The Light Has Taken Over The World
Posted on 02/2017by EraOfLight Greetings Friends! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. We hope you FEEL our LIGHT and LOVE in this message. I have been noticing changes occurring within myself for quite a long time. There has been a cleansing going on within all of us for many years. Except now there is a very obvious difference compared to a few years back, for myself at least. Some years ago, even though I was aware of ascension and many other things happening in our world, good and bad, I would still find my self quite often filled with anger, frustration, worry and so on. And of course added to that the delaying of the Global Currency Reset. Well, the obvious difference now is that the light has taken over the world. The light has taken over MY world. It is very very rare that I find my self not in a state of joy. No matter the situation. Sometimes I WANT to be mad, I just cannot. There is this inner voice, I should say this inner laughter that when I TRY to be mad, nudges me and says ‘oh stop it, will ya’, and ‘the joy you feel now is about to multiply’. And indeed it is. For all of humanity and Earth. I have heard and felt these nudges before all the time, but now it is automatic, whenever I find my self in a different state besides joy, I hear the voice at that moment. My choosing to change direction is simultaneous with the higher voice. Now more than ever I am in alignment with the FORCE WITHIN. The few remaining old thought forms are being transformed into light at a rapid pace. The old way of viewing the world is dissolving. The walls within are collapsing fast, and so are the walls of the old matrix. This is happening for all of humanity, whether one may be aware of it or not. We are not yesterday, we are not tomorrow, we are NOW. It is in this NOW that we find joy. The light/love of Creation bursting from WITHIN and blending with that from without with the rest of the collective and beyond. It is in this very NOW that we feel the wave of the Event washing over us, continuously increasing, closer than ever to reaching its climax and changing this world forever. The recent dreams of myself being welcomed aboard the light ships, my self guiding humanity, speaking in front of large crowds, calming their hearts. The dreams of myself finding piles of gold as I’m walking in the grass, and sharing this with others. These are all preparations for the new reality that is imminently to be switched ON. This is how we see things unfolding. The declaration of NESARA and Disclosure in the United States, followed by the Global Currency Reset, followed by Disclosure announcements in other countries. This will set the stage for the Event, which only two to four weeks after we will witness the landings of light ships. As we have mentioned before, prior to mass landings, starseeds and lightworkers will be contacted first for preparation. Please understand that the time in BETWEEN the mentioned events is not set in stone, however all are tied to each other. The excitement is just beginning. The old is fading away. The new light in action is beginning to be seen and felt by more and more people. The ones with a limited awareness may see chaos as their beliefs are shaken to the core. While the openhearted will experience joy and ease in their lives, and begin to contribute in large towards restoring this world into its original pristine state. Through all of this, we have been and will continue to be joined and supported by our family from the stars The brightest light shines from within. From heart to heart, KejRaj.
Wake up Call: Avenda, February 21, 2017
As we go into our system that is being fabricated with all of the desires and interests of each other, we are seeing the results of what we believe, and what we desire for our lives. We see the attitudes of so many people change and take on a different agenda. As this takes place we will go through the awakening process that will bring us to a clearer picture of what our journey at this time is creating for us. It is a Wake up Call that surpasses all that we have accomplished to this point in our journey. As we go through this we are contemplating several pathways that will lead us to the expansiveness that is in store for us as we take our journey through this experience that we are creating. When we reach each chapter of our book that we are creating, we will see how each word is as powerful as each action that we are taking. We crawl and we fly. We dance and we sing. We stomp on our doorsteps and we whisper through the timetable that is set to open the various doors that will lead us to another eye-opener to our destined promise. Take a moment and look at what we are doing in our pathways. See the differences that each day, each hour, or moment takes us through. Have we learned how to direct ourselves, or are we listening to others who speak outside of ourselves? It is more than a one-way road to the absence of trouble and disarray. It is an interesting map that we have drawn out for our journey back home to where we came from. Then when we get there we’ll discover that it isn’t all that different in many ways; yet at the same time we’ll see that we are directing ourselves through a whole different timeline. We are living in the moment in a way that we had only partly understood. We are now giving ourselves so much to think about and to express in our way back home. We are discovering that it is all our way back and it is discovery at its very fullest. As others outside of us, and at our side, take their