4 Tools For Navigating Earth ChangesPosted | 20 comments
Archangel Metatron’s Message on Earth Changes~Channeled by Melanie Beckler Greetings, I am here. I am Archangel Metatron and as always, it’s an honor to connect with you beautiful being of light. Thank you for being here, for you see, as you consciously connect, by looking within, opening your heart, and expanding your frequency… you are doing a grand service to your world and to your species. For change happens within each and every one of you, inside of you. Choosing the light, lifting in love, will not only have a profound impact on your reality, but also on everyone whom you come encountered with. The ripple effect, we will call it. As your vibration increases, so does the vibration of those whom you encounter. This Channeling With Metatron is Text Only… Prefer an audio guided meditation?Click Here to Access the Earth Star Chakra Meditation Or The Earth Sanctuary Meditation here! Navigating Earth Changes- Archangel Metatron Channeled MessageLet yourself relax and breathe deeply now. Breathe in the light that surrounds you, and feel your energy lift. You may feel a tingling in your crown chakra. This is my energy, allow it to connect with you now. You are safe, as you are lifted now into the higher realms of experience. I wish to discuss with you now, the current energy on your planet, and the many changes that you are each are experiencing. You may have noticed that from day to day, how you feel varies greatly and there is a specific reason for this. You see, the energy on your earth is changing every day. No two days are the same, but instead, the energetic climates is always new. I point this out, for it is very important for you to realize that what you did yesterday that worked for you in order to stay in joy, is not the same as what will work for you today to stay in joy. Remember, as energy is constantly changing, so you too must also be willing to constantly change and adapt. Through your willingness to do this, you allow yourself to stay in a state of joy and harmony. Unwillingness to change, is what gets you stuck in habits that no longer serve you. Be willing to embrace the new each day. For each day is a new day, with new lessons to be learned and new experiences to be felt. Your willingness will help you to live in joy and love… And after all, this is what you are here to do. I remind you that change is happening on your Earth. It has been said that change is the only constant. The only thing that you can be sure of, is that change will always happen. So do not latch on and try and hold on to anything, to how you currently feel or what your current experience is, for it is guaranteed that this too will change. Be willing to go with the flow. We will call this riding the wave of light – adjusting, changing and adapting. This is required of you at this time, in these times of ascension. I wish to point out that during these times of change, much light is flooding onto your planet. We have talked of this before, but I see that it is important to reiterate this now, and so I will do so. Light. White light. Divine light consciousness is streaming to your planet. This is the energy of the Divine realm, of love and of joy. So one would think that as it pours onto the planet, it would make it easier for to stay in a state of love and of joy. But, this is not always the case. Yes, this is the direction you are moving towards, and I do see that in your life it is possible for you to stay in a state of joy always. But currently, your world does exist in a state of duality. In every aspect of your reality, you can see contrast. You can see light, and you can see dark. This is why you experience turmoil and why you experience challenges. For even within you, lies light and lies dark. And now as light pours into your planet, the darkness is stirred up. Old belief patterns within you that have been repressed, past life memories and even memories from your current reality that are challenging, that are negative, and that are painful and have been pushed down deep and buried begin to rise to the surface. You have not dealt with these painful emotions, and instead, you have buried them under layers, or hidden them behind a wall. To heal, they must be dealt with. You see, your soul exists inside of you. Your spirit, your divine light, yes this is here. But around your soul, there are other layers. There is the layer of the psyche which for many of you, you have created a thick wall, constructed a moat, and hung a thick coil of barbed wire. All of these things are preventing others and preventing yourself from being able to see who you really are, to see the the divine being that is inside of you. There is then the level of personality, and of ego that of course wants you to stay in fear, and wants you to stay disconnected from who you really are. For as you fully embrace your divinity, your ego feels inferior… Your ego indeed wants to run the show. Your ego is afraid of your authentic self taking control, and so it is gripping on tighter now than ever. In addition, as light pours onto your earth, and into your being, negative experiences from your past are coming up for release, for you are ready to let them go, move beyond, and rise above. And so you may be feeling great one day, and then more light comes in, and all of these old things you completely forgot about, for they are buried… Now come up, and suddenly you feel terrible, and you don’t know what to do, you feel trapped. When this happens, life feels hard… and it is hard. We honor this. And we honor you for your willingness