You Absolutely Need Iodine!
Medical textbooks contain several vital pieces of misinformation about the essential element Iodine, which may have caused more human misery and death than both world wars combined. Dr. Guy Abraham The present situation we find ourselves in demands that we quickly re-engineer not only mainstream allopathic medicine but all branches and alternatives. It has become increasingly clear that the majority of humans are suffering from chronic poisoning. Aware or not, we are exposed daily to radiation, fluorine, chlorine and bromine chemicals, that are found in many of our foods, soft drinks, toothpastes, pools, water, air (chemtrails) and household chemicals. These chemicals and heavy metals accumulate in our body interfering with our neurological system, thyroid function, the endocrine glandular system, and also cause calcification of our pineal gland (aka third eye) lowering our IQ. When we are iodine deficient our iodine receptor sites will take in it’s halide mimickers -fluorine, bromine and chlorine. Seems that the powers that be know the body chemistry very well. Healthy levels of iodine detoxify the body of these toxic halide mimickers and, along with proper diet, assist our cells in the uptake of proper nutrients and minerals. Iodine is used by every organ and tissue in the body. It is absolutely necessary for healthy cognitive abilities, thyroid as well as healthy ovaries, breasts and prostate. These are just a few of the reasons to become interested in iodine. Iodine has bactericidal activity, e.g. a 1% tincture will kill 90% of bacteria in 90 seconds, a 5% tincture in 60 seconds and a 7% tincture in 15 seconds. Gershenfeld, 1968 In an age of increasing toxic exposures we all need more, not less iodine because it has very specific protective effects against several common poisons like fluoride, bromide, and to a lesser extent it helps eliminate aluminum, lead and mercury from the body. Dr. Sebastiano Venturi, in Evolution of Dietary Antioxidants: Role of Iodine, makes it clear that iodine is a crucial antioxidant and apoptosis-inductor with anti-tumoral and anti-atherosclerotic activity When we supplement with iodine we will see increased antioxidant activity and immune system function. Mark Sircus Ac., OMD Iodine is an “essential” primary mineral and those who are deficient in it suffer from a wide variety of afflictions. Iodine used to be considered much more important and, up until 40 years ago, it had been routinely added to all our baked goods and table salt as a supplement. In addition today's research presently shows that our soils and vegetation are depleted of iodine resulting 96% of all Americans as iodine deficient. The Governments RDD of iodine is 150mcg which is a far cry from the Japanese daily diet of 13,800mcg which statistics show that they have the lowest rates of cancer and one of the highest IQ’s in the world. Iodine deficiency is a major cause of under-functioning intellect. Dr. Flechas agrees, In newborn children iodine is responsible for the development of the babies’ I.Q. Recent research shows iodine deficiency is felt to be the source of ADD and ADHD in children. We have an absolute epidemic of Autism in this country, said Representative Dan Burton. Iodine and magnesium logically should be some of the first things parents should reach for before, during and after pregnancy. Iodine usage from seaweed can be found as far back as 3600BC China. First discovered by French chemist Bernard Courtois in 1811, Iodine received the name “iode”, from the Greek word ιώδες (iodes) for violet (because of the color of iodine vapor). It has been successfully used throughout history to treat a variety of health issues: 1860 Dr. Rowen, Dr. Condet (goiter), 1900’s Sunkar Bisey and Dr. Regnault (malaria), 1920’s Dr. Marine and Edgar Cayce (goiter). Today we have Drs. Abraham, Flechas, Brownstein and Tullio Simoncini (skin & breast cancer) just to name a few that realize the benefits of iodine and understand that this “salt based mineral is our salvation.” Iodine is utilized by every hormone receptor in the body. The absence of iodine causes a hormonal dysfunction that can be seen with practically every hormone inside the body. Dr. George Flechas Why? Because of the absence of iodine from our diet we are allowing these halide mimickers we are exposed to daily, calcify our pineal gland, causing us to become more docile, alter our perception of reality, diminish our will, all resulting in an overall lower IQ and lower vitality. The pineal along with the pituitary gland are the master glands of the endocrine system. When calcified this gland that is responsible for hormonal secretions, neurotransmitters, melatonin, serotonin and DMT does not function accordingly. Now we can see a clearer picture as to why our water is fluoridated, why all SSRI’s have either fluoride or bromide as an active ingredient. Might I also add that fluoride can be found as the active ingredient in rat poison, insecticides, pesticides, antibiotics and toothpaste. We might go as far as to conclude that