There’s a great secret in life that so many of us are not clear about: to get things to work consistently in every area of life, stop seeking perfection.
You may have things already working in 3 or 4 areas of your life. For example, maybe your career is working, you’re in good health, and you have a lot of self-confidence. But somehow or other you can’t get the relationship area of your life to work. Relationships may just be a challenge over and over and over again… Or perhaps it’s the other way around. Perhaps your relationships are just going beautifully, and you do have a livelihood that at least keeps income flowing into your life… But you don’t have the self-confidence you’d like to have in order to get to that next place, to go to the highest level in your career and in your life’s work. The answer to the question is to know that it already is working in every area of your life, and to stop calling anything, the way it now is, “imperfect.” Rather, you can transform the way you’re holding the areas of your life that you think are not working, transform your thoughts about those areas, simply by holding them in a different way. You can say: “You know what? Everything is working, and the problem that I’m having here is that I’m calling certain areas of my life, and certain experiences that I’m having, not okay with me.” Take the example of the young child. I was one of those who had difficulty learning his multiplication tables. I could not get it. I remember having the direct experience of “I just don’t get this—and I don’t get why I don’t get it.” I was doing everything I was supposed to be doing: memorizing the tables, understanding the math behind the tables, listening carefully in class, and doing my homework assignments. Here I was in fourth grade, and I was doing all the right stuff. So I couldn’t understand why the guy in the next row in the desk next to me could rattle off the multiplication tables like he was born with them, and I couldn’t even get past three times seven. I couldn’t get it, and the teacher scolded me and talked to me about how I had to work harder, and all the rest. But I couldn’t. Finally, I went to my father crying. I remember it vividly. Crying to my dad, I said, “Why can’t I get this? This is so simple, but when the teacher asks me to read off something, I can’t do it. I just don’t seem to be able to get this.” My father looked at me and he said, “Son, it’s part of the process. You need to stop making yourself wrong about this.” He said, “You already have them in your head. You know you do, but you’re so scared of getting it wrong, it’s a problem of self-confidence. It’s the challenge of not thinking that the answers are already within you.” He said, “Just let it be okay that you’re not getting it right now. Let it be okay with you, and when you stop worrying so much and being so concerned about it, then find that place of comfort within you from which there can arise exactly what you want to experience when you’re in that class with that math teacher.” He taught me, in short, to be okay with the fact that I was making mistakes. He taught me that I didn’t have to be perfect, and it was okay to not be getting it. This important lesson was reinforced 30 years later in my conversations with God: God said, “Allow yourself to know that what’s going on right now is totally perfect, and needn’t be any different from the way it is right now. “When you embrace that, you will knock down the doorway between what you are wishing to experience in your life and what you’re now experiencing in your life.” So the answer is to see the perfection in everything. If your health isn’t the way you wish it were, see the perfection in that. It’s part of a larger process, of which you may not be fully aware. If you’re not living in right livelihood and you wish you had a different kind of a career, a different kind of a job, see the perfection in the job you’re holding right now. If your relationship is a bit rocky and it’s not as smooth as you’d like it to be, see the perfection in that “rock in the shoe.” See the perfection in that, and that’s what will dissolve the rock and allow you to use what’s occurring now as a tool in creating what you’d like to experience in your life. Because what you resist, persists. That’s another incredible truth from Book One of Conversations With God. I asked God, “How can I see the perfection when it doesn’t feel perfect for me?” God said, “Neale, Neale, what you resist, persists. The very act of resisting something places it there. “You can’t lean against air. You have to lean against a wall. So when you resist something, the wall is placed there, figuratively and metaphysically, in your life. “Then you can’t remove it until you stop resisting what it is that you don’t want to experience right now. “So do not resist what is now present in your life, but rather, accept it.” Just like the child whose worries melt when he accepts that he doesn’t have to be perfect—if you accept your life as being perfect just as it is, a doorway will open. I would like to help you cross that very threshold in my new 12-Month Masterclass Mentoring Program, ‘Living From The Source.’ There I will personally guide you in seeing perfection, manifesting positive change, and integrating God into every area of your life. Love, Neale Neale Donald Walsch, Evolving Wisdom blog
