Energies from Other Star Systems in the Galaxy ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,
Daniel Scranton [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very sophisticated in our analysis of how you are being affected by certain energies, and we know that we are able to isolate an energy to observe its effects upon you. We have witnessed so much growth and evolution coming as a result of those of you who have opened yourselves up to energies coming from the various star systems in the galaxy, and we encourage you to continue this practice. Some of you are more interested and excited about the Pleiadian system, and so you will open yourselves up to those energies and receive what you need to move forward with your evolution of consciousness. Others will be more in touch with the Sirius star system, and they will open themselves up to Sirius and get what they need. There are enough star systems in this galaxy for everyone to resonate with at least one, and sometimes a person doesn’t even realize that he or she is doing this. They just enjoy looking up at the night sky in a particular area, and then someday someone comes along and points out that they have been looking at Orion’s belt, for example. And so, you are being served by galactic energies, whether you are aware that you are opening up to them or not, and this is why we are so excited about more and more people awakening to their extra-terrestrial lineage. We are excited that you are discovering that you are from other star systems in the galaxy, and we are excited that you are so interested in meeting your e.t. friends in the flesh. This all bodes very well for your evolution. Now, you are also going to see an increase in the interest amongst children for all things extra-terrestrial. You are going to see that they understand better than you did at their age the significance of the stars. This also bodes very well for humanity. They are coming forth with that knowing that it is only a matter of time before they are speaking and playing with e.t.s. Now, you can use this information we are giving you now to your advantage by recognizing that you do have an affinity to one or more star systems, and as you open yourselves up more regularly to the energies coming in from those star systems, you are going to see a change in your consciousness. You are going to feel differently. You are going to think differently. You are going to relate to others differently. Ultimately, you are the conduits for these energies. You are the anchors. You are the ones to bring the heavens done to Earth and make doing so normal and natural and a part of everyday life there on planet Earth, and we are excited to witness what you do after grounding these energies and making them available to all individuals within the human collective consciousness. You are the leaders in this movement, and you know this about yourselves, and now is the time to lead a bit more consciously and deliberately. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Daniel Scranton [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net
A Wave of Energy from the Source Energy Dimension ∞The 9D Arcturian Council “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been experiencing a wave of energy that has been coming from Source and has been rippling through the dimensions of this universe. We have noticed the effect that this Source Energy wave has had upon us, and we understand that this has nothing to do with your solstice because the universe is much bigger than one planet and their calendar and sun activity. This wave to the universe because Source is of course very aware of the universal shift in consciousness that is occurring throughout this universe, and Source also wants to be a part of the experience. Source benefits from all that we are doing, feeling, and experiencing, and of course Source likes to give back in the same way that you are more likely to give something to someone once they have given something to you. It is the concept of reciprocity that you have there on Earth. Source has given all of us this wave of energy to soothe us and to remind us that we have so much support there in the Source Energy dimension. We are not alone, just as you are not alone. We have help coming from the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth dimensions, as well as the help that we have coming from Source. We encourage you to acknowledge the moments that you feel most supported on your journeys. It is good to take some of the weight off of your shoulders. You do create one hundred percent of your reality, but you also have help, support, and wisdom coming from higher dimensions to help you create the reality that you desire to experience. This Source Energy wave is helping beings all across our universe, and we are excited to witness the evolution of consciousness of all systems, planets, and beings that is certain to be the end result of this wave of energy from Source. You, we, and all others in this universe are of course aspects of Source, but until we return to the Source Energy dimension, we will not be able to experience fully what it is like to be Source. And that gives us all something to continue to move towards and feel excited about. You are going to experience changes as a result of this wave, and those changes will begin, as always, with your consciousness. And then you will see a change in your approach to life, to each other, and even a change in your relationship with Source. That is certainly a relationship worth exploring. As non-physical beings, it is easier for us to cultivate that relationship. But for you to have something intangible, non-physical to chat with and feel for is a much different experience. This wave is going to make it seem a lot more like a good idea to all of you. And so, hopefully, will this transmission have that effect. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
