry off. Would you really like it if it never rained? What if you lived where it rained once in a hundred years? You would be doing rain dances. Yes, there is another side to every coin. You are not to be beside yourself. Be. Go along with life. Be Johnny-on-the-spot as it is. Nor do you have to be a wise old owl. Take each day as it comes. Go ahead and get wet. Splash in the rain. It's allowable to love rain. Collect rain for a sunny day. Does life have to be a trial or on trial? Only if you say so. Why not every day a heyday? Indeed, why not for Heaven's sake? When are the good days? Right now! Get a move on sooner rather than later. Catch up with yourself. Declare today a holiday. Today will not return again. A time may come when you may well yearn for today. Today won't come back. Soon or late, you have to let it go anyway. The same for snow. When it's summer, for sure snow will not fall again. No day returns twice, nor do you return exactly the same twice. Time is spoken of as not existing and, certainly, not returning as it once was. Now, start looking at life as the wonder it is. Plunk yourself down smack into today with no holds barred. Mourn neither today nor tomorrow. Be done with mourning. There is no percentage in it. Life is always before you. What is called death is another life before you. Ever new is life. Jump in. This is your opportunity now. Tomorrow you have a different opportunity. Life always beckons you forward. "This way," says life. "Another day just like this will not occur again. This is how it is. This is fine and dandy. Whatever day it may be today, it is just right. Today has been waiting for you. Admit you have been looking for today. True, in for a dime, in for a dollar." What was life like before days were given names? How wonderful it must have been to identify days in different ways, just as money was once called tuppence or a mare's worth. There were not always Moon Days or Sun Days. There is more charm to life than you have taken into account. Life is grand. Do somersaults. Say: "Thank You, God. God, bless this day, and so will I!" Add Comment || Printer friendly version || Unsubscribe Permanent Link: http://heavenletters.org/the-sun-does-come-out.html Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™ Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™ Mail Address: Gloria Wendroff 104 W Lowe Ave Fairfield, IA 52556 Some Long Questions with Short Answers – The Council
by Ron Head Today we shall answer some long questions with short answers. The questions are good ones, but we find that long explanations are not needed. Let us begin. “HOW does one truly let go and trust in higher wisdom/connection and guidance when we have those constant negative thoughts/voices that seem so loud at times, it makes it very difficult to hear, feel, trust in anything benevolent trying to come through? With years of trying mediation, being in nature, using candles and crystals, praying, listening to high vibrational music.......I still feel disconnected and abandoned.” We have asked for general questions, and therefore we will give general answers. Many find themselves at this juncture. And it wonderful that it has engendered a frustration. “What is wonderful about that?” you ask. It has caused you to ask. In the consciousness of most, energy will build behind a blockage until a breakthrough is made. The caveat is that one cannot simply give up. That does not mean that one would never overcome, just that one will need to try again later. We will say two things about the impasse. First, most common is a deep feeling that it cannot be done, or that it is not possible for the one trying. Second, and just as common, is the feeling that one does not deserve it. We have addressed these issues before many times. Short answer: You did not come here to find problems that you were unable to solve. Believe it! There is nothing that any divine son or daughter of the ALL does not deserve. Period. Next Question: “As I understand it, many of us have gone through planetary ascensions before in other systems in our galaxy (Pleiades, Arcturus, Sirius). It's "what we do" and we (our greater selves) anticipate very long-range evolution based on those experiences. My question is, why the repeats? Why essentially the same process with essentially the same souls rather than new groups experiencing it and the repeat groups going off to something new?” It is not considered fair to answer a question with a question. Nevertheless, we shall do so. Why do you assume that all of those possibilities are not occurring? Repeat groups volunteer. New groups decide to ty new things. No one is being made to do anything. In