steps, how closely do we take their steps and discover that they match what we do, or completely take us out of our direction? Go now and see for yourselves what it is that takes you in your direction and then settles you into a feeling of wellness as well as closeness to that which you have desired. Take a moment to look outside and see how others are reacting that shows you the degree of oneness that we all are. Isn’t it interesting how we are creating our whole new worlds through the steps and discoveries that we have made! It is indeed a journey of understanding, cooperation and wonder that we are bringing to our lives. Lets keep on keeping on and allowing ourselves to follow our inner voice and seek our fortune in a way that tells us it begins within, not in the places outside of ourselves. I go now and walk the pathway to the peace, joy and love that is our creation in the journey of discovery of our trueness of being creative. It is all about self-love, that speaks for our love of all of Life. Thank you so much Avenda, for being me. Much Love, Nancy Tate Golden Tree of Light Navigating the Quickening of Change
A message from Selacia We now sit in an auspicious time between February's two eclipses, providing a window of opportunity to reassess and re-empower ourselves to prepare for our next big leaps. Taking advantage of this time is vital to our spiritual progression and being able to adapt to the dizzying pace of changes unfolding. Quickening of ChangeWhen we look back on these moments, one thing will be clear. Change not only has become our new normal but the pace and intensity of change has accelerated. What we are dealing with here is not familiar. Earlier decades and even earlier lifetimes did not involve this type of quickening of change. It is unprecedented. When I was preparing my "2017 Predictions" for publication and coming up with some tools you could use to navigate these strange times, I discovered just how warped time had become. And I discovered, too, just how complex our lives are now. My annual forecast, therefore, became a more extended one - with the full "premium" version giving you an in-depth road map to navigating the twists and turns. Consider now as you read these words how this year feels to you so far. Has it registered within you just how different it is? More importantly, have you sensed that this year can be one of your most significant this lifetime? Continue reading to better understand what these things mean, the current eclipse window, and the quickening of change. Auspicious Eclipse WindowThe February eclipse window is a span of time between the Feb. 10-11 Lunar Eclipse and the Feb. 26 Solar Eclipse. Energies are intense and erratic, with many surprises unfolding. Some are personal, others planetary. The energies of the first eclipse are now rippling out and preparing us for the second one. The first eclipse is catalyzing a deeper knowing of things we couldn't access before. We will see in our outer world, for example, secrets come to light and veils lifted on information that was misrepresented. In our inner world, we have a huge opportunity to access deeper places within ourselves - helping us to get to the core of issues that have blocked our progress. Dreams are especially powerful now. If you have an insight from a dream or simply an idea coming to you randomly, take note. There could be a gem there for you. Quantum Approach is KeyWith the pace of change in high gear, the universe is nudging us as divine changemakers to step into our full power and do so with a quantum perspective. All of the mundane fear-based chatter we are being exposed to is linear and regressive. It takes people nowhere. We must resist the temptation to get caught up in this negativity and fear. One practical application of the quantum approach is to keep our focus big picture, with our eyes on the future and what we want to create. We must remember that we are the creators of this world, not victims who can be tossed around like a football. During this month of eclipses, we are experiencing a major gateway to higher consciousness on this planet - despite appearances to the contrary. One reason I focus in my healing work on understanding our past lives like those in Egypt is that in doing so, we reconnect with our larger soul journey and purpose for being here now. This is a quantum perspective. Remembering gifts and abilities - as well as key connections we made with others - during an Egyptian past life can be the seeds that help us to move into our highest roles as divine changemakers. This is simply one example, of course, but worth contemplating in these moments. Daily TipsThroughout this month, remember to factor in moments of rest and relaxation so you can be refueled regularly. The more intense the energies, the more quiet and inner work your being requires to function at its optimal levels. Do your best to stay positive, even if the world seems crazier by the moment. Invite a sense of play and laughter to help you regroup and get perspective. Lastly, to take advantage of the eclipse window, stay present. Allow for volatility, surprises, and opportunities to shift the view you have of yourself and your potentials. Think BIG. Copyright 2017 by Selacia - a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers All Rights Reserved * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text. Honoring Life Itself as a Ceremony and Spiritual Practice