CRAIG COX · AUG 31, 2015New research suggests that getting out into nature can help city dwellers — and others — improve their moods. Living in the city can raise your stress levels and risk of depression, but finding even a little urban green space can make a big difference. New research from Stanford University suggests that spending a little time in nature actually changes your brain activity, leading to less anxiety. As Gretchen Reynolds reports in the New York Times, Gregory Bratman, a graduate student at the Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources at Stanford, measured the effect of a 90-minute nature hike on 38 adult city dwellers and found that brain activity in their subgenual prefrontal cortex, an area of the brain focused on “morbid rumination,” was lower than those who walked along a nearby highway. Those who experienced a more natural environment were less likely to dwell on the negative aspects of their lives, Reynolds reported. The results suggest that getting out into nature can be an simple way to improve the moods of urban residents. For more on the effect nature can have on your moods, see “Nature Quest” in our June 2006 issue. This may be somewhat old news, but it is fascinating to watch science catch up to what spirituality already KNOWS. However for most, it is scientific proof needed in inching towards that trust/faith needed. And for all of us, perhaps this is a great reminder to get out & enjoy a bit of nature today ![]() Critical Mass is about Collective Consciousness overflowing balance. Once enough people in the world get on board with awakening & loving self we will develop a unified consciousness of Oneness - our energies combine whenever we get togther with other like-minded individual- the energies multiply as like attracts like & whatever is focused on expands. If the focus is LOVE that energy is further magnified/magnificent for love is the most powerful of all energies, it is eternal & ever-expanding. As a result love ALWAYS prevails. This can be thought of a the snowball effect like a snowball rolling down a mountain gathering further size & momentum or perhaps breaking apart into further snowballs that act likewise. This is how we (unstoppably)change the world with LOVE. But to do this one must focus on self-love to begin the snowball. Davo at This week as the Sun moves into Aquarius ahead of Saturday's powerful Full Moon is an excellent time to reflect on nature's cycles of life. These cycles include birth and death - something all of us experience. When we are personally in between those two points, busy living our lives, we can forget the temporary nature of physical form. Sometimes we are brought back to this essential truth - a loved one passes or we hear about the death of a beloved leader. Feelings of loss can run deep as we process the passing and reflect on how much the being added something special to our life experience. These feelings are normal and need to be honored. They are a part of life, too. When you feel grief, you can appreciate what was - which can help you to appreciate what is. The "is" part is your present - how your life has been enriched in some way by knowing or experiencing someone. That someone does not need to be human - it can be an animal as well. Many of the animals incarnating on Earth in this century are purposefully doing so to help uplift humanity - to help people connect with their hearts and a sense of joy. Rejoice, then, in the knowing that someone you loved - now on the other side - enriched your life. If you have lost someone recently, use these last days of Mercury Retrograde to reflect on the gifts you gave one another. Most likely, these gifts are much grander than you imagine. For example, if knowing a person or pet helped you to open your heart so wide that you are now ready for a truly authentic partnership, isn't that a huge gift? When considering the gifts you received, don't forget those that you gave. Imagine that your loving kindness did in fact catalyze an evolutionary leap for another. Because of you, this being could have a more rapid spiritual growth. If this being was a cat or dog, next life it could be human. When you find yourself grieving, honor the process. It is a way of honoring you and the being you care about. As you move through it, you can find peace. Know that your loved one passing changes the relationship but does not end it. Love transcends all time and space. Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Strengthen your conscious awareness of other states beyond the physical, communicate deeply within your self and learn to trust in your own answers.
Dear One, You are here on this planet to develop yourself fully. When the ancient philosophers stated "Know Thyself," they were talking about the power of Self-awareness. This means not just one's consciousness of the physical, or even of the mental and emotional selves. To truly know oneself means a real discernment of your self as a multi-dimensional being. You have the power within you to know planes of reality beyond the three-dimensional world in which you live. In fact, developing an awareness of these other states creates a link to the joy and love so many are seeking. These qualities you truly desire in life are beyond the physical plane. They exist in the expanded state of consciousness that is your bond with God, the Source of your very being. To commune within your self is to find these qualities. It requires a willingness to see beyond your outer self, and to take the time necessary to create a conscious awareness of the love and light within you. Practice: As you sit quietly and breathe balanced breaths deeply and slowly, there are immediate results in mind, body and spirit. Imagine that you are sitting in a pillar of golden light joining Heaven to Earth through you. This allows you to enlarge your consciousness. When you add prayer asking for what you want in your life, you allow the grace of the Angels to work for you. On this free-will plane of existence, you need to ask for their assistance or they will not interfere. This does not necessarily mean a formal prayer. Asking can be as simple as saying the words for the qualities you want in your life, such as Love, Peace and Harmony. Meditating on these qualities can literally change your life and create a more abundant, joy-filled existence. It allows you to tap into your Higher Self and your guardian Angels, so you are communicating with the deepest levels of your being. From this place, the answers you receive will be from a level of Divine Order, and all that follows will be for the highest good of all concerned. You will receive intuition and know the actions and words that will best assist you with the challenges you face. Once you begin to act on your intuitive guidance, you will start to trust your self. Life will feel easier. You won't need to continue looking to others for the answers. With every fiber of your being you will know what is truth in your life. Trusting in yourself does not mean you are alone, for you are never alone. At all times, you have with you Angels to assist you. Some have been with you for eons of time. Working in harmony with the Light of God, they know you at the deepest level of your soul. It is comforting to know that you are always wrapped in their wings of pure love and cared for beyond your capacity to understand. It is this link within the self that most people are seeking. They hunger for knowledge of the love that is within them. It is readily available through prayer and taking time to sit and breathe in light and love in a conscious manner. So give yourself the gift of sitting in light and love every day for five minutes. It is a simple thing that will provide you with wondrous joy. The Angels are ready now to lead you into the light of your true Self. Create a conscious relationship with your Higher Power and find the joy you so desire to have. Ask for assistance from the Angels. Begin to do this every day and miracles will surely occur, for miracles are your birthright and the natural state of your being. Know that you deserve to have your life filled with Love, Joy and Miracles. Learn to communicate within and trust in your own truth. This is the way you will live to your fullest potential and fulfill your highest destiny on Earth. The Angels love you and bless you with all that is good. Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today: Strengthen your conscious awareness of other states beyond the physical, communicate deeply within yourself and learn to trust in your own answers. Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel January 17, 2016 ![]() Angels are spiritual beings with a much different frequency compared to humans. Increasing your present moment awareness of the angels is one of the best ways to start noticing their guidance, especially when you know some of the common signs to look for. Angelic guidance can and does come in the form of channeled messages, dreams, and directly receiving insight… You may receive flashes of inspiration, learn from your angels during meditation, or experience the angels profoundly through your psychic senses. Guidance from the angels also comes more subtly. Angels are constantly drawing our attention towards signs, and they leave clues and hints which serve to nudge us in the right direction. While many of these angel signs may seem small at first, when focused on, acknowledged and appreciated, they often increase in frequency and size. Angel signs are all around and can come in a variety of ways depending on your current challenges, next steps, or the questions you’ve asked. Your angels know you, and so they know which signs will capture your attention, contain personal meaning, or best guide your next steps… Angels are always near, and any sign from these powerful spiritual beings, however small it may be, is a beautiful and symbolic reminder of their love and support. Here is a quick look at some common signs from the angels. These angel signs can come as a validation or answer to a question you may have asked, or they may serve to simply remind you your angels are with you, and that they’re ready and willing to help. When you notice a sign which may be from your angels. Breathe, be aware, and thank your angels for reaching out with their love and guidance. As you tune into the signs from angels, and practice present moment awareness you can become more in sync with your angels, and the guidance and assistance they have for you. Common Angel Signs! 1. Feathers Finding feathers on your path is one of the more commonly known signs of the angels. Feathers of any color are a beautiful reminder that your angels are near, loving and supporting you from behind the scenes. When you find feathers in a place which is somewhat abnormal is an especially powerful angelic sign. When you find white feathers they’re almost always a sign from your angel… Even when you’re in a place where white birds are present. 