Blessing in Disguise? April Newsletter
Jill MichelleFri, Apr 10 Greetings Dear One, I trust and have confidence that your angels are protecting you and your families from the COVID-19 virus. For about 3 days I was experiencing congestion in my chest and nasal passages. I asked my angels for help. They guided me to a health store in Fergus. On my way out, one of the sales people told me about a supplement called Nattokinase that breaks down congestion. After 2 days of taking it the congestion was gone. Angels work for us in many ways. Thank you angels! If my angels do things for me, your angels will do things for you too! Follow the promptings of your angels; they are here to help you. The Law of Free Will states that you must ask before you can receive. Angels are all around you 24-7 wanting to help you. Delight your angels by talking to them and setting them in motion to help you and your family. God and His angels are using this isolation time to change and enhance family relationships. Perhaps the imposed isolation from the c-virus is a blessing in disguise. We have not been accustomed to living in such close quarters with our family members day in and day out. This is an opportune time to rekindle or initiate love. Up until the last few weeks, we had been living in a fast-paced world and the family had grown apart, each tending to their own agenda and desires. Computers and phones had become people’s “best friends”, with many of us spending hours upon hours talking, texting or on the internet, watching videos or playing video games. People were too busy to engage in deep family connections. Compare this to our ancestors when parents would work closely with their children, teaching trades and skills and helping each other. Families would work together as a unit tilling the land and planting and harvesting and canning their food for the winter months ahead. Often large families lived in a small cabin, each learning to love and understand or at least tolerate each other. Your angels love the family unit and want it to grow in nurturing love. Some families will come by this naturally while other families will have to work at it. Ask your angels to help create strong lasting love-bonds within your family. Speaking kind and thoughtful words to each other will launch the Law of Attraction in your favour. It will bring to you whatever it is that you speak out loud, and especially what you speak to others. As you speak kind-hearted words to your family, the atmosphere changes; it becomes more of what you are speaking. Your considerate words change you into a more kind and loving person. The triggers that used to set you off won’t bother you anymore. Kind words change your attitude toward your family members which then changes their attitude toward you. It may take longer than you think it should, but be persistent and your kindness will be appreciated and returned to you. Your relationships will become harmonious or awful; better or worse, depending on what words you speak. Choose your words carefully. Only speak if you have something good and helpful to say. Harsh words can remain trapped in the soul and can result in resentment, bitterness and animosity toward ourselves and others. None of us want negative traits or habits to develop in our loved ones. Did you know that everyone has at least one angel who writes down everything you do and say into your book of records? This book is used to determine where you are seated in the heavenly realms. This is a significant reason to become aware of what you are saying and who you are encouraging or perhaps hurting. You can improve your heavenly status by cancelling past mistakes and creating new love-filled records. Go to a private place and ask your angels to bring to mind any mistakes you have made. Apologize in an audible voice and decide to change your ways to become kind, compassionate and loving. This action is called repentance. When you repent you are removing negativity/darkness/garbage which then leaves a void. Ask your angels to fill this void with light which is love. The more light you carry, the higher you are seated in heaven and the more joy, peace and love you will feel in your heart. You will be less bothered by negative earthly things such as problems, diseases, pandemics, emotions, arguments circumstances etc. Whether you are self-isolated, living alone, or in a family, take this opportunity to delve into inner healing. Ask your angels to reveal to you whatever you need to rid yourself of to become a better person and to purify your soul. The soul is the mind, will and emotions. We all have lots of “waste” that needs to be thrown away. Any time you have a bad attitude or negative feelings toward a person, place, event or thing, the negative emotion needs to be released so it doesn’t tie you down any longer. Ask your angels if you need to forgive anyone. See, hear and feel what messages they are telling you. Unforgiveness is like chains, binding you to the event or person who you haven’t forgiven. Unforgiveness is a burden that weighs you down physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. When you forgive you will feel lightness, freedom and peace. The spiritual chains will fall off and you will be set free from the person and event. This is a great time to engage in meditation. Meditation promotes your ability to be more patient, grateful, understanding, helpful, tolerant, loving, kind, generous, gentle, compassionate, considerate, nice, caring, creative, and, I could go on until I’ve mentioned all the loving and kind words in the English language! Suffice to say that meditation focused on love fosters amazing results. It will change your attitude and outlook on life. No matter what is happening, be it job loss, claustrophobia, ill health, impatience, business failure, stock market falling, unable to visit your loved ones, or even loss of your loved ones, meditating on peace and love will help you get through the tough times. Remember, praying is speaking to God, and meditating is listening to what He is saying to you. Angels are God’s messengers. You may receive your angels’ messages through your spiritual ears, as in a word; your spiritual eyes, as in a vision or dream; your spiritual feelings, as in peace, comfort and encouragement. Sometimes your angels will give you a message within the following few days. When you ask you will receive, so be patient and attentive. It’s also marvelous to be in God’s presence; just meditating on “Being” in the peace and stillness of God where everything is divine and holy. Expand this meditative state into your daily life and you can live on earth as it is in heaven. Love, Peace, Joy, Health, Hope and Many Blessings to you and yours, Jill Michelle Angel readings booked before May 31 are $120.00 each, (30.00 off regular fee) when promo code is mentioned while booking the appointment. Promo Code: “Angels 357” Book your appointment by emailing me at: [email protected] For more information see my website at
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