An excerpt from A Ceremony Called LifeSource: Tehya Sky We weave in and out of ceremony throughout our entire lives. Between our very own births and deaths, we celebrate rites of passage, we lose loved ones, and perhaps we get married, birth our children, engage in personal rituals, attend support circles, or sit in indigenous ceremonies. No matter what sort of ceremonies we find ourselves in, once we are there, we sense we’re in the midst of some sort of tangible meaningfulness and at the feet of a mysterious invitation, and for that, our presence heightens, our hearts begin to open, and we’re more likely to recognize our role in creating our lives. But then we weave out of these sacred moments when we mistakenly believe that all of life could ever be anything other than a procession of sacred moments, an inherently divine ceremony. We compartmentalize the spiritual nature of our lives, squashing it into one specific corner, rather than allowing it to course the waters of our whole lives, as it naturally does. We build spirit dams, and because of that, we become dry, tame, disjointed, and we do not feel whole. It is so easy to read self-help books, go to yoga class and workshops, and sing Om Shanti Om, but at the end of the day, until we realize all of life as the spiritual practice—we don’t feel the completion we crave. When we begin to see the altar is all around us—in the rocks, the magic of numbers, the miracle of other people, the sound of crunching leaves beneath our feet, our morning showers—all of life is again meaningful, and each moment carries within it the invitation home. I was first confronted by the seeming deficiency of the sacred nature of my own life when I was working as a day-to-day manager in the music industry. Since I was a little girl, it had been a fantasy of mine to work directly with musicians, and living it out was a dream come true, until it wasn’t. At twenty-six, I realized the path I was going down had begun to cut me off from the spiritual nature of life. I tried to talk myself out of leaving for as long as I could, but eventually, the call of life was screaming through my soul and was impossible to ignore. It is time to follow your heart. It is time to get yourself in order and know and live your truth. So I followed the wild call of my being to a commune in Central America to see what would happen if I listened to that mysterious guidance one again. As crazy as it seemed to leave such a promising career and head to the jungle, with no plans and very little money, it was undeniably time to let go and dive into the unknown. Allowing myself to listen to that magical call of life and trust it again, no matter how unreasonable or insane it sounded, proved to be the beginning of my return to the true nature we all share: that of a wise, intuitive, joyful free being; part God, part human, home to the true master that lives within; destined to create many good things. Indeed, since walking off the cliff of that secure life and into the free fall of following my energy wherever it takes me, of allowing life to be a meditation, I have remembered to appreciate each step of the journey as just as sacred as the next. I have remembered that every tear and challenge is just as meaningful, benevolent, and welcome as every gust of bliss and surge of joy. I have remembered that our presence and our accountability are the weavers of our best destiny. I have also remembered that when we keep our attention inward with the stillness, remembering the life we experience to be a reflection of what we hold inside, and work with what we see in that mirror for our freedom, we are empowered, we open more, we move away from fear and into love, and we are able to do our best. And finally, I’ve been reminded again and again that our willingness to show up for it all without judgment—our willingness to keep our eyes and hearts open and our awareness sharp—is the current that keeps us harmonized and going wherever we are best off going, continuously delivering us to the sweetest, most fulfilling visions of our lives. I invite you to remember how to wake up each morning— whether you’re happy or sad, whether you’re lonely or in the arms of your lover—knowing that you are in a unique ritual and gift of life, and how that, in and of itself, is profoundly and inherently miraculous. We have the opportunity to wake up not only through the profound and dazzlingly spectacular moments, but also through the mundane, the challenging, the seemingly meaningless or please-can’t-you-just-end-already moments that make up the expanse of our lives. Indeed, it’s about discovering the miraculous through the mundane, the Godself through the humanself, and the beauty that abounds when we stop denying our humanity and instead integrate the two. May you come to see that all of life is a ceremony for your awakening, your expansion, your joy, and your love, when you are present to it. Something happens in your day—an emotional trigger, an argument, a boring lunch break, amazing sex, unexplainable tears, weirdness, a profound joy, laughter—and there begins a new moment in the ceremony. You are learning, you are expanding, you are appreciating, you are opening and contracting, only to open again into more to love. You are infinitely wiser from your connection to the teachings of the Guru of Life. And what is more worthy of awe, what is more worthwhile, what is more ridiculously and absurdly miraculous than that? Adapted from A Ceremony Called Life: When Your Morning Coffee Is as Sacred as Holy Water by Tehya Sky. Copyright © 2016 by Tehya Sky. To be published in July 2016 by Sounds True. WHAT IS YOUR SPIRITUAL POWER? THE 8 INTUITIVE FACULTIES OF INSPIRED ACTION
