Personal Change – from It Rings True
by Ron Head Here is another excerpt from It Rings True. Change is our topic for today. You are living in a time of great change. You have been hearing that for quite some time. You are living in the only moment in which change can be made. That is also something you should be familiar with. You cannot make any change in the future, nor can you make any in the past. The only moment you can change is this one, the present, and in so doing, you will alter all future possibilities. You may also alter the effects of the past. We would point out, however, that the only change which we council you on is the change that you can make within yourselves. You may have some idea of the importance of that, but we assure you that your ability to foresee the vast reach that your personal changes will have upon the future and the extent of the effect upon the entire universe is beyond your understanding. Even upon your world and within your society, there is no way for you to see the effects your smallest action will have in its ripple effect upon persons you have not and may never meet. You discuss this at times, but have you truly ‘taken it on board’, as you say? That should be enough to motivate you in your day to day activity and thought. But consider, also, that there is no way for you to understand what effect the slightest improvements you may make within yourselves will have upon the future selves you are becoming. You will become someone with whom you are not in least familiar, someone beyond your experience. A slight change in attitude, in your way of perceiving, of reacting, and above all, in your beliefs about yourselves, will radically change your future. In fact, it is the only thing that can do so. So, as we have told you recently, our recommendation to you would be that you spare no effort in finding out who the true self is that you are beneath and behind all the little beliefs you have been taught to accept about yourselves. Who are you, really? What is it within you that is real, permanent, unchanging? How will you find that? What will you do when you know? It is not something that you need to become. It is something that you are and that you have not yet seen nor felt. That is the true quest. That is your true purpose. And that, once found, will change your world. It Rings True is available in both paperback and Kindle versions from Amazon. Click this blue button to read a bit of the inside and to order your copy. Click Here
You are Real, the illusion is not.11/20/2016 by John Smallman
Saul Audio Blog for Sunday November 20th We are in the end times. This does not mean the end! It refers to the dispelling and disintegration of the illusion. The illusion is a dream or nightmare in which humanity has been collectively enmeshed for eons. It is an unreal state, an hallucination, something unreal but imagined – similar to the misdirection used by magicians – which is very convincing. What you believe in you see! The collective has seen and experienced the illusion for eons and thus it has become virtually impossible not to believe in its reality. Until very recently your scientists were producing “evidence” that proved you lived in a physical universe, and everyday experience confirmed the illusion’s solid reality because objects cannot pass through other objects without becoming damaged. However, at the forefront of modern physics it has finally been confirmed that nothing is solid, that forms of any kind – whether galaxies or ants – are all part of an immensely vast electro-magnetic energy field. Everything is energy and is connected to everything else, there is no separation. Nevertheless, within the illusion, life forms still experience themselves as individual, separated beings. Consequently it is very difficult for you to understand and appreciate that you are beings of pure spirit, fields of consciousness, constantly interacting with and affecting one another. It is a paradox. You who are awakening know that there is no separation, and yet the separation experience is a major factor in your human lives. The illusion depends on humanity’s collective acceptance of it and belief in it. What is illusory is how you see or perceive one another and the world in which you live, and mostly you are unaware that you each have a totally different perception from everyone else. That is what separation is about, and conflict arises because of your different perceptions of the same situation. You each believe that your perception is the correct one and that the other’s is wrong. Separation is all about opposites – right and wrong, good and bad, hot and cold – it polarizes and divides. A rather good example of separation changing to oneness, to an integrated state, is when you mix hot and cold water to have a bath. You need both for the bath to be enjoyable, but not separately, as you would burn or freeze. For humans Oneness is about merging together, acceptingeach other, just as you are, and then allowing mixing or integrating to occur. Truly you have far, far more in common with one another than you have dividing you, but you choose to focus on what divides you. And the reason for that is that you are so accustomed to a state of separation that to join as One terrifies you. You think you would lose your individuality, your identity, the part of you that you believe makes you real. Humanity focuses on identities – favorite movie stars, sports stars, political stars, religious stars, business stars, – whom you like and judge as good, and their opposites, hated ones, whom you dislike and judge as bad. Your whole human society is based on taking sides – you have that very apt aphorism: divide and conquer! Finally the realization has dawned that to divide and conquer only adds to your problems and suffering. An awareness has arisen that you need to listen to one another instead of rushing to judge one another. Everyone, there are no exceptions, everyone has something of great value to add to the collective human consciousness, the field of Love in which you all have your eternal existence. For eons you have valued highly those who are strong, intelligent, and smart, they are the ones you would like to have as your leaders. They are then installed in a wave of euphoria to replace the previous leaders who failed miserably, and the whole cycle just starts over. You each have to be your own leader! You are One with God, and He is with you in every moment, offering wise and loving guidance if you will only listen to Him. But no, you want to be independent, strong, powerful, and influential. After all, who needs God? God is OK for social and charitable events, when raising money for the homeless and the