2. Clouds One of the most obvious of angel signs through the clouds, is a cloud which looks like an angel. Your angels may also drawn your awareness towards clouds that look like hearts, as well as many other shapes and symbols to offer . 3. Scents Have you ever noticed a lovely sweet scent and been unable to identify the source? This very well may be a sign from your angels! Angels often love to make their presence known through the power of scent. You may notice your Guardian Angels presence through a lovely rich and chocolatey smell, or the nearness of Archangels through the sweet subtle scent of flowers. Scent is a commonly used sign from your ancestors or loved ones who have crossed over as well… Do you smell your grandmothers perfume and sense her near? Odds are very high that her spirit is right there with you. Do you smell something awful? This is NOT a sign from your angels! In my experience the scents angels broadcast are always completely divine. 4. Babies and Pets Babies and animals have not yet taken on many of the filters which can block people’s ability to clearly see the angels. Have you ever noticed a baby looking up smiling at the ceiling, or excitedly gazing into the air, or at a blank spot on the wall? Or perhaps your pets’ focus is entirely captured by something you seem unable to see… Chances are they’re looking right at an angel! In the presence of angels babies, small children, and animals will be at ease, comforted… and excited. 5. Music I have met several people whose first experience of the angels was when they started to hear angelic singing originating from outside the physical world. Angels may also communicate with you through recurring songs you hear on the radio. Or by causing you to hear a series of songs, all with a very similar theme. Angels are often sending messages through music, whether it is through a song which just starts playing in your mind, hearing peaceful tranquil music when meditating, or continuing to hear a certain song on the radio… Pay attention to this guidance through music which can often be a clear sign from your angels. 6. Coins Finding coins, or currency in general, is a common sign of guidance and support from the realms of spirit. If you find a coin on your path, or perhaps someone gives you a coin, pay attention! Does the date on the coin hold any meaning for you? Have you asked for financial help from your angels? What were you thinking about right before you noticed the coin? This very well may be a sign from your angels, or from a loved one… When you find a coin know that it was deliberately placed on your path, and is a symbol illustrating you’re loved, supported and guided. 7. Sparkles of Light Angels are beings of love and light. Seeing orbs, unexplained shimmers of light, or flashes of color, are all common ways of experiencing your angels. A bright star which catches your attention, shafts of light streaming down from above, a flash of light appearing without an actual light source, light shimmering off an object in an unusual way, or an orb of light hovering near, are all signs of angels. Try closing your eyes, and if you still see the light, it’s very likely an angel with you. Breathe, relax, and if you’re ready your angel may expand the light before you, or envelop you within the angelic glow to bring you healing, upliftment, and rejuvination. 8. Rainbows Rainbows are a common symbol of Divine love. When you ask for angelic assistance and shortly after see a rainbow, know your prayers have been heard and are being answered. If you’ve been thinking about your angels, or asked for a sign, and you notice a rainbow, it’s likely your angels confirming they are with you. A rainbow orb around the moon, a double rainbow, or a rainbow appearing when it hasn’t even been raining, are extra spectacular signs from your angels bringing encouragement, and validation from the heavens. 9. Temperature Change When you’re in the presence of angels, you may experience a change in temperature, which can be a wonderful validation that your angels are with you. You may suddenly feel a warm glowing light around you. Or you may get the chills, and feel cold, with a tingling or pressure in your head or on the back of your neck. This shouldn’t be uncomfortable… For me it is an exciting physical manifestation from these angelic spiritual beings. 10. Feelings If you feel like you are in the presence of an angel… You probably are! You may feel like someone just walked past you, when no one is there, or you may get the impression someone is present in a room with you when it is empty. Your angels may reach out to you, very subtly and wrap you in their wings of love, brush your arm or neck, or gently place their hand on your back or shoulder. Sometimes angels will make their presence very obvious giving you an overwhelming sense of unconditional love. Or when you’re in a book store, you get the chills, and then a book suddenly jumps off the shelf. Pay attention, your angel is with you! 11. Signs or Advertisements Angel signs will often come in the form of noticing a message on a physical sign or billboard. When you ask for guidance from your angels stay open and alert, and you may start noticing a certain word or phrase on a number of billboards, street names, or shop signs. Recently I was in New Mexico and planning to take a trip to either Sedona AZ, or Southern New Mexico… I wasn’t sure which option to choose, and so I asked for help from my angels in making the decision (while riding as a passenger in a car). Almost immediately after asking, a huge sign for “Sedona Health and