to go through this. For you are serving your soul and you are serving humanity in encountering these issues that are coming up for release so that you may grow beyond them. I offer you this advice: that you release these emotions and memories as they come up. No, it is not wrong or bad or anything of the sort that these past things exist. However, they are coming up for a specific purpose now, for you to release them, for you are being called into something more. Know that if you choose not to release older energies, and past painful experience, they will continue to affect you until you do. So when out of nowhere as it seems, you feel angry at another human being. Know that you are not really angry at them though yes, it does seem to be the case to you. But really they are acting as a mirror for you, and your true anger is within yourself. And this does not feel good. So when you feel this, release it. Release it by simply choosing to do so. This can be challenging, so you may also say “Archangel Metatron, please assist me in releasing this anger into the light, and replacing it with unconditional love.” Notice how your even reading these words now, causes a slight shift and increase in your personal vibration. Release is powerful, and it is a powerful tool in your tool belt, your ascension tool belt, your changing earth tool belt. Are you aware of the other tools you have available to you? Meditation is also so powerful. I cannot stress this enough, the importance of quieting your ego mind through meditation or through simply experiencing silence on a daily basis. Quiet your ego. It is not serving you anymore. Yet many of you believe it’s voice to be your truth and you believe that you are it. I affirm to you now that you are not. The truth of who you are is one who is able to remain in a vibration of love all of the time. The one who can see the underlying truth of love alongside any duality, challenge, or hardship. So the voice that tells you otherwise, the voice that worries, that doubts, that complains, that fears, that sees fault in yourself and judges others. This is your ego, and as you begin notice your ego doing these things, making judgments and being fearful… Take a step back, and take on the position of the observer. As you do this, you disassociate from the ego and you take your power back. Now is the time for you to do this. Take your power back.You are a powerful being, powerful beyond measure, and one with All That Is. But it is up to you to embrace this, to release the things that no longer serve you, and to step into the authentic power of your true nature. This is what the ascension process is all about, and it is going on right now. It is not something that is going to happen on a certain date, nor it is not something that already happened for some, and that you missed! If you wait until a specific day to experience the joy and lightness of ascension, I say to you, you will miss it. For the change has already begun. Your illusion of time is quickening, and for many of you, the veil of illusion has already begun to lift. The truth of who you are is being revealed. Your truth as a powerful psychic being. You are connected with inner guidance, you are connected with love, and you are able to stay in this heightened vibration all of the time. You are able to do this. You have your tools of release, of meditation, and the third tool available to you, affirmation. We have discussed how your ego will always want you to return to fear-based thinking, and you can release these thoughts into the light, you can hand them over to me or you can simply let them go through your conscious thought. You can meditate, to learn to tame and take your power back from your ego. But these thoughts of ego do create at a subconscious level. At a subconscious level, you are creating things that you do not want whether you like it or not, and most of the time you are completely unaware of these subconsicious creative beliefs. This is why you often find things in your reality that are not what you really desire. Know that a powerful positive thought, a focused and deliberate positive thought, is more powerful than a subconscious, unknown negative thought. So every day, dear ones, affirm, write down your desires and what you really want to create in your life. Tell the universe what you want by holding the truth of your intention in your heart. For it is intentions held in the heart, rather than the mind that manifest into experience. Of course, reaffirming your intentions to yourself so many times that they become your subconscious thought, can help you to fill your heart with the vibration of the intention. In doing this, you will get what you want. Anything that you see in your reality, be it the chair that you are sitting on, or the car you drive, or the house you live in. It was first a thought in someones mind, that then made the vibrational journey into the heart. This is how it is able to be in existence, because someone thought it, felt it, and created it. So remember this, as you have desires. Write them down and believe that is possible for you to create them., regardless of whether you know how this will be done, or not. And this leads me into yet another tool in your ascension tool belt, and that is prayer, for prayer is a very powerful tool available to you. Angels, guides, the universe… want to support you. We want you to have what you want. But as I have said, you must ask for it. And ask for assistance in getting it. Ask your angels to line up the situations that you need to experience in order to create what you want. Ask