The angels message for you today! Melanie Beckler <[email protected]> Angel Message: Listen to your inspiration now as to how you can support your personal joy, health and well-being knowing this will overflow beyond you. Remember that you are so loved, supported and guided, but its up to you to take action." 7 Self-Care Tips-How to Step Up Your Self-Love With These Powerful Daily Habits Self-care is essential for your mind, body, and spirit. It’s the foundation you need to center your energy and create positive blessings in your life. When you care for yourself not only can you create a lifestyle that nourishes you… But you'll then have the energy needed to overflow and bring about blessings of love and positivity in the lives of those you love as well. What is Self-care?Self-care is any activity that you intentionally do to support and improve your mental health, emotional health, and physical wellbeing. You would think, “Of course, as human beings, we're going to take care of ourselves!” But in fact, this is far from the truth. Our busy, fast-paced, hectic, modern world that we live in, is designed to keep us focused on stress and success, and inadvertently, people neglect their wellbeing, putting self-love and self-care on the backburner. Can you relate? It takes radical awareness to return to self-care and self-love. Wherever you’re at, reconnect with how you’re doing by taking steps that nourish and fill your cup first. Naturally, when you’re feeling nourished and energized, you can then love and care for others with ease in a much more sustainable, fulfilling way. This is where self-care perfectly fits into the picture. Self-care Supports Your Life PurposeSelf-care is the key to live joyfully, fulfilled, and inspired each day. Make it your highest priority so you can manage your energy, raise your vibration, and align with your core truth and values. Self-care sets the stage for how you powerfully show up each day to make a difference in the world, live your vibrant life, and take inspired action to fulfill your life purpose. Your wellbeing is a precious gift, so always return to prioritizing your health and wellbeing. 7 Self Care Tips – How to Step Up Your Self Love With These POWERFUL Daily HabitsCheck out my video for my top 7 self-care tips that create powerful, positive change allowing you to radiate more love, light and magic in this world. Or, keep scrolling down to read more about these life-changing habits that have helped me, and will help you! #1 Optimize Your SleepThe first self-care tip is to optimize your sleep. Quality sleep is so important for your mood, energy levels, and mental clarity. Sleep your body’s time to heal, repair, and rejuvenate. Scientifically, it's said that adults on average need about 7-8 hours of good sleep each night. Not to mention, there are all kinds of healing benefits that happen on a mental, emotional and physical level when you sleep. On a spiritual level, your aura is being repaired and rebuilt. When you’re asleep, your Higher Self, spirit guides, and angels can come in to replenish your aura and restore any auric tears or hole that have been affected by negative energies of the day. What are the reasons you’re not getting the best sleep you need? Besides making sleep a priority, make sure that you are not drinking caffeine late in the day or getting really amped up and fired up by watching movies late at night, making it hard to fall asleep. While there may be several reasons that keep you up at night, here are a few life-changing habits that will guarantee that you improve your quality of rest. Create a Dark Sleep EnvironmentBlackout curtains or an eye mask are great ways to block light out of your bedroom. Any light, even the moonlight shining through your curtain, is disruptive to your natural circadian rhythm. Your circadian rhythm is your body’s natural internal clock. It regulates when you to wake up in the morning to the sunshine when you sleep in the evening when it's dark. In the modern world, lights and computer screens can disrupt regain control, consider getting blackout, to block out the lights in the street outside, from your neighbors, or even the light of the moon. This simple act can help you optimize your sleep. Wear Blue Light Blocking GlassesBlue light from any of your digital devices can also inefficiently disrupt your circadian rhythm. That is why I wear blue light blocking glasses whenever I'm on my computer. Anytime you're staring at the blue light, it's triggering your body to stay awake. If you're watching TV at night, this may be the reason why you're not sleeping well. And while there are other harmful side effects that come from blue light, wearing blue light glasses is a great way to protect your eyes, and eliminate its impact on your sleep. Anytime you're on a screen or a device that emits blue light, it's a good idea to wear these blue light protection glasses. The ones I use are really good at blocking out 99% of blue light. They’ve been a game-changer, and plus they look cool! The lenses absorb harmful blue emission from the screen, protecting your eyes, and also your circadian