The Current & Upcoming March Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton's Channeling [email protected] via Thu, Feb 17, 2022 “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very excited to bring you this transmission, because we know how many of you are interested in receiving some good news for a change, and we have noticed that the energies that have been coming in to support all of you and to co-create with you have been incredibly well received. You have gone beyond the expectations of most, and you have enabled the beings who help and support you, like ourselves, to go even further and deeper. We now have the ability to reach all of you through the crown chakras at any time because of the willingness that you have shown to open up to the higher-frequency energies. This means you can expect more direct communication with those like us, and you can expect more immediate downloads when you are asking for them, and when you are open in your hearts to receiving them. Your crown chakras are open, but you still have to be able to assimilate the energies that you receive, and that is why you need those hearts of yours to be open. That is why it is so important for you not to interfere by thinking your way out of receiving what you have asked for and what is being freely given by us and the others who help you. This bodes very well for all of you in regards to the upcoming March energies, as well as the equinox energies that are coming your way very shortly. You are ready for some major changes there in your lives and on planet Earth, and enough of you have surrendered and have accepted the current state of affairs to allow in what you’ve been asking for at this time. And when you ask, you ask for not only yourselves, but for everyone else there on Earth as well, and that amplifies the delivery of all of the energies, as well as increasing the power and strength of those energies. You are making room in your chakras for what you have asked for by letting go of what no longer serves you, and while that has been a painful process for many of you, just keep in mind that whenever you’re going through something, whether it’s a painful emotional experience or a painful body, you are making progress because you are releasing what you are becoming aware of in that moment. Keep embracing, surrendering, and being willing to feel everything that comes up for you, and you will continue to be the most powerful conduits of energy that Earth has ever seen, and remember also to call upon us directly and to expect that what you ask for is automatically given to you. That will make it easier for you to relax and receive it. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Is Happiness a Part of Your Ascension? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton's Channeling [email protected] via Wed, Feb 16, 2022 “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very interested in what makes humans happy, what brings you the most joy and puts you in the greatest amount of alignment that is possible. We witness you in many different scenarios, and we notice the ones that you thought would make you happy and compare those to the ones that actually do make you happy. What we have noticed is that happiness comes spontaneously to those who are choosing to look for that which is intrinsically joyous in their experience. In other words, if you turn your head slightly, you could be looking at a pile of garbage, but if you turn your head slightly in the other direction because you are seeking something to observe that will put a smile on your face, you could notice that there’s a field of flowers, just forty-five degrees from that pile of garbage. So the choice is yours, as always, and it doesn’t always have to be some momentous event that will put you in a perpetual state of joy, or at least will give you some joy leading up to it, during it, and when you are remembering it. Happiness can be a choice because your ability to focus is one that you either employ or do not employ, depending on your awareness. When you are truly being conscious in the moment, you recognize that there is a choice. You can think about all the things that you have to do, or all of the life situations that have you worried when you focus upon them, or you can tilt your head slightly and look at a cloud and notice how beautiful and majestic it is. You have animals on your planet, and certain ones naturally put you in a joyous state. Even as we speak through the channel here, he can pick up on the sounds of the birds singing outside of his home. There is so much to get happy about, and there is so much that you could focus on that would put you into a downward spiral that would then be hard to get out of, and that’s why it is so important to be present and aware of what you are focusing on in the present. You do want to enjoy this journey, and you also want to spread joy wherever you go, because that is the best way to ensure that others are also enjoying the journey. If you put a little skip in your step as you walk down the street, someone is going to see that and smile. It is easier to connect to what brings you happiness when you set aside time in your day that you devote to those things that put you in a state of joy, but it is also possible to find the joy in your daily commute to and from work. It is also possible to find joy in the chores that you do and in the errands that you run. It is possible to appreciate the fact that you exist, that your heart is beating, and that you can breathe in air, and when you are that conscious in the moment of the joy of beingness, then that which is joyous becomes more apparent to you. Talk about the things that bring you joy; focus on them. Think about them, and move towards them and notice how the universe can always bring you more, and you will raise your vibration, which is something we often talk about in these transmissions. In raising your vibration, you raise the level of consciousness, and you help all of humanity. So you see, acts of service do not have to be things you force yourself to do out of a sense of obligation to be something to your fellow humans that they need you to be. You can just be yourself and be happy and help everyone along the way of their journey to the fifth dimension. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