an infinite universe, there are infinite possibilities. Next Question: “Why are they so many people with health issues ? Amongst these are Bone issues, like Osteoporosis which leads to fractures. Has it maybe something to do with the activation of the Light-Body ? I myself bben diagnosed with this and I find it strange that so many others are having the same issues. I would appreciate it very much if the Council could elaborate on these Health issues. It seems to be world wide amongst the Lightworker community.” We do not usually address issues of this nature. For us it is “off message”. However, we will say this: There is a mountain of information available that will answer this. You must decide to look for it, however, because you will not find the answers on your televisions or in your newspapers. It does not affect only the lightworker community. You will eventually need to know what has been done to your air, your water, your food, and your medicine. We will say that, should you not be so inclined, then holding the intention that those who are will be successful in changing things will be of great help. Next Question: “Is it possible to "miss out" on opportunities or "accomplish" "less than" what we came here to be? How do I lessen thinking/feeling in this manner? How can I differentiate between being (too much in) the comfort zone and (doing much vital) self care?” We have answered the question of purpose recently. Let us add, however, that you judge yourselves and are too ready to think you can “get it wrong”. You cannot. You may make unforeseen choices. These will lead to a myriad of possibilities. It is a fun game. But nothing you can ever do will be wasted. Live a joyful life and know, and know, that it is always going ton be for your everlasting benefit. Next Question: “After over 25 years studying -- and vetting, and practicing, and living -- Fundamental Spiritual Principles, I am still at a loss as to why the Duality Consciousness meme of "Service to self vs. service to others" still persists among most self-labeled 'spiritual' people?? From my perspective, there is no REAL dichotomy, only a difference in identity: Ego-human-body self 'versus' Spirit or Soul Self. Therefore, would it not be more accurate to state the Choice as "Service to self vs. service to ALL", with one's human (ego, body, individual) self INCLUDED (naturally, no?) in the ALL?? If we are truly ALL ONE, truly part of ALL THAT IS, then why should there be a conceptual *separation* of one's own individuated human self *from* that ALL, which results in an obvious 'conflict' set up between the two, and an equally obvious push towards 'self-sacrifice', or 'martyrdom' for the 'benefit of the collective'? For what benefits the All ALSO BENEFITS THE INDIVIDUAL that is part of that All, correct? I choose Service to ALL (versus service to 'others') -- knowing that my self AND my Self, AS WELL AS ALL PERCEIVED 'OTHERS', are all equally included in that ALL! :-)” Short answer: Very astute. We have said as much more than once. We would only say that humans learn over time and concepts that may seem too simple now may very well have been out on the edge for their time. What you know, you know. THAT is Truth. Congratulations on where this has led you. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: http://ronahead.com/
Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - February 10, 2019
Hello! Well, an overwhelming amount of souls clearly felt the same as I did regarding my rant in our last communication. Many say they are losing/have lost ‘the faith’ and are so tired they do not want to go on anymore. Sad state of affairs. Encouragement and upliftment would go down a treat if you feel so inclined? Thank you. Dearest Blossom and all, it is always our intention to encourage and uplift. This is High on our agenda. We KNOW we are not ‘down there’ on the front line. We KNOW we cannot fully accept the Feelings and Emotions and Energy that you are. Yet, we KNOW that we can see/feel/express from the bigger picture … and that bigger picture is so much Brighter than the one that is painted from within the Energy that you reside. You admit to the ‘experiment’ going horribly wrong. So why is it that you cannot lend a helping hand? You say because of the Laws … can you elaborate? Dearest souls, ultimately, that which your hearts are desiring is the FEELING OF HOPE in order to ‘see this through’. We bring through with every word, with every communication … that Hope. We ask you to continue on. To find and walk within the fullness of yourselves. If you were to focus/concentrate entirely on that, i.e. FEELING the enormity that you are … the