for help, and you will receive it. Use the tools that are available to you, and allow yourself to stay in a state of joy. Remember, your earth is constantly changing. Change is the only thing that is constant. As you accept this and embrace this and prepare for this, you will be able to effortlessly navigate these changes, staying grounded and staying centered despite the turbulence and the chaos that is all around you. You are able to remain a still, bright flame amidst a violent storm. This is powerful and this is who you are. Trust in this. Believe it to be so, and so it is. Now dear ones, drop deeper into your heart, for we will close soon, but first, you will be lifted in an ascension exercise. An exercise of increasing your vibration. Know that your vibration has already been lifted, but now we lift you higher. So drop into your heart. Take in a deep breath, and breathe in the white light that is now pouring in, from above your head and down in through your crown chakra and throughout your spinal column. Breathe in the white light, and we lift you now. Very good. You are surrounded in a vortex of unconditional love. A sphere of white light which is now serving you by dissolving any negativity which you have accumulated through out your day, your week and your month, throughout your life. It is dissolved into this white light of love energy. And we call upon my brother, Archangel Michael – whom you may also call on always – to cut any and all cords of negativity from situations, or from people. The cords are cut, and as this happens, feel your energy lift even more. And now any of your essence, any of your energy that has been drained, knowingly or unknowingly by others or by yourself – we reweave this into your etheric body, and into your energetic form. And now breathe in the white light again and feel your aura expand. There are now rays of white light heading towards you, entering into your field. Allow these, and know that as you allow these beams of light to surround you, you are building your light body. You are increasing your frequency. You are expanding your consciousness. You are experiencing the energy of unconditional love. Again, breathe in the white light and allow this white light to fill your spinal column with white light, connecting all of your chakras, cleansing these energy centers. Returning you to a state of balance, and a state of love, this is who you really are.You are a divine being. You are love. You are loved. You are surrounded with guides and angels, who love you and who are assisting you in accomplishing your specific purpose, your exact reason for being here on Earth. Know that as you follow your joy and your heart, you are on track and on your path. Use the tools that are available to you, and be willing to ask for assistance from me, Archangel Metatron, or any of your angels, Teacher Guides and Archangels. Know that your energy has been cleared. You have been cleansed, and you have been lifted, and this will stay with you and assist you in navigating your ever changing world. Simply being aware that your world is ever changing… will assist you in navigating. Now, allow yourself to move around, stretch. Plant your feet firmly onto the ground. Feel your toes and your heels and the balls of your feet on the ground and now visualize roots extending downward, into the center of the earth, grounding you into the third dimension. Into your physical world. You are a physical being, and you are grounded to the Earth. And now envision light from your crown chakra, extending upwards, into the heavens, anchoring you to the universe, you are a spiritual being anchored to the light above, and you are rooted to the Earth light below. This light and these roots meet together at your heart, inside of your open heart, centering you fully in the present moment, now. You are centered, you are cleansed, and you are now ready to take the first step confidently in the directions of your dreams. Know that you were given your dreams for a reason, because you can and will accomplish them. Believe in this, and be willing to take the first step. Even if it seems silly, take the first step, and the next step will appear to you after. Dear one, you are so loved. And you are assisted in accomplishing your mission. Call upon I, Archangel Metatron and call upon your own guides and angels who are ready and willing to serve you in staying in a state of peace. You can do it, and we will help you. We love you. And now in one sense, we leave you and in another, we are always with you, but simply a thought away. Goodbye for now. -Archangel Metatron
Kara Schallock, Soulsticerising.com
I share what Soul guides me to share about every two weeks. I don’t consider this channeling, for my Soul and I are One. The Ascension Notes include the latest energies and each word carries high dimensional energy that flow into you as you read, helping you during this time of Transformation. The Notes are very grounding and practical. They are your potential and the information is not to be stuck in your intellect, but felt in your Heart. Listen to Kara's latest Ascension Note Please go to the Donation page to make a donation that supports this work. Ascension Tidbits - 27-May-2016 We are in yet another unprecedented energetic gateway. Each of us is asked to live in our highest potential; to actualize our many gifts. Yes; many gifts. We do not have just one gift or one purpose; we have many gifts and more than one purpose. Creating our New Life is certainly a purpose. Purpose isn’t limited to being a Lightworker or being any certain label or