Daniel Scranton [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net Jul 30, 2020
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have begun to study the tendencies that you all have there on Earth. You tend to move in a certain direction, as a collective, and then you tend to move back in the opposite direction, as though you are getting a feel for all of the different ways you could take yourselves as a society, as a collective of humans. There are, of course, some of you who will always go against the wave that the rest of humanity is on, and we are speaking to that group right now. We are addressing the ones who have enough awareness to see the trends, to feel into them, and to decide that you are going to go in your own direction. You don’t do it to be rebellious or to get attention. You don’t do it just to be different or contrarian. You do it because you are following your hearts. You are following your feelings, and right now, the way to move, to be of greatest service to humanity, is directly up. You are ready to move above the discourse and the discord that is there on Earth at this time. You are the ones to rise above it all and to see that taking sides pits you against half of yourself. We told you in our previous transmission that the August energies we have been cooking up are all about reminding you that you are Source, getting you to feel it and embody it. And that means that there’s no division within you. There’s no need for you to choose a side, to say that you are for this thing and against that thing. You are the ones who can see the beauty in it all and still rise above it, and still see it for what it is. The state of affairs on Earth at this time is all about a thought that Source had, and the thought that Source had was and is, ‘What would happen if we were divided against ourselves.’ You are there living out that dream of Source, that illusion. You are pretending that you don’t love each other to bits, because you all really do. And those of you who can realize that this all is just a thought that Source had, can also realize that inevitably, you all come together. It must happen. You are all walking each other back to Source, back to where it all started. You can do it consciously by deliberately rising above the fray, or you can do it by kicking and screaming and protesting. It’s up to you. You are the ones who will raise the consciousness of the human collective, and you will invite others to join you in the beauty that is this reality, this thought of Source. Remember that you are the thinker of that thought, and you are masquerading as the thought at the same time. And maybe then, just maybe, you won’t get so attached to any of it. And in that letting go, you will rise up, and you will take all who resonate with you vibration with you. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
If You Want Full E.T. Contact Sooner than Later ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net Tue, Jul 28 “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been exploring how all of you can live on a world where you do not feel connected as a global society, a global community, even though you have the ability in this day and age to travel to other countries and to connect with people from all across the planet with your internet. We understand how a person can be programmed into believing that the way they grew up was the right way to be in the world, but at a certain age, at a certain level of maturity, it would seem quite natural for all humans to want to explore something different. It would make logical sense for you all to want to get to know other people, living in far off lands, with different customs, different traditions, different rituals. And of course, there are many humans who feel that way, who want to expand their horizons, but the vast majority of humans still prefer to be around people who are almost exactly like them. And it is very limiting. It is very challenging for the expansion of the consciousness when a person stays in the town they grew up in and doesn’t show any interest in what’s happening in the rest of the world. When we look at human history, it begins to make more sense to us, because oftentimes there would be an attack on a village, on a community, and that attack would come from outsiders, from people who didn’t look, or talk, or act like the villagers who were under attack. And so, what you are there to do now is process those fears. You need to process your fear of the unknown, of the outsider, if you are going to be ready for full extra-terrestrial contact. If you think that people who live thousands of miles, or kilometers, away are scary because they are different, then how is a person who thinks that way going to handle an extra-terrestrial from another star system? Once again, it is up to you as the awakened collective to lead the way, to show others the path to getting past those fears. You need to set the very positive example by connecting with as many different people as you can. You need to set aside any ideological differences in order to do this. You need to accept that certain people in certain parts of the world are not honoring every member of their society. Having compassion for the victims in those parts of the world is easy. Having compassion and forgiving the perpetrators is hard, but that’s why you are there on Earth, hardest place to be incarnate in the whole galaxy. You are there to do what seemingly cannot be done, and you are the ones to do it. We know that you can. We believe in you, and we know how much you desire to have full e.t. contact, and you want it sooner than later. And so, we advise you to start spreading the truth that diversity is good, that differences do not in and of themselves separate you, and that you can come together as one human race, to meet one extra-terrestrial race and to show them how unified you are, even with all the diversity that exists there on planet Earth today. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Break Free from Bondage & Become Sovereign ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very capable of sensing when there is something simmering just beneath the surface of the human collective consciousness, and we are getting that feeling right now, as we observe you. We are noticing a movement towards all of you gaining quite a bit of clarity about who you want to be, how you want to live your lives, and about your sovereignty. Humankind has been looking for the perfect opportunity to free yourselves from the bondage of depending so much on your governments, your leaders, your captains of industry. Humankind is ready to break free from the system that has been reflecting more of that third-dimensional consciousness that you’ve had present on your world for so long. You are ready to be free of all of the systems that limit you, the systems that tie you down and hold you back from being who you want to be. This is where you as the awakened collective come in, because you understand the mechanics of the universe. You understand how to create your reality, how to manifest, how to live outside of all systems. You understand how to make yourselves invisible to that which is third dimensional. Now, what we are talking about here is essentially raising your vibration high enough to where you create your own society. We are talking about moving yourselves out of your current economic and political systems, and living as fifth-dimensional beings, manifesting what you need out of thin air, starting communities where you pool resources and where you co-create with the power of multiple humans, focusing on what the community needs and what the community wants. You have grown weary of relying on politicians to represent you, instead of their interests. You have grown tired of expecting corporations to have a conscience, to care about the environment, to care about the people that buy their products. And many of you recognize that the system that you have been living in has been rigged to make those in power even more powerful. So why even try to thrive in that system when you know that you are ascending, when you recognize that the universe has you back, and when you can feel all the beings of service around you, who are there to support you, who are there to lead you into this fifth-dimensional realm that you are co-creating as the awakened ones. You are ready for something very different, and the world as it is today is showing that now is the perfect time to throw off the shackles of oppression, to free yourselves from third-dimensional ideas and paradigms. You are ready to start living in 5D right now, and you are the ones to lead the rest of humanity to that frequency range, as they will ride on the coattails of your successes, of your wisdom, and of your high vibration. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
E.T. Contact Experiences in the Coming Months ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very interested in witnessing the number of e.t. contact experiences you all have in the coming months, because those of you who are interested in contact with extra-terrestrials have been amplifying your desire for a face-to-face meeting because of all of the challenges you’ve had to face there in your calendar year of 2020. Many of you have been wanting for a number of years to make contact, to get on a spaceship, to go to another star system, and to leave Earth far behind. Now, we are not saying that it serves humankind to lose all of the ones who are going to be there to serve as ambassadors between humanity and the rest of the beings in the galaxy. What we are saying is that you can bring more of them to your backyard. You can allow more of them into your lives, because of the increased desire that you have for contact, and because so many of you have been working on yourselves at this time. You have been raising your vibration. You have been making yourselves a better match to your e.t. friends who want very much to make contact with you, but who also have to wait for your readiness. Many of you want to have experiences in your lives that you are not quite ready for, but in this time you have been readying yourselves. You have been making yourselves into better galactic partners. You have been creating those realities, those experiences that you want to have, and this transmission that we are giving you now is meant to get you to line up even more with these contact experiences. We can feel your readiness. We can see the timelines opening up in front of you, and we are cheering you on from up here in the ninth dimension, especially because we know that you are going to have positive contact experiences in the very near future with fourth-dimensional e.t.s who are not so different from humankind. You are ready. You continue to demonstrate that truth to us and to the other beings throughout the galaxy who want very much to connect with you. Get into that space of positive expectation for these experiences we are talking about because they are coming, and you are the ones to welcome your e.t. friends. The experience of full, open contact with all of humanity is also in your future, but these one-on-one contact experiences, or one-on-two, or three, are going to occur much sooner, and they are going to come to those of you who have that heightened desire. This is what we know to be true. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Which Path We Advise You to Take ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are continuing to evolve, expand, and ascend right along with you, as we move closer and closer vibrationally to knowing ourselves fully as Source Energy Beings. You all are getting to that point as well, but you are further vibrationally from that blissful experience of always being the unconditional love that we all truly are. And you are taking your circuitous paths to getting to that point by living your lives. There is absolutely nothing random at all about the life you are living, the life you have lived, and the life that is before you, as you continue on to the fifth dimension. We want you to recognize the perfection in your lives. We invite you to look at your lives as they are right now for clues as to what you still need to let go of, forgive, stop judging, and love unconditionally. The path will always be bringing you back around to unconditional love. Therefore, we recommend that you do the things that naturally put you in that higher vibrational state that unconditional love truly is. We recommend that you focus on what is easy for you to love. We talk to you at times about working on yourselves, but we do not expect you to strap on a tool belt, and put on a hardhat, and go to work, not unless you are experiencing some very low-vibrational emotions all the time. If instead you are living a fairly decent life, you do not have to go rooting around, looking for trouble. Instead, we recommend that you go look for joy. Look for what excites you, what turns you on, what lights you up, what gets you into that state of being that love is. And just know that by doing so, anything that you do need to work on will come up. It will come into your awareness, and it is so much easier to deal with what you need to face when you have been spending more of your time focusing on what puts you in a higher vibrational state. Therefore, we suggest that you make play more of an agenda, more of a priority, more of an approach to life itself. Be the ones who are carrying the light for those who cannot, who do not have the tools that you have, or who simply do not know how important it is to be in a higher vibrational state. You have come so far. You know so much. You are the ones to lead humanity into the light, into the promised, and down the path that feels the best, as you continue to evolve and ascend with beings like us, who are doing it with a lot of joy, a lot of ease, and a lot of other really good feelings. We know from experience that the path with more joy on it is the path to take. It’s not irresponsible. It’s not careless. It’s not burying your head in the sand. It is the full recognition that you are better for humanity when you have a smile on your face and love in your heart. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
This is the Most Powerful Tool You Have ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are determined to bring you all that we can so that you can have the best possible experience of your growth and evolution. When we ponder you as a collective, you give us an opportunity to focus, and when we focus, we quite naturally expand into more of who we are as Source Energy Beings, as beings of unconditional love. We look to you to give ourselves more of a sense of purpose, and you always come through. You are the ones that have the most potential, because you are the ones experiencing the most polarity in this galaxy. Now, you also have the opportunity to expand through focus, through consciously putting your attention on something that moves you, something that delights you and excites you, something that gets you out of bed in the morning. You need to have that in order to summon more lifeforce energy to flow through you, and it doesn’t matter what that is. It doesn’t have to be something that everyone would deem as highly spiritual, or even highly evolved. Whatever it is that you enjoy focusing upon is allowing you to become more of who you really are, because generally speaking, if you are focusing on something, it is because you love it. Now, if you happen to be a person who is focusing on something or someone that you do not like, you are not benefitting from your ability to focus. Certainly, you can get some momentum at first by thinking of all the ways you have of defeating that person, that point of view, or that thing you feel should not exist at all. But hopefully, those of you who are awake will recognize the futility in that type of focus. You will feel the discord within you, and you will shift your attention to what brings you joy, what lights you up, and what gets you to feel something positive, no matter what it is. You can focus on something that you desire in a number of ways. You can focus on it and think to yourself that you will never have it. You can focus on it and get excited because the possibility even exists that you could obtain that which you desire. You could focus upon what you desire and feel yourself vibrating in harmony with it, becoming one with your desire. That would be a wonderful use of your ability to focus, and you would find yourself living a beautiful life, filled with serendipity and synchronicity, with wonderful manifestation after wonderful manifestation, if you could master the art of focusing. And of course, once you focus on the bright and shiny aspects of life that you want to have more of in your experience, you tend to think bigger. You tend to want for others. You tend to want for the collective. Some of you do that even though you haven’t manifested much for yourselves. Either way, focusing is good, but focusing on what you want to experience more of is brilliant. It’s life affirming. It’s how you become more of who you are. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Energies of Massive Change Are Looking for You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been exploring the many ways that you have of receiving the energies that are present on your world at this time. We have noticed that more and more of you are willing to sit and open yourselves up to the energies that are so very significant to you, because you have been noticing that nothing else is working. In other words, you can complain, you can make lots of posts on the internet, and you can shake your fists until you are blue in the face, and whatever you are unhappy with there on your world doesn’t change. It’s not getting better because of outrage. Things will get better on your world when enough people are able to recognize that change is quite literally in the air, but those energies that are there to spur on the big changes on your world need human beings to receive them. And being in an open and receptive state always serves you. Raising your vibration always serves you. Getting information off of the Internet about who is doing what behind the scenes almost never serves you. Therefore, we are putting it out there to those of you who are awake enough to receive this transmission, and what we are putting out there is that if you take the time to sit, relax, and feel into the energies present right now, you are going to feel the massive changes that you want to see on your world. But notice we said ‘feel.’ You have to feel them before they manifest in your reality. You are there to live through all of the chaotic conditions that you are living in right now, so that you can choose. You are there to choose what you want to experience, and you cannot choose what you want to experience while simultaneously pointing out what this person, this government, or this corporation is doing that is harmful, greedy, destructive, or proof that they are bad for everyone. We are sensing that enough of you are aware of the futility of pointing fingers. That phase of the change is over. Now it is time for you to step into yourselves, to be more aware of what you are in fact holding within you, so that you can let it go and make room for the energies of change that are so omnipresent on your world right now. All they need is more of you to sit back, relax, and receive them. There are energies looking for conduits, looking for channels, looking for those like you who want very much to connect, but you have to play your part. And that is what we are inviting you to do in this transmission. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Channeling & Throat Chakra Upgrades ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been excited about sharing with you the following information, and we have waited for the perfect timing to do so. You all have been receiving upgrades to your throat chakras because of the necessity for more of you to share your truth with the rest of humanity, and because many of you are interested in becoming verbal channels just like Daniel here. You are receiving these upgrades while you are asleep, and it is your spirit guides who orchestrate the mechanics of the upgrade to your throat chakra. Your channeling chakra is right there, behind your throat chakra, and it is also receiving the benefits of these upgrades. You are ready to become more active, more vocal, and take on more leadership in your community and on the world stage. You have the ability to connect with individuals who live all across this beautiful planet of yours, and speaking up, speaking your truth, sharing your perspective, these are the ways that you can reach millions of people. The reason why the upgrades are occurring to the channeling chakra is because you all are very interested in connecting with higher-dimensional beings, and you have done enough work on yourselves to handle the high-frequency energies that must move through you in order for that channeling to happen. The channeling chakra needs an upgrade because the energies keep getting more intense, and because so many individuals seek to channel a variety of beings, some recalibration has been necessary. If you have been thinking about sharing your story, your perspective, your truth, with the rest of humanity, now is a wonderful time to do so. You will find you are supported by the upgrade to your throat chakra. You will find it easier to express yourself, to find the right words, and the same is true for channeling. Now is a good time to focus on connecting to higher-dimensional beings and collectives, letting their energy flow through you, and again, it will be easier than ever before to find the right words, to make sense of the energies, to allow those connections to occur. You are ready, no matter what you want to do, and now more than ever, humanity is ready as well. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Negative Thoughts, Beliefs & Your Vibration ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very familiar with the processes that you all have for manifesting what you want to manifest into your reality. We have seen you using your thoughts, your minds, and your ability to focus on what you want in order to experience that creation. Some of you realize that you create one hundred percent of your reality, and therefore, you can get very upset at yourselves whenever you think a thought that contradicts the reality you want to experience. You feel as though you are sabotaging yourselves whenever you allow a belief to come to the surface that runs contrary to what you want to experience in your reality. We would prefer that you saw those moments as opportunities. Becoming aware of a thought, or a belief, that you have been holding for decades of your life is a key factor in releasing that unwanted, limiting thought or belief. Once you become aware of it, then you can go deeper. You can ask yourself if what you are thinking has a particular vibration. The answer, of course, is always going to be ‘yes.’ Once you determine the vibration of what you are thinking, then you can come to a deeper understanding of what your typical vibration is. That awareness will serve you very well, because you cannot change what you are vibrating unless you are aware of what you are vibrating. Therefore, we recommend that you get happy when you come across one of these unwanted and limiting thoughts. They are your clues. They are the breadcrumbs, leading you back to what you are vibrating at the very core of your being. And again, what you are vibrating is significant. It is in fact how you create your reality. You can think thoughts all day long, on purpose, to try to cover up what you are actually vibrating, but they will not affect your vibration all by themselves. You have to do the work. You have to acknowledge the vibration is there, feel into it, release it, and exchange it for a better feeling one. And then we advise you to take note of the thoughts that come into your conscious awareness. They will then reflect to you the beautiful work you have done on shifting your vibration. You are the creators of your reality, but you need to go deeper than thinking thoughts and creating vision boards if you want to make gigantic leaps forward in your manifestation abilities. You are all capable of living beautiful lives, teaching others how to live beautiful lives, and affecting the human collective consciousness by demonstrating how it is possible to shift one’s overall vibration and climb out of the conditions that a person is living who is not happy. You are the ones to lead humanity, and now is the perfect time to start demonstrating to your fellow humans how manifestation is really accomplished there on planet Earth. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
The Faerie Realm, Lemuria & Your Ascension ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been approximating the time it will take for all of you to reach that pinnacle of awareness, that place where you know yourselves as your higher selves. And we know that those of you who are awake are getting to that place much faster than those who have yet to awaken and have no idea that a higher self version of themselves even exists. We can see all of you who are awake getting to that place where you fully become your higher selves in the next two to three years, and we know that you are getting a lot of assistance in getting to that point in your evolution from the faeries. The faeries are essentially what you are becoming. They dwell in the fifth and sixth dimensions, and at times those of you who are there in the fourth are able to perceive them, but they do stay in that higher vibrational state while inviting you to join them in the playfulness, in the freedom, in the joy that is the fifth-dimensional frequency range. They understand that you all are hanging back for the most part in the fourth dimension to help your fellow humans awaken, and they are also aware of the fact that you can tune in to the fifth dimensional frequency range right now and have more fun with them. You can perceive faerie energy, and you can access the vibration of the fae. You just have to get back to that childlike persona that you once had, where it was so much easier to be carefree. And, as we said, the faeries are inviting you into that higher vibrational state. Most of you have at least one faerie guide, and many of you have incarnated as faeries in previous lifetimes. The relationship between humanity and the fae goes all the way back to Lemuria, and it is time for you all to remember those times of great spiritual evolution, of great joy, and of collaboration with the faeries. It is time for you all to recognize that you have these wonderful friends, these guides, these beings of light and love, to help guide you into the fifth-dimensional realm, just as you are going to help your fellow humans. You are becoming more faerie-like every day, and you are going to be appearing more faerie-like to your fellow humans, as you continue on that upward spiral to fully becoming your higher selves and embodying the fifth dimensional energy in the same way that the faeries do now. If you want to connect with them, imagine what type of playfulness they have in their realm, and bring more of it to your day-to-day activities. Be more playful. Be more childlike. Spend more time in nature. Have more fun. Sing, and dance, and laugh, and play, and you will find yourself connecting with at least one faerie being, and perhaps it will be one of your faerie guides. But this much we know to be true – you will make these connections, and it will be sooner than later. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” |
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