presence of the Brightest Lights that you are … THERE would BE your HOPE! THERE would BE the reason you need, to renew strength. THERE would BE the KNOWING that ALL IS CHANGING. THAT WHICH YOU FOCUS AND THINK ABOUT IS THAT WHICH YOU THEN ATTRACT. FOCUS AND THINK ABOUT YOU AND THE LIGHT THAT YOU ARE. FOCUS AND THINK ABOUT YOU AND THE LIGHT THAT IS MAGNETISED OUT THROUGH YOU. FOCUS AND THINK ABOUT YOU AND THE LIGHT THAT IS MAGNETISED TOWARD YOU. FOCUS AND THINK ABOUT YOU AND THE LIGHT FROM WITHIN YOU THAT IS CHANGING EVERYTHING IN YOUR WORLD FOR THE GREATER GOOD. When you CHOOSE to set your FOCUS ONLY on such things, your Light shines so much Brighter. When you CHOOSE to set your FOCUS ONLY on such things, your ENERGY of Love and Light BE-comes you. It cannot be contained within you. It cannot remain within you just to keep for yourself. It simply is not of that design. The Energy that you CHOOSE to BE emits a Vibration FROM you … out into the ethers. It cannot not. So many despair as they wonder, even when at a ‘ripe old age’ what their life’s purpose is. Their life’s purpose is to emit their Energy of the Highest Energy of Love and Light that they CHOOSE TO BE! Whichever way one CHOOSES to express this, matters not. One is not doing a … better/greater … job just because they have many followers of their ‘Lightwork’. They are not succeeding any more than one who sits at home and plays the piano to … sooth/fill … their soul. It is the Energy that you ‘produce’ from doing whatever gives you Joy … whatever makes you Laugh … whatever brings you Peace … that changes the Energy of the world into that which YOU ARE ALLOWING YOURSELF TO FEEL. If you are doing something that is not of pleasure to you … do not do it. THAT Energy does not serve YOU, OR … The World/The Whole. Many, many, many, many, many go to work every day with a downcast heart … yet, bills must be paid, food must be put on the table etc. With the greatest of respect … many, many, many, many, many have been … programmed/conditioned … to believe that this is ‘how it is’. It is only ‘how it is’ if one CHOOSES to believe this is ‘how it is’ … and if this is what they believe then this IS ‘how it is!’ Again, we return to the ‘thinking of’. IF you continue to believe that the world around you is falling apart and is sinking further into the darkness … IF you focus on THAT then YOUR WORLD will bring to you more of the same. For your soul’s thoughts on that matter are ATTRACTING more of the same because this is what you are feeding your mind with. So, the Universe in its design to ‘give you what you think about’ … your needs … will provide and bring to you that which you concentrate on. THIS IS LAW. THIS IS TRUTH. This is why you are fed, via all forms of ‘media’, the downside of Life. So that you can focus on nothing else and keep the level of Vibration of the WHOLE at a low ebb. This is how those that you call ‘in power’ have manipulated circumstances and situations in order to keep the level of Vibration in your world at its lowest ebb on a continual flow. LET US STATE CATEGORICALLY … AND IF THERE WERE A FEW STATEMENTS THAT WE HAVE EVER OFFERED OF GREAT IMPORTANCE, THIS WOULD BE HIGH ON THE LIST … THE DARK ONES ARE NOT IN POWER. BY ‘THINKING’ THEY ARE … YOU FEED ‘THAT TRUTH!’ YOU … YOU … YOU … YOU … YOU ARE IN POWER. EACH ONE! EACH INDIVIDUAL SOUL IS OF THE LIGHT. EACH INDIVIDUAL SOUL COMES FROM THE LIGHT. EVEN THOSE OF LESSER LIGHT COME FROM THE LIGHT. EVERYTHING THAT IS … IS OF THE LIGHT. THEREFORE, THE DARK ONES CANNOT BE IN POWER. YOU ARE POWER. WHAT IS YOUR POWER? YOUR LIGHT … AND YOU ARE NOTHING BUT LIGHT. THEREFORE, YOU ARE ALL POWERFUL. Do you see Dearest ones? This is what we come to remind you. It is by grasping this in its fullness of Truth that changes the way things are. We are agreeable with you ‘ranting and raving’ when frustration sets in. Yet, these rants and raves derive from focusing on that which is not shining Brightness. Yet, it is still there and one ‘could’ feel a little guilty by ignoring it and going out for another luncheon, dwarling! It is not that you are ignoring it. We are not saying ‘ignore it’. Should it be that certain news comes your way, then do not ‘fall into the Energy of it’. LIFT THE ENERGY OF IT BY DOING WHAT YOU KNOW TO DO. SEND YOUR LIGHT TO IT. SEND YOUR JOY TO IT. SEND YOUR HAPPY VIBRATION TO IT. I choose not to watch the news or read papers etc. Yet, I get to hear of things in one way or another. Some say NOT to watch news, yet, if one doesn’t, how can one send their Light to it? Again, this is a matter of one’s individual choice, Blossom. One can be made aware of certain happenings and send Light, or one cannot