cycle. Consider buying one if you’re on the computer a lot. Keep your bedroom electronic-freeTo really enhance and optimize your sleep, I recommend keeping electronics out of your bedroom, and let your bedroom be a sacred space. This is a factor that leads to poor rest, so keep the WIFI, EMF's and electronics at bay for optimal sleep. You can also turn your wifi router off too. If you’re traveling or want to use your smartphone, I would use it to listen to guided meditations or white noise. Just be sure that you put your phone on airplane mode and if possible, get it away from your head. I use a free app called Sleep Sounds to play the sound of rain or white noise. They have other options such as ocean waves and forest sounds to drown out the external noises around you that could disrupt your sleep. You can also listen to my guided meditations. This is useful when you have trouble sleeping, and need a way to calm your mind and drift into a restful sleep. #2 Choose Nourishing, Healthy FoodsThe 2nd self-care tip is to nurture your body with eating healthy, organic, and fresh food. Eat with awareness and use discernment because as much as we’d like to believe, the standard American diet is not actually nurturing or healing. Nearly every human disease and condition can be linked back to malnutrition. With awareness and commitment, every meal is a way to inspire self-care, treating your body with more love. Prioritize Foods that Nourish youWhat are you feeding your body? When you prioritize eating nutrient-rich foods that nurture you, you revitalize your energy, and feed your wellbeing. For me, this means receiving my vitamins and minerals with fresh fruit and vegetables, seeds and nuts, a majority which are organic and locally-grown. Follow what nourishes your body, as it will create positive change in your immune system, mood levels, and feelings. Making healthier choices doesn't mean you’re restricting yourself to a plain, bland diet. This is far from the truth! Adding herbs and spices to the mix also have nutritional value, and help you weave more self-care into what you eat. Learn more about a High Vibrational Diet Here Limit Your SugarEating should feel healthy and wholesome, and while your body craves sugar, it affects your nutrient intake. Sugar spikes your blood sugar levels and then plummets it, leaving you prone to feeling anxious, moody, frustrated, reactive to situations. It can be a quick fix for energy but essentially depletes your body in the present, leaving your energy prone to crash in the future, and making you crave fast empty food. If you are on the sugar train, I suggest you get back on track, use your judgment, and consider limiting your sugar intake. Cooking Healthy Meals vs. Eating OutChange the experience with how you prepare your meals at home. Feel gratitude for the everyday meals you make for yourself and your loved ones. Increase the enjoyment of cooking by practicing mindfulness, by experimenting with new healthy recipes, knowing that by feeding your body, you’re feeding your soul. What ways could you bring more awareness to the table? If you’re not the greatest cook, there are food subscription services that guides you through the process of how to prepare your next healthy meal. Eating at home is better than eating out because most restaurants don’t cook for health, they cook for entertainment and presentation. They load up their meals with salt, extra oil, and fat. It's not fueling for your body, so when you do eat out, choose to see it as a dining entertainment experience. When you’re at home cooking a healthy meal, practice feeling fully present with your food, and the positive affect it has on your mind, body, and soul. #3 Move Your BodyThe third self-care habit is to find a way to move every day. Exercise is important for your wellbeing, and not just your physical wellbeing. Exercise is all about moving your body and feeling good! It’s been scientifically proven to boost your mood, improve your emotions and clear your mind. Seratonin is the feel good hormone that gets produced with movement, and is a natural anti-depressant. Movement is not limited to going to the gym. I move daily by going on nature hikes, being outside in my garden, stretching and doing yoga. There are many options for you to also move your body. If you’re at home, turn up your music, and dance like no one’s watching! It’s a win-win because you also raise the vibration of your space! So get some exercise, get outside, an allow your life force energy to circulate and support your wellbeing through movement. This is a profound self-care practice, because it truly does shift your energy, and empower you to develop a healthy, sustainable rhythm for your own self-care. Spend Time In NatureIf you're able to integrate nature into this, it's a win-win because time in nature alone benefits drops cortisol levels and boosts your mood and wellbeing. It’s grounding and brings you back to yourself. Go for a walk in nature, maintaining awareness, tuning in to the beauty of the natural world around you, getting some fresh air and supporting your overall wellbeing. #4 MeditateThe