downtrodden, because calling on Him sounds good, but in the real everyday world there is no God, you stand alone and you need to be strong. But beneath all the bravado you display and project there is always a frightened and abandoned child desperately attempting to seen, honored, accepted and loved. Love is your nature. However, you chose to experience an unreal state of separation, built the illusion and became human to populate it. Now you are alldesperately seeking the Love that is your nature out there, from someone else. And that someone else is doing exactly the same. You are Love! And the onlyplace that you can find It is within yourselves where It resides eternally. The illusion, as its name implies, is unreal. Love is all that is Real, and you are Real, therefore it is within yourselves that you will find It. But eons of life experiences in the illusion have shown you how small and insignificant you are in comparison with the universe out there! However, you created the universe and it is contained within you. Open your hearts to accept the Love that resides within you and allow It to flow through you abundantly and on out to all those others who are so desperately seeking It and failing to find It. Your acceptance of the Truth that you are Love and your intent to share and extend It to all is bringing humanity to its inevitable awakening. Your part in this awakening process is essential to it. Everyone on Earth has a part to play, and everyone is playing their part. This is not apparent as you look outside yourselves at the illusion that appears to enfold and overwhelm your individual, small, and insignificant human form. The illusion is as you made it, filled with fear, suffering, and intense pain, but utterly unreal! You are Real, the illusion is not. You are Love, Consciousness, Awareness, All That Is, and you are now in the process of awaking to know once more your true and eternal state, One with God, Source, from which you never have, and never could have been separated. The fact that you are alive and that you know that you are alive demonstrates this Truth perfectly. You chose to build an unreal state and pretend to enter into it. Now the game is ending, and you will wake up. All around you are signs of the awakening because the Tsunami of Love has been flowing and calming and comforting you all for a number of years now and this can no longer be denied. Evidence of Its magnificent effects can be seen everywhere if you will only shed your expectations and allow Reality to show Itself to you. As all the spiritual channels, and all the wise ones, and all your guides, and angels, and favorite saints are telling you constantly, all that you have to do, all that you need to do, is to allow! The power of God is within you, and when you allow, It will flow and the illusion will just fade away. With so very much love, Saul. The Arcturian Group by Marilyn Raffaele November 20, 2016by Jamie
Greetings dear ones. All is proceeding according to plan even though it may seem to you that the world is going backwards. Powerful energies of Light are creating a new world awareness resulting in battles between the old and the new. New frequencies of Light are exposing information and those who benefit from leaving things as they are, do not like it. This is what will bring change although it cannot happen in a moment for the majority needs time to process what they are becoming aware of. Those who are more intuitively awake know what it is they are seeing, and their realization of the truth behind all appearances is what is helping to dissolve these old energies. Every individual is consciously or unconsciously journeying toward full awakening but not everyone is at the same level of awareness at the same time. Old souls are those who have lived and learned through many lifetimes, whereas newer souls may have been only on earth several times and still need many more life experiences before they will be ready to move into higher levels of awareness. Continue to send Light and love to the world, visualizing earth and all her life forms as pure Light, for this is what they really are. This makes you Lightworkers. A lightworker is anyone who not only knows the truth but lives it, in the realization that in spite of appearances to the contrary everyone is a Spark of the one Divine Light. Many continue to think of lightworkers as being only those spiritually gifted individuals doing healing work, teaching, or channeling. This belief is a facet of the belief in separation for in truth everyone is a spiritual being and every activity becomes Lightwork when done with awakened eyes and ears. Lightwork is the natural effect of an evolved state of consciousness, one that without conscious effort can lift the energy of those receptive. Even the most seemingly insignificant of daily interactions are Lightwork when they flow on energy streams of true Love and Light. The time has arrived for mankind to cease declaring everything as either good or bad. This is duality and separation for nothing exists but the Divine in expression and to limit any person, place, or thing as less than that is third dimensional consciousness. Nothing exists that is not in its truest sense, spiritual. The un-awakened state of consciousness ignorant of truth, judges by appearances and then places labels on everything. You are ready to stop playing this game. Stay centered in what you know to be truth, aware that the energy of concern and worry you may flow to something adds energy and power to it. Pretending not to see discord by sticking your head in the sand and shouting; "God is all", is very human. No, as enlightened beings, you are learning not to give power to appearances knowing that belief in and fear of anything perpetuates it. You can then take whatever assisting human footsteps you may be intuitively guided to take, if any. Actions done from this higher sense of awareness carry a higher energetic resonance becoming Lightwork. Because the world is quickly moving into a seasonal time of giving and celebration, we wish to speak of Care or caring, a term that is commonly understood to mean consideration of another's feelings, needs, and general welfare. It is this, but much more. Caring is actually one of the first steps everyone makes in their soul journey toward attaining the consciousness of unconditional love. In reality caring and love are one and the same, but this fact is usually not known by those unaware of deeper truths. Caring is usually an individual's first experience of interconnectedness, especially for those who limit their expressions of love only to family and friends. This is part of the loving service that pets can provide. Accepting responsibility