Energy Report ~ The FORCE is With You All ~ Nov. 20, 2017
By Laura C. Gorgo,Think With Your Heart November (a universal 3 month→manifestation) is turning out to be quite a productive month with many magical moments and elements of unexpected surprise. While not without its challenges, this month has been assisting us to bring to fruition some very long held desires in preparation for next year, the universal TWO year, in which we begin to include others and the world around us as veritable extensions of Self. Where we complete the lessons/learnings of this universal ONE year of individuation, of reclaiming our sovereignty, we will then be supported to weave our independent GOD thread into the collective fabric of our unifying world. This is where our special uniqueness meets a need in society and those who are conscious of/practiced at the basic holographic laws of the YOUniverse will certainly have the edge here. As we finalize the overarching intention of this year, each of us is shifting trajectories in our own perfect way…aligning with brand new soul directives that will enable us to break thru the physical layers of density, to replace many outdated structures with a brand new framework. This process is as demanding as it is rewarding…as we deliberately and consciously smash down the walls that kept us trapped in physicality, we are simultaneously opening to newly imagined worlds within, bringing to light unactualized aspects that are permitting us to unhinge from causality like never before. One of the main themes for this month, and why it has such an enchanting undercurrent beneath the turbulence, is the growing realization that the full shift into vibrational creation has taken place, has manifested on earth. Tho resonance creation has always been the deeper truth, we (as a humanity) have blocked ourselves from those ancient laws for as long as we have been blocked from the full power of the Sacred Feminine…which is one and the same. But now that the Cosmic Mother Principal is awakened on earth, the Divine Father Principal is rising, emerging within us all…readying to rear a young and emancipated New Humanity. He has returned to guide us (from within) to parent ourselves in physicality as we cultivate our creator power for the co-creation of the new world. This deeper shift into the balance and blend of our creator power became readily apparent with Jupiter’s ingress into Scorpio (on 10/10). Yes, there have certainly been those moments of deep soul diving, excavating more ancient discoveries at the bottom of our emoceans…compliments of Sun also in Scorpio this month…but Jupiter’s transit has already been highlighting the proof (via the world and those around us) that we have officially made the transition from casual to conscious creation. Instead of creating with (what many thought was) only our minds, we are now in a space where it is starkly obvious that our personal vibration…which is determined by the amount of LOVE we are capable to hold in our hearts…dictates everything. As we move out of the (lower) masculine dominant, mentally-driven paradigm and into the (higher) Feminine first, soul-driven paradigm we are able to see so clearly that the fluid reality system that surrounds us, that we are both made of AND sculpt with, is responsive so(u)lely to our life force…that our thoughts are simply and obediently following the command of the Heart. In other words, we can only think as high as we feel deep, and our personal creations are always reflective of this truth. [section protected: to read FULL report & comments see membership OPTIONS & PRICING ] ©As LOVE, Inc. 2017 All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy & redistribute The 5D Report’s FREE VERSION ONLY on the condition that the content remains complete, intact, full credit is given to the author & it’s distributed freely. Kyle Gray
Hey Archangel Michael's name means 'he who is like God' and he is known to be the strongest of all angels. Michael's light brings protection, strength and support. You can invoke it at any time. Many see Michael surrounded in a blue light - but more recently I've seen him surrounded in a deeper red and orange armour because he's the Archangel of fire. This week you are being guided trust that you are surrounded by the angels of protection. You are being guided towards your highest good because of the internal shifts you have made. All of the courage and positive choices you've made are elevating your energy system. Although your vibration is rising higher you are still allowed to be human. If you are feeling nervous, emotional or vulnerable it's important you know that help is merely a prayer away. Take time to welcome the help that is being offered to you. Angel Prayer Thank you Archangel Michael, for surrounding me in your sacred light of protection. Thank you for leading me to where I need to be for my highest good. Today I choose to accept the help of heaven knowing I am being peacefully led with abundance and purpose. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And so it is. ![]() Rainbow Children by Nikki Pattillo Think of yourself as an incandescent power, illuminated and perhaps forever talked to by God and his messengers...Brenda Ueland The rainbow children are the third generation of special children that have come to help humanity evolve. Different from the Indigo and Crystal children, Rainbow children have a few more interesting characteristics. The Rainbow children are generally born in the year 2000 and above. In some cases, there might also be a few scouts that came to earth before 2000. The few Rainbow children that are here today are born from early Crystal scouts that were born in the 1980’s. As the name implies, the Rainbow children come to earth with a few more other spectrum of ray color. They are born on the ninth dimension of consciousness, the dimension of collective consciousness. As many people might have experienced it, the Rainbow children bring joy and harmony to their families. Unlike the Indigo and Crystal children, the Rainbow child is born to smile, which is accompanied by their huge hearts that are full of forgiveness. The Rainbow child generally recovers from the state of negative emotion quickly. This is also an important key that they hold, emotional mastery. Rainbow children are psychic and have the ability to read people’s feelings. This gift is usually revealed, as they grow older. Rainbow Children are psychic. Beyond this and perhaps more so, they have strong wills and strong personalities. Their gifts do not stop there. They are known to be natural healers and instant manifesters. It is said that whatever they need or desire they can instantly manifest. As would be expected, they have a connection to color. In fact they resonate with the colors around them. They are drawn to color, colorful surroundings and brightly colored clothes. Their energy is expressed in other ways too, as they are high-energy children. Their enthusiasm is demonstrated in their creativity. The Rainbow children are thought to be the builders of the New World, using Divine will. HeyThe angels are guiding you to move into some quiet time before moving along further. If you are working on a decision or have a crossroads situation upon your hands know that you do not have to make the decision alone. Thank your angels for revealing to you which route will be best for your growth and what will bring you contentment. Divine timing is working in your favour - it's important to trust in this.
Charity is part of a trinity of angels with Hope and Faith and they can help us tap into our spiritual gifts and inner strength. You were born to be strong - let the angelic realm support you. Angel Prayer Thank you Angels for supporting me at this time in making the right decisions that will support my pathway and growth. I hand this whole situation over to you knowing you are leading me with love. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And so it is. “Dreaming or Your Reality?” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information. Dear Ones, Perhaps you believe the earth is dividing into two entities of “good” and “bad, ” and you do not feel worthy of the “good” earth. That earth division is not as most now envision. There is only one earth location with various dimensions or veils that open as one becomes of the 5th or beyond dimension – which is little different from what is now true. Many of you know your angels and other guides helped you throughout this transition even though they were not visible in your 3D world. So it is you have received messages in the form of sequential numbers, feathers, signs, music, and other indicators that you are not alone. For some, such indicators are enough to justify all you have encountered in this life and many others. You are not alone – a comforting phrase indeed. But you also need to know that your diligent new you process is creating something worth your arduous effort. So it is you are beginning to question your assistance from behind the curtain. “Am I making this up?” “Is this glorious New Earth so many are proclaiming true? Or is it a facade to keep me going throughout this life?” You are questioning the wisdom of your journey because you cannot yet touch or feel the joy that has been proclaimed over and over. You are begging for and dreaming of the parting of the dimensional veils which is little different from explorers demanding to see land after months of ocean sailing. You are New Earth explorers who have become exhausted with your search. Even though you have received positive messages and claims throughout your difficult journey, there is no sense of a new reality – at least one you can see, taste, or feel. Granted you have experienced some of the joys related to your new world, but far fewer than you anticipated a few years ago. It seems as if you are fighting a never-ending battle with yourself and others. Where is your new reality, your ongoing joy? You are in the midst of that new reality, but you have not yet acknowledged that you are. Similar to the last day of official fighting in any war. The peace treaty is signed, and the shooting has stopped with the exception of a few unwilling to end the war. Even so, the countries that participated in that war do not look any different the day of the treaty signing than they did the day before. That is where you are now. Your landscape does not look that different for you must rebuild what was destroyed – and bullets continue to fly here and there. Even though not everyone is willing to stop the war, enough are so that the new you peace treaty was signed – such happened November 11, 2017. The war is over, and the rebuilding begins – not necessarily today, but most certainly tomorrow. For there will be joyful acknowledgments that the light dominates and then en masse nonverbal discussions of how to rebuild in joy and love. You, of the light, have won the war, so your global role of light and love moves to the forefront. But your new skills are required more rapidly than you now believe. As is true for any war, you wish to celebrate instead of thinking about the transformation needed following the battles. You most certainly do not wish to know that others are not as gloriously joyful as you that the war has ended for they continue to believe they are right and you are wrong. In truth, they will likely