fourth self-care habit is meditation. Meditation is essential for your mental health because it calms your nervous system and helps you relax. It reduces stress levels and helps you progress on your spiritual path. It has many benefits for maintaining balance, harmony, peace and supporting you in living your most vibrant life. This is key to reconnecting you more with the truth of why you're really here as a divine being in physical form. When you connect with that truth, you're able to move along the path of your most vibrant life.. living your truth, shining your light, and being of service in the world. #5 Setting BoundariesThe fifth self-care practice I have to share with you today is setting boundaries and discerning how and when to say no. This can mean declining an invitation to a social engagement that will drain your energy, even though your ego mind feels like there’s a sense of obligation. Self-care is creating kinder options for yourself, and tuning into what you truly need to nourish yourself and your energy levels. Protect your energy when you need it. By staying no, you open your space up to doing more of what nourishes you. That could be making art, making a meal plan, taking a salt bath, or going for a walk. Whatever you do, always make sure it’s in alignment with self-love and self-care for you. Commit to positive habits and prioritiesWhat are habits and patterns that you seem to return to that don't serve you? A common habit is opening up Instagram the moment you wake up. What if you choose to do a short morning ritual instead? What are healthier options you can choose for yourself now that nourish you? Awareness is key. This is about re-evaluating your priorities and staying committed to nurturing yourself in all areas of your life. Say yes to the things that truly nurture you, support you, and inspire you! Fill yourself with joy, doing things that feel good in a sustainable way. Say no to the things that are out of alignment with your truth, your integrity and living your highest vibrational life. By saying no, you’re honoring your bigger Yes! Say Yes to what's good for you. Say No to what no longer serves, have boundaries so that you can bring more of what you love to do as part of your life. #6 Do Something You LoveDo something you love every day. Love yourself enough to make the time and space to do the things you love and enjoy! If this can overlap with one of the other self-care habits, that's great! For me, cooking a healthy meal is something I love and enjoy. Walking in nature is something I love and enjoy. What is a hobby that fills you up with joy? This could be drawing on your sketchbook, getting out in the garden, meeting up with friends for lunch, spending time with your family or watching a funny video that makes you laugh! Laughter is powerful in and of itself. Do things that you love and enjoy. Just be sure that it’s not your lower ego mind that’s tricking you here. What you love and enjoy should truly nurture you. It’s something that is good for your mind, body, and spirit, if you’re able to do them daily. Because when you do, you'll raise your vibration and you will align with more harmony and love and positivity in your life. #7 Organize Your SpaceAnd finally, the last self-care habit is to get organized! Clean up your space and de-clutter. While I am not the most organized and tidy person, I do make it a priority to regularly clear off everything off my kitchen counters, put things away, and restore my environment to a place of order. When I do this, it always feels so much better, so much clearer. Organizing isn’t just a physical task. It can be the way you organize your time, keeping a calendar and a schedule by you, so you're not thrown off course! This prevents you from spiraling into stress because you forgot about an appointment. Staying organized and clearing your space also helps you create a solid foundation for you to work with. It gives you a time to be creative, to recognize when you have free time, and use that time to do something you truly love and enjoy to be proactive in creating positive change in your life rather than solely being reactionary to what's happening around you. In terms of clearing your space, you may also want to fix things in your home that’s broken, because it can be an energy drain on your space. If something at home is broken and you've been feeling like, “oh, I need to fix that”, but you haven’t yet..then it can create an energy link on a subconscious level. The broken item could be in the backburner of your mind, even though consciously it may not be top of mind, dispersing your energy. Learn this great willpower practice that I want you to implement to help you unify your energy and focus. Think of something in your life in terms of organizing or clearing your space or improving your surroundings that you know you need to do. You've gotten the prompting to do it, but you keep putting it off. Commit now, commit today to do this thing either today or I'll give you till tomorrow, but commit to doing it and know that when you then take action and do it, it builds your willpower. It