for a pet may be the first time an individual has had the experience of caring for another. A pet's natural ability to love provides the individual with experiences that will begin to open him to unconditional love despite the fact that he may believe he is simply taking care of an animal's basic needs. In order to move into the deeper truths of oneness and love, one must first learn to care. However, if not alert to the vast amounts of "pretend caring" floating about in the material world, those new to the emotions of caring can find themselves in situations of codependency doing whatever is asked of them and giving away their power in the belief that they are caring. Just as is true of loving, so it is true of caring that spiritual actions never mean being a doormat--the surrender of ones personal power--no matter how much pressure may be present. Some so called actions of caring are nothing more than platitudes of pretense and this can be easily seen in the actions of some (not all) corporations and businesses that promote their caring activities as a means of placing themselves in better public light for financial gain. The un-awakened ego often uses "pretend caring" to prove to itself and others how wonderful and unselfish it is. This type of caring is based in duality and separation but even this can be a first step for those just beginning to awaken. When donating to charities, always use your intuition and do your research, for not all "caring charities" are serving on the highest levels in spite of how they may promote themselves. We speak of caring because many are beginning to shift into more enlightened ways of seeing the world which in turn is opening many more to emotions of caring. World events are being known about and seen almost immediately through the rapid circulation of photos and news. This is bringing the plight of others face front to many who have up to now lived each day comfortably secure in believing whatever they are told by those in positions of authority. Caring action serves to open the mind and prepare it for the higher truths of love when spiritually ready. Acts of caring serve to change the consensus energy and open it to new levels. Caring in its truest and highest sense is; "I care because I know who you are. I see your struggles because I too have faced struggles. I care because you remind me of myself, and make me ponder what would I do in your situation. I care because I am you." Because the world is entering a time of seasonal celebration, promotional ideas of love and caring are flowing from all directions, the majority of which are based in financial goals and three dimensional concepts, not love. During the upcoming seasonal time stay alert and centered. Learn to recognize the hype of pretend caring, seeing it for what it is and not allowing it to become yours. The energies of earth have become increasingly intense and are manifesting through all levels of consciousness. All serious students of truth must stay alert, for it is very easy to align with the energies of political unrest and commercialism as they are pushed to you moment by moment each day--activities that express the material concepts of a world still lost in duality and separation. Stay centered and focused within, as best you can at all times. If or when you feel yourself slipping into some level of world hypnotism, pause right where you are and realize just for a second; "I AM". This can be enough to lift you out of it for denser energies cannot enter into the higher. If you do find yourself well and good in the illusions of sense, do not judge yourself to have failed, for there is no such thing, you just begin again, now more alert and aware. Let your holiday season acts of caring never be based in emotions of guilt or obligation but instead reflect a realization of Oneness. Let Thanksgiving represent a true sense of gratitude which is; "I have because I am" and let gift giving be; "In giving to you I honor the Divine, for you are that". Learn to recognize all celebrations as joy within Oneness. In celebration of our Oneness... We are the Arcturian Group The Kaleidoscope of Your Lifetimes ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. Have you ever considered the possibility that the structure of your life is a function all of your other lives put together? Just let that sink in for a moment. Everything that you have ever lived and everything that you have ever experienced in every other lifetime and in every other dimension has contributed to what you are living right now. This gives you a sense of continuity and the experience of evolution. There is nothing at all that is random about what you are living, and all of the choices that you made for this incarnation were quite calculated and precise. So it stands to reason then that you are living in a sort of kaleidoscope of experience where everything that you encounter, every choice that you make, and every action that you take in this lifetime affects all the others, and vice versa. You cannot escape the totality of who you are. The evolution of your consciousness depends upon this continuity. So let us assume that you are fascinated by this concept, by this reality that we are sharing with you right now. How can you benefit from this knowledge? What can you do about it? When you realize that there is nothing random about what you are living and what you are experiencing, that can give you a sense of clarity and ease about your life. As you see the bigger picture, it can give you a sense of calm and a knowing that everything is going according to plan. We are talking about the biggest plan possible here. We are talking about your evolution and your ascension. Every minute detail of every experience goes into the formula of creation for the next experience and the next. And that is why paying attention to your vibration is so important, because your vibration is at the heart of everything. It is the most important detail and the detail from which everything else flows. Be very certain about what vibration you want to offer as you turn the kaleidoscope of your journey, and do take a moment from time to time to appreciate the intricacies and the beauty of all that has gone into your present moment. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Message to Lightworkers – November 17, 2016 by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment The latest guidance from the Galactics, Earth Elementals, Ascended Masters, Faery Elders, and Angelic Beings known as the Collective: Greetings, fellow Light Warriors! We are glad to have this opportunity to speak with you again today. We are aware that many are feeling downcast and unsettled, sometimes worried and fearful, regarding recent turns of events in the United States that will affect not only life in that country, but in many countries. And we would say, that you are not merely witnessing, but taking part in the most powerful overhaul and upliftment of energies that this planet has seen in many millennia. Far from being in a position to see the end of things, you are witnessing a beginning, and an unprecedented one. Most assuredly, you are seeing the end of the old regime. You are seeing the end of the old control of the dark forces and dense, low frequencies that have kept human consciousness at a level of awareness that permitted only bare subsistence for so long. Under that old matrix, your higher instincts and higher dimensional abilities were kept separate from you, appearing only to a few who dared allow themselves to experience and speak or write about them. As they did so, they endangered themselves and their families, and were often persecuted, jailed, or executed for daring to bring not only their ideas, but their vibration to a state that the old matrix could not tolerate. In fact the usurpers have feared that more than anything else. And so here you stand again, ready to speak, as nearly all of you have in other lifetimes, of the higher vision you carry. You stand ready to live out the beautiful gifts of assisting the Earth and all beings in raising their vibration to a place of healing, enlightenment, and freedom from the pressures of past karma and unresolved trauma. Except that this time, the old paradigm of living under an oppressive state doesn’t quite fit. This time as you speak up, you are realizing: “There is power in my voice, and in my presence. There is power to my thoughts, decisions, realizations—to my whole higher path, which I am taking up more and more every day. This is a power that no Earthly structure can dismantle. This time, We stand strong, and we stand as One. They will not move us.” If you could see, as we do, the powerful energetic waves of human thought and determination—the powerful intentions now rising and coalescing into outer forms of renewal and emancipation around the world—you would not doubt this for a moment. You would see that far from all being lost, all is being won, though certainly, it appears that much is in danger at the moment. Understand that you brought yourselves to this moment. That humanity’s current situation is not something being done to you, but by you. You came not only to experience the lower vibrations, but to experience overcoming them, even experiencing Love and forgiveness of them. And you will move beyond this difficult time, this exhausting moment that wavers in and amongst despair and shock, anger and uncertainty, as you cocreate the New Earth from your beautiful intentions to be free of the old shackles, and to create a powerful, Light-filled planet that resonates with the higher dimensions. Speak out these words out loud now, and mean what you say: “I AM hereby declaring human sovereignty upon this Earth! I AM hereby calling forth Divine Government, and fully enacted NESARA Law, Now! I Am anchoring the higher energies needed for this now! All of us who are of the Light now work together as One. We claim and call forth the Higher Good of humankind and all life on Earth, fully demonstrated in new and higher forms now! We release the old forms. We create the New Earth, in all Her beauty and power, Now!” There is great cocreative power in your words, whether you speak them aloud or write them down as a written Declaration of Freedom and Sovereignty. Are you willing to be an alchemist for the new and higher energies pouring onto the planet, finding you as their vessel, their most beautiful expression? Are you willing to no longer invest thought and feeling in reacting to an old oppressive system that has been on the way out for several decades, and is now dissolving faster than you can comprehend? Of course you are! Of course you are releasing the old—disempowering it and dismantling it with your very presence, as you anchor these powerful energies of liberation. You are doing the work with your very breath, and presence upon the Earth. And if you feel exhausted physically or emotionally, know that you are going through an intense period of recalibration, rebuilding of every cell in your body and etheric being. You are also concentrating your energies on the work you carry out each night in your sleep state, working with your soul family and twin flame to enact and enable Earth’s freedom from the old constructs, while helping to create the new constructs, in whatever area your life mission is engaged in. And does knowing that make everything happening now all right, and perfectly joyful in your waking hours? Some days, no. And yet—is it for you, to project into the future some disaster that has not happened yet, and which will probably never be permitted by the collective of higher selves of all Lightworkers, who watch over the Earth at every moment? Is it your job to stress or worry? Or is it your job to be joyful, to live in peace with the pure and invaluable Present Moment? To see the Sun in His autumn (or springtime) playing upon the leaves and grasses, and to rejoice that all is well, whether it appears to be outwardly or not? For falling into fear is the old way, dear ones. It is not your way. It never has been. You took it on for a time, as part of your grand experiment into lower dimensional living. But it is the opposite of Love, and it is the opposite of Who You are. And so we rejoice with you, with your higher aspects who reside with us in the higher dimensions, as we walk beside you, usually unseen, feeling and experiencing everything with you as if we were ourselves in human bodies at this time (and you are greatly admired being upon the Earth at this amazing moment!). That slight movement in the corner of your eye is probably one of Us, making our Presence known to you, to remind you that we are with you at every moment—and that you are, in your increasingly fifth dimensional way, here with all of Us. Namaste, dear ones! This too is part of the journey. Part of the Light. Part of your beautiful vision. Stand back, and look at your creation from a broader view. We are with you, always. Copyright 2016, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to this original post. Thank you. Wake-up calls – The Council by Ron Head Wake-up calls – The Council Your world is now going through a massive awakening. We have pointed this out to you before. And each time we have also indicated that there was a vast amount of unknown, unseen, and unwanted things that had to be faced before you would begin to see the approach of the wondrous world