The July 2022 Energies & Your Purpose ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Daniel Scranton [email protected] via “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very eager to see what you do with the energies coming in for the month of July. July is going to be such a pivotal month in the evolution of consciousness there on planet Earth, because you are going to get so much support for the accessing of more of your sense of your purpose in this lifetime. And those of you who have known what your purpose is in this lifetime will be getting support in regards to furthering those pursuits. Also, even if you think you know what your purpose is in this lifetime, we have news for you. You don’t just have one purpose for being there; you have many. Any more of your purpose for being there, or your purposes for being there, will be revealed to you in this month of July, 2022. You have been given greater access to your spiritual gifts and abilities, and you have been assisted in cleansing and clearing your lower three chakras, and now it’s time to do something with those wonderful energies of June. And remember, June was also a month about more and more people than usual there on Earth awakening to the truth of who they really are. So it is the perfect time for all humans to gain access to more of their sense of purpose, and it is also the perfect time for people to have more opportunities to share what it is they have to share with the rest of humankind. In other words, you may know what your purpose is, but you may not always feel like you can do anything about what it is you want to do and what it is you know you were born to do. That’s where these July energies come in, and that’s where those of us who are a part of the Nonphysical Collective of Helpers come in. We come in to offer you everything that we can, including inspiration, support, ideas, and helpers on the physical level, to bring you to the place where you need to be so that you can be exactly what you set out to be in this lifetime as well. It is important for you to feel that and to know that, and then when the opportunities come along, it is important for you to take them. Take actions when actions are necessary. Say yes to opportunities when they come along. Be ready to share your gifts and abilities with others who will benefit from them. Continue to work on yourselves and what you have to share with your fellow humans, and your fellow humans will continue to show up and ask you to help them with what they need. Every piece in this universe has its proper place where it fits in, and sometimes you are the helper, and sometimes you are the one being helped. And it’s all perfect in that way, and we are so excited to see you all having that greater sense of purpose and acting upon those opportunities, offering that help and assistance that you have to give. And we also just are excited to see you all being yourselves fully and completely in this lifetime, and that is why we are in love with the month of July, and we know that you will all be falling in love with it as well. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.
The Great Financial Reset & You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton [email protected] via Mon, Jun 20,2022 “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very interested in assisting you with your spiritual evolution because we are very interested in the process of returning home to Source. We are excited and eager to see how that process will continue to unfold for humanity there on Earth, and we also enjoy seeing how we can help. We give you the help that we do all the time, of course, but there are times when you feel it more and when you experience it more. As you close out the month of June there on Earth, you will find that the work you have already done begins to pay off and show up in interesting ways in your lives. You can expect to experience more of the manifestations that you have desired coming to you because of the clearing work that you’ve done throughout the month of June. And with the solstice energies that are fully upon you now working on your behalf as well, you can expect things to continue to improve, both in your personal lives and in life on Earth in general. We invite you to start just by enjoying this wonderful time period you are in right now where you get to receive and benefit from just having been there on Earth, just having stayed in your physical body. You get to these points where there are massive influxes of energies, and you may think that to keep up with them, you have to take a lot of actions. But in reality, you just have to stop, relax, and open up to them. People there on Earth have been talking about a great financial reset for a while, and that excites many because there are many more of you who feel like you have not enough, and very few who feel like they have more than enough, and people would like to see those scales leveled off and evened out. But the reset is happening within each individual. That’s the real reset that’s going on. That’s what you are there to experience right now, and that’s why your lower three chakras needed to have all the work done on them that they have throughout the month of June. Now you are ready to reset your internal realm, your own frequency, your own energies. That’s what results in leveling the playing field out there in the physical realm, and that’s what many people miss when they think about a reset of the currencies, or the financial markets, or the economies. The resetting needs to occur within the individual first, and then you can experience it outside of you. So imagine yourself today focusing on pressing that reset button within you and what that feels like. Imagine having a fresh start without having to leave your body and come back into a new one, because that’s what the shift is all about, and remember that you are truly the creators of this reality you experience, and that as Source Energy Beings you are using the illusion to know yourselves and to grow exponentially. If you want to play a different game than the one you have been playing, then now is the time to hit your own reset button and start over in all the ways you desire to start over in this lifetime. Never has this been more possible or probable for all of you than it is right now. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