What Makes You the Lightworkers & Changemakers ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton's Channeling [email protected] via Tue, Feb 15, 2022 “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are always on the lookout for a new perspective, a new approach, a new way of leaning in to our work and our ability to perform the work that we have in front of us. We know that there is so much that we still have to discover, and we look forward to each and every droplet of new experience and new knowledge that can come our way. We share everything that we can with you, once we make a new discovery, and in our constant observation and study of all of you, we often make new discoveries. We want you to know that these new ways that we have of approaching our assistance to you will not always be apparent to you, but please do know that there is an evolution of our consciousness going on, and we pass that on to you. One way we do this is with the words that come through the channel, but the other and more important way is the energetic transmission. We know how many of you are opening up to receive that which is new as well, and we encourage you to let go of what you thought you knew to be as truth as often as possible, so that you remain open to what could come in to your awareness and give you the boost that you need to make it to the next level of your evolution of consciousness. You are not just there to relive and repeat that which is old; you are there to give birth to that which is new, that which is unique and that which is unusual. Oftentimes when you do this, there is resistance. There are those who are very set in their ways and who want things to either stay the same or go back to an earlier time, a time that they perceive was better than the time you are living in now, but all of that is to be expected on a world where polarity exits. You have hot and cold, up and down, left and right, and so you must have at least two perspectives on everything. It is important to not get attached to these perspectives so that you can let the new ones in. It is important for you to know that you are growing constantly, not only in your spirituality, but also in the way that you are able to perceive reality and in the ways you are able to access ideas, information, and new approaches to living life there on planet Earth. Many of you will refer to these as downloads, or you will recognize that you have channeled something, and some do not, and that is okay. It is perfectly fine for everyone to have their own experience of reality and of their way of perceiving the world. But you are the lightworkers, the changemakers; you are on the leading edge there, and that is why you respond to us so well. We are bringing you what is bright, shiny, and new in many different ways, and you are taking it and sculpting it into a better world for all humans, and that is why our relationship to you is so special and one that we cherish always. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
How Do You Change the Minds of Other Humans? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton's Channeling [email protected] via Mon, Feb 14, 2022 “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very pleased to continue to praise humanity for how far you have come, and we also praise you for the work that you continue to do towards becoming a unified, harmonious whole. You are already a collective, but you do not operate as one in the way that we do. Our knowing that we are a collective is not questioned by any of us who are a part of this collective, and therefore, it is so much easier for us to operate as a single, whole unit. This is what humanity striving towards, whether you realize it or not. Whether you know it or not, you are moving in the direction of a unified consciousness that operates through the collective will to support everyone within the collective, rather than self-interest. It is a huge undertaking, especially when you think about the way humanity has operated there on Earth for so long. And with this intention comes a lot of challenges, because you are faced by those who do think more about themselves than others. And it’s hard to convince someone with your words that they need to care about the collective they are a part of, but it’s easy to do this when you radiate that oneness from within you. When you see the world through the eyes of Source, and you see no separation between you and another person, you and an animal, you and the entire planet, then that is not only the vibration you put out, but it becomes the world you are creating. And so, it’s important for you to recognize how powerful you are and to give yourselves permission to feel that power, because the alternative is to feel powerless and give up. It’s important for you to recognize that you are not alone in the mission of bringing human beings together into one harmonious whole. There are many scattered all across the planet doing their work and accessing what they need to access in order to shine their light more brightly. And when you shine your light more brightly, you do convince people without the need to address them at that level of the mind. There is a peace, a love, and a joy within each and every one of you, and when you find it and you radiate it, others will want to do the same. They will want that feeling that you have discovered to be within them as well, and then that will be your next mission; it will be to teach others how to discover within themselves what you have discovered. You can all live on a very beautiful, loving, peaceful planet Earth together, and no one has to be removed or incarcerated. No one has to die in order for this to happen. It’s when you see the world and everyone in it as you that you begin to see how much easier it is, especially if you’ve been thinking along the lines of, ‘How do I change all of these minds to get them to agree with me?’ That sort of thinking will overwhelm you and get you to the point of hopelessness. Start with tuning in more consciously to what you’re thinking, feeling, believing, vibrating, and go from there, and you will see that it’s a much easier task than when you attempt to do it the hard way. It is in fact inevitable that you all come together in this way, and we see it happening all the time within individuals who are making a huge difference there on Earth, and that is why we will continue to praise you and to be confident in your success. Your evolution and ascension are happening, and they will continue to happen no matter what. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Creating Your Path to the Fifth Dimension ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton's Channeling [email protected] via “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are putting a great deal of emphasis at this time on your free will to choose what you want to create for yourselves, and we want to be very clear about the fact that you do get to choose which reality, or timeline, you find yourselves on. You have more freedom to choose now than ever before because you have already shifted to the fourth dimension, and because if you choose to take part in the shift to the fifth dimension, you will. And so, now is the time to flex those creative muscles of yours, and demonstrate that you have mastered the use of your free will by creating the remainder of this journey that you are on to 5D exactly as you want it to be. We will sometimes point out a possibility, or a direction that we see you going in, and then we will notice how what we have told you has sparked a lot of that creative energy within you. In other words, no matter what we say as ninth-dimensional beings, you will always be the ones creating your reality. You will always be the ones choosing from the timelines that you have in front of you. This is your experience, and these are your lives to live. So do not take anything that we are telling you, or anyone else is telling you, about possible futures as something that is set in stone. You are there to create and experience, and everything that you experience is meant to inspire you to create, and that includes our messages to you. We would much rather see you create what you want to experience and go off and vibrate in harmony with it then to just accept a fate that you do not want to be living, and we know that our cohorts here in the higher-dimensional planes feel the same way. We will talk to you about possibilities and probabilities so that you will broaden your scope in terms of what you believe is possible, but at the end of the day, we want to give all of the power back to you. And so, that is what we are doing now. We invite you to look around at your world and your personal life and ask yourselves, what is it that you want to experience? What is it that you want to create? And we want to assure you that at this time in human history, the sky really is the limit. Don’t think small or dream small, because there is no need for you to do so, especially not now. Now is the time to spread your wings and soar to the reality that you have created, the reality that you have determined is the best one to be living in. And those of you who are taking others into consideration when creating that future experience are in those moments co-creating with your fellow humans and drawing upon that same energy that they do. Therefore, now is the time for collaboration and co-creation as well, and everything is more fun when you do it with others. So we invite you to gather together with those high vibrational friends of yours and discuss what it is you want to move towards as you continue this journey you are on to the fifth dimension. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” The Outside World is Lying to You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Daniel Scranton's Channeling [email protected] via Wed, Feb 9, 2022 “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are quite capable of measuring our own progress because we are so attuned to our overall vibration, and the feeling of expansion that is available to us at all times as beings who are consciously expanding. Humans tend to look for evidence of your progress, your evolution, by how much of what you want is in your life, as compared to how much of what you don’t want is in your life. This is not the best way to measure your progress and spiritual evolution. You are a being of light and love that is expanding all the time, and that means you are capable of feeling more grace, more joy, more of the love that you truly are. But you wouldn’t know that unless you tuned in to the ability that you have to feel all of that and more. You don’t know you are expanding unless your expansion is important to you, and you are willing to feel for it. You cannot measure any of your experience as a spiritual being by looking at the physical world, but you can always tell how you are doing in any given moment by exploring what you are feeling about the physical world as you observe it. Sometimes this is the way that you present yourself with an opportunity to show you that you have changed and are evolving. You put yourself in the same set of circumstances and you check to see whether you respond in the same way. Ultimately, of course, you want to respond in a better way than you did before when having the exact same experience, and that response is up to you. You get to determine how you respond to something when you are conscious and when you slow down enough to take it in, realize how you feel about it, and process those feelings. Someone who reacts usually isn’t aware of what they are feeling until after they have had their reaction, and those reactions usually are with words or actions that are coming from a lower-vibrational place. But you don’t need to recreate a big mess in your life to show yourself that you have been expanding, evolving, ascending, and becoming more of who you really are. You can feel for the movement forward you are making if you are taking the time to consciously reach within for what is available to you now that wasn’t available to you yesterday. And you also have the ability to feel outside of your physical body if you can be patient enough with the process of stretching your consciousness out beyond physical form. This too will give you everything that you need to reassure yourself that you are in fact making progress there on Earth and that you are always making progress all the time, no matter how it looks to you in the outside world. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” How to Jump Timelines & Accelerate Ascension ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton2/8/2022
