By Kyle Hunt
April 1, 2016 Abundance, Mind We are not meant to merely pass through this life, but rather we are meant to enjoy it to the fullest. Living abundantly helps us recognize the joy in our lives, even when we are having a hard time finding it. So now that we understand that living an abundant life is key to finding happiness and joy around us, how do we do it? My grandmother is one of the happiest people I know and she has been living a life of abundance for many years. How does she do it, especially in a world that seems to be so unhappy most of the time? She chooses to be happy; she has made the decision to respond positively to the things that happen in her life. Another thing she does is that she rejoices in others’ accomplishments. Whenever I achieve something, my grandmother is almost more excited for me than I am for me. Living an abundant life is possible, as my Grandmother has shown me. So again, how do we start living an abundant life right now? Try out these 7 key steps to begin your life of abundance. Have an Abundance MentalityFirst things first, have an abundant mentality. That means that you know that there is enough to go around; you don’t have to compete with others. The opposite of this is the scarcity mentality where you believe that there are limited resources. If you feel like you are always in competition with others for these limited resources, then you can’t find true happiness or abundance. GratitudeAn absolutely essential part of living an abundant life is having gratitude and expressing it. Find something to be grateful for every day and you will notice how abundant you life really is. I recommend keeping a gratitude journal and writing down 3-5 things daily that you are grateful for. Not only will this help you get into the habit of gratitude but will also help you be happier. Share Your AbundanceIf you are already enjoying a life of abundance, share your abundance with those around you. If you are abundant in wealth, share with those that are less fortunate. Help them on their journey to an abundant life. Even sharing your happiness is a great way to spread abundance. Compliment those around you, take time out of your day to serve someone, or even teach, freely, a subject you understand well. Rejoice in Other’s AccomplishmentsThis goes back to having an abundance mentality. If you aren’t competing with others, why shouldn’t you be happy for them? Their gain is your gain because you are happy for them, which they enjoy, but that also increases your joy. Like I mentioned with my Grandmother above, she rejoices in everyone’s accomplishments and makes us feel more excited about our accomplishments. We are all connected to each other. What we give to others, we receive back tenfold. VisualizationVisualization is key to beginning your journey to an abundant life. Picture yourself after you have achieved your goal. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Who is around you? What are you going to do with your success? Imagine all the details. Maybe there is a large picture window overlooking the mountain stream where you have built a new home to grow closer to nature. Or maybe there is a framed picture on the large oak desk at your new job. Once you have seen all the details, work backwards and see the path you must take to reach that goal. Then take action towards your abundant life. Respond PositivelyAnother key step to finding happiness and an abundant life is decision based. You can decide if you will be miserable every day or find joy every day. Don’t let your circumstances determine your emotions. Make the choice to be happy now and respond positively to whatever life throws your way. Enjoy Your Life NowFinally, you don’t have to wait to live an abundant life. You can start right now by choosing to enjoy what you have around you. Recognize what abundance you already have in your life. Then set your goals to achieve a more abundant life; continue to work towards your success, and start changing your mindset now. Abundance is not always about some far off in the future goal, it can also be about finding happiness now, living an abundant life now. The choice is up to you.
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