title. Purpose isn’t a label; it is expressing ourselves authentically in everything we do and are…wherever we are and in whatever we do. We limit ourselves by claiming we are this or that. We are limitless. Be who you are and in this way, you are fulfilling one of your purposes. You are not just one thing; you are multidimensional. You express yourself in many different ways. You express yourself one way in sharing your gifts; in another way within each relationship you have. In the old, you limited yourself by assigning yourself a role. In the New, you do not have a role to play, for you share who you are in any given moment as you are guided. Now is the time to share the essence of who you are and from that essence; your Divinity; you express yourself in many different ways. You are free to choose your experience in each moment. Follow Gaia’s lead; She does not have just one label to be described as. There is great diversity in Her being; as there is in you. Flowing allows you to shift in whatever direction you choose. Being free means to let go of self-imposed rules…what is appropriate or not appropriate according to your culture and upbringing; what is right or what is wrong…you are here to express your Divinity; your Soul. You can change your direction in any moment. You can free yourself from imposed-upon beliefs. You can try on many expressions and discard them at will if they don’t align with you. Wholeness is embracing and being all of who we are; not just this aspect or that aspect. We are shape-shifters. We are not bound by others’ judgments or rules. We can choose to be freely ourselves or stay locked up in old beliefs and limitations. We don’t have to stick to one thing; we can flow in and out of anything. This definitely may go against your old rules of staying in a loveless marriage because you’re supposed to (or do anything you’re supposed to) or stay in a miserable job so you can collect retirement or continue with certain behaviors because others expect that of you. There are many examples of how we have held ourselves back from being free and authentic. When we clear ourselves of old rules, expectations and assumptions, we open up to new gifts. Expectations are based on old beliefs and are focused on the future and often in the illusory “hopeful wishing.” Assumptions are also based on old beliefs and each being’s history and does not allow for anything New. To be New, we must drop our history and our old stories. It requires us to be innocent and see things through new eyes with no preconceived ideas of how things should be. Is this easy? No, because up to this point, everything we have perceived has been based on past experiences when separate ego ruled the way we were; separate ego only knows the past. Soul is in the present moment only. It has no use for the past. The New has no use for the past. The past is the past and is based on limited information; this is both on a personal and global level. The next time you are with someone you have known for a while, pretend you just met them. Gone is your history with them; gone are the preconceived ideas you have about them; and you open to meeting them in the truth of the Moment and in Innocence and Love. The purpose of Ascension is to evolve spiritually and to have everyday life be One with and as our spiritual life; in other words, to live in our spiritual Integrity. To do this, each must express themselves in their highest and truest way; in complete Authenticity. When you do this and you drop old labels and past history and are in the Moment, you are in complete Integrity. Integrity is not based in old ways of being; it is being in your Soul’s Truth in that Moment…and this shifts. Everything in the New shifts; it is not meant to be static and stuck in one expression. When you keep things simple and remain in the Moment, you will authentically express your Integrity; the Truth of who you are…in that Moment, based on how you feel and when you are aligned with your Heart. In this way, you express your gifts, your Love and your Light with all. You become the Lighthouse, guiding lost ships to the safe shores of their own Heart. You do this by being you; not through a job or an intention or a “supposed-to.” You teach through example; by being authentically you. You don’t teach to get results; you simply shine and others then have a choice as to how they choose to be. When you share with no expectations and no attachment to outcome, you are on your Path. When you follow your inner guidance in each Moment, you are on your Path. When you only do what resonates with you, you are on your Path. You are fully supported and the way is clear for you to be more. When you disengage from the illusions of the old world, you are on your Path. When you stay positive in each Moment regardless of what your dualistic mind might tell you, you are on your Path…your Path of Ascension; your main purpose. When in doubt or confusion, surrender to the essence of Simplicity. In the New, things are simple and clear. There is no pandering to the intellect. Simplicity is of the Heart. When you are not sure what to believe or what direction to go in, become still and silent. Go with your feeling. Sometimes this means to not do anything, so trust in Divine Order and Divine Time. When you let go and let be, you will be guided…when it is the perfect time for you. The letting go is letting go of pushing things to happen. This creates stress and there is no stress in the New, for stress is resistance. Surrender to what is and trust that when all is aligned, you will be guided to your next step. Realize that