Nutrion” appeared on the street right before me. This was an advertisement for a local business… But I took the hint and ended up having an incredibly magical, and rewarding trip to Sedona AZ. 12. Voices When you receive a message in your mind, or you a whispered voice which seems to appear out of thin air, you may be experiencing the guidance of your angels. Don’t assume you’re making it up! If you can’t really hear what is being said, ask your angel to speak a bit louder so you can understand. Hearing the guidance of your angels is a beautiful sign of their presence, and is common when you are in need of comfort, reassurance, or angelic guidance. Contained within the signs the angels leave us is infinite possibility for growth and positive transformation. The key is to be present, and aware, and to look for the signs from the angels. Angels have a way of making their presence known, and so you may experience them in a way that’s not listed… With presence and awareness you can tune into, experience, and act upon the signs you receive from your angels. With love, light, and gratitude, Reblogged from Melanie Beckler, ![]() There are two additional ways to notice the angels in your midst that have I myself have also witnessed. Firstly, repetitive numbers often on the clock, but occasionally seen on signs, radio dials,scoreboards, & similar such occurrences - you "just happen to" look a particular way or look to see the time etc & there it is.. Certain numbers that repeat... the most common one is 11:11 which is like an alarm bell to get your attention. After about two years of this I am now witnessing several dozen different numbers that repeat for me all day long every day even 2 dozen times a day - they let me know they are around to support me. The second way is now just a sense that I am not alone. Occasionally I just feel it & am caused to think it, that I am not alone. 100% of the time, it is an encouraging awareness & I find I usually get a sense of my next step or answers to my questions intuitively whenever I am prompted to be aware. So BE AWARE OF THE LOVE THAT IS THERE & whatever you focus your attention on expands Personally I would also recommend Jill Michelle's new book on Angelic Awakenings. You may find it on Amazon, but also at her website which may be easier - it's an awesome book! I could not put it down... Perhaps the best tip of all - ASK them to come near & to help you with a specific request (they need to be asked & they love to help!). If you imagine with loving intent, that you are giving an angel a hug & you can often feel a great rush of warmth throughout your being & a great softening of your heart... it's awesome! Do not limit your thinking to what they look like, how they would appear or when... remember, anything is possible! I hope you are finding these tips as well as all the info on this site worthwhile & enlightening. Namaste Davo ![]() Our perspectives are about to change - in 2016 they will likely receive a massive overhaul. For eons & eons through the mentality of 3D lack & separation concepts perpetuated by ourselves & those heavily involved in the denser mindset of power over. We have all believed in it at least to some degree... We have all experienced loneliness, & lack, separation , competition for something & experienced the ideas that if we only had this or that, lived there, or had what they have, our lives would be better somehow...more complete As we awaken that has begun the shift from such false beliefs rooted in fear. The veils are lifting & we are slowly discovering the truth that we are actually complete & perfect as we are & that we have actually chosen to come into this world as we did for the experiences we are having. It is a time of awakening we have all agreed to & it is in God's will so consequently, it is inevitable - a done deal! As we open our hearts to this new evolving understanding & indeed, remembrance of who & what we are (LOVE), we will also discover the truth of our Oneness & our co-creative abilities. The more we shift into this new awakened process there will also be a new corresponding manifestation ability. It's already there, but with greater attention to it, those abilities will become far greater & more instantaneous. This is an important point, because we can actually create without realizing it or pay heed to our abilities. It's worth contemplating this new paradigm because it brings further understanding & awareness & also allows you to go deeper as you come to grips with the basics. Our perspectives will be different in so many ways for we will gradually reduce our covetous desires, realize our completeness comes from within & discover that we already have everything we need. What will we seek, desire or focus our attentions on then? It is a great thing to think about. This thought pattern will place new attentions on the pending concepts of what can be, causing these to expand- how great can it get? As we look through our new eyes we can begin to bring Heaven to Earth! Man's history is like a series of breadcrumbs through time that if you are hungry enough can least you to the banquet within! If one is to look beyond religion, & see the common threads in all religions/belief systems & observe the lives of our past brethren, one will see the common beliefs in a higher power & universal connections become quite illuminated! Throughout time many tribes, societies & religions have known that the answers lie within - the proof is everywhere! Rather than