The Solstice Energies: Update ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very happy to report that you have been assimilating the energies of the solstice very well. It may not feel that way to all of you as the energies disrupt your normal sleep and thought patterns. You may experience a larger number of ascension symptoms as a result of your doing such a wonderful job of grounding these energies, but that is a small price to pay. You live in a fast-paced world that is constantly urging you to keep up, and energies like the ones you are experiencing right now require you to slow down because of their intensity and because of how hard it is on you physically, mentally, and emotionally to handle them. Whenever you have higher frequency energies around, it’s very exciting, but you will also notice that some of the lower frequency energies are getting stirred up inside of you to be purged out. Now is not the time to be running yourselves ragged, trying to get things done, and yet, there you are in the midst of the holiday season, and many people put pressure on themselves to be the best gift-giver or throw the best party. We recommend that you focus instead on making sure that you have a good relationship with your body and with the planet. And when we say good relationship, we are talking about feeling into that physical body of yours and making sure that you are grounded to that beautiful Mother Earth. We recommend more meditation, more sleep, more relaxation, and more hydration at this time and at the time of each solstice and equinox that you experience, as well as all other significant dates on your calendar. You have to see yourselves as bodies of energy that are getting what you need in order to heal and in order to grow. And when you are growing and healing, there is often pain and discomfort, and you are the ones who need to be taking care of yourselves so that you can do this important work that you are there to do. We are talking about the work of spreading the light, the love, and the high frequency energies around so that the rest of humanity can transform from the inside out. You are the anchors. You are the ones doing the majority of the heavy lifting, and if you don’t take care of yourselves, then who will? We are doing our best, and so are your guides and many others, but we need your help so that we can help you. Make sure you are listening to your bodies and getting some time where you can connect with Mother Earth in some way, and then ride these solstice energies into the New Year. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Planting Seeds During Your Astral Travels ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Daniel Scranton [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are extremely excited to experience what it will be like to have the front seats that we do for this next chapter in humanity’s evolution. We are always pleased to see you progressing so nicely, and we are also feeling quite blessed to be a part of your journey. We love to watch you grow and expand, and we so enjoy feeling that we are a part of your evolution of consciousness. We have been able to access so many of you at night when you are astrally traveling and meet up with you, to not only hear about what your perspective is on humanity’s evolution, but also to plant seeds within your consciousness. It is far more effective for you to wake up from these interactions without remembering them, because we need you to also begin accessing your intuition more than you currently do. And so, the seeds that we plant, when harvested by you, will come to you as an intuitive hit. This is also how your guides work. This is why your guides aren’t constantly yelling at you or tapping on your shoulders to get your attention. We all recognize that the subtle approach is the better approach because we are getting you to pay closer attention to what’s going on within you. The ultimate goal is always empowerment. We are not puppeteers, and you are not puppets. We are your friends. We are your colleagues, and we are your co-creators, and we certainly are not alone in these endeavors. We want you to feel for these intuitive hits and impulses to move in a certain direction. We will continue to drop hints whenever we can without coming right out and telling you what to do or what to think. We are excited because you have the free will to decide, and we are not interested in interfering in your evolutionary progress, which is quite natural, and which would be happening with or without our participation. We are just offering the Arcturian perspective from the ninth dimension. You will get different perspectives from different beings coming through different channelers, and we enjoy those perspectives and watching you choose from among them. We know many of you wonder whether you meet up with us at night, and those of you who are wondering certainly are because your desire is strong enough and because we are looking for anyone and everyone who is willing to accept the seeds that we so joyously want to plant within your consciousness. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Take the Spiritual Growth from Your Challenges ∞The 9D Arcturian Counci
Daniel Scranton [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are continuing to explore the different ways that you all have of taking on challenges for yourselves in order to grow spiritually. We see you doing this unintentionally in most areas of your lives. You will unintentionally create the challenge, and then you will have to rise up and become more of who you really are in order to face that challenge and move past it. Sometimes you will intentionally take on a challenge, and in those instances you are far more likely to meet the challenge head on and take the spiritual growth because it was an intentional act. When the challenge is created subconsciously, when you don’t even realize that you are doing it, then you are more likely to just stay in a state of resistance and not take the spiritual growth that comes from presenting yourself with that challenge. And so, the time is right for you to be seeing all of the challenges that you have in your lives as being created by you intentionally, and you want to see them as opportunities to go further in your spiritual development. You want to face the challenges in your lives with gusto. You want to hold that knowing that the challenge is there to get you to go deeper within yourself than you ever have before and access something that you didn’t even know you had. We often talk about accessing higher frequency vibrations within you, and certainly you can and sometimes do access those vibrations without some sort of challenge to be the catalyst for you to do so. But often, you will go within and find the power, the strength, and the fortitude to face life’s messiest and most troubling challenges. It is time for you to see yourselves as the creators of one hundred percent of your reality, all the time, because it is time for you to let go of that resistance that prevents you from seeing the opportunity that’s in front of you. You are powerful creator beings, and if you can create something that you really do not want, then you can just as easily create its opposite. But you’re going to find that it’s far more difficult to do so if you’re spending your time resisting that unwanted creation, whether it’s in your personal life or something that is global in nature. We know that the Earth experience, especially in this lifetime, has been the ultimate challenge for all of you, and we want you to know that there are so many others like us who want to support you in rising up to meet those challenges and to become your higher selves in this lifetime. We know that you can and that you will, and we will keep telling you that this is the case, and we will keep telling you right up until the moment when you do it. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Daniel Scranton [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net Download New Ideas, Concepts & More ∞The 9D Arcturian Council “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very connected to the stream of consciousness that you are all tapping in to on a moment-to-moment basis. This is one of the ways that you can begin to understand how there literally is no separation between us, just as there is literally no separation between any of you. This stream of consciousness is one that we can tap in to because we can move our consciousness in such a way to become aware of what’s happening in the fourth dimension. And what you’ve been tapping in to as human beings is informing you. What you’ve been tapping in to is influencing your minds. Your capacity to go beyond the typical human thought patterns is something that we are very interested in. And so, we can plant new ideas into this stream of consciousness, but we cannot elevate your vibration enough to experience those concepts. That’s your job. Your job is to look around and see all of the problems in your lives and in the world and to say to yourself that you are going to raise your vibration in spite of all of what you see. This is the challenge for you, and it is the way for you to get those higher frequency concepts, ideas, and downloads. We are planting them in the stream of consciousness that you access, and so are many other beings here in the higher realms. We all seek to help you in whatever ways that we can, but at the end of the day, you’ve got to have a higher vibration in order to receive. That means you have to give up the struggle, you have to stop trying so hard, and you have to stop thinking of yourselves as being all alone. You are not doing this all on your own. You are experiencing things as if you are alone, but the help is there and it’s being received by those who are willing to let go of the idea that they have to do it all and carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. When you can rest and relax long enough to receive, you can help humanity out of a lot of the sticky situations that you find yourselves in, locally and globally. And of course, you can also get yourselves out of your personal issues by remembering that the help is there, and it is really just a few deep conscious breaths away. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” A Gamechanger for Humanity ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Daniel Scranton [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have begun to investigate the different strategies that we see you all employing to bring yourselves into a higher vibrational state. We are talking about your genuine attempts to raise your vibration, rather than the use of drugs, alcohol, sex, or some other way that you have for bringing yourself into a higher vibration by depending on something that is external. We are interested in your processes that you employ when you are sitting home alone, by yourself, and you need to access a higher vibrational state. We know that you all recognize the importance of being in a higher vibrational state because you recognize that you create your reality with the vibration you are offering. And so, we have gotten very curious about how those of you who are deliberate creators are going about getting into that higher vibrational state. And we also want to say that there is nothing wrong with doing something to put you in a higher vibrational state, but you don’t always have access to that thing that you rely upon to get there. And so, we are particularly interested in what you do to raise your vibration when you have no access to all of your usual tricks. What we’ve been noticing is that more and more of you are recognizing the power of breathing to get you to not only clear something that you don’t want to feel, but also to access something that you do. Breathing consciously and deliberately is a gamechanger for all of humanity, and more and more of you are waking up to this truth. It’s very intuitive for you to take a deep breath, to sigh, and it is also the case that when you are experiencing some sort of trauma, you will stop breathing. Now, what we want to say about this is that we know you can go even further with your breathwork, your conscious breathing. We know that you can achieve ecstasy with nothing more than doing something that you do involuntarily all day and all night. Now, we are not going to tell you how to breathe consciously because we want you to recognize that you have the ability to determine for yourself which type of conscious breathing is going to work best for you in a given moment, or in a given situation. And so, we invite you to play around with your breathing more. Use it to get yourself to focus. Use it to be more mindful. Mindfulness is the art of paying attention to what you are doing in the moment, and you are almost always breathing. So as you breathe and do something consciously and deliberately, you add so much more of your consciousness to that activity. We also know that you know how big a role breathing plays in meditation, but meditation is usually about reaching a state of neutrality. It’s about releasing something. We know that you can achieve a state of ecstasy by playing around with conscious breathing, and that’s something that we invite you to do at least once a day. Demonstrate to yourselves how powerful you are and how simple getting to where you want to go can be. There is nothing more simple than breathing, and there is nothing more powerful than doing it consciously. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