you are perfectly where it is best for you to be for your highest learning and evolving. When in Acceptance, you release the resistance or doubt or confusion. This then leads to Movement and Awareness. The lower energies of doubt and confusion are contrary to Soul’s knowing. Never doubt that you are guided by Soul. Are you listening? It may take slowing down and a release of intellectually questioning everything. It is perfectly fine to rest in Stillness. Have Faith; be strong in your knowing and trusting. Watch where you believe you are separate. Religion separates; politics separate; judgment separates; using the term “us and them” separates; labels and titles separate. We are not separate. We mirror each other so that we may evolve more. When you feel separate or better or worse than anyone, ask what you are learning about yourself. Where within do you manifest separation? Do you feel you are better than others; more intelligent; better off; worse off; prettier or uglier; jealous…all of these separate. Do you, in the deeper recesses of you, believe you are not Divine or are separate from Source? Be also aware when you are thinking linearly (Step A leads to Step B leads to Step C). For instance, we do not necessarily evolve from the 3rd Dimension to the 4th and then to the 5th Dimension. Each being carries their Home Dimension within them. A being can experience life in the 3rd Dimension and yet carry within them the 11th Dimension. We are multidimensional and may experience many dimensions at the same time. Do not have set ideas about how things are, as they may not be that at all. There is much we do not know or can currently comprehend; and that is fine, for our place is to keep things simple and flowing. Everything shifts so what one may experience in one Moment can totally shift in the next Moment. Nothing remains the same. What may upset you in this Moment, you may see the blessing in the next Moment. In each Moment, ask how you may serve and then take a step in that direction. This, of course, shifts; so flow with your guidance. It will lead you to the experiences that enhance you and further you along your Path. It can be so much fun if you just flow lightly along. It can be difficult if you think you have to stick to one thing to prove…to prove what? Trust what you receive always. While we continue to be urged forward in our Ascension on Earth, most are in a phase of integrating the New Truths. We still experience Ascension “Symptoms,” and yet we are not as resistant to them as we once were. We still are releasing old patterns and beliefs and slowly are embracing a new way of being. We are shifting from our heads to your Hearts; from thinking to feeling and as we do, we are guided, for this is the Path of the Soul. http://www.thequantumawakening.com/
This summer many planets are bass-ackwards making all of us jump thru emotional hoops, as if we have not already been doing that for months. Understand this dear ones, as you walk forward toward the three eclipses of 999 you will be at a juncture of soul. The past months/ years for some/ have left many faltering dangerously close to leaving the earth, and some are ready to ditch the light. Many are so emotionally consumed they are one step away from falling into a very large all consuming black hole. The human biology listens to every single word and inner thought you have. On the outside you are Pollyanna, on the inside you are Eleanor Rigby ‘wearing a face you keep by the door.” Every thought is either a blessing or a curse. By your words you shall be known. Love yourself for doing the very best you could in any given situation and forgive your self for everything else. Do not carry guilt’s from any time frame. They burden you, and weigh you down keeping you from flight. They block you from feeling, they keep you from loving, and they limit you from seeing your true light. Stand in these energies of Light as you walk through the shadowed corridors of your own mind. Every instruct, every failure, every guilt ridden thought comes and points its finger out. The guilt outweighs the good and the soul grows heavy. There has been so much sadness and disappointment that the human heart is weary and just cannot consume one more morsel of bad news. As you walk through your own inner thoughts that are cloaked in fear realize that they too are trying hard to become light. The only way you can move ahead is with the vibration of love. Everything is changing and becoming very demanding. The universe is pulling your ear and twisting your arm trying to get your attention. It is demanding that you listen with your true one heart. You are so afraid to look at your beautiful self. You busy yourself in relationships, in cleaning; you busy yourself in everything and anything just so you do not have to spend time in the inner sanctuary of your own soul. The secret place the silent witness lives. That which echoes loudly, bouncing off old hurts and hates. When one hears the beating of ones own heart a cadence is created bringing a library of cosmic truths that wish to be seen from a different angle of thinking. As we all dimensionally shift everything we knew as truth also shifts causing great havoc in our souls. For what was our truth is like quicksand as it sinks to the bottom of what seemed so structured and powerful. Dear Ones,
