Setting Intentions in 7 Simple Steps
Melanie Beckler 7 Steps To Setting And Manifesting Your Intentions Intention setting is the starting point for manifesting your dreams. What is intention? Intention is when you become clear about what you want to create your life experience and how you want to show up in every moment. Intention is planting the seeds of consciousness, and then, as Deepak Chopra says: “Only when you release your intentions into the fertile depths of your consciousness can they grow and flourish.” However, here’s the thing – you have to consciously set your intentions if you want to have any creating that experience in your life. With that in mind, here are 7 steps you can take to manifest your intentions into reality. #1: Start By Clearing Your Energy & Raising Your VibrationWhen you set intentions, it’s incredibly important to do so from a clear, centered, and high vibrational state! When you consciously take the time to raise your vibration, clear your energy, connect with increased light and expand your consciousness your intentions are going to be in a much greater alignment with your core soul desires. One of the main reasons intentions don’t come true is when you’re setting an intention that’s out of alignment with who you really are. This happens when you set intentions based on fear, anger, or in attempt to run from something “bad” or challenging as opposed to setting intentions from a centered high vibrational state to move towards your authentic soul desires. Intentions that are in alignment with your soul’s desires, are those that are in alignment with your highest and greatest good and with the highest and greatest good of all. Taking a long walk in nature is one of the simplest and most effective ways to clear your mind, and bring yourself into a positive energy that will support you in setting intentions. A guided angel meditation is another great way to cleanse your energy, and elevate your vibration so you can connect with your authentic truth and set you intentions from this clear, connected and empowered place. Get a free angel message to cleanse your energy and raise your vibration right here if you need more help with this step! #2: Journal About What You Truly Want Out of LifeYour ego likely has all kinds of ideas about what will make you happy… Like fancy cards, exotic vacations, etc… But what will bring lasting fulfillment, and true joy on a soul level? This is the level of intention that is the most powerful… But it can be a bit more challenging to tune into. Journaling is a great way to bypass your conscious mind and tune into the core desires of your soul. Get a journal, or a couple of sheets of paper, and start writing out the things that are most important to you in your life. This can include both people you love, experiences you yearn for, and contributions you would love to flow forth into the world. Don’t hold back at this stage – anything is fair game, no matter how much your ego mind may say otherwise. This is the brainstorming process, so write down as many ideas as you can! Some useful questions to help guide you:
#3: Sort Through Your DesiresOK, so now you are in the “editing” phase. Look at your list of desires/dreams, and think to yourself – which of these are TRULY important to me? They may all be important, and in that case, take some time to really dig deep to uncover which of your dreams and desires are most closely in alignment with your core soul desires. As you sort through what you’ve written down, look for themes and patterns. For example, is growing spiritually and stepping into your full light so you can bring forth your gifts and serve a theme? Or maybe you want to show up more fully in the present moment to really be there, to listen, support, and encourage those you care about most… Try to get down to 3 core desires or dreams for the next step. #4: Dig Deep Into Your WhysHere comes the deep dive soul searching! With each of your 3 remaining dreams, you’re going to use a “why” exercise to find out what your true highest intention are among these three. Here’s how:
If your intention has a “why” that is grounded in the highest and greatest good of all, that comes from deep within, and excites you and maybe even makes you a bit nervous with how expansive it is… You’re on the right track! #5: Set Your IntentionNow you’re getting into the action phase! Once you have your intention selected, write it out, along with your reason why you want this intention to manifest. Make sure you write your intention out with a positive tone. You can also write a message to your angels, requesting help with realizing your intention. There’s no right or wrong way to do this: it’s up to you! #6: Set An Action Plan To Achieve Your IntentionSetting intentions doesn’t work if you don’t put any action into making them happen! For example, I have had the intention to build a large website to support me financially and to also serve humanity in transitioning out the lower levels of fear, illusion and ego and into the higher levels of peace, awakening, love, light and truth. Along this journey of building and growing I’ve asked the angels for help many times over the past years. However, at the same time, I was taking massive action in alignment with accomplishing my intention in the form of constantly writing blog posts, updating social media, channeling messages, creating videos, and sharing emails… I knew that the Angels would help me to manifest my intention, but I also knew that I had to play my part in the creation process as well. So, what’s your action plan for making your intention come true? What does massive action in the direction of your dreams and goals look like for you? Be really specific here, and even consider using deadlines! #7: Continue to Ask The Angels, Your Spirit Guides, and The Universe For HelpEach and every morning, rewrite and say your intention out loud. Continue to take action towards making your dream become reality, and keep asking the angels for help. The more persistent you are, the more likely it is that your intention will manifest! What If Setting Intentions Hasn’t Worked For You?Have you tried setting intentions before and felt like it just didn’t work for you? Well, it’s possible that you aren’t following the spiritual laws of the universe, and honoring the “secret” to manifesting intentions. What is that secret? It's vibration! When you focus your power and light on is be possible, rather than what you’re scared of or what you lack, you bring yourself into vibrational alignment with your dreams and desires. This makes your dreams and desires SO MUCH more likely to happen! Fear is a blocking point for your intentions coming true. Love and light are the accelerators! That’s why raising your vibration and expanding your consciousness before you set your intentions is so powerful. Release fear, enter into your open heart, raise your vibration, and tune into the power of the Divine, the Light, and your Higher Self. From this open, present, expanded state of consciousness, your intentions are so much more powerful because they are coming from a place of presence, love, and light rather than lack. When your intention is aligned with your highest truth, and when you act in alignment with this higher vibrational truth, your intention will manifest. To get help expanding your consciousness and getting to an open, high vibrational centered state to set your intentions… Check Out the Angelic Equinox Activations (only available for a few more days) With the power of love, you can create blessings in your life faster than you can even imagine, and the timing is so perfect for this right now. And after all, the beautiful thing about intention is that you have nothing to lose… And quite possibly an incredible amount of growth and fulfillment to gain. So give it a go! With love and gratitude, Melanie Beckler
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