go into it history- check out the wonderful movie "Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds" (links are posted in tools & youtube videos in our videos section) Every heart hungers FEED IT LOVE NOT a diet, but a FEAST Davo , As like attracts like, it takes love to recognize love. This short blog's purpose is nt to try to recount history, for there are libraries for that... What is fascinating is to recognize aspects of our oneness throughout time & to see that the same is true today - we are all connected, made from the same clay of Gaia & all have the same hunger/thirst within that only divine love can fill. And, as well it is awesome to become aware of the way the strands of love have woven a tapestry throughout time connecting us all - what incredible Divine will, love & intelligence!!! You are THAT - you are created of the same loving wisdom separated only by a thin veil of false beliefs, ego & fears we have collectively & you individually held on to. It makes no sense to hang on to such fears any longer. We fear deep within that our way will be different than that of God/Universe, but that is only a lie of the ego delivered out of fear. For in the heavens where the greater portion of you exists , there is ONLY love & thus all are united. You are far more than a tiny human having a soul, you are a multidimensional soul connected always to God & ALL that is, having one of many experiences as a human in this 3D illusion or play. The truth that IS real lies within . So follow the trail of breadcrumbs lovingly placed there for you, by the Universe- pay attention only to LOVE from your heart & you cannot go astray
Davo - Doing my best to serve you up some tender vittles! There's enough for EVERYBODY so please share widely! The True Power
Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba 01, 06, 2016 Greetings! I come today to share with you something of importance that will be a life changing event if you choose to understand the principles and apply them to your lives. For the past many years, many of us have been doing all that we know to manifest in our lives what we desire to have. We have been doing all that we can to change our lives to match that which is in our hearts. However, we have experienced hits and misses. There is a certain state of being that is necessary in order to send out our desires and have them to return to us as intended or even better then we intended. We could have 100% hits and zero misses. The problem when we have those misses is that we were not in attunement with the divine matrix. We were not using our creatorship abilities as we should have been simply because we didn’t realize how we were sabotaging ourselves. Of course we don’t do this purposely or consciously. I mean, who in their right state of mind would purposefully sabotage their own greatness. When we have the successes, it is because we are in a certain state of being that allows for our creations to happen and happen in a reasonable amount of time, sometime almost instantly! The thing is we again, were not aware of our state at that time. I want to talk about that “state of being” because that is the “KEY” to being able to change our lives in the way that we truly desire. We send out our prayers, our affirmations, our chantings and tonings and yet we wonder why are they not working the way that they are suppose to work. We become greatly affected by this so much so, that we begin to blame ourselves for not having the abilities to be successful. We begin to think that something is wrong with us. “We ask why isn’t it working like it is supposed to? Why does it seem to work for others and not me? Am I not worthy of having success, and am I supposed to struggle through life?” I want you to know that it isn’t your fault and that you have done nothing wrong. This is truth and nothing more. Then you ask the question, then why isn’t it working? The answer was already given above; it is about your state of being and creating that state of being. We create and manifest every single moment of every single day whether we are aware of it or not. All that we are experiencing right now, this moment in our lives is because of what we called to us, because of what we created and manifested in our lives. I know that this could be tough to accept and take responsibility for it. However, this taking of responsibility is important in order to move forward. What this does is allow us to see that it isn’t anyone, or anything that is doing this to you. There is no cosmic conspiracy against you. It’s the fact that we were in the incorrect state of being and we need to make a choice to choose a different state of being in order to create a new reality. The difference here, which is awesomely powerful, is that you create this state of being consciously so at every moment you are fully aware of what you are doing, how you are doing it, and why you are doing it. This state of being is vital, necessary to not sending out empty prayers, affirmations, chantings and tonings. We focus far too much on the outer instead of the inner. I know that you have heard this many times. You wonder what do you mean or how can I do this. What I mean is that we put so much thought and focus on creating our desires in the outer material world and give no credence to our inner world. Usually we give instructions as to how we want to see our creations delivered. We may say, “ok I want to have a certain amount of money and I want it by this time.” Then you