Are you concerned that the hate and rage displayed by your media are happening in your world – and to you? That the joy you sense through shimmers of light is the false prophet of your reality? That nothing is as you wish and everything is as it seems? Even though you hope such is not true, how can you know without a doubt? For your new you feels a bit more nebulous with every media shift from difficult to fearful. Fear sells for that is what humans have focussed on for eons. So those enmeshed in that place push fear more than ever. The prophecies are that all will seem very fearful indeed – until it is not. Those beings who have not yet opted for New Earth and their new being are en masse going through the ‘dark night of their soul’. Addressing those pieces that have kept them awake nights for eons. Remember how heavy and inescapable that time felt for you and multiply it by millions and that is what earth is now experiencing. Because you completed your ‘dark night of the soul,’ you have, in essence, erased the deeply disturbing thoughts that were part of that time for you. Even though you know it was an extremely difficult time; you cannot exactly remember how terrible it felt. A bit like trying to remember the flu. An uncomfortable time that made you almost believe you would always be sickly – and then you were not. So it is now. All is culminating for those not quite certain they wish to be part of this shift. Even though they sense your joy and love, they do not yet believe such is possible for them. So they are gnashing their teeth in anger and despair. Something your media is only too happy to report – for the media sales model is based on fear. Would you not be amazed if your media limited their reporting to happy or even positive incidents? Is not every traumatic event reported again and again? Is not every loving incident reported with a smile reminding all that such is an anomaly? So it is you are surrounded by fear expecting that fear to reach you even though you are now more likely to experience joy than fear. As if you might experience joy today, but surely some of those fear pieces will touch you soon. You know such is no longer true, but you are in the minority. And the media continues to inform you that you are wrong, and they are right. No shift is easy. This shift is more difficult for never before has an entire planet attempted shifting at the same time. And you have been at the forefront for perhaps decades. It was assumed by all, that you would plant New Earth seeds and your children and grandchildren would harvest them. But you decided to experience the end-product of an earth filled with joy – resulting in your current emotional, perhaps even physical exhaustion. You see and sense the negativity and cannot comprehend why anyone would opt to be of earth in fear when it is no longer necessary. So you question yourself – “Did I make this up? Is New Earth a fanciful dream?” You doubt New Earth and everything you believed in for years, even decades. Just as was true when you were so ill you could not remember what health felt like. Your current angst will be short-lived for you will soon see human shimmers of light through the current dense fog. Those millions experiencing their dark night of the soul are crying out for mercy, help and love. You are finely tuned enough to sense that cry for mercy. But not yet enough to provide the help they expect. For the help they expect is for someone to carry them through their fears. A piece, as you well know, they must do themselves – which no one wants to hear or fully understands. You were the same. During your dark night of the soul, you cried to the heavens for assistance and became extremely angry when you did not receive it. Many, such as Brenda, were angry enough to deny their spiritual being for years. So it is for you now. You wish to help those in need but you cannot. So you are beginning to feel as if you have no purpose, no role in this transition. You are even beginning to doubt this transition. For if you are so powerful, why can you not shift earth beings quickly enough so you could not hear their cries of agony? Just as a parent feels when their child is ill. You are not their parent. Your role does not include removing fears from others. You have your path to follow. And by following your path, others will take note. But if you stop to help others or because you no longer believe in New Earth, you are not helping anyone – including yourself. Your role is not to wallow in the mud with those who are crying in fear. Your role is to provide a ray of sunshine and, therefore, hope for those now crying out. You are not a savior; you are a god/goddess of joy – a unique joy only you can fulfill and experience. For what is joyful for you is not necessarily joyful for anyone else. And what is fearful for the masses is not necessarily something you are fearful of for your perceptions are shifting daily. Even so, you hear the cries, and that is indeed painful for you. Only your ongoing joy will help those now in deep pain to move to joy. Most of those crying out do not have the inner guidance with which you entered earth. So it is more difficult for them to sense that they have a choice. Your role is to offer that choice. That is why you have been and will always be at the forefront of this transition. You were programmed so at your behest before birth in this lifetime. You were also programmed to feel fear again in this 3D lifetime so you would understand those experiencing fear now. The difference is you did not expect to remain on earth for this phase. So it is that some of you are flipping back and forth a bit saying to yourself, “Am I real? Is this transition real?” Only to observe those who do not believe and returning to your role as a beacon of light. Maybe not today, but most certainly tomorrow. For you were meant to move from fear to joy in this lifetime – you just overstayed your welcome a bit, so you are undergoing more fear, via the fears of others, than you or us anticipated. You have completed your 3D fear cleansing. You do not have the energy nor the role of completing the 3D fears of others. Allow yourself to be in joy as a beacon for those who cannot see any light. They will – because of you. So be it. Amen. Brenda Hoffman, LifeTapestryCreations.com Repost from Mastin Kipp