that awaited you. We told you that you had not even scratched the proverbial surface. There are now, and will continue to be, wake-up calls to bring many things to your attention. If you are reading this on one side of the world, it will bring to mind, perhaps, something different to what it may invoke on the other side. These are things that must be addressed. As we have said, you are not going to wake up tomorrow in a world that has been miraculously transformed for you. BUT – you will wake up in a world that has been magically transformed by you. For several months, you have collectively been feeling the approach of major change. We confirmed this for you. We confirmed it through many channels. Your most frequently voiced response has been ‘bring it on’. You always interpret things according to your most dearly held desires. But a new world contains far more than that. Now it is, of course, a wonderful thing to have built a mental picture of the world you desire to live in. We highly recommend it. But one must also be able to see that there is a road to be traveled between where you are and that new world. And roads invariably have bumps and potholes. There will be shadowy things hiding in wait, and things that go ‘Boo!’, and washed out bridges. You said ‘Bring it on’ and you have brought it on. Or, more accurately, as co-creators you have each contributed to bringing it on. So we tell you this now. This that you are experiencing is the continuing intensification of the wave of change that you so desire. It is something for you to welcome and to guide, not something to reject and hide from. You cannot now, nor could you ever have, stopped the changes that you have spent millennia building from occurring – at least not for the planet. But you can draw them out, and you can experience them as either blessings or curses. You are fully capable of understanding those principles now. They may be seemingly new to some of you, but in truth they are not. These, being Truth, are what has been known as gnosis, or knowing. And there is nothing new about them. Truth is, has been, and always will be. And it is in the process of manifesting on your world, some would say, ‘at long last’. It will continue unabated, but you may experience it, will experience it, in direct proportion to your ability to accept it. Some will indeed not accept it. And their new world will differ in significant ways. They will have more and greater wake-up calls. Can you bring to your inner eye the image of the shaman facing the rising sun with open arms, welcoming the rise of the new dawn? We highly recommend that you make your life be a reflection of that image. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” Is a much more powerful thought than is “Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!” As your song says, “This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius.” Make of it what you will. Blessings and gratitude to each of you for what you have created and for what you shall create from this day forward. You have, as always, our unreserved and unconditional love. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, Available HERE. A third book is being compiled now. Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: Message to Lightworkers - November 8, 2016
The latest guidance from our friends, the Divine Beings known as the Collective: Greetings, Illuminated Ones! We are glad to have this time to speak with you today. And so there is great hubbub in the United States now, on this Election Day. We see many struggling with what they feel is an unfair choice—one in which you must choose among candidates who mainly seem to be sunken in fraudulent, often destructive behaviors. You feel some loss of empowerment, wondering, "How can I vote, when clearly, most candidates represent the old power structure in some way? Each is only contributing to the problems around us, by bowing to the powers-that-were, while here I am, standing up for empowerment of the human race? "What does it matter, whether I contribute or not?" And we would say, dear ones, that it matters a great deal. That those of you in the United States, and every country where citizens are able to cast a vote, are doing far more than simply choosing not only among those the dark hats have decided to present to you—those they believe will ensure their continued reign. Far more than that you are exercising a human right that did not exist on this Earth for millennia, then came to the forefront after many bravely sacrificed their physical safety and social standing, in order to stand against the status quo, and demand voting as a human right. As you vote, you stand with them, thanking them for the freedom they won for you and all successive generations. You are also saying to your higher self, and to all those now assisting Earth in the higher realms: “I AM using my voice. And my voice is declaring human sovereignty—the Divine Government of NESARA Law. I use my voice and my presence as an anchor for all higher energies now! “I AM casting my vote (etherically) only for those who will pave the way for Divine Government upon this Earth, regardless of who is elected. For all things contribute to the higher good of humankind and our planet now!” Do not be troubled by the commentaries, the prognostications, the catch phrases, and the swagger of the “winners” who are lording it over the “losers.” For there are powerful energies moving upon the Earth now—the blazing Violet Flame of St Germain, and the higher frequencies of many billions of Angelic voices rising in song and sacred chant, as well as the concentration of higher energies from Divine Beings of all forms, from your Galactic and soul families, from the very soul of Earth Herself, and all Her kingdoms and elementals. You have seen that Earth Herself is now able to hold the higher energies of the fifth dimension. See now that you yourselves, dear ones, are now able to hold those same fifth dimensional (and higher) energies—to anchor them wherever you stand, and all around your planet, as forms of a New Earth reality. And do you need to be famous, or wealthy, or have a beautiful face known to many millions, in order to wield that astounding influence? Not at all! We ourselves are not always seen face to face. And yet—you see and sense Us all around you. You see the beauty of the Sun as He rises, of the plants and flowers and trees, of the rich soil and the flowing waters, and the wind above them. And you know, from these expressions, that Divine Love is a constant, and truly, the Only reality there is. You yourselves carry these higher energies at every moment. You came for nothing less than to be an expression of Divine Love and