A Major E.T. Event ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been exploring the different possible timelines that humanity has in front of you for the near future, and we have been noticing that there is a trend. The trend is that on most of the timelines that are highly probable for you, there will be a major event involving extra-terrestrials. That event will be caught on camera, and of course, that will lead to speculation that it is made up. There will be many skeptics calling it a hoax. But for those of you who understand how much e.t. presence there is there on Earth and in your skies, you will be fascinated. You will have a renewed sense of hope, and you will be excited about how the event is boding very well for humanity’s future in the coming years. We will not say exactly what this event will be, but we will say that it’s more than just a sighting of ships. These e.t.s will be helping humans in some way, and you can use your imaginations as to what that could be. There are several scenarios on the different timelines, each with different implications. Suffice it to say these will be very friendly and well-intentioned beings whose acts of kindness will be caught on camera to prepare humanity for friendly contact. There is a segment of the population that needs to know about the benevolent extra-terrestrials and the types of good deeds they do on a regular basis. Those good deeds often go overlooked because so many are focused on the negative acts perpetrated by the not-so-good e.t.s out there in your skies and in the galaxy. We know that there are many individuals among you who will want to be the one to capture the footage, but we promise you seeing it will be satisfying enough. And you will feel the ripple effect through the collective consciousness of humanity. You will see and feel the effects, but most importantly, you will be affected yourselves in a profound way. You will feel validated, and you will know that there is more of this positive e.t. expression to come for all of humanity. We are very excited to witness the impact, assuming it does in fact happen. And as we have said, the probability is very high that you will find yourselves on one of these timelines. These are exciting times for humanity, and there are lots of other beings who want so much to participate in the excitement with you. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Pay Attention to the Signs ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Daniel Scranton [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net 11:02 AM (5 hours ago) “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very familiar with the different ways you all have of releasing your thoughts and beliefs about something that you once held to be very true for you. We know that in some cases, it only takes a slight nudge to get you to move away from a once strongly-held position, and we know that other times it takes something miraculous to occur in order to shift your perspective to something brand new. And we also know that there are many experiences that lie in between those two extremes. We have seen all of the different tricks that you use on yourselves to get you to a new level of awareness, and we want you to know that you are doing this to yourselves on a constant basis, because you are always seeking to bring your awareness to a higher plane. Now, when we talking about you and YOU, we are talking about the you that you think of as yourself versus the YOU that you really are. We are talking about your ego and your higher self. Your higher self is, for the most part, pulling all the strings, making things happen or not happen, trying to get you to wake up to something that you need to let go of. But ultimately, you have to open your eyes, see the signs that are right there in front of you and make the new choice. You have to let go of something that you’ve held onto for a very long time in order to grab ahold of something new, something that will fit better, something that will suit you better. A new belief. A new truth. A new reality. That’s what you are there to continually experience, and you can do it easily if you pay attention to the signs. Pay attention to the little nudges. Obviously, when your higher self hits you over the head with something miraculous, it’s a lot easier to change from within, but it is the consistent little nudges that you need to pay more attention to. It’s the synchronicities that are more significant than you give them credit for. That’s what we are here to alert you to. There is always more for you to see, feel, and understand, and all you have to do is pay attention and you will see the signs, you will get the universal memos, and you will shift, little by little, moment by moment, and day by day. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Leaving the Old Paradigm Behind ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been giving a lot of our attention to the way that you either congratulate someone who has accomplished something, or in contrast, at times you feel jealous. At times, you look for the failure of another to give you a certain sense that things are better in your world. You have been in a paradigm where you’ve been playing a game of limitation. That game of limitation has been ingrained into your minds. What that means is, you tend to believe that there is only so much to go around. ‘If this person over here becomes successful, then I must be less likely to be a success in that field.’ That is the mentality that you were raised in. That is what you’ve been taught. You’ve been taught to compete against one another, and you’ve been taught about winning and losing, but now is the time for all of you to look for more opportunities to collaborate with each other. Now is an excellent time for all of you to see another’s success as your own success, because you are all connected. Now is a good time for you to remind yourselves that if someone else can do something, then they are opening the door for you to be able to do it as well. We suggest that you look for reasons to feel better about where you are on your journey. For example, if you have not yet experienced success in some endeavor in your life, then you still have that to look forward to. You still have the joy of the journey in front of you, and you are fare more likely to make that journey, all the way to that pinnacle that you want to reach, if you are celebrating the successes of others. When you are focused on success, you will vibrate in that particular frequency. When you see someone else’s success as shining a spotlight on your failures, then you will continue to vibrate in harmony with failure, by your own definition, whatever that is. So celebrate the success of your human counterparts there, and realize that there is always enough for everyone, and we mean enough of everything. No shortage. No limitation. You have to let go of those concepts now, because it serves you to do so. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” |
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