capitulate with a sullenness that will make you wonder about the wisdom of this transition. “How can anyone not be pleased that the war is over?” will be your naive question. Please remember that those who continue to follow the pain and anger of war are your counterpoints, your blessings. They are the ones who encouraged you to initiate this war of light and dark. As well as forcing you to travel further into the light than either you or we thought possible before your entrance to the earth in this lifetime. Those who wish to continue the battle will do so for a period of time hoping to re-engage you. But of course, such cannot happen for you will be too busy creating a life of joy to worry about those small pieces of lifeless darkness. The battles are over. You will know this if or when you are called in for a small skirmish. A skirmish that will seem silly and a waste of your time – and so it will be. Even though the dark has loomed large in your view for eons, it is now like a balloon that lost air. The war is over. There is no need to be concerned about small skirmishes for you will be fully engaged in rebuilding your life and any other piece that is your new you expertise. Do not be concerned if your expertise seems different from what you expected for you are rebuilding your life and the lives of those who wish to live in the light in ways never yet experienced on earth. If you feel an interest in someone or something that does not seem a logical rebuilding activity, do not worry. For that activity is exactly what you and those of the earth need at this moment. There is no longer a straight line of accomplishments from a to z for this is a New Earth, and you are new creators. Allow yourself to dance in moonbeams and giggle with the stars of creation knowing that you will sparkle in the sunshine and moonlight throughout the remainder of your life on earth in this lifetime. The war is over, and light is the dominant earth theme forevermore. So be it. Amen. http://www. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Copyright 2009-2017, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: http://www. ![]() Numerology & Spiritual Significance of November 2017 ~ Oct. 31, 2017 By Tanaaz November is a highly sacred month in numerology and is considered one of the most meaningful points of the year. This is because November is a number 11 month and in numerology, 11 holds the sacred vibration of creativity, oneness and higher consciousness. In 2017, this energy is going to be further amplified seeing as it is a number 1 year, with the most significant dates being November 1, 10, 11, 28 and 29. To understand why 11 is so powerful and sacred in numerology, it is important to look at the symbolism for the number 1 first. Numerology of Number 1 1 represents unity and oneness. We are all connected and we are all one, and the energy of number 1 reminds us of this. Number 1 also represents new beginnings and fresh starts- it symbolizes the creative process as we take that first step in a new direction. 11 is such a powerful number because it amplifies this number 1 energy and adds to it. This energy is further amplified and becomes even more potent when we have 111 or 1111. 11, 111 and 1111 also signify feelings of oneness and connection. They signify an awakening to wholeness and a rising in consciousness to more heightened states of awareness. 11, 111 and 1111 are also connected to the Divine realms, and signify that your angels and guides are supporting you. When you see these number patterns, it is also often a sign that you are heading in the right direction, and aligned with where you are meant to be going. These number patterns can also signify the opening of new dimensions or states of awareness. For example, in Pagan times the ritual of Samhain (which is now celebrated as Halloween) falls on November 1st. It is believed that in the darkest hours of the morning on 1/11, the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest. This belief is partly linked to numerology, as the date of 111 signifies the three dimensions- the Lower World, Earth and the Upper World. It was believed that on this date, beings could travel freely across all dimensions. While 111 and 1111 can represent doorways into other portals or dimensions, these number patterns are often associated with angelic realms and places of higher consciousness. Out of all the days in the month, November 11 is going to hold the most potent vibration, as the date 11/11/1, amplifies number 1 energy five times. This is a highly creative energy and the perfect time to think about what you want to manifest into your life. Due to the high vibration of this day, you are also more likely to create and manifest things in your life that are aligned with your soul and your highest path. Spiritual Significance of November The entire vibration of November is going to be guiding all of us to awaken to higher levels so we can feel connected aligned with our purpose. No matter what life deals your way, we all have the power to co-create and be active participants in our reality. We may not have all the control, but we can definitely control how we choose to react to things. We can all use the energy on offer to us in November to help us co-create the life that we truly want to lead. We can all use this energy to bring in more love, abundance and gratitude, all we need to do is start focusing our attention on what we want, rather than what we don’t want. This powerful manifestation energy will continue into next year as well, as 2018 is also a number 11 year. This means that you can use the energy of November 2017 to begin manifesting and setting intentions for the year ahead too. |