strengthens the will, forces that empower you to receive an inspired idea and take inspired action to better your situation. Start taking steps to clear space, organize your schedule and support yourself through self-love and care in living your most vibrant life. Self-Care Optimizes Your Life!I hope these self-care habits are helpful for you. Each one of these things has many facets that you could dive into to truly optimize every area of your life. And this, of course, is not an all-encompassing list. Pay attention to your inner guidance, to the inner voice of your soul and the guidance of your angels who are encouraging you to do the things that are good for you. Listen to that guidance. Take action and take steps to deliberately do the things that are in alignment with nurturing your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. When you nurture these three things, your spirit is able to unlock so much beauty, fulfillment, joy, love, frequency is available to you as you step into embodying more of your truth and living your most vibrant life. Self-care is a required foundation, so take the steps to nurture you. And as always, when you take a stop, look around and be aware and notice that the next step will appear in one step at a time. You truly are able to improve your situation from wherever you are now in already vibrant health to the next level or struggling and feeling unwell, moving into vibrant vitality, wellbeing, and living with more inspiration in your life. With love and bright blessings, Melanie Beckler <[email protected]> 5 INSTANT Ways to Shift Into Self-Love
Instantly Shift Into Self-Love Let’s look at five ways to instantly shift into a state of self-love so you can not only bring a greater sense of well-being, joy, and vibrancy into your own life… But also, so that you can fill yourself up with love, so you can then begin to overflow. What Is Self-Love Really?Self-love has become quite a buzzword in the spiritual community. And I want to start by offering a key point of differentiation. Self-love is different from being of service to self. Being of service to self is where you put your interest above those of everyone else. Self-love, on the other hand, is where you make a commitment to your own wellbeing, where you love yourself first, so you that can truly love others. Where you fill yourself up with love and take care of yourself by doing the things that help you to feel inner peace and balance so that you're able to shine your divine authentic truth. Self-love then becomes the foundation for you to overflow love and be of service towards others in the highest interest of all, in a way you love and enjoy. And really, self-love is so essential because it's love — true love — Love with a capital L that opens the doorway for the light to fill you. Love is an essential foundation not only for you to love others, but also for spiritual awakening, for you to expand your consciousness, raise your vibration, and truly experience a higher level of light in your life. So self-love is important. and yet it's something that so many people are challenged with. So these five things are really profound to help you instantly and immediately shift out of judgment, out of fear, out of lower vibrational habits and into your truth and authenticity… Into a state of self-love. 5 Self-Love Tips to Instantly Shift 1. Make An Internal Commitment to Love Yourself So the first thing, the first way to shift is to recognize the importance of self-love and then make an internal commitment and intention to love yourself more, to love yourself fully, and to love yourself exactly as you are. In setting an intention to Love Yourself and really committing to it, that unwavering commitment changes everything. Have you ever heard that change happens in an instant? It really is so true. And in this moment, if you commit: “I love myself, I now love myself, I now treat myself with self-love and care”… Everything in your life can begin to change to come into alignment with this new intention and truth. A quick story for you. When I was growing up, I was very sensitive. And I was also made fun of a lot. And that combination for me, really created a sense of self-judgment, of not feeling like I was lovable, or that I was enough. I was seriously lacking self-love in my life, and I felt terrible as a result. So when I learned about the importance of self-love, I started working with an affirmation that's really powerful that I want to share with you now. It's simply: “I now love and approve of myself.” I started working with this affirmation by reading it aloud, writing it down, and really, I just made the internal commitment to love myself. And through that commitment, through holding that intention, and through returning to that affirmation, my subconscious mind began to get on board with love. And new opportunities for me to practice loving myself began to appear through lessons and challenges to help me shift my vibrational state from a place of not loving myself and not valuing my own worth… To actually loving my true authentic self, and letting my light shine in the world. Because I’ve made this journey from not loving myself, to filling myself up with so much love that I’m now able to overflow and help others… I know that regardless of how you feel about yourself now… Returning to a state of self-love is possible for you! It really is possible for you to love yourself… And through this to realign with the truth of who you are, with your highest authenticity and with why you are really here. Making the shift into love starts with your internal commitment… “I now cultivate self-love.” “I now love and approve of myself. 