think to yourself that it can only happen if someone helps me. Or I get a huge contract, or I get a great job, or I win the lottery or I have the RV. You feel that it has to be someone or something in the outer world that will happen that will bring it to you. The problem is when we send out these prayers and affirmations and such in this way, we are not sending out any energetics or magnetism at all. Our efforts become fruitless. The reason is because all of our focus is on the outer world, as well as we get in the way when we tell the universe, or God or whatever we are using, how to deliver it to us. What we do in the outer worlds is also important to the process but it is not the meat and potatoes of the process or the Tofu and vegetables of the process. That’s not really where the rubber meets the road. It plays a role but only to assist in creating that inner state of being. Your process or ritual or whatever you use in your outer world to create what you desire has to play its role of helping you create the “Feeling” inside your heart. It is the feeling that is vital and important. Without the feeling being created in your heart, your manifestations cannot become a reality. You see, it is always this feeling that we use but are mostly unconscious of it, to create all that we are experiencing in our lives right now. We cannot manifest what we truly desire from the emotion and the feelings of need, and fears. We can create from fear but only failure and more fear. We cannot create from desperation because it only gives us failures and more desperation. In order to bring in the manifestations of your dreams, in order to bring positive and successful change into your lives is by the emotion, the feeling of “Love”. With that feeling of love, you create using the magnetics and the language that the divine matrix understands. When you pray or use affirmations, it isn’t the prayer or affirmation that the divine matrix hears and understands. It does not understand your words or your outer motions or rituals. It understands the feeling that is created in your heart from doing these things! What I am saying is that “your feeling is the prayer!” “Your feeling is the affirmation!” It is the feelings that these things create that are what the divine matrix, the universe, the substance that you use to create anything you want, it is this feeling that speaks to it and that it understands and that is what makes it deliver it to you! When you create this feeling in your heart, it sends out magnetic waves and these magnetic waves are accepted and understood by the universe, the divine matrix, the substance of creation, and it will embrace your creation and give it all the creative forces needed to see it come and manifest into your life! This is creating on the inner and then what happens on the outer is because of what happens on the inner. You do this without judgment or conditions as to what you are presently experiencing, or how you want it to come, or when you want it to come. Let me explain more clearly. The outer actions of prayer and affirmation, is only to assist you in creating the “feeling” inside you; to create this feeling in your heart, because when you speak from the heart the universe understand this clearly! The divine matrix understands this clearly! It is the feeling that is important because it is this feeling that sends out the magnetics that speaks the language of the universe of the divine matrix! You cannot say to the universe that I want this or that in one day or three hours. It does not understand time. Time does not exist on that level of creation. It will deliver it to you in divine timing. You also don’t tell the universe how to deliver it to you. You limit its capability when you do that. The universe, this divine matrix has more ways to deliver to you what you want then you could ever think of. It’s unlimited in how it can do its job. Stay out of its way and simply make your order and sit back knowing that it will be delivered to you! It’s not your place or job to tell it how to do it or to worry about how it’s going to come. Just know that it will come as long as you do not do something to stop it or change it into something else; and this happens far too often when many of us are in the process of creating and manifesting our desires. We live in a multi-reality creation. We live simultaneous realities all at the same time. We are focused on any one reality at any given time. If you were to shift your focus to another reality then that reality would manifest as your life. What I am saying about not judging your present reality is that you do not judge what you are experiencing by calling it good, bad, or you hate it etc. You just have to confirm that this is my present reality that I have chosen. However, I am now choosing another reality. And you need to do this without using any judgment as to why you are changing your reality to something different. You don’t say, “I’m changing this realty because I don’t like it.” Your reasons for changing your reality may be because you want to bring something different or something new to your life. You may want to shift your focus to a different way of being. So keep out the judgment and recognize your current reality and then go about changing it. Now here is where the rubber meets the road! Here is where it gets a little tricky if you are not totally aware of this. It’s very important to remember that you have been sending out your creations as they continue