Light itself! So do not listen, but smile at those who assure you that “All is lost” because this person or that was elected or not elected. Watch the energies—tune into them intuitively—now and over the next few months, and you will see that you are witnessing a tidal wave of good will and higher reason, washing over this Earth and every single consciousness in and upon Her. No one is immune. There is no hiding place deep or dark enough for those entities that have held your Earth hostage for so long to hide in. Forgive or release them, in whatever way you have found will work best for you. If you feel that you cannot forgive the actions of those who have worn the dark hats—played the shadow role—for so long that they feel that is their only purpose and identity, then simply call upon us. Say to us, “I AM holding the full intention to release and forgive all wrongdoing ever committed upon the Earth, and all those who enacted these. "If I am not fully able to do this, then Divine Beings of all forms—forgive and release them through me, and help all on that path to live out their higher good now. I give thanks!” That is all that is needed. We are here for you at all times. You may find coming up in your consciousness a number of people in your own life whom you need to forgive, even if part of your heart-mind is still in a state of anger, or frozen in shock as it was in that moment in your past. The same idea applies here as well: Hold the clear intent to release them to their higher good. Then open your hands, and let go. Give them to us, dear ones. The Light on your planet is such now, that you can no longer carry these grudges and resentments on your own. You must let go. And so you step now into new forms of beauty, strength, inner realization of your Divine Self, and a time of requiring the Equality, Peace, Justice, Beauty, Joy, and Truth that you have for so long desired but despaired could ever occur. Indeed it has already occurred in the etheric, or you would not be holding it in your hearts in such powerful and empowering ways. Consider it done. Namaste, dear ones! We all of us bow to your bravery, and we celebrate with you, as NESARA moves ever forward. Welcome its very Spirit into your hearts, your homes, your words, and visions. You are birthing it, as nations, cultures, and individuals. And this time, you are leaving none of you behind. Be of good cheer! We are with you, always. Copyright 2016, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to this original post. Thank you. The Shift to the Fifth Dimension ∞The Founders
Daniel Scranton “In the beginning of your journey you specified a timeframe for your awakening. You wanted to have a certain amount of experience with the third dimension and everything that goes along with living in it before coming to the realization that you are so much more than just a singular being in a physical body. The way that you experience your reality is what is actually shifting. You are not shifting from one dimension to another. You are adding dimensionality to the reality that you have been experiencing. And so giving yourselves the opportunity to experience all that the third dimension had to offer creates a necessity for something new, for something more. You will always crave experience. You will never be done exploring. You will discover new dimensions as you continue on in your journey. And when you do, you will explore them with a curiosity that can only be described as Divine. You are the Divine exploring the Divine. And everything that you create to give yourself a new experience adds to who you are. So nothing is ever wasted here. Nothing is ever a waste of time. If you remind yourself of that during those times when you seem to be standing perfectly still or moving further away from your goals, you will have an easier time navigating this reality of yours. And you will have more fun. And what is the point of going on a journey if you are not going to have fun? So understand that the joy of the journey must be its ultimate reward, since the journey never ends and you never stop becoming who you are. We are The Founders. We are the keepers of the flame.” Message to Lightworkers – November 3, 2016
by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment The latest guidance from our friends, the Galactics, Earth Elementals, Ascended Masters, Faery Elders, and Angelic Beings known as the Collective: Greetings, dear ones—Bringers of the New Earth! We are very pleased to have this opportunity to speak with you again today. We are aware that many millions are concerned regarding the upcoming elections in the United States, just as they are concerned about the influx of refugees from countries such as Syria and Afghanistan, or the forced removal of refugees from one camp or another. There is also of course ongoing concern for issues of armed conflict, climate change, and economies all over the world, as the large banks and corporations begin to fail. And we would say, that these situations are occurring for vital, Light-filled reasons, and not because the world is headed toward disaster. These changes as Earth is birthing a far higher frequency than She has held for millennia, and all of you are likewise moving up in frequency, exponentially. Understand that as we have noted before now, the time for fraud, exploitation, abuses of power, an apparent respectability that masks criminality, and other deceptions by the ruling classes, has now passed. The dark hats will no longer be able to continue their march into power or their continuation of it, as evidence found in emails, testimony from victims of assault, and other indications surface to tell their story, as well as tell-tale signs from the criminals themselves. They are beginning to reveal the depth of their crimes in the sound of their own words, in their own eyes, and in their own presence. And in this time of increasing awareness of what the energies of each person’s intention—in this time of increasing intuitive understanding in every person’s consciousness—it matters less and less who is saying what, or what they are pretending to be. The energies are such now, that each person’s true stance and true history are shining through them at every moment, revealing that lifeform’s level of consciousness, true intent, true life purpose, and even in many cases, their long-term mission. You may be thinking, “I’m glad that Lightworkers increasingly feel and know the truth. But what if those in a position to arrest high-level criminals in government or banking or big pharma or the military are too bamboozled or too terrified to do so?” We would say, that enough action is occurring behind the scenes, that those who are