How to Jump Timelines & Accelerate Ascension ∞9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton's Channeling [email protected] via “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are often pleasantly surprised by humanity and the way that you can have these sudden bursts of high-frequency vibrational states of being. We see many of you jumping timelines and going to much better realities in the blink of an eye, because you are willing to do the work that is necessary on yourselves and that enables you to keep up with the energies of ascension, which are energies of transformation. Ascension is not about just taking you to a better place because you’ve been a good person. Ascension is about helping you to transform yourselves from within, which then creates the better place around you. And that’s what you’re doing all the time. So when you see improvements in your life, know that it is because you have made improvements within the self. When you feel that the energies are strong and powerful in any moment, you want to surrender to them. You want to trust that the energies are going to help you, that they were meant for you, and that they are taking you to a higher-vibrational plane of existence, which is also a better timeline. A timeline is just a series of now moments strung together that then make logical sense to the mind. But you don’t have to stay on a timeline. Your minds are quite capable of taking over and explaining to your childlike, imaginative self that you cannot expect things to be much different than they were yesterday. Your minds actually enjoy limitation, because limitation helps the mind make sense of your world and how it works. But you are there to go beyond the mind, to go into realms that the mind cannot possibly fathom or understand. Your minds cannot even picture realities that you have coming up ahead of you. And so, when you surrender to what you’re feeling happening all around you, energies that are supportive of your transformation and of ascension, you can let go of control, you can go with the flow, you can let yourself be taken to the better feeling timeline. It’s easy when you stop trying to figure it out. It’s easy when you let go of the mental gymnastics and all the mental processing, and instead you let yourself feel into what is happening and do the emotional processing and the vibrational activation that you want to experience. This is how the universe works; it’s quite simple, really. And once you get the hang of it, you can live however you want to live, and go wherever you want to go, and even be whomever you want to be. It just takes a little bit of focus. You have to focus in an appropriate way, because you’re always focusing on something, but you’re not always paying attention to how you feel about what you’re focusing on. When we see people caring more about how they feel, that’s when we see the giant leaps, the sharp left turns, and the huge spikes in the vibration of the overall human collective consciousness. And that is what we like to see, and that is why we keep giving you the instruction manual and then supporting you in all of those endeavors. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Who Should You Believe Regarding Current Events? ∞9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton's Channeling [email protected] via “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are listening to the rhetoric that is being passed along there on Earth at all times, and we want all of you to know that whether you are getting your perspective from someone who is an anchor on a mainstream media news channel, or you are getting it from someone on social media or YouTube, you are only getting their perspective. You get one person’s angle on something, and you can accept that as fact, as truth, if you want to, but you don’t have to accept just one opinion, one point of view. You can pull back from the entire situation and look at it from all the angles to have a more bird’s eye type view of whatever the topic is. You don’t have to give all of your power away to one person or one group, because they make a convincing argument about something, and of course, they will have a desire to convince you that they are right for some reason. Sometimes someone wants you to believe in what they say, because if you believe, then you validate them and their perspective, and they truly need that. Sometimes someone will be trying to convince you of something because they desire popularity, fame, fortune, and sometimes there is a political agenda behind what someone is spoon-feeding you. It’s hard for you to discern sometimes what someone’s agenda is, especially when you like other things that they have had to say on various topics over the years. Perhaps this individual is a great teacher of how to manifest the reality you desire, but then they also delve quite deeply into conspiracy theories, and when you watch those videos, you can feel your stomach turning. That can make it quite challenging for you to know which channel to tune in to for information. We will tell you that you don’t really need information as much as you need teachings. You need beings, whether in human or extra-terrestrial form, who will guide you into yourself, into your own truth. What you really want to know is how you feel, and if someone is telling you to listen to them instead of your feelings, then that’s a red flag. You also want to know what to do about your feelings when they come up and how to get yourself operating at a higher vibration. What you don’t want is to tune in to some information that disempowers you. You don’t need people telling you that this is the way it is, and there’s nothing you can do about it. There’s always something you can do about it, no matter what the topic. No matter what the issue is, there is a way to vibrate in harmony with the reality that you would prefer to experience. There is not one future that you are all destined to live; it is up to you what you vibrate in harmony with. And you have the ability to tune in at all times to what you are vibrating and shift it to a higher frequency, and that is really all you need to know. We care about you, and we care about your vibration, because we care about how you feel. And so, when we see you all tuning in to rhetoric that leaves you feeling worse, we know that you are confused, and we know that you need to let go of the mental processing, so you can go do some emotional processing. And we also know that once you clear whatever was just triggered inside of you, that’s when you can vibrate on purpose, and create a much better-feeling reality for you and for everyone else there on planet Earth. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
