Keep the pedal to the medal & the lights ON! It's all too easy to get stuck in the paralysis of analysis - If you truly have faith, then step out into the unknown with trust. Actually it isn't so unknown- your soul & your intuition are telling you from that space of love & truth what your next step is. The future is a mystery perhaps, but you know what your next step is when you are focused on the love. If your mind is busy with fears, anxieties & doubts, image consciousness, societal beliefs then perhaps not... Intention sets the coarse. Letting go in gratitude, trust & faith makes it happen. When you take this route it is much easier & more delightful as you learn along the way it is all about smelling the roses & to "BE AWARE OF THE LOVE THAT IS THERE" Davo The angels gave us this insightful comment in a session with the very wonderful & gifted Jill Michelle: 'INTENTION stirs the soul to change the whole being & with forward motion leads to spiritual enlightenment.'
Source Love is the fundamental motivator for our consciousness to move into this world. We see something we love and consciousness moves towards it and gets bigger. We experience more and do more as love motivates us to connect with the things we love. Love starts from deep inside of us but searches for something or someone to connect with in this world and thus finds its expression in our life. The more love flows into our life into this world, the more joy and fulfillment we experience in our daily life. If we embrace Non-Duality as a philosophy in our life, we might take the attitude that nothing in this world is important. In Non-Duality we might think that this world is Maya or Illusion and therefore not important. But this is only the philosophical view of Non-Duality. Non-Duality is a level of consciousness that arises from the expansion of more Love in our life. As Love searches for more things to experience, more things to love, our consciousness expands and embraces everything in the warmth and deep satisfaction that only Love can provide. Eventually Love embraces this entire universe and discovers that everything is composed of Love. Love creates Oneness with the universe. When this happens, our consciousness is filled with Infinite Cosmic Love. We find Love everywhere and in everything. This is the true nature of Non-Duality. It is not a philosophy nor is it a way of thinking or code of conduct. Non-Duality is a level of Consciousness, a direct and tangible experience of Love everywhere in this universe. We become like a child who finds love in everything they do and the universe is the playground where love can entertain us to enjoy life in all of its many varieties. If the universe is meaningless, we become dry and lifeless. Our Consciousness becomes bored and detached, and life loses its meaning. Love is the fundamental force for transforming our life into the Miraculous. Love creates fulfillment and knows no limits. Life without Love is only a product of what happens when we think too much and lose the motivation to enjoy and explore this universe through our heart. As the Dalai Lama said many times, “Life is here to enjoy.” Without Love and Compassion our life dries up and becomes meaningless. Be like a child and let your love flow. Do what you enjoy, and your life gets more blessings and becomes more satisfying. Life is here to enjoy and Love is the fundamental motivator to find the Divine Perfection that every human being was born to inherit. The universe is our playground. It was never designed to be our boss. Every human being was born to discover more love and happiness in their life. If you haven’t found that happiness in your life, don’t give up! Keep looking! Let Love be your motivation and your teacher. Discovering the nature of Love everywhere is the greatest experience a human being can have. Rebloogged from Bob Fickes It cannot ever be emphasized enough - if you have not love you have missed the boat... Finding the true divine love in everything is the pinnacle experience. Love is the highest energy there is. Our beings are in search of that love connection & without it a void will remain. There are many many distractions & pitfalls along the way that the ego will present to you in a never-ceasing fashion. I would maintain that if you make love your primary focus & litmus test to everything that comes along, you can't go wrong! Davo Wow, we've just been blessed with a profoundly simple catch phrase that holds SO MUCH power & truth It is incredibly deep! And it truly is the answer to every problem there is. The trick is, it is so simple, its power can escape you & you can miss SO MUCH! I just want to urge you to really focus on it & make it part of your daily spiritual work- the rewards can take your breath away, overwhelm you with love. I t was given to me in a moment of mindfulness & I am sharing it here with all of you, with great gratitude |