well-placed to make arrests, or to positively affect elections in one way or another, will be able to do so with the proper protection they require to head investigations, bring charges, and make arrests as needed, when the time is right for such. The white hats (those in government, banking, military and other “power spots” who are aligned with the Forces of Light) are well protected by the White Knights (the sovereign militia forces of the Ashtar Command), and will be brought through safely to do their work. And so it becomes every Light Warrior’s job not to stress or worry now, but to concentrate on NESARA in more powerful and active ways than you ever have before. For you are right, those of you who have sensed already, that the spirit of NESARA is in the very air you breathe now, in every tone sung by the wind and every molecule of water and ground you see around you. You see the bravery of those at the Standing Rock camps, in refusing to allow further desecration of the Earth, and Her soil, air, and waters. There is no coincidence that this is occurring now, of all times—there are many among them who, though they appear in human form, carry powerful Galactic and Angelic connections. And there is no form of imprisonment, no violent “pushback” or dehumanizing tactics on the part of those in uniform that can erase the lift in consciousness that these dear ones are bringing in now, not only where they stand, but around the world. They are demonstrating the reality of NESARA—human sovereignty and Divine government—along with all who are standing in the way of any bulldozer, physical or etheric, that is attempting to disregard human sovereignty and the sanctity of the Earth yet again. The tide has shifted, and it is carrying this great ship that is your beautiful planet to a new and higher reality. And so, stand up and stand with all those who are declaring the New Earth! Concentrate on this new reality for at least five minutes each day, and allow your emotions to experience the true reality of NESARA. Use your imaginative powers, and pretend that NESARA has just been announced. Celebrate with joy and excitement! Hop up and down like a joyful child who has just been handed a beautiful birthday present if you like, or sing a song of Truth and Freedom, Equality and Abundance, for all! Allow yourself the actual feeling—not only the preference, but the experienceof NESARA being very, very real, and happening NOW. This is how you birth anything new in your life, whether it is a new partner, a new job or business, a sum of money, an increase in income, greater health and well-being, greater inner growth and wisdom—any new and beautiful project, experience, or object that you know intuitively is already part of your lifepath. Use that powerful co-creational tool known as your imagination—that whichimages what you are creating, and therefore, that which creates—and let your words and your emotions ring out, “This is real now! NESARA is here, NOW! I give thanks!” Then allow yourself to celebrate—to outwardly demonstrate that beautiful new reality, with the joy of laughter or music or a dance, or some other outer expression of thanks, of Receiving. And refuse to be downcast or stressed regarding the confusion and seeming madness of the Earth’s experience at present! All is well, dear ones! You came here at this moment in Earth’s timeline, to make it so. And so it is! _______________ We should like as well, to answer a question from a dear one who asks: We are told that Niburu is very close to Earth, and that significant damage to the earth is going to result. In fact, the severe weather and Earth disruptions (volcanic and earthquakes) are attributed to Niburu. Are the predictions correct? Is there anything that can be done to prevent this? Also, Vladimir Putin is threatening nuclear war. How likely is this to happen? Here is our answer: Niburu, Mother Sekhmet’s ship/planet, is indeed closer to the Earth now. But this does not signal destruction for Earth or Her people. That great goddess is here, working with her consort Alcyone, the Great Central Sun, to undo great damage that occurred eons ago, in what you might term Earth’s pre-history and early history. And to ensure that life on the planet continues uninterrupted into the next level of evolution, which is that Ascension process that is bringing you into fifth dimensional planetary status. You have been protected many, many times from what are termed extinction-level events, and the current era is no exception. This is another example of a moment when you or any Light Warrior, with a vital question, can turn inward and speak with your spirit team, not only in any moment, but regularly each morning, asking for guidance, either from them or from Mother Sekhmet Herself. The severe weather and Earth eruptions are in part the result of a dark agenda that manipulates the weather, and in part the result of the shifts and changes that the Earth Herself is traveling through now, as She throws off the toxicity of many thousands of years of abuse, both in and upon Her being. We would ignore fear-inducing “predictions” which for one, can be disproved very, very quickly, as Time in your part of the Universe is speeding up to the point where increasingly now, clocks will become irrelevant in your day. This means that the timeline is likewise shifting so quickly, with so much occurring simultaneously, that even your best scientists are unable to make accurate predictions or even analyses, with the exception of those such as Dr Keshe and Dr Haramein and others who are working with Galactics and Galactic resources, and who are aware of the Ascension process. President Putin will not instigate nuclear war. This we can tell you without reservation, as no one is being allowed to create nuclear war. Most assuredly, Mr Putin is being painted as a criminal in the Western media. But this is a smokescreen, behind which other interests are working. The fate of the Earth is not in Putin’s hands, no more than it would be in any one person’s hands. That is not permitted, under Universal Law. A number of countries have attempted nuclear war over the past 50 or so years, and each attempt has been stopped in its tracks via Galactic and etheric intervention. Understand, as we have said numerous times, that you are not alone. You are part of us—part of this Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds. You are not waiting for us—if anything, dear ones, we await your realization of us, and your joining us as fully in your waking hours as you do etherically in your sleeping hours. Look up—we are here! And you are among us, and all your beautiful soul families with us! Welcome in all of these changes, even that which feels to be full of tumult—allow it, without resistance. Spread your arms wide. Welcome, Golden Age! Welcome, NESARA! We are One, and we are Free at last! Namaste, Light Warriors! Yes, Water is Life—and your Spirits, every bit as powerful as the greatest sea—flowing pure and clear, and creating new routes and expressions throughout this Universe, in every moment. Copyright 2016, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to this original post. Thank you. Message from the Council of Radiant Light