What You Need to Know About the June Solstice ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton [email protected] via 4:02 PM (16 minutes ago) “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very aware of the changes that need to take place there on Earth, and we are also aware of the energies that we can provide that will help you to make those changes. We want you to know that there are so many who are working on your behalf at this time, and of course, you always have your sun and your own planet sending you energies assist you. The solstice is one of those times when the sun gives you a little extra, and it is also a time when all of us give you a little extra because of the alignments, because you are more open and receptive at the time of the changing of the seasons. You have been experiencing a lot of clearing in those lower three chakras of yours throughout the month of June and especially around the time of the full moon. Perhaps you noticed. And now, as the solstice approaches, the energies are coming in stronger and with greater intensity to assist all of you in opening up to all of the gifts and abilities that you have already attained in other lifetimes. Now, some people on your planet are not ready for that just now, and so, what they will get will be an energetic download that assists them in preparing for those gifts to be activated. But those of you who are ready and who have been waiting for specific gifts to come online, this is your time. This is a time of greater awareness. That’s what we would call a time of awakening. It’s about awareness, and one of the things you need to be made aware of is how much is inside of you, how much you’ve already accomplished in other lifetimes, and how much you still have yet to tap in to. It’s all coming. It’s all on its way, and it’s all directed to you, specifically. That means it’s time for you to relax, let go, and open up to receive. You can expect your gifts and abilities to come online, and you can prepare yourselves by being grounded in your bodies, being hydrated, and letting go of that which is not serving you. We are talking about habits, but we are also talking about thoughts, beliefs, energies that you hold in your chakras that you know you can clear by paying attention to them and breathing into them. These are the things you can do to facilitate the acquisition and activation of those spiritual gifts and abilities you all desire, and these solstice energies are coming in to help with that. They are coming in to help everyone because everyone needs a greater level of awareness in order to truly awaken to the truth of who they really are as a Source Energy Being. Now, once you notice that you have greater access to one or more of your gifts, you’re not done. You then have to use the gift, or gifts, and you have to trust what you are getting when you do, because when you trust you are more likely to share, and when you share, you are more likely to get positive feedback. And when you get positive feedback, you are more likely to have confidence. And when you have confidence, you are more likely to use your gifts again and again. And that is another way that all of you who are receiving these transmissions can help humanity to grow, to evolve, to expand, and ultimately to ascend to the fifth-dimensional level of consciousness. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Pleiadian/Human History & Co-Creating w/Them Now ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
xDaniel Scranton [email protected] via “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very happy to announce to all of you that you are already seeing the effects there on Earth of the June energies, the mass awakenings, the solstice energies, and of course, the full moon, which will be upon you shortly. You have begun to show this universe what you are made of, and your strength, your power, and your willingness and heal and to feel are coming to the surface right now at the best possible time for humankind. You have the opportunity to send a message to your e.t. friends, and that message is that you are ready now for more. You are ready for more contact, ready for more technology, ready for more philosophical help, and certainly you are ready for the healing energies that are coming to you from all across the galaxy, especially the Pleiadian star system. The Pleiadians are very close to humanity in a variety of ways, and they feel very responsible for you. The ones in physical form can look enough like an Earthbound human to fit right in to your society, and that gives them a great deal of influence. They are the original influencers there on Earth, and they have done so much for you over the eons of time that humans have been incarnating on Earth, but some of what they had done in the past turned out to be not so good for humanity. And so, when they answer the call for healing there on Earth, they are undoing some of their karma. They know, we know, and you know that human beings deserve to thrive. You have everything that you need there on Earth, and Earth keeps giving more and more of what you need all the time. And you are intelligent beings, you are feeling beings, and you are creative beings, and your creativity is the envy of many beings throughout the galaxy. The adversity you have faced has caused you to create so much that is beautiful on your world, and your Pleiadian friends want to co-create with you. They especially are taking notice of the movement forward humanity has made in the month of June, and they are very excited about the doors that have been opened to them. You have so much to offer the rest of the galaxy, and that is something for you to consider as well. Think about how much you can give to your e.t. friends who are scattered throughout your skies right now in their cloaked ships. They are waiting for you just as you are waiting for them, and the coming together occurs when you take advantage of moments in human history like you have there on Earth right now. Take advantage of all of the changes that have been taking place and all of the energies that are upon you, and you will get more contact, more technology, more help, and more healing. You are receiving the higher level philosophical truths through us and a variety of other teachers, and so many of you are absorbing them that the human collective consciousness level of vibration continues to increase in its frequency, and that is all you can hope for. That is all it takes, and trust us when we say you who are receiving these messages are all doing your part. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