2. Quiet The Inner Critic The second thing to cultivate love now is to become aware of and begin to quiet and dismiss your inner voice of judgment. To quiet that voice of your inner critic. We all have an inner critic at some level, mine happened to be very, very loud. Do you get what I’m talking about here? The voice that tells you-you're not good enough, the voice that says you're not worthy… The inner voice of self-judgment that says whatever it is saying to you that’s just not true. You may hear it in your own voice, it may sound like the voice of a parent, or a sibling, or some other authority figure who made you feel like you're not worthy… That made you feel like the truth of you is not enough, and so you put on a mask or tried to hide your light. Well… As someone who learned to take off the masks and come out of hiding, I'm here today to remind you that who you are, is exactly who you're meant to be. And when you take off the masks, and realign with your highest authenticity, bringing your true gifts to the world… Well, that is exactly what the world needs. And as we each as individuals come into alignment with our authentic truth, and start loving ourselves, so that we're each able to shine our full light and overflow love… Then as one… we can truly change the world. So pay attention to your thoughts. Observe your thoughts. And notice when you're having thoughts that are out of alignment with that intention you set to love yourself. Remember that you can choose to dismiss thoughts, you don't have to buy into them, you do not have to believe them, and rather you can ignore them and let them go. So when your inner critic and voice of judgment says you're worthless… Let it go. Let it dissolve, and melt away. You can also imagine that you're putting the judgmental thought into a balloon and releasing it into the light… Visualize it floating up and away and then consciously return to love. “I am worthy of love” “I love and approve of myself.” So observing your thoughts is so key and is a powerful way for you to shift into self-love by recognizing those thought patterns you have that often are habitual, and so often are unnoticed and yet they're incredibly draining to your divine life force. And so get them out of the unconscious by observing them and by paying attention to them. Then make the choice to ignore them, to let them go and to replace them with an empowering thought with a self-loving thought with… “I love you”. 3. Lean Into The Present Moment The third way to instantly and powerfully shift into a state of self-love is to lean in to present moment, to become fully present in the moment that is now. Know that regardless of whatever is happening in your life, nothing has to change in the external for you to fully love yourself. So amidst whatever you're doing, if you're washing dishes, if you're driving to work, give yourself the gift of the present by becoming fully present in the now. By leaning into the present moment and embrace it. Feeling the sensation of the air around you… The feel of your hands on the steering wheel, or the feel of the warm water on your hands as you’re washing dishes. Feel… See what's really happening around you, observe and take it all in. Listen and hear the sounds, know … And be fully present, doing what you're doing. And then, remember your intention, and choose to cultivate a sense of love now. Remember that in every moment, you are directly connected to the divine love of the infinite, which flows throughout creation, which is underlying every moment, and it's simply a matter of your leaning into love, tuning into love, and letting love flow through you. So lean in, open your heart, tune into love and let love circulate through your being. Remember that it's love that opens the doorway for the light to fill you. So when you become present, when you consciously choose to embody a state of love, in the present moment, any moment, any activity, whatever you're doing, can be an opportunity to expand your consciousness, to raise your vibration, to love yourself more, and to shine the truth of your authentic light. 