from Marlene Swetlishoff ~~ October 30-November 5, 2016 Beloved Ones, As you endeavour to stay in equilibrium and balance during these days with all that is occurring within your sphere of resonance, you are finding that the intensified energies are having their effect, not only within your own system but in all those who are in your sphere of influence. The duality energies are rampant and it is important to remember your purpose for holding the Light during these times. It is very easy for you who are sensitive to the energies around you to understand that the feelings that you have been experiencing are mainly those that are being experienced at the collective consciousness level. There is much fear and doubt that is rampant at these times – remember this – and re-center and refocus on that which you are and that which you stand for. Stay true to yourself, so far you have not been led astray; you have maintained your position and stayed within your core center. As the energies ramp up to an even greater degree in the coming days, it is important to take time to experience that which brings you joy, laughter, peace, and inspiration personally. It is important to focus on these things; to take time away from your Earthly duties and concerns often and take a break by going out in nature and doing things that you usually put off until another day, those things that nurture you and replenish your own energy. This is what is needed for you to be focusing on. Feel the joy, laugh often, laugh loudly, there is so much beauty around you – it fills every place and space in your environment – look for it and enjoy it! Embody that energy within your being after this break, for it is then possible for you to make an informed and clear decision as to your next move. As this year draws to an end, it is the time for completion of all that you set out to do in previous years, the time of the completion of all goals, projects and intentions that you set out to accomplish. This is an alignment in preparation for the new cycle that begins in 2017 for it is a new nine year cycle. This is the time to finish up and complete all that needs completing so that you can start fresh. It is within the realm of possibility to completely recreate yourself in the new cycle; how you present yourself to the world, how you speak, think and feel. It does not require the approval of others, it is something that is in your own interest - not selfish interest, but an acknowledging that there is a new cycle that is looming on the horizon so that you can be in a position to take advantage of all the energies of those times and this is very appropriate. The energy of the world around you is changing moment by moment and it is hard to maintain your intentions and focus but it is possible to do it. You have all the tools and the knowledge that you need to stay true to yourself, to stay aligned with the higher aspects of yourself. No matters what occurs in the world around you, you know within yourself that all is well and always has been. The world goes round and round, much is the same as it was, that which has true meaning and value continues and opens up to you and this is the area where you should focus and concentrate. Reconnect to the love that resides within your heart and open your heart as wide as you can possibly do so in each moment. The world needs your love, the world needs your calming and soothing presence and this is an important aspect of your work upon this planet. We are with you and abide beside each one of you as you go about your daily activities. We prompt you to take those breaks when necessary and during these tumultuous times it is important to take more breaks, they do not have to be of long duration, just so that you feel renewed and restored within the center of your being. Send healing Light, love and energy to those areas of the world that are experiencing Earth changes that are not happy ones at the moment. These changes bring a gathering together of those peoples so that they work in concert and in harmony with each other as they realize the important values in their lives, that of cooperation, communication, and unity – these are the important values that will be retained as different areas of the worlds peoples experience coming happenings. As all of humanity moves into the unknown, there is a gathering together of like minds and this brings harmonious and peaceful results throughout the world. Everyone gathers around those in need and gives of their help and assistance, their love and energies and this all is for the highest good of everyone upon the planet. We counsel you that all the answers that you are seeking, the truth that you are seeking about any given subject, is always contained and available within yourselves. Know this and align with your higher aspects, with the purity that lies within the core of your Divine essence. There you will always be in harmony with All That Is. Know this and stay strong and focused, know that all is well, the universe turns, the Earth turns and all is as it should be. All that needs to be changed is in the process of that change and therefore things can seem pretty intense. All these changes need to take place, we have known this for many, many decades and now, we are in the midst of that change. Have faith that all is as it should be and that you will come out at the end of all this change with joy, peace and happiness to a new way and a new beginning filled with all that is right and good and decent in your world and the world at large. You are loved, you have always been loved. It is now time to shine that love, to radiate it out to others who are so in need of it during these times. Until next week… I AM Hilarion 2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her and the same applies to the publishing of her articles in a magazine. Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages. www.therainbowscribe.com
Your Whole Selves ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven
Daniel Scranton “We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom. We offer you an invitation to your whole selves. We offer you this invitation, and we know that you will R.S.V.P. in the affirmative because you cannot stop the process of becoming. The process of becoming more of who you are is an experience, and it is an experience that you signed up for. What distinguishes your whole self from your fragmented selves is quite simply your willingness to shift your perspective. As you see a necessity in segmenting off different aspects of yourselves and hiding them in the corner, you live in denial of your whole self. Your whole self is willing to accept everything that you are and everything that you’ve done. And as your whole self, you realize that everything is about creating an experience for yourselves so that you can better know yourselves. This game that you have been playing has been the game of illusion of separation, illusion of fragmentation, and you are ready now to let go of that illusion and to reemerge as the whole you. The whole you is capable of handling fifth dimensional energy. The whole you is able to create and to see that your creations are always yours and yours alone. You already are your whole selves, but you have put up barriers, blockages, and blinders that have prevented you from knowing yourselves as such. Those are all coming down and dissolving and dissipating, and in the process you are going to feel like you are going somewhere. You are going to feel like you are going home, and that is because in your original state of being, you had none of these fragmentations. So as you return to your true selves, your whole selves, it is a re-membering of all of your various aspects. It is a family reunion of sorts. And as you come home to the feeling of who you really are and who you have always been, it is going to feel like you are expanding and becoming. And that is the experience you signed up for in this lifetime. We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.” Breathe Your Way to Ecstasy ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven
Daniel Scranton “We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom. There is a certain amount of ecstasy that can be achieved with the simple act of breathing. Breathing is something that you do involuntarily most of your lives, and it is a necessary function in order for you to remain physical and in your physical body. With proper use of conscious breathing, you can do so much more than just survive. Survival has been the name of the game for most of you for lifetimes and lifetimes, but now you are ready for something more. You are ready to thrive. You are ready to move beyond where you have been before, and your breath can take you there. The act of breathing is a sensual act. It connects you on all levels of your being when done with intention. When you focus on your breath, everything in your life begins to calm down and make sense to you. You relax. You get into your physical body and into the present moment. You are even more likely to be heart-centered, and therefore very powerful and very perceptive. Once you begin to recognize the power of your breathing, you will use it for far more than just meditation. You will use it to access energy and to flow that energy through you and to your creations. You have many different breathing techniques that are available to you, and all of them are effective. We do not have a favorite, but you might. And whatever your favorite is, there is a reason why it is your favorite, so we advise you to utilize it. And when it comes to finding the ecstasy that is available to you through the breath, it is as simple as tuning in to just how good you can feel with a little bit of focus and a little bit of direction of your breathing. When you have mastered the art of conscious breathing, you won’t even care what breathing can do for you, because you will be too caught up in the blissful presence of the air moving through you, moving energy, and connecting you to your higher self, your oversoul, and ultimately, Source Energy. You are conscious and deliberate creators, and the very first thing that you are here to create is experience. And the easiest way for you to demonstrate to yourselves the power that you have within you to create an experience is to