be aware of such things and still send Light out … in general … as opposed to a particular circumstance or soul. The point is … to send out your Light … to EVERYTHING. For the souls that are tired of it all and losing ‘heart’ … we suggest that they ‘get back on board the happy train’ … THE LIGHT TRAIN. We have learned to understand that the Energies can bring you down, so we suggest that you do not succumb to them. In your Truth, do you believe the lower Energies are more powerful than the Higher ones? Think about that, Dearest souls. We feel that not one would agree that they are. Light will ALWAYS overcome darkness … Light a candle in a darkened room. Then wait for someone to come and blow it out! Then relight it … again and again and again … until that someone realizes… YOU WILL NOT GIVE UP. YOU WILL NOT GIVE IN … BECAUSE YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE GREATEST STRENGTH. Once you reintroduce your Energy to the Higher one … to the Higher thoughts … and remain there … your tiredness will turn into enthusiasm. Yet, I feel the point is that many have become TOO tired to get back on board the ‘Happy train’. They have done so over and over and keep finding themselves getting off at the ‘Been there, done that, it doesn’t work’ station! And do they like it there? Of course not. Then their only choice, IF they want things to change … is to jump back on board the ‘Happy train’ and when the train pulls into the ‘not so glorious’ stations … CHOOSE not to get off. We are of the understanding, Dearest Souls, Dearest Blossom, that this that we present to you is … as you would say in your world … easier said than done. YET, REMEMBER, REMEMBER, REMEMBER YOU WANTED TO BE HERE IN THE THICK OF IT TO MAKE THE CHANGE … BECAUSE YOU KNEW YOU WERE STRONG ENOUGH TO DO SO … REMEMBER THAT! YOU WERE CHOSEN TO BE PART OF THE GROUND CREW BECAUSE YOU MADE THE GRADE … BECAUSE YOU WERE CAPABLE OF HANGING ON IN THERE NO MATTER WHAT YOU WERE PRESENTED WITH … IN ITS DISGUISE… AND LIFTING YOUR PLANET AND THOSE WITHIN AND UPON HER INTO THE HIGHER VIBRATIONAL STANCE THAT IS THE NEXT PHASE OF THE DIVINE PLAN. COMMEND YOURSELF FOR BEING ONE OF THE SOULS OF GREAT LIGHT THAT ARE FORTUNATE ENOUGH TO HAVE THIS GRAND OPPORTUNITY … AN OPPORTUNITY ALIKE TO NO OTHER … WHEREBY THE LIGHT THAT YOU ARE IS A CONTRIBUTION TO THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE AND ALL OTHER UNIVERSES BECOMING MORE OF ITSELF. ‘SIMPLY’ BY KEEPING YOUR THOUGHTS AND YOUR FOCUS LIGHT. Turn up your dimmer switches whenever you feel your surroundings or your Energy to dim. Visualize doing so, on a little switch within you … KNOW THIS WORKS. Wow! A High Energy filled exchange today, my friends … THANK YOU. In Gratitude, in Loving service, I AM. Always, always do we infuse your Energy with our Love. You just need to choose to FEEL it. Many thanks to each one on the ground … such SOULS OF THE GREATEST LIGHT. Ann Albers
Message from Ann... Hi Everyone, As I child I learned I was a creation of God. I never quite understood that. Perhaps God picked up a lump of clay, made a mini-me, and breathed life into it. Then he plopped me into my mommy as a tiny cell until I grew into a whole baby? That never quite felt right! Something in me always felt there was more to the story. As I grew and started to understand the mystical nature of life, the very first thing that happened was that my ego resisted the notion that I was one of God's beautiful dreams. "No way! I don't live inside of anything! I'm real! Not made up!" ...As if being dreamed up and loved by the creator of universes wasn't enough, my ego rebelled in a mighty way! I wanted to be important! I wanted to be special! I didn't want to be some puppet inside the Divine mind who was going to be jerked around if I didn't do what God wanted!" I never consciously thought those thoughts, I just witnessed the stirring of ego's illusions and resistance. As I started to connect with this love that lives inside, however, the ego calmed down. It felt pretty blissful to surrender to the magnificent Presence that lives within all of us. It was mind blowing as I settled into the real understanding that our free will gives us the power to create whatever we wish. It felt delicious to know I wasn't and could never ever be alone. I felt surrounded in love, grounded in love, swimming in love. In my most foul mood and loneliest moments, I realized I was simply lost in illusions... Love is and was always there, waiting for me to acknowledge it. I felt more "myself," not less, when I surrendered to this Presence. Life became so much easier. Now my first go-to solution to all of life's challenges is to sit