Are you going through Divine Storm? A Divine wha? A Divine Storm, as I call them, are moments in your life when you feel like life/The Divine/The Universe is against you. Nothing is going well. You question everything and maybe even say something like "Why is this happening to me?" What I've come to find, is that moments like this are powerful opportunities to grow. Divine Storms are wake up calls. They are not ushering in the end, but rather clearing space for what's trying to be born in your life. But - we tend to interrupt the process. We hang on to how it was and fear how it could be. And perhaps we slip into assuming the worst, instead of preparing for a miracle. You see, when you go through a crisis, a hard time, a moment of pain - there is always, and I do mean always, a breakthrough on the other side. And just past the breakthrough, the new awareness, the inevitable "aha moment" you've been searching for - comes redemption. We live in a Universe that specializes in redemption. We need not worry. We need not assume the worst. But rather, make our aim to surrender our Will to Divine Will. Instead of trying to make The Divine make sense, we release the need to know why things happen as they do and step into the trust that we are being guided in every moment. And we choose to believe that what we are going through now is preparing us for what we desire. You are not being punished; you are being prepared. Prepared for more love. Prepared for more impact. Prepared to inspire change in others. Prepared for more awareness. Prepared for your dreams. When we step out into the sweet unknown, we can release the thoughts of pending doom, or life falling apart. We can choose to believe that when life falls apart, it's not over, but rather the energy is moving, changing, shifting to reflect the changes in our inner world. We need not fear the changes but embrace them with a feeling of sweet surrender that our Creator knows what's best for us. And in doing so, we can begin to find peace within transition, we can bring meaning within loss and we can find recovery within our addiction. You are being prepared. What no longer serves you is being removed from your life, and new life and a new power is coming to you. At first it won't make sense. But soon, you will know why things had to be the way they were. Until then - assume the best. Don't stop a miracle in progress. Now.... your next step is to leave a comment and let me know how you're being prepared in your life for something even greater. Get out there, take action & make it real. Your biggest cheerleader, Mastin From Ideapod
20 Habits of Genuine People (That They Don't Talk About) 1. They place meaning over money. 2. They value themselves. 3. They have great intuition. 4. They diffuse drama--or avoid it altogether. 5. They take responsibility for their mistakes. 6. They're always learning. 7. They have little tolerance for fakery in others. 8. They're courageous. 9. They talk an inordinate amount about their kids and pets. 10. They laugh every day. 11. They are attracted to uniqueness and individuality. 12. They speak their mind. 13. They respond to internal expectations, not external ones. 14. They forge their own paths. 15. They are not threatened by failure. 16. They can admit their faults. 17. They are not judgmental of others. 18. They have solid self-esteem. 19. They can offer and take a compliment. 20. They practice what they preach and preach what they practice. Ask yourself in this moment & create a new habit to check in with yourself - how are you feeling right now? Really. What are you thinking about. If you are like me I tend to look at something I really want to have or be & feel a little discouraged that I don't or I'm not. Consciously I'm thinking that I would like that thing or state, but my emotional position behind the scenes is more of feeling deprived, lacking & wanting still. It's not always, but it's often & it's a habitual limiting belief as well as an emotion forming my point of attraction. It is this emotion which I am unrealizingly co-creating my experience from. The universe is bringing me more of this feeling. The universe does not judge. It is I who is creating my own situation/conditions, it's just that I don't always recognize it. I'm sure if you are observant & honest with yourself you will find the same is true. We can ask for help. Ask to become more aware & affirm that you are. Little by little you will see it. As we are aware of our thoughts & emotions & limiting beliefs, self-talk & also words, we then can chose to change. Then the more to come can be the positive choices... We're all in this together as one unified consciousness so I wish you success!! Davo One who is mostly an observer thrives in good times but suffers in bad times because what he is observing is already vibrating, and as he observes it, he includes it in his vibrational countenance. As he includes it, the Universe accepts that as his point of attraction and gives him more of it. So the better it gets the better it gets. Or the worse it gets the worse it gets. While one who is a visionary thrives in all times.
---Abraham |