Channeled by Ailia Mira Beloved Friends, It is easier for you to know yourself when you are still more often. Spending a little time in stillness, regularly, can greatly assist you in coming into sovereign alignment. When you are still, you allow yourself to settle in a very deep way. So we’re speaking of being still, without agenda, without things to do. Letting yourself be present and notice what is around you and yet kind of merge with the moment with no ideas about later or next, or before or anything other than just being still. To be in stillness like this is a living meditation. To be in a moment like this and in this way, you can tune to the vastness you are. In this way, you become receptive, through your alignment and you are deeply nourished like when you sleep. Now then, The time is here for those of you ready to step into your divine identity as Creator Gods. You came here because you knew this would be a time of transformation and you wanted to participate. All of your experience has led you to this perfect now. Now you have all that you need to do this, you simply embrace your innate abilities and step into them. The world around you is thriving. A lot is happening all the time and the variety in play is only going to expand. What you notice, what you include in your sights, your attention is entirely up to you and this choice is your freedom. As a Creator God, you understand that all you pay attention to continues. You further all you pay attention to because you support it, energetically, with your focus. As you live, you discover your capacity to be in and with life, as consciousness. You find your ability to be in life as consciousness. There is an expansive wisdom to you. A vast and knowing aspect within your wholeness integrates everything and holds it all in knowing as unity. This Unity gives rise to the experience of harmony. This vast intelligence that effortlessly arranges all diversity organizes the connections and correspondences within infinite levels and spheres of creation in ways that are beautiful. This orchestration is a natural aspect of the innate intelligence of Life. It requires no effort, no work to create this harmony. There is only expansive intelligence knowing and creating, and unity expressing over and over again creating endless variations of beauty, everywhere. So you see, you can tune to this underlying stability, the unity the at is intrinsic in the way Life is, and orient to the harmony and see the beauty of it all. It’s here. Each moment is abundant and resplendent with this innate unity that can be felt as beauty, like harmony, as the poetry of the moment displaying itself to you, gloriously. So there is that experience of life, and there are countless others. That experience - feeling the innate radiant well-being of all that is - can also become personal as you notice too, that which you love. Your love of particular things, enriches this intelligence and gives the expansive presence of Life a new consciousness, expanded consciousness; through your perspective and felt experience. Expansion drives all of creation. All of life is compelled to develop and further itself, and this drive is innate in everything. All manifestations of life are temporary, but the expansion of consciousness is eternal. So you see, when you live, knowing yourself to be consciousness then you anchor into the eternal. Once you do this life becomes a flow within you and around you that you can experience and expand with and from. You co-create with Infinite Intelligence, the expanding experience of your incarnation. Now, at this time, you have a choice before you. All humans do. The remembering of your eternalness, your divinity, is grounded in the reality in which you are focused. The truth about your true nature is available to you, and knowing this is a game changer. Think of how things changed when the discovery that the Earth is round became a given. Or the invention of penicillin. Changes like this can liberate you from things that you felt before were not possible, or were sure to kill you. This knowing of your true eternalness that we are talking of here is exponentially more transformative. There is no need to believe any longer in any way that life is not plastic. Life is plastic; it is malleable, supple, easily changed. Your attention is the way you shape and mold your experience. More there, less there - this gives form to the unfolding of your experience which you think of as your life. To live this and to know you are Divine, eternal, perpetual and in no need of fixing, healing, cleaning yourself out of anything, or making yourself better, is to claim entirely new potentials for embodiment. A lot of people might have heard this information and might even believe it is so. It is only those of you who live from it and allow that choice to simplify your experience who will pave the way for the New Reality by creating it through your lives and your energy presence. All of this, like all things, becomes very clear and simple once you’ve gotten it. Like all great dilemmas in life, there is a simple insight which then makes everything else just go, “poof.” It all disappears. If you let yourself live the knowing. If you do, once you begin to live from this pure knowing you discover what an uncomplicated life of immense creativity, love, expansion, and joy your embodiment is. You then realize how incredibly resourced and stable the world is. In this new state you view life differently. You may still be aware that around you there seem to be storms, and people living in drama and what to them feels like a crisis. Some will still portray life as awful and declining. In this more direct, clear relationship to your life here, you will recognize the disorientation of these experiences. In its straightforwardness and thriving, your presence and your life can wake them, and shake them free of the belief that nothing else is possible. That liberation which feels like hope is a great gift. Let that be in your knowing as you carve out new pathways and a happy beginning in the light, as the Creator you truly are. We are the Council of Radiant Light |
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