quietly, relax, and remind myself that I am enveloped in a love more powerful and vast that I can possibly imagine. I literally sit, breathe, and start to think about how magnificent it is to be embraced, created, and filled by a love so vast and magnificent that it moves oceans, creates stars, turns galaxies, and inhabits everything in the known and unknown universe. Some say it takes years of meditation to reach this point. I have never meditated consistently. Some say it takes self sacrifice, special diets, certain disciplines, etc. to reconnect with the Creator's love. I say all it takes is the ability to bring yourself into the present moment, however you do that, and to connect with the energy of love, and then choose to keep focusing on it while it amplifies. It is easier than we make it. Worthiness is not an issue. This love wants to reveal itself to us all. We just have to get our disbelief and doubts out of the way. I know... easier said than done, but it IS worth the work :) Here are some pointers to understand God, and your true nature more deeply this week. 1. Imagine three versions of yourself all living amazing lives - anything you like. Then ask them what they would like to do next. For example as I write this, I imagine one of me living in a beautiful dream home I've seen online near nature with views that expand my heart, doing more online classes and gazing, writing books, and teaching more. She wants to write more books and share all she knows. There is another version living on the beach somewhere remote, eating mangoes, practicing mental mastery, and simply relaxing as I quietly meditate on the world's behalf... She tells me that what is up next is simply a nice walk in the jungle followed by hours of quiet explorations out of body and some painting... Painting? Really? That was unexpected! You can go on and create as many version of you as you like! As you get to know them, you will also be getting to know your own deeper dreams. You will be relating to them as God relates to you. 2. Imagine loving each and every one of these characters Just sit and feel your love for them, as strongly as you would for children if you have them, or your pets, or a prized creation. In your imagination surround the with love. Imagine them glowing with love. Imagine them living a beautiful life. 3. Now, sit quietly and feel God's love for you. Now acknowledged that you are like one of these characters living within the Divine mind, swimming and breathing in love. Really look around your room until you are all there and full present. Think of someone or something you love until you feel love in your heart. Now, shut your eyes. Breathe deeply and imagine a vast and magnificent energy of love coming up from deep within you, filling you, spilling over into your home, your life, every aspect of your existence. Enjoy the feeling. Sitting inside of this Presence that dreams us into being and dreams entire universes might make you feel small at first... until you realize that this presence of love that lives within all things is You! Amazing, yes? Enjoy your magnificence! Love you all! Ann Followers Want Instant Gratification
February 4, 2019 at 10:30 am 8 comments Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestryCreations.com Summary of Brenda’s February 1, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: Just as was true when you were an infant adjusting to 3D, you might find the need to rest the next few days. Such is so because you’re jumping between dimensions to uncover the skills and information you secreted away in preparation for this life’s transition. “Rest” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestryCreations.com. Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information. Dear Ones, This channel is dedicated to those of you who have completed your transition beyond 3D. Perhaps you wonder if you are among those we salute. You are if you are reading this piece for not everyone will peak or display their light in the same way. Even though you might believe you have not done enough or jumped through enough hoops, as it were, you are beyond 3D. Such will become more and more evident as the year continues for you will discover how little interest you have in the 3D trials and tribulations. Much as you felt when your younger siblings or friends could not grasp a concept with which you were quite comfortable. So it is you will not be as upset with the news of the day because you will know that such are displays of those not as mature as you, even though they will be soon. Just as you once counseled your younger siblings that they would eventually do many of the activities of