Wow, this is really striking me as an enormous key to love & I had to pass it on!
The word "praise" or people shouting praise the lord often irked me until, that is until I recognized that I had something to release - it was a past memory association I had with controlling religious people & church situations where I was made to feel guilty. I now have risen above those things as I become my own being/true to myself & strong in the light of who I am - free. There certainly is no judgement here & I am most grateful to everyone who has been in my life as a stepping stone. The word "praise" now makes me feel so incredibly humble & grateful & I am often driven to tears of gratitude when i fully connect with the concept. Praise opens the doors of your heart with a sense of tremendous trust- I feel as though I am in a state of free will surrender & love simultaneously as I truly connect with the fact that I am the instrument, & love is doing it all & I am merely letting it flow through me as I go with the flow instead of my ego. "GLOW with the flow & FLOW with the glow" is one of my favorite expressions ! Praise takes you very quickly into your heart space & the moment of love. It's like taking those fully focused breathes in meditation - even if you are not feeling grateful at the moment, by focusing on gratitude & trying to find things you are grateful for or things you can say to praise God/Source/Creator, it causes you to focus IN THE MOMENT where love resides. The longer you place your focus there, the more things shift in that direction. Choosing to be grateful also causes you to search & thus be ever so much more aware & mindful of those things to be grateful or praise for - like bricks added to the foundation & time well-spent away from the ego It isn't about the words either. I found myself getting a little bit stuck here so I deemed it worth mentioning. I couldn't seem to find items, words, events, or anything creative to mention that I was grateful for & actually felt a twinge of anxiety over it. The words don't matter, & you can trust that more things will present themselves anyway if that's where ones focus is. It IS about the INTENT & the feelings or emotions behind it which, like anything you chose to manifest, is how the system of LOVE works! Just intend to be grateful & to praise then send your heart there- send love through the emotions from your heart! I am grateful for ALL - I am grateful to God & to/for my readers because you help me to put my heart "out there" in trust & it helps me learn so much! We are all ONE & though that is a difficult concept sometimes, it is true & I trust it - more & more it WILL become apparent for each of us Davo
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