![]() DailyOM The Importance of Napping BY MADISYN TAYLOR A short nap during the afternoon is common in many countries and can provide an energy boost and clearer senses. As we focus on the many obligations we gladly undertake in order to create the lives we want, sleep is often the first activity that we sacrifice. We're compelled by both external and internal pressures to be productive during many of our waking hours. While this can lead to great feats of accomplishment, it also disrupts the body's natural cycles and leaves us craving rest. Napping represents a pleasurable remedy to this widespread sleep deprivation. Though judged by many as a pastime of little children or the lazy, the need for a nap is a trait that all mammals share and an acceptable part of the day in many countries. It is also a free and effortless way to improve our health and lift our spirits. A nap is relaxing and can improve our mood, vision, reflexes, and memory. Lack of sleep, whether ongoing or the result of a single night's wakefulness, puts stress on the body and mind. It can negatively impact your physical and mental health. At one time, napping was considered a natural part of life. In the past hundred years, however, electricity and modern conveniences have provided us with more time to engage in personal and professional activities. Consequently there is now less time for sleep. A mere ten minutes of sleep in the middle of the day can leave you feeling more cheerful and alert. A half-hour long nap can sharpen your senses and refresh your energy reserves, and a shorter nap can even sustain you through a long day. Napping can help you make up for lost sleep and serves as a supplement to your usual sleep schedule. You may need to give yourself permission to nap by making naptime a part of your day. Feelings of guilt about napping or being preoccupied with other activities can keep you awake when you are trying to take a nap. If you need help, surround yourself with soft pillows and blankets or soothing music. Try to take a nap at the same time each day and use an alarm clock to ensure that you don't fall into too deep a sleep. Learning to nap and enjoying its benefits can help you reclaim your natural right to nap. You nourish your being every time you take a nap.
Instruction Manuals For Living BY MADISYN TAYLOR It can be overwhelming not knowing the way, but it is what you do along the way that matters. Depending on what stage we are at in our lives, we can sometimes feel like we ought to know more about who we are or how to live. We may even berate ourselves for making the same mistakes, or for just not "getting it," whatever "it" may be. We wonder how our lives would be if only we had "known better." During moments like these, it is important to remember that none of us are born with instruction manuals and that learning lessons is a lifelong journey. Inherent to our being born is that we are here to observe, learn, and grow. Accompanying this is a built-in guarantee that there will be mistakes and misadventures along the way. And while it is only natural that we may sometimes become overwhelmed, especially when the lessons keep coming, it is important to remember that learning to understand yourself and your world is an ongoing and active process where the journey is more important than the destination. Every lesson is intended so you can become more of who you are. As you grow through this self-discovery, you begin to create your own instruction manual. The "how" and "why" is yours to discover, and part of the beauty of being alive is that these rules are always changing. If you feel that you would like to explore what your personal instruction manual may already say, then try writing down in order some of the significant events that have happened to you. It's also important to take note of what you learned from each one. When you are done, you may be surprised to discover how much you are always growing and that every lesson learned always informs the next. That being said, there is never a need to be hard on yourself or think that you should have it all figured out. We always know as much as we're meant to know at that moment, and growing into our fullness is a process that unfolds in divine timing. You and your life are beautiful works in progress. Discover yourself and embrace your life's lessons, and your instruction manual will create itself. “To be kind is to allow another to feel seen by God.
”Channeled Messages from the Angel Haziel In my meditations over the past month, I had been repeatedly hearing the name “Haziel” whispered into my consciousness. “Haziel,” I thought. “I wonder who this is.” And then one day I heard the name again, “Haziel,” and felt a magnificently beautiful presence spread over me. My heart opened as if it were hearing the sweet song of a violin. I saw and felt a radiant white and soft lemon-yellow colored light approach me. Within this light, there was an Angel smiling before me. I felt guided to meditate, open my heart, and simply listen as I connected to this Angel. Haziel sent rays of light into my heart, and as I breathed the energy in, I immediately began to feel as if every important emotion and experience I ever held in my heart were suddenly being seen and held in such a tender, compassionate understanding. It was as if Haziel knew me, and simply by receiving his attention, I was blossoming. In this state, it felt as if any seeming fear or difficulty I ever felt as a human being simply could not but transform into pure Love. And then suddenly a mysterious knowingness dawned in my heart: Haziel is the Angel of kindness. Channeled Messages from Haziel:“To be kind is to allow another to feel seen by God.” Haziel spoke with a deep smile. “When human beings enact kindness, they are acting from the consciousness of God. To be kind is to embody the nature of the divine and see through its eyes. The one receiving kindness is then brought into a state of awareness that is the same as feeling they are in God’s sight. In the act of receiving kindness, they are known, understood, precious, and beloved. That, my friend, is a miracle, because kindness is thus delivering a soul back into awareness of their unity with the Source of All.” Haziel showed me an image of the energy of kindness flowing between two hearts.“Kindness is a miracle-gift to both its giver and receiver,” Haziel continued. “Because in truth, to be kind is to see into the soul of another. To be kind is to enter a state in which you see and feel the experience of another soul, and validate them as one with you. In this moment of unity, kindness delivers both its giver and receiver back into the all-providing, all-soothing, all-loving, and all-giving heart of the divine creator.” I then saw an image of the energy of kindness flowing throughout the human race. Kindness miraculously heals all illusions of isolation, separation, and fear from the human collective. Because acts of kindness merge you into unity with God, it acts as an instantaneous vehicle into the same consciousness that knows the answer to every question, heals everything that seems to be broken, and rebirths all that seems to have died. Mercy and compassion, therefore, are divine states of being that honor the source of love, and enable you to become its instrument of miracles.” As I absorbed this message, I was reminded of the line in the Course in Miracles that states, “Love created you like itself.” In other words, God is love and kindness itself, and kindness created you kind. Holiness created you holy. Generosity created you generous. Perfection created you perfect. To embody these states of being is to embody your origin in God, and therefore to also know and understand God in all its power. Haziel smiled another deep, glowing smile. He placed his hand above my heart and said, “So you see? To create peace and love in this world at a global scale wherein all souls will benefit and heal is not so complicated a task. We Angels see and know that humanity can fix every seeming problem it faces within one single human lifetime. This can be accomplished very simply and easily if life were to be universally approached from the consciousness of compassion.” My eyes widened as I thought, “Yes, because after all, you cannot solve a problem or heal a wound if you approach it from the same consciousness that created it in the first place.” This is why a consciousness shift towards greater global love, healing, hope, and compassion is the highest priority to which any of us can aspire. “Kindness is the miracle worker,”Haziel stated with love. His image gently began to fade in my mind’s eye, leaving behind a wake of such quiet peace and hope. I felt so grateful as I emerged from that meditative moment that all I could think to do was to share the experience with you, my dear friend. Thank you for reading it! Affirmations:“Kindness created me kind.” “My heart is an infinite wellspring of loving kindness.” “I attract and create kindness, generosity, love, and peace everywhere I go.” |