which you were capable. Of course, those following you want instant gratification just as you have throughout this transition. Such is part of being human in these rapid gratification times. Those following, just as was true for you, want their transition beyond 3D to be complete almost before they start. Many will look to you for a quick answer wanting you to fix them instead of fixing themselves. Such will seem almost overwhelming at times for you cannot change them – only they can do so. Something many followers will not be interested in at first. So it is they will put you on a pedestal of an all-knowing, all-wonderful guru much as you once did to those of us of the Universes. And just as we informed you during your initial transition phases, you will eventually direct them to look within. An activity that seems counter-intuitive in 3D, but is a beyond 3D learned behavior. You will likely feel elated initially that others think of you as special, as a wonderful teacher only to discover that such adoration becomes tiresome when they are unwilling to look beyond you. So it is you will discover such adoration stifling and unproductive for them and for you. You cannot help them other than repeating to look within, just as you were taught to do by the Universes. This new you is not about looking outside of yourself as you have learned throughout these many months or years of shifting. All of your answers are within. And the same is true for those now awakening. Their whining or fear antics might initially pressure you into playing big brother or sister guiding them through the rough spots just as you wanted us to do for you. But as you learned through trial and error, we were wise enough to allow you to find your way. Such is so for you now, and for those, you wish to help. You can only provide broad guidelines of, “if you do this, this will happen” just as we did for you. This transition is from the inside out, instead of the outside in as has been true of the earth lessons for eons. There are no leaders. There are no followers. There are only unique individuals focussed on their role and by so focusing on creating the greater whole that many label as one. For even though you seemed to function as one in 3D favoring a country, political party, community, or family, you were doing so because of information gathered outside yourself. Through your wondrous efforts the past few months or years, your actions now are based on your inner voice, not because you have to but because doing such has created your new you freedom. Those following you have not yet achieved that freedom and so will be frightened to make that leap. Your role is not to walk with them to the other side or beyond 3D, but instead to inform them that they have the skills to do so on their own. So it is you have shifted your role from a big brother or sister to a wise woman or man allowing those following you to create their path – which has nothing to do with your path. So be it. Amen. LifeTapestryCreations.com. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com. Alia Mira, Expect Wonderful
Hello Lovely! I hope you are doing well. A lot of the world is experiencing extreme weather lately. I've noticed it seems to bum people out, that I connect with on social media. Today I myself was feeling kind of funky. It has been pouring rain, with thunder and lightening. Normally I would be enjoying this change in scenery, but I didn't sleep well and was initially feeling kind of crabby and irritated. Luckily, I remember to channel.And when I did, I felt a whole lot better! I felt better because in order to channel I first tune to all that I am, letting go and letting my vibration rise. And it's not that hard for me to do that while feeling funky, because I know what a mood is - it's simply a manifestation of my current focus. Letting my vibe rise alone is very beneficial, but then there's channeling - allowing the flow from the fullness of my being and my non-physical team. It's like an energy tune up each time I do it. Need I say it? #channelingrocks Once I had connected and channeled, I felt not just better, but actually rather stupendous! For all of us it's not unusual to have moments or even days where we feel off. The trick is caring enough about yourself to choose pathways that help you feel better and having practical tools to use, to get you there. Today's message is all about the simplest of ways to get back into inner harmony and joy: make yourself right! When you do, you rediscover how good life can be. You can read the newly posted message here: Awaken to the Perfection that is You Go for it! I tell you - it's a mighty wonderful feeling! |