Selacia ~ Stay in Balance So You Can Soar
July Navigation Tips -Stay in Balance So You Can Soar!- by Selacia We have a helpful shift in cosmic energies in July, thanks in part to the action planet Mars going direct this week and a new more positive momentum beginning to unfold. Stay tuned for some different opportunities coming your way! In this article I give you an overview of this coming month and how to work most productively with our shift in energies. As you read, invite your intuitive knowing to connect you with what is most relevant to you. Remember that anytime we have a change in energies it can take a bit before we see the full impact. Therefore, stay present and patient during the first half of July as the helpful energies build. Trust that even in a building phase, much can be happening behind the scenes. Your task this month is to remain in balance and in your heart, even as the world continues its crazy dance of disharmony and disunity. Don't be surprised if the tempo of disruption quickens, or if the parade of untruths continues. The majority of humanity is operating out of fear. As increasing numbers of disenfranchised people get caught up in fear, it's going to get loud and messy. Staying in Balance So You Can Soar Think of July as a foundational ground for anchoring more of your heart felt wishes into physical form. This could be brand-new things, stalled projects, or even innovative directions you haven't yet envisioned. Staying in touch with your heart will help you stay on track. Keep in mind that some of your heart's wishes may still be a mystery to you. Why? It could be because you either haven't heard them or you haven't thought big enough to get the whole picture. Your heart is not linear - it is quantum. The ideas and things your heart wants are fueled by spirit. That brings a whole new energy and potential to your life and your purpose for being here now. With this energy at your back, you indeed can soar and create incredible miracles. Using the Chaos as Positive Fuel An interesting way to look at our current chaos is to realize that you can use it as positive fuel for your own spiritual growth and forward momentum. How do you do this? One way is to build more inner strength and more self-trust. An uncertain world tends to bring up fears and concerns about what will happen next. Each time you encounter this, challenge your response. Go deep within to your core, the part of you that knows truth. Ask for validations from your outer world - including from those you feel aligned to work with - showing you the amazing strength you naturally house within. A second way is to reframe the chaos you see in the world. This happens when you step back long enough to remember the larger picture of polarity and power mongering. These themes have been with humanity for thousands of years. Does this mean people are incapable of love and co-existing on Earth? No, of course not. You know this instinctively because you are consciously moving through the planet's rebirthing - and you hold a vision of a much different kind of world. Come back to that vision daily. A third way you can advance despite the chaos is to dive deeper into self-reflection. Learn more about your larger purposes for being alive now. There are countless methods for doing this. One very useful tool is to explore your personal astrology and see how it lines up with collective themes. Your astrology, including your birth chart as a map to unique features of this incarnation, can help you broaden your sense of self. Knowing what harmony you have to work with for your life path is an essential piece of self-discovery. Understanding where you have the most power, too, can help you define your life path. A fourth way to advance during chaos is to be aware of world events without getting drawn into the drama. The world needs your compassion, your neutrality, and your continual striving to be loving. Stay informed, and do what you can daily to add your light to the dance of change. Examples of events unfolding in July on the world stage: Brexit (the June 23 decision in Britain to leave the European Union), the US political conventions (Republican July 18-21 in Cleveland and Democrat July 25-28 in Philadelphia). July Moon Watch Moon cycles can catalyze spiritual openings, involve amplified energy, and fuel emotions. July 4 - America's Independence Day - is a Cancer New Moon. July 19 is a Capricorn Full Moon, likely to shed light on needed changes. Signs and Reminders to Ask For Now Ask your higher self to help guide you in preparation for your next big leap. Ask for signs and reminders that keep you focused and on track. Examples are below. Show me signs something new is percolating. Give me validations about people key to my path. Remind me when I get ahead of myself - so I can be "in time" and receive the fruits of the now. Copyright 2016 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.
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