How to Access Your Higher Mind & Its Contents ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton [email protected] via “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are certainly aware of how complicated life can be down there on planet Earth. We know how complex your physical minds are, and we know how those minds of yours can complicate things. We also know that conditions there on Earth can be very harsh, extreme, and oppressive, and we want you to know that we see and feel it all, even though we remain positive in our outlook and in our assessment regarding life there on planet Earth. We advise you to take notice of when you are overcomplicating things with your minds, and when you are going down one of those very long and windy roads, get in the habit of stopping yourselves from continuing to engage in those mental gymnastics. Let go sooner rather than later, and you will benefit. Notice what you’re doing sooner rather than later and shift it. Release and use your breath to ground and center yourselves, to bring yourselves back into the present moment and back into your heartspace, which is where you belong. Your heartspace is where the fifth-dimensional consciousness is already active and ready for you, and therefore, you have to look out for the games and the tricks that the mind will play with you in order to keep itself relevant. That’s all your minds do, all day, every day, is try to remain relevant at a time when you’re shifting into becoming beings that operate with a higher mind, a higher level of consciousness. You see, the mind is very good at fixating on what happened and how to avoid such calamities in the future. Your mind will create problems so that it has a problem to solve. And of course, your mind will also be very focused on the future, until that is, you train your mind to be focused on the present. Being focused on the present will grant you access to your higher mind, and all the ideas, all the insights, all the inspiration that can come to you in that space. It’s all available to you in the present, when you’re grounded, heart-centered, and feeling balanced. You get out of balance when you’re focused too much on one thing, or on the past, or the future. Let go. Breathe. And relax into the moment, and everything will be taken care of, not just because you have helpers who can do things for you, but also because you will shift your vibration in that moment to one that is very close to, or in, the fifth-dimensional frequency range. And when you do that, you are at your most powerful, your most creative, and your most receptive to all of that help that is constantly coming to you from above. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Your Mission & Your Soul’s Purpose in Life ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton [email protected] via 10:04 AM (21 minutes ago) “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have a number of suggestions for you all as we see you there on Earth, looking for ways that you can move forward as a more unified collective. We know that those of you who are awake and who desire to be of service are looking for the ways that you can help, especially when it comes to those who have been mistreated, disrespected, and not seen as equal in your society for quite some time. You are finding yourselves now in a situation where there is so much that could be accomplished, and there are so many of you who have been seeking a purpose, a mission, something that you can do to help the entire human collective. Now is the time to be working on yourselves, and then asking others how you can help. Work on yourselves first. Get to that place where you feel strong, confident, and that you have something you can give that is of value. Most of you have been offering your presence for your entire lives, and the high vibration that you have been able to hold within you, and those have been gifts that you have offered to the human collective, and especially those who are most in need of support, those in need of someone to stand and sit by them and listen to their stories. They are going to be the ones who reach out to you, and because of the high vibration you have been holding, they will want to converse with you. There are many out there on your world at this time who are just looking for other humans to listen, to hear their stories. They are only asking for those of you who have had an easier life for one reason or another to listen. That is what they need at this time. Those who have been mistreated, disrespected, downtrodden, are the ones who you are there to be of service to at this time. You who are awake are the great unifiers. You are the ones who can unite this collective because you understand that there is no ‘them,’ ultimately. There is only you. There is only one. There is only Source, and there is only love, and we all exist to know that, to experience it. So when you see the troubles on your world at this time, see them as an opportunity to be that love to anyone who needs it. And as we have said many times before, those of you who are doing the work on yourselves and offering a higher vibration are going to light up to those who are most in need, and they will find you, and they will be able to help. And for many of you, this will be the beginning of feeling as though you have found your purpose in life. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” |
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