4. Let Go Of What No Longer Serves You The fourth way to love yourself more is to become aware of how you're acting out of alignment with love. What things are you doing… What actions are you taking… What habits do you have that really required, and yet aren't loving, and aren't supporting your wellbeing? What do you keep doing that's not assisting you in shining more of your divine truth and authentic light? When you become aware of the many little things you're doing that are actually weighing your down… And then you choose to let them go, and replace those things with what is rewarding and joyful for you… You're able to powerfully shift. So make time in your schedule for the things that recharge you, and help you to shine your highest light. So what do you need to let go of to do this? To be able to prioritize fun, play, laughter, inner peace, blance, and harmony? Yes, this includes quieting the voice of the inner critic, but it's also about becoming aware of and letting go of those habits or patterns you're in that are actually draining to you, and yet, you keep returning to. Make a commitment to loving yourself, and start to shift and let go of what’s not serving. So instead of going to your phone and browsing Facebook first thing in the morning, meditate, or instead of driving through the fast food restaurant on the way home from work, maybe you swing through the grocery store and get what you need to make a salad. Or instead of downing half a bottle of wine Friday evening because you feel stressed, check out that relaxing and de-stressing Yoga class, or take a salt bath with a big mug of herbal tea. These are just a couple of examples. And really, this is so personal. The key here is to gain awareness into your actions and your impulses to action and start choosing to act on those inner impulses that are truly in alignment with your intention to love yourself more. And when you find yourself stuck in old patterns, habits or addictions that are not nurturing for you… Ask your soul for guidance as to how to let these things go, and to find new creative solutions for what will actually support you in loving and nurturing yourself more. This is big because when you bring your actions into alignment with love, you’re able to shift. The love you then cultivate for yourself brings you the energy and love you need to overflow… To truly love others… And to create ripples of love out far beyond you. When you love yourself first, you align with the strength, light, and Divine Will to make progress in alignment with your purpose and to make a difference in the world. 5. Take Action and Create Meaningful Process That perfectly leads into the fifth thing you need to know about how to instantly shift into self-love… And that is to commit to and get to work creating and taking action steps in the direction of what's meaningful for you, in the direction of your purpose. And I lead in here saying to take steps in the direction of what's meaningful for you because you might not know what your true soul purposes or it might feel a little a little hazy. And yet, you might have that project that felt feels meaningful for you: working on a scrapbook, decluttering your home, creating a quilt for your grandchild, taking a course, working on writing your book, or creating a website, or putting your message out there to offer services. How are you being called to be of service in the world to be of service to others in a way you love and enjoy? When you begin to take steps in that direction, to follow your heart and to begin to create in a way that's meaningful, that's also of service and in the highest interest of all, that is one of the most fulfilling, rewarding and loving things that you can do. That truly exemplifies what self-love is, it's acting in a way that you love and enjoy. But that's also in the highest interest of all. So if you're in doubt, get into action. If you're feeling bad about yourself, how can you recharge your light? How can you quickly shift your energy, so that you can start being of service to others? Oftentimes, when you're helping someone else, when you are assisting someone, when you're doing charity, when you're helping others, when you're being of service, that is what feels most rewarding. Being of service and taking steps to help others is inspiring, and actually recharges your light even more. And then you're able to serve more, to love more, because you’re filling yourself up with love and passing it on… You’re in the flow of love. So recognize. Pay attention. Observe your state. And remember that the true state of your being is love. You are a powerful spiritual being of light and love, and you can bring that higher light and perspective, wisdom and frequency into alignment with yourself in the physical now. Return To Love In an instant… Right now… Make the commitment, observe, and choose to shift into love, Choose to shift into taking action, to be your biggest supporter and encourager, to fill yourself up with light and love, to take care of you so that you can not only shine your truth and inner light but you're able to shine so bright that you overflow love out beyond you to make a difference in the world. Making a difference in the world, being of service to others in a way you love and enjoy that is also in the highest interest of all … That is the true power of self-love. And yes, this is truly possible for you now. Choose to shift. Choose to cultivate love. Cultivate your inner light, and let your light shine. I love you and I appreciate you. Save
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