Consciousness and Shifting - 18-Oct-2016
Kara Schallock - Ascension Notes I wonder often where everyone is consciousness-wise these days. To me, it seems there is so much variety in where one is. Some seem to be flying high, while others appear to be floundering. Some seem to be ignoring everything, pretending, it seems, that nothing at all is occurring within and then some are so entranced by outer life that they are attached to the old matrix. I certainly cannot assume that all fit into a generalized view of things, so all I can do is to share what my current consciousness is and what I am guided to share. I certainly cannot appease everyone for that takes me away from my own focus. What is consciousness? In the old view, it is, according to the Oxford dictionary, 1. The act of being conscious (as opposed to being unconscious); 2. Awareness; perception; 3. The totality of one's thoughts and feelings or a class of these. I actually see an expanded view of all these descriptions. It seems that as we transform the old into the New, we are to transcend and expand perceptions, transform a group of thoughts, beliefs, patterns and emotions and be more than conscious, but fully awake. Consciousness in the New is the extent to which a person truly knows they are Divine. We are all in different degrees of this knowing. To be in full consciousness is to be fully awakened. One's consciousness creates all of life. Your consciousness attracts to you everything and everyone. So truly, there is nothing to figure out. Your consciousness brings to you all you need to know; whether it is something to integrate or release. The only thing you do is build your consciousness. This can be done through meditating, merging with Soul, following your Guidance, taking full Responsibility for all in your life and the list goes on. Receiving readings doesn't do it; all the classes and workshops won't do it. Your consciousness is raised only when you apply all you learn into your life. There is lots of help from your inner Guidance and from those who share their Wisdom and yet until you integrate it into your life, your consciousness remains the same. Consciousness shifts as you do. We have New energies flowing into us and into Earth. As I sit here and write this Note, there is a power outage and pouring rain. My message is that somehow there is a power outage within me and the rain is clearing my cells. You see, everything on the outer is a reflection of the inner. While you may not have a power outage in your outer life, how many feel an inner power outage? Surely if you are not fully in your Power, you are experiencing an inner power outage. I AM thankful for this “outer” power outage as it not only helps me see where I am not standing in my own Power, but it reminds me of how grateful I AM for electricity. We also are receiving power surges within us in different areas of our physical body. I love them, for they remind me of all the energy pouring in. They can also disrupt sleep or create other phenomena, such as headaches; and I AM grateful for all of it. We can move between feeling cold and burning up with heat. The rain is a great cleanser, so as it rains, I AM being cleansed as is Earth. What is your perception? Is the outer world creating the inner or is your inner creating the outer? Remember, you are powerful. Much is speeding up. As you perceive the world, do you see how much is disintegrating, making room for the New? It is a reflection of how much is transforming in our own lives, is it not? All that is not Love or Light is transforming to a higher consciousness. You can rejoice or dread it; it is entirely up to you. Joy helps you rise; dread shuts you down. Much is being finalized, so that we may begin a whole new life. Of course, this is the potential and much depends on how fervently folks hold on to the old matrix and who allows for new birth. As you remove your energy from the old matrix; that of duality, which is certainly what governments and institutions are rife with, you allow the New to be born. Feed what you want to experience and let go of that which no longer serves you. If you feel exhausted, realize that you are moving a lot of energy within. For a while now there has been much perceived chaos and turbulence inside and out and yet the energies have been very transformational. There have been sudden changes, quickly changing circumstances and all of this has found us in a birthing stage; a moment in time/no time when all wethought we were shifts to who we truly are. Who we truly are is Love. Who we truly are is Divine. Who we truly are is pure Light. We are made in the image of Source, yet few truly believe or honor this. Birthing takes time and it takes relaxing into the Flow. It is not a time to push to make it go faster. In fact, pushing goes against the Flow. If you feel challenged, what are the challenges telling you; where are they guiding you to go? Most likely they are telling you to stop struggling and to allow things to be what they are. You may choose to walk away from challenge or you may choose to stay in the challenge. It is up to you. Within each challenge there is a message. What is yours? Yesterday I wrote about competition on my Facebook page, Ascension: The New. Here is what I wrote: “Competition is of the old matrix. There is no "us and them." Politics, governments, sports, business and just about every aspect of culture is based on competition..."us and them." To be New, one must let go of all competition; all aspects of "us and them." The latest example of this is the furor over "immigrants." Aren't we all immigrants? It's based on "us; not them." Even the spiritual community seems to be based in competition. I'm sure if you dig deep you will find many beliefs based on this belief of separation. There is no teacher/student; the minute one sets themselves up as guru or teacher they are saying, "I am different than you. I have what you want. Follow Me." Please do let it all go and realize that in the Higher Truth there is no competition, no separation, no us and them; we are One. Period.”
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