to manifest in your lives. You have to be aware that what you already sent out will come back to you. So if you are sending out new creations, realize that you may have a period where the old creations continue to manifest until they have run their course. So do not allow yourself to become discouraged thinking that what you are doing now is not working. This gets almost everyone who is attempting to consciously manifest. They think it’s not working or “I have been doing this for awhile and have no results”. Be patient and allow time for all of what you already put out there prior, to manifest and be done with. If you get upset, angry, discouraged and start to feel it isn’t working or “no matter what I do nothing has changed” etc. It will interfere and could stop your new creations from manifesting in your life. I know it’s difficult to continue to “hold the feeling as if you already have received what your manifesting” while at the same time maybe struggling with debt and lack of enough. You’re thinking and saying to your-self, “I am Abundantly Wealthy and Healthy”. Then you get this feeling inside that disagrees with this statement because it finds it difficult to accept that is your present truth and reality when you are suffering from ill health or financial lack. But as I said, that is the trick; this is where the rubber meets the road. You have to live that feeling inside in your heart regardless to what is going on outside of you. You have to know and feel inside that what you are sending out to the universe will return as surely as anything that is happening in your lives right now; let that be your inspiration to stay focused and not fall back into the old ways of feeling and thinking. In closing, when you are speaking to yourself, you are speaking to that part of you that is divine and knows how to deliver to you what you want. It is the part that is connected to the divine matrix, to the universe, to the realm of manifestation. Remember that there is not any other way that is more powerful to manifest than to do it from the “FEELING that you create in your heart that sends out the waves of magnetism to the universal matrix for that is the only language that it accepts, feels and understands. Couple that “feeling with your “emotions and you have something very powerful! Be vigilant in watching your thoughts and feelings at any given moment. Take a little time everyday and sit and really go deeply into that Feeling of having it already! Savor it and walk away from that moment with that feeling in your heart. Don’t let it die. Do what you have to do to keep it feeling real! Trust in your own ability to do this and do it exceedingly well! You can visualize yourself spending money on anything your heart desires. You can see yourself doing many humanitarian projects to help people. You can actually feel what it is like to already have, and are doing what you desire! And remember that these principles apply to every aspect of what you desire to create in your life. Don’t just focus on money, but on all that is important to you and your evolvement! Manifesting really is simply bringing into view what is already there. Shifting your focus to what you desire to have and to see. Many Thanks and Financial and Spiritual Blessings! Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba ![]() Is Abraham saying that you could reach what you consider to be a prime human physical condition and that you could maintain it for as long as you remain physically focused in this body? The answer is, absolutely yes. And it doesn't mean reach your prime and then jump off a cliff the same day, either. It means, reach your prime and bask in the deliciousness of that. Now, why is other than that the more consistent experience? Because most everybody is looking around and vibrating in response to what they are seeing. So, what is the solution? Look around less. Imagine more. Look around less. Imagine more. Until your imagery is the most familiar vibration that you have. ---Abraham, Ester & Jerry Hicks ![]() I don't think it would be much fun to be in very poor health, lacking vibrancy & above all the heart's desire to stick around & then to live a long long time, but can you imagine being very fit, athletic & strong, dis-ease free & having a childlike heart?! It's time to start to imagine it! Our world is changing for the better & you can see it once you look past the media & what "they" want you to see. We are participants & witnesses to that shift. We will soon move into a collective consciousness to that end & then take that even higher to creating heaven on earth - it's going to be a great place to live!. Along with that shift will come a more unified loving oneness of mankind. In the future we will be more accepting, respectful & loving to one another & strife will gradually diminish... happiness will abound! It all begins within each individual turning within more & more...and more & more... & more & more... Divine love is always expanding particularly as whatever one focuses on expands.. so let us focus on it!!! Divine love is eternal, we are divine love, & we can chose to manifest whatever we want... think about it - we can be fit, healthy, happy, loving life & living much much longer in a beautiful heaven on earth..if we chose! Make a New Year's Intent rather than a resolution that gets tossed aside shortly after - manifest excellence in your life for that helps ALL - let's do it together!!! Happy New Year, indeed!! Davo :) |