New Portals for Bringing February, March Energies & More ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton's Channeling , via “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you . We are very excited to announce that we have been working with e.t.s from other dimensions on a project, and that project has been about opening up more portals, more delivery systems for energies to reach planet Earth and your atmosphere. These portals are not just about delivering to you the February energies, and they are not just about delivering the March energies. These portals will remain open in order to assist those of us who are helping all of you, and they will be more precise and able to handle more energies than other portals that you’ve had open there for quite some time. This is wonderful news for humanity, as you need all the support you can get. You need all the love and compassion you can get, and you need all the upgrades, downloads, and activations that these portals also deliver in order to ready you for full extra-terrestrial contact. There is always a lot going on behind the scenes in the positive, and that’s what we will always tell you about. All the positive beings and all the help that you are receiving far outweigh any negative agendas, so you might as well stop paying attention to the reports of what is happening that is in support of any sort of negative agenda. It’s like lighting a match during a hurricane. You are enveloped by positive energy all the time. You are surrounded by guides, angels, galactic team members, and other helpers that are just happening by, and there is so much for you to feel excited about. There is so much for you to feel, period. If you open yourselves up to the positive energies coming in, you will have a positive experience of the rest of 2022 and the rest of your time in the fourth dimension, as you begin the feel the urgency of the shift and the necessity for it. But the shift is happening within each and every one of you, and it happens with so much more ease and joy when you open yourselves up to these wonderful energies that are being delivered to you through the portals you already had and the new portals that are opening up right now. Relax and be at peace. Know that help is on the way, and know that as you receive that help, you will have more to give to your fellow humans. We know that you have so much compassion within you and that you want to be of service to so many, and the energies of 2022 will be very supportive to those who are looking to be of service in some way, shape or form. Even if you haven’t figured out yet what you can do personally, keep in mind that opportunities will present themselves that you cannot fathom with your physical minds. Just know that for now, opening yourselves up to these energies and letting them flow through you is enough, and that you are enough and your contributions are enough to tip the scales and to help bring about the very positive, loving and joyous shift in consciousness that you all want and deserve. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Daniel Scranton's Channeling [email protected] via “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are listening to all of those of you who reach out to us, and we are watching as well, witnessing, being the observers that we are. We know that there are certain changes you would like to see in your lives and in the outside world around you, but we also know that sometimes it serves you to be right where you are for a little bit longer. More often than not, the support that we send is to help you get through something and to receive the benefits from having experienced it, rather than just reaching down with our nonphysical hands and scooping you up out of an unwanted scenario in your lives. We love helping you, and watching you grow and expand, and we realize that only a certain amount of help is really helpful, and when we go overboard, we essentially rob you of a growth experience. And more and more of our colleagues who are in other dimensions and other star systems are realizing the same, and that helps more than you realize because when we are giving you the right assistance, it actually shortens the amount of time that you have to spend living something that you’ve created. Because if we were to reach down and scoop you out of a situation, your higher self would realize that you still hadn’t gotten what you needed out of it, and you would recreate the same scenario, or a very similar one, so that you would get the growth out of it that you intended all along. Feel for the support in helping you to process emotions, helping you to communicate to others what you need to. Feel for the support that encourages you to go within and find the power that you have to change everything in the blink of an eye. Feel for the love around you when you’re going through one of those dark nights of the soul, and listen to all the guidance that you’re getting from within. Your feelings, your intuition, and your inner knowing are all wonderful tools that need to be employed in order for you to get through what you need to faster, more joyously and with better, long-lasting results. Now, you have others in your lives that you want to help, and some of you struggle with how much is an appropriate amount to give to that person, or those people, who consistently look to you for help. You also have to choose wisely, because you want that person to be independent, and you want that person to realize just how powerful they are. You want to see them grow and evolve through their challenges, but the compassionate empath within you also wants to just make everything better for that person. You want them to stop feeling bad in the now moment. What you can always do for every person and every group that you become aware of that needs help is you can send love, compassion, healing energy. You can soothe; you can hold space. You can reassure. You can remind people that they are powerful beings, and that whatever they are experiencing will pass in time. It is true that what you experience in your lives is all very much calculated, but not all of it was planned out before you incarnated. You are planning at night while you are asleep, based on choices you’ve made and vibration you’ve offered. So remember that as well, that you can change what you’re offering and change the path you are on, and so can everyone else. And when people come to you in need, tell them your stories. Tell them how you overcame something and how you grew from it. And let them know that you believe in them and that you believe that they can make the choices that will change everything for themselves and their current life situation. You are allowing us to work through you every time you offer to be of service to one of your fellow humans, and that is one of the many things about connecting with humanity that brings us so much joy. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” |
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