Being the Observer - 10-Jun-2017
Ascension Notes- Kara Schallock, Much Light is flowing into us and into Gaia. It reaches deeply into our chakras and DNA; it expands our consciousness; our Divinity-knowing. It weaves through our entire being and helps us be more of the new ones we've been intending to be. This may feel may a little strange, like you landed in a new place and you have no bearing or familiarity; like it's completely new; and well, it is! Rest and meditate. Grounding outside, especially barefoot, greatly helps as does drinking lots of pure water and listening to what your body wants for you. As you move more completely from the old world, you may feel restless, for the doing that you have been so used to, doesn't seem so urgent now. This Light is greatly helpful in dissolving long-held patterns and limitations. There are more and more synchronicities that may seem small, yet, pay attention. It doesn't matter what they mean; just observe without the need to know. Realize too that we are building up to the Solstice. As we get closer, you may notice many changes within and around you. As the old ways are dissolving, they also seem to be getting stronger. This is how Transformation works; there seems to be a last frantic breath that is taken by the old. So it may look, as you observe, that things are worse. Trust that this is simply a part of the process. Simplify your life as much as possible so that you aren't distracted by too much busy-ness or by the goings-on in the old world. It is not worse; it is wonderful. As you observe, you may let go of judging whether things are good or bad or moving or stagnant. There is a place where much is occurring, even when it feels all is so still in your life. It is the Great Void. Much happens here, for it is in the Void that all your highest potentialities are being energized. Being in the Void during meditation is a great experience of letting go and trusting. We are so used to planning and controlling that this can feel very strange. It can be described as a place of nothingness and yet, amazing things happen here. When you meditate and it is completely without visions, you most likely are in the Void. Having visions is great fun and it's entertaining and yet it is not when big change occurs. So let go and allow yourself to just thoughts, no visions, no plan or purpose; no questions...just surrendering to the Void. Being in the Void also occurs outside of meditation. You most likely are in a state of “I don't know” and/or “I have no idea about where or who I am or where I'm going.” This is the Void. Relax; surrender; trust. Be in a state of Curiosity and Discovery, for all is New and the best thing to do is to just observe without needing to do something. We are in a very powerful and vulnerable place, and part of us may want to fill the “void” with something; anything. Yet, if we do that, we most likely will fill up with things of old, for the New is not all the way manifest in form yet. Do not worry about doing something or lining up your intentions just so; trust you are riding a wave of Grace. Trust you are being carried. You have done so much purifying that it is O.K. just to rest and allow; in fact, it's imperative that you do. If you pay attention to how you feel, you may notice that you just cannot do certain things. Why? The energies are not aligned with doing them. As you wait, the world won't crash down around you and there will be a time when all is aligned to act. In the old, we pushed our way through something; we claimed, “I have to do this now!” In the New, there is no “have to;” there is a lot of waiting and observing. Let it be O.K. to be in this new space. There need not be a lot of rushing about; there is ease in everything. When it is time to act, you will feel it and then things flow effortlessly. This is for the tiniest chore to the biggest decision. So much is different. Our perceptions are different; we are more conscious of our choices and the choices of others. We can see that a particular choice creates a particular future and yet, even this is not absolute. When we see or hear someone doing or saying a particular thing, we don't automatically take it in to have it become a part of us; we feel into it. If it resonates, great; if it doesn't, we move on. This is the Beauty of observing and feeling. Feeling tells us whether we resonate or not; we don't judge or react; we observe and feel. In the old world there is judging and blaming. As an observer, you do neither. You are free to let go of all that is of duality and drama. There may be many in your life who thrive on duality and drama, yet as you stay in your authentic self of Love, they will cease trying to hook you into their “side.” Those who resonate and feel you will be with you. There is no proving or convincing or fixing or teaching; there is only being strong in who you are. In the old, things were solid in that if you read or heard something, it was proof and that was that. In the New it's very different. The New is about Flow; it changes and shifts and it is constantly reorganizing. We must flow with it, honoring each moment and then moving on to the next. This Flow helps us not attach to any one “truism.” If you need to attach to something to feel safe, are you not trusting that all is in Divine Order? As our consciousness shifts, our reality shifts and everything else shifts. It cannot be otherwise. I am also sharing a few short notes to ponder... What does it say about you when you trust some and don't trust others? When you trust some and not others, there is still an aspect of the old energy of mistrust within you. When you trust all others, you have integrated the Soul Essence of Trust completely within, for all is a reflection of who you are within. When there is mistrust within, there is mistrust without. All is a refection of you. When you completely trust yourself, you will be trusted by others. I received this message throughout the night; using it I could see a huge difference; of course! The message was from Soul; Gratitude and Surrender are aspects of Love...Soul Essences. The old world is not letting go of you very easily. You cannot control this, yet if you surrender to what is and give Gratitude for all in your life, the death grip will loosen. Any time you complain or try to control things, the more you resist and as you know, what you resist persists. Simplicity: We may be guided to continually let go of confusing, convoluting, and complicated extraneous things, people, plans, rules...anything that has a lot of steps, rules and complications. Simplicity is Ascension. As we settle our focus in our core (Coeur=Heart), we realize that life is simple. There are no steps to anywhere, for it is all here...within. There is no getting; for we know all is within. We don't seek the Twin Flame, more money; more anything; there is no seeking; there is only knowing that all is within. We have let go of so much, even if our intellects/egos tell us we are not enough or have enough. We are rich in our Abundance and our lives are so filled with Love, we need nothing else. When we are in a wave of high energy, like we are now, we are able to let go of certain aspects of the old more easily. Let us look at attachments. Attachments are also addictions and some attachments are not the typical ones we think of. So what about these: ~eating particular meals at particular times; i.e. breakfast before noon, lunch items around noon, etc. ~expectations surrounding certain holidays, like Mother's Day or your birthday ~having dessert after a certain meal ~expectations about how a person (including you) should act ~roles you have or that others see you in ~how you label yourself as in "mother," "healer," "student," etc. There are lots more that we don't even think about. Be aware and make sure you are conscious when choosing.
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