there is a concerted effort to keep us iodine deficient – if we are iodine deficient, our intellect, energy and vitality are all compromised and we are significantly more vulnerable to cognitive disabilities, thyroid malfunction, endocrine/hormonal imbalances, breast cancer, ovarian cancer and prostate cancer. The medical truth is obvious and as plain as day, but most of the time it does not line up with conventional thinking. But given time, mass consciousness and medical science will catch up to the obvious. From a spiritual aspect, the calcification of the pineal gland, which is our antenna, inhibits us from reaching our higher energy centers, especially the ajna (third eye chakra) and sahawara (crown chakra). These are the energy centers that are responsible for higher levels of consciousness. In Egypt the pineal gland is represented as the Eye of Horus. Throughout ancient history, in all cultures it is represented as pine cone symbology. Pineal derives from latin Pinea; direct translation of pine cone. Pinecones have always been occultically (knowledge of the hidden) associated with spiritual enlightenment. Whether we look at ancient Sumerian, Babylonian, Judaism, Egyptian, Hinduism, Chinese, Greco or Roman symbolisim the pinecone and serpents have represented the mysterious link between the physical and the spiritual worlds, which can be found in the human brain. Something that all of our greatest spiritual teachers throughout history taught but as time, religious dogmas and political powers controlled our world we lost touch with this inner knowledge. Alchemist referred to this as alchemy of the human body from lead to its awakened state, hence the golden halos depicted on all our enlightened figures of worship. Coined by the Greeks as the “Golden Age” a state of higher consciousness. This knowledge was taught in Egyptian Mystery schools which will open the doors to spiritual perception, once the seven Chakras are properly activated. The spirit body known as “Ka” to the Egyptians. Stating that we are first souls having a human experience in a human body. Maggie’s Holistics Colloidal Iodine’s are like no other iodine on the market. What sets it apart from the other Iodine’s is that our iodine is mined 7000ft deep in the earths crust from the Northern Hemisphere and broken down to its atomic state, making it more bio available to every cell in the body- no chemicals used in this process. Potassium iodine which derives from sea vegetation either from the pacific in which case is Fukushima radiated or farmed. It then undergoes a chemical process and must latch onto potassium or sodium element making it a compound. Maggie’s Holistics Iodine latches onto itself making it a safer, purer form of iodine. Daring to think out of the box through the past decade has resulted in tackling my family’s health issues successfully.I credit my Holistic practices to my new found knowledge that I now share with the world.
Fluoride & Your IQ
After WW2 Fluoride was added to our water supply while iodine was taken out of our food supply and replaced with Bromine, both toxic Halides. There is little debate what fluoride, a known neurotoxin does to your brain. It is documented that fluoride was used in Nazi Germany in the water supply, making people more docile, diminishing will and altering perceptions of reality. Fluoridation is actually currently uncommon in Europe, 97% of their water supply is not fluoridated. According to the CDC, fluoride is added to water supplies across 76% of North America. While in Europe and in several other developed nations across the world- have banned or entirely rejected fluoride being added to their water supply. The world’s oldest and most prestigious medical journal, The Lancet, has officially classified fluoride as a neurotoxin — in the same category as arsenic, lead and mercury. Here are some of the best reasons to oppose added fluoride to our water supply for the sake of your mental health. 1-Fluoride is a Neurotoxin and Lowers IQ In 2013 findings by a Harvard University meta-analysis funded by the National Institutes of Health that concluded that children in areas with highly fluoridated water have “significantly lower” IQ scores that those who live in areas with low amounts of fluoride in their water supplies. A neurotoxin is a substance that is poisonous or destructive to tissue in the brain, spinal cord and nervous system. Especially before birth and early childhood, linking it to Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, low IQ and other cognitive disabilities. In the 1990’s ADHD increased which was the same time that fluoridation of water supplies also increased in the US. 2- Fluoride May Contribute to Alzheimer In the 1970’s autopsies done on Alzheimer patients revealed higher than normal concentrations of aluminum in their brains. When aluminum comes into contact with fluoride, it hitches a ride into the brain as aluminum fluoride. This just so happens to be the same aluminum compound found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. 3- Fluoride and Nervous System Degeneration The damage from fluoride does not stop at the brain – it continues on to your spinal cord which is your nervous system. It causes degeneration of the hippocampus (seat of memory) the neo cortex (Neo from the movie the Matrix) and the cerebellum. Neo cortex is the most evolved area in the brain. It is responsible for coordination, balance, sensory perception, conscious thought and language skills. Interestingly Neo takes the Blue pill in the movie the Matrix. Blue represents the female side of our brain which is the right hemisphere. The suppressed part of the brain in our left brained academia world. 4-Fluoride and Your Thyroid Fluoride, especially when added to drinking water, nearly doubles the risk of developing thyroid problems. An inadequate amount of iodine in our system allows the fluoride to take its place in the iodine receptor sites. Without iodine and fluoride taking its place – the thyroid can not synthesize hormones- resulting in thyroid disorders. Unfortunately our soils are depleted of iodine resulting in low nutrient produce which makes our produce less tasty compared to other countries. 5- Fluoride and Your Pineal Gland The pineal gland is prone to accumulating deposits in a process known as calcification. Fluoride, which is found in strikingly high concentrations in the pineal gland, causes this gland in the middle of our brain also known as the third eye to calcify. This gland is the master gland of our endocrine system- thyroid, breasts, ovaries, prostate and cognitive functions. In addition the pineal gland is responsible for melatonin, serotonin, DMT, hormonal and neurotransmitters. “The seat of the soul”-PLATO 6- Fluoride and SSRI’S Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors or serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors, anti depressants as well as other commonly prescribed drugs and antibiotics contain significant amounts of fluoride. Result – walking zombies. What Can You Do To Minimize Fluoride Exposure? A high-quality water filter installed in your home can help eliminate, or at least reduce, the amount of fluoride you and your family are exposed to on a daily basis. Stop using fluoride toothpaste. In addition Iodine supplementation is an essential miracle mineral. It assists the body to purge of toxic halides( fluoride, chlorine, bromine) and heavy metals (aluminum, mercury, lead and cadmium). Studies show that 96% of Americans are iodine deficient. If your diet does not consist of seafood or sea vegetation on a daily basis then chances are you are iodine deficient. Increase levels of iodine in your system, it is vital to your over all health. Also, write a letter to your local government officials relaying your concerns over the fluoridation of the public water supply. Knowledge is Power and Applied Knowledge is Freedom. © 2016 Magdaline (Maggie’s Holistic) visit: Your First Contact
Book by Sheldan Nidle Excerpt from chapter: Galactic Federation of Light ~ Q&A section at end of chapter (page 186) Q: Why is this planet special? A: This is a showcase planet! Its endless varieties of life forms, its unusual energy ~~ the whole gestalt (what this planet and star system represent) ~~ make it truly unique. The Galactic Federation's advisors have revealed the startling fact that only approximately 100 examples of this type of star system exist in the entire galaxy! All the other showcase planets lacked some vital quality that kept them from being chosen as the planet mentioned in divine prophecy. Among them, Earth is the only one that truly posses all the requirements to be the great harbinger of change in this galaxy. That is why so much energy has been focused upon it over the last million solar years of Earth's history. Q: What makes Earth so different from the other 100 showcase planets that you mentioned? A: Earth is unique among all the showcase planets because of the numerous prophecies that Reptilian and Dinosaurian groups as well as other forms of sentient life have made. These prophecies have spoken of your solar system~~with its change back into full consciousness~~as the symbol for the return of Light to this entire galaxy. They all feel quite strongly that the unprecedented level of change on Mother Earth (as it is now occurring) is of great import. This transformation signifies that the divine right time has finally arrived for all sentient societies to re-evaluate and drastically alter their way of being, their civilization, and their value system. That is exactly what has been happening in this galaxy! That is why, in the last few years (from around 1988 until now) membership in the Galactic Federation of Light has increased so exponentially that it is almost beyond belief! Former Alliance members are joining the Galactic Federation precisely because of the transformation now occurring on your planet. When Mother Earth's human society accomplishes its shift, Earth will become a major showcase for consciousness, for Light, and for divine service throughout the entire galaxy. Thereafter, you will be visited by star-nations from the farthest regions of this galaxy. They desire to come here, see your world, experience it, be a part of it, and then return to their home-worlds and share their knowledge about it. They will be able to tell their various stellar societies that a truly unprecedented and wondrous shift in consciousness, has indeed transpired on planet Earth!!! This is the reason your planet is so unique, so different, and of such vast consequence? It is why the Galactic Federation of Light is allocating such an extensive number of personnel and other resources to bring forth this consciouinsess shift in perfect divine timing. Highly sentient, inter-dimensional Beings are also being drawn to your planet. The entire solar system is being prepared on all dimensional levels for this long prophesied, monumental shift of physical Creation. Accordingly, it is the final event before this epic, cosmic drama is successfully completed. Stars Closer, Global Currency Reset
KejRaj(KayRy)., Era of Light Greetings to You Lightholder! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I AM KejRaj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. We hope you FEEL our LIGHT and LOVE in this message. Stars Closer First I will begin by saying that from now on I will do my best to avoid using the words lightWARrior and lightWORKER. These terms are of 3D, they both have negative attachments to them. For we are now leaving WAR and WORK behind. As we move forward, we will find it that our daily tasks are changing. We will no longer be WORKing, for if you LOVE what you do, you do it with JOY, in truth it is not WORK. If you enjoy meditation, if you enjoy visualizing a world of peace, sharing your gifts and enjoy helping others, this is not WORK. This is simply LIGHTLOVE in action, this is our natural self. You have noticed in the beginning of this writing I greeted you as a lightHOLDER, in truth that is what we are, that is what we have been BEING and doing, holding the light. That is what is needed, really. YOU ARE and hold the light wherever and whenever you are, that light will shine all around and pierce through all that which is not light. Now we find ourselves in a new wave of light yet again, and there is more waves coming, but let us say that with the new waves you will find a whole lot more joy and peace. You may even begin to NOT see this as a process of some kind but instead just flow with the tsunami of light. As our hearts and bodies become more pure, as this light continues to increase exponentially, this has all ready created a timeline for a very special event, and now the doors are beginning to open wide, for the “stars are getting closer”. I shall say the hearts of humanity are also expanding for this event. And sooner rather than later, we shall open our arms, for the time to finally meet our family from the stars is here. It has been a while since I actually stared at the night sky, though it is rarely clear to where you can see the stars. But a week ago I once again begun looking up, during the day but mostly during the night. What I noticed, did and did not surprise me, but certainly brought me joy. I noticed more “stars” moving around, not only that, but they were much larger in size and sometimes flashing, one disappearing while another would appear, and aligning in positions that formed symbols, triangles, which is most common. Once again I must say they were a lot closer than I’ve ever seen them in previous times. They were, are, will be here. It is a matter of time before they land and we are face to face with the family. We will all begin to see more of what I just described above, all in preparation for what is to come. In the very near future many lightholders will be contacted by their mentors to prepare for the grand events that are ready to unfold for all of humanity. Global Currency Reset When I sometimes stop and review my life, the recent years and months in particular, I can see with clarity that the Universe has plans for myself and that everything that has occurred up until now was by design for my own spiritual growth. Everything that continues to unfold is by design, I CAN SEE all the pieces falling into place. For quite a few years now I’ve been finding myself doing and dealing with things differently, in a more peaceful manner, creating new, positive habits, and releasing old ones. But that is not so surprising for me. What has my attention, again I have noticed this for a long time, but it is now that I’m beginning to accept this, what is most astounding is how once again all the pieces are falling into place. I find myself more and more every day surrendering to the will of the Divine. I understand that I do not have to do things alone. I understand that I have the skills, yes, I have in the past and still continue to break barriers, but I also have the help of Divine Forces whenever I wish to call upon them. The Universe is here to serve you. BE LOVE AND BELIEVE. And this is what we must understand when it comes to the Global Currency Reset. Everything in our world has reached its boiling point, including Mother Earth. All is ready to erupt, and all will receive different results and be where they are destined to be during these times. And the Global Currency Reset is another, major piece of the puzzle that WILL fall into place in the right moment, and no we are not talking in years or months from now, but days. Obviously the Global Currency Reset is not a piece of just my reality but for millions if not billions that will be affected by this blessing. We tend to run out of patience when we see the outside world, when we still let our old way of thinking interfere in our processes, it is understandable, by all. All hearts are to be calmed now, the wait is over. One thing we should all think about when we ourselves run out of patience, and that is Mother Earth’s five billion years journey leading into this NOW moment of ascension. Many of the things that have happened to this heavenly world of a planet are unimaginable by most humans that reside on her body today. Yet, here she is now, because she is destined to BE THE SUN OF THIS GALAXY AND BEYOND, AND YOU ARE DESTINED TO BE A FULLY CONSCIOUS CREATOR GOD, that will continue to assist other worlds, perhaps in much greater ways. This is why you have met and chosen to serve each other, YOU AND EARTA(the Golden One). And now the light from within us all is about to erupt like the Universe has never seen before. The brightest light shines from within. I AM KejRaj! The Council – Where are you?
by Ron Head The Council – Where are you? There is a huge energy of ‘Oh my God, what is going on?’ upon your planet right now. It seems to you as if everywhere you look, everything you see and hear, is more disaster. We will speak to this, if we may. First of all, let us point out that, while a great many things that you would avoid if you could have been happening, much more has been happening that is loving, positive, and helpful. This is always so. Always. There are always puppies licking the faces of children. Mothers always have hearts full of love. Fathers will always do their best for their families. And, yes, we know there are exceptions. We wish you could all see the rule. Now, we will try our best to say what we have to tell you without having it seem like we are saying “We told you so.” Many channels have warned of this time in a great many messages for several years. You are at the time, in the midst of it, of great change. You use the terms ascension, shift, and event almost daily. Indeed, you see them used daily. And yet, when we have pointed out the seemingly utter chaos that this brings, you responded always with “Bring it on!” Well, dear friends, may we now say that it has begun in earnest. But, please note that we say ‘begun’. Your entire world has need of re-creation. It needs to be made over again. What you have been told was created to be in service to you, needs to be made to serve you. It was actually designed to keep you in service. Those who, for many centuries, played the role of the designers, wanted, and still want, to be the ones you are in service to. They call this leadership. After all, they know what is good for you, right? As all enlightened societies know, and have always known, true leadership is always one of service. The leader of the pack or the herd will always be found in the rear until he is needed. But there are those who have misunderstood this simple rule. They collectively have a somewhat elevated idea of themselves. The time for allowing that is over. But, as you say, cakes are not baked without the breaking of some eggs. And right now, there are some fairly gigantic eggs being broken. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men are trying mightily to hold it together. You know the end of that story. But so far, nothing has really changed. So hang on tight. Keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times, folks. Because, as the song says, “Change gone come!” Now, it is extremely difficult to ignore heavy equipment and jackhammers when they are outside your window. But we wish you to keep your attention on the good, the peace, and the love that surrounds you. You do not see it, but that is actually what is fueling this reconstruction of your world. We try our best to impress upon you the unimaginable power that your collective will holds. Keep it focused on what you know that you need, desire, and intend for yourselves and all of your world family. The more that you can do this, the more you meditate, the more you pray, the more you help each other, the more you embody love and light, the greater and more rapid this change will be. There are those of you reading this who know with every fiber of your beings that these words are true. Hold fast to that knowing. We know that you do not need those words. You have held fast for uncountable time. The love we speak of, the light we speak of, is what you are. Be. Be here. Be here now. It is what you came for. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE. A third book is being compiled now. Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: |