Source: Sara Prout We sometimes forget that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience and not the other way around. We also completely forget that we have these innate super powers within us that are all uniquely our own. Each and every person on this planet has a power within them when they cultivate the awareness of what it is and how to use it. Like anything in life you can either ‘use it’ or you ‘lose it’. Here are the top The 8 Intuitive Faculties of Inspired Action that can be activated as soon as you remember how to use them. Note: the more you pay attention to them and feel appreciation, the more these powers will show up when you need them the most. THE POWER OF DISCERNMENTThe discerning intuitive is decisive by nature, and by no means a fence sitter. You can use the power of discernment on an daily basis, if not hourly. Discernment is when you allow yourself to tune into what is the best path or option is to take from a space of FEELING for alignment. For instance, if you are hungry then you turn to your discernment to energetically tune yourself into your decision. You learn how to decide which option is best for you and the most nourishing. Would it be cookies or fruit? What does your discernment tell you is better to nuture your body? Disernment is all about cultivating those intuitive nudges and messages that we are given all day, every day, by the Universe. Power Question: How could you use your discernment today? THE POWER OF HEALINGWhen you’re a healer or a light worker you know it without a shadow of a doubt. Some people might feel a certain type of heat in their hands or a “knowing” that when someone is suffering they have the power to lift their vibration and facilitate the required nurturing back to wellness. The healer has the amazing ability to flow energy from the highest Universal sources into their patience and then back to a state of harmony. In fact, all of us also have the power of self-healing as long as we make sure we take care of our minds, our hearts and our bodies on a daily basis with inspired action. Power Question: What can you begin to heal in your life today? THE POWER OF COMPASSIONThe deeply intuitive empath FEELS EVERYTHING and offers the heart space to display compassion. This beautiful softening energy is an almighty balancing force in the world that is required to uplift others in times of need. The compassionate soul is a true lightworker that doesn’t feel the need to blame and shame or propagate wrongness. Instead, he or she feels the need to illuminate a path of unconditional love no matter what the situation. They hold space for those in need which enriches the energy of humanity. Power Question: Who could you cultivate compassion for today? THE POWER OF LIGHTHEARTEDNESSThe intuitive faculity of lightheartedness is one of pure sunshine and joy. These people know how to NOT make everything about themselves and see the silver lining in any situation. The lighthearted person makes it their mission to laugh a lot and raise the vibration around them with comic relief. They know that life and drama isn’t to be taken seriously, and that elevating human consciousness through being joyful is the key to lasting happiness. Power Question: How can you be more lighthearted today? THE POWER OF REVERENCEDeep, soulful, meaningful reverence is truly beautiful. The person that can conjure the sacred space for people to be reminded of their divinity is truly awe-inspiring. The reverant person knows how to protect and promote the sanctity of spiritual practice. He or she would never stand in judgement, instead they inspire others by walking the talk. Power Question: In what ways could I be more reverent in my life and honor the Divine within? THE POWER OF MANIFESTINGThe power manifestor knows how to use their thoughts and feelings to create their own reality. They understand that everything happens in the etheric realm first, and our role is to catch up by aligning with our desires The power manifestor is an expert at managing their vibrational energy and sparking a constant communion with the Universe though rituals, meditation and the art of surrender. These people know how to imprint the Divine Mind and create their own miracles. Power Question: What am I currently in the process of manifesting based on my thoughts right now? THE POWER OF AWARENESSThe AWARE intutive sees everything that is going on energetcially with people. They understand on a very deep level that there is always more than meets the eye. The people with the most amount of consciousness awareness are those that walk through life without letting fear rule the roost. They choose to see the world thorugh the filter of LOVE and know that most people that are suffering just need to align with a sense of connection to the bigger picture. Awareness is cultivated by truly seeing people for who they are – and that is, beautiful divine, amazing creatures. Power Question: How can I cultivate more awareness and consciousness in my life? THE POWER OF FORGIVENESSThe person that has the power to forgive another for wrongdoings releases the burden from their heart. They free their cells and allow the magic of the Universe to shine through them. Forgiveness is one of the toughest powers to cultivate for a reason because it can sometimes test you to your limits. The forgiving soul is a wise soul. The forgiving soul is a FREE soul that rises above oppression and lives life regardless of the actions of others. Power Question: Who can I forgive today? How can I forgive myself and be more compassionate today? |