Man's history is like a series of breadcrumbs through time that if you are hungry enough can least you to the banquet within! If one is to look beyond religion, & see the common threads in all religions/belief systems & observe the lives of our past brethren, one will see the common beliefs in a higher power & universal connections become quite illuminated! Throughout time many tribes, societies & religions have known that the answers lie within - the proof is everywhere! Rather than go into it history- check out the wonderful movie "Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds" (links are posted in tools & youtube videos in our videos section) Every heart hungers FEED IT LOVE NOT a diet, but a FEAST Davo , As like attracts like, it takes love to recognize love. This short blog's purpose is nt to try to recount history, for there are libraries for that... What is fascinating is to recognize aspects of our oneness throughout time & to see that the same is true today - we are all connected, made from the same clay of Gaia & all have the same hunger/thirst within that only divine love can fill. And, as well it is awesome to become aware of the way the strands of love have woven a tapestry throughout time connecting us all - what incredible Divine will, love & intelligence!!! You are THAT - you are created of the same loving wisdom separated only by a thin veil of false beliefs, ego & fears we have collectively & you individually held on to. It makes no sense to hang on to such fears any longer. We fear deep within that our way will be different than that of God/Universe, but that is only a lie of the ego delivered out of fear. For in the heavens where the greater portion of you exists , there is ONLY love & thus all are united. You are far more than a tiny human having a soul, you are a multidimensional soul connected always to God & ALL that is, having one of many experiences as a human in this 3D illusion or play. The truth that IS real lies within . So follow the trail of breadcrumbs lovingly placed there for you, by the Universe- pay attention only to LOVE from your heart & you cannot go astray
Davo - Doing my best to serve you up some tender vittles! There's enough for EVERYBODY so please share widely!
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