Since the beginning of time, The Universe has been waiting for the appearance of something beautiful, special, unique and perfect on this Earth-plane. It has been waiting for you! ~ Creator Gratefully re-blogged from The Creator Writings Personally I cannot get enough of this loving support that comes from the heavens/the universe/source/God, whatever ALL THAT IS means to you. It is the wind in my sails from an easy westerly wind on a beautiful sunny afternoon as I sail towards the horizon! At times like these, when the gratitude fills my heart so wondrously I cannot help but want to share it with you!
WE/YOU/I matter! We are all so magnificent, boundless & now poised to sing our own perfect & beautiful songs unique to us- there is no one else & we need YOU because we are all ONE! Belt it out! Have a wonderful day! Thank you for being YOU. Davo
... a powerful thought to reorient your day that will take you deeper & deeper if you allow it Your happiness is the most significant contribution that you could make. In your reaching for happiness, you are opening a vortex which makes you an avenue for the Well-being to flow through you. And anything that is your object of attention under those conditions, benefits by the infusion of your Well-being. ---Abraham Reblogged excerpted from the workshop: Boston, MA on October 10, 1999 Our Love, Esther (and Abraham and Jerry) When you are happy you attract that which is happiness level vibration only adding more and more to that existing feeling of happiness.. happy can become happier & happier & happier, all the while that happiness is pushing away anything less/lower energy such that little by little you are making a shift- a paradigm shift!
While you exist(nay, thrive) in the space of happiness you are surrounded by all that which is love- this includes the wisdom of the universe, both untapped & experienced creativities of all kinds, It is all there for you to draw on. From my personal experience, once you move into this beautiful space of peace within, whether for a brief moment or a lengthy meditation, one may or may not receive information in your awareness. However once you go forth into your day that wisdom just flows through you, the words flow from your lips, your awareness of all the beauty that is around you in each moment begins to blossom! When you step into this space you begin to 'allow' love to do its thing - one only needs to witness, observe & trust as the universe brings those items in your intentions to you.. You just need to keep the car in drive, as you cannot steer a parked car - keep moving forward in love, trust, allowing... appreciate what comes, for come it will. Davo - enjoy your day - I truly hope this is helpful to you!!! Bob Fickes ~ The Gift of Love- reblogged from Bob Fickes at pleiadedolphininfos
Source Love is our greatest virtue. We treasure love above all things. Love soothes the heart and soothes the soul. When we have love the universe smiles and opens every door to us. Our life becomes natural and stress-free. When we greet our enemy with love, even our enemy becomes our friend. Love is the most miraculous gift we possess as a human being. When we have love we become divine. Isn’t it tragic that we ignore love and put it aside most of the day. We go to work and think love has no place here. We work hard to materialize what we want and forget that if we just had love, everything we need would begin to come to us. When tragedy shows up, we instantly forget about love and react with anger or sadness. If we could only pause for a moment, love could return to heal the situation. Love is the greatest healing tool on the planet. Mother Earth is the embodiment of love but we have spoiled her beauty and thrown trash on her. But even though our behavior to her has been terrible, she forgives us. We are her children and she never leaves us. She gives us love when we need it, but too often we are so absorbed in our problems that we fail to see it. If we only took a walk in the park or visited a shrine, we could feel better. Let’s wake up each day and remember to give love to everything we do and everyone we meet. Just a simple start with love in our heart can move the clouds away and allow the sun to shine. Let’s promise each other to never forget love and rejoice that we are so lucky to have such wonderful friends to remind us that there is love in the world. I send all of you my gratitude for just being my friends and value all of you for the wonderful love you share with me. Thank you! Today as we are reminded of how Jesus was raised from death it is really incredible to recognize that it was an example, an illustration for us as well of what is possible. The doorway to all that is was truly opened for us - that NOTHING should be impossible for us.
This is no accident that eclipses, Easter, mass awakenings & a cornucopia of world & personal spheres of events are happening around all of us.. there are some incredible energies of love stirring all around us on this planet- some are reacting negatively, some positively, but all are feeling something from the teensiest spark to glowing with love (I'm enjoying the latter most of the time, but there've been challenges!) I just want to encourage you today to enjoy wherever you are at- it's all GOOD GLOW with the flow & FLOW with the glow - however it manifests in your life today, just relax & experience it, don't fight it This is a very very simple message, but it is an incredibly deep message to guide you & to poder:
LOVE IS ALL. All is love. Love is all there is. Without love you have nothing. Love never fails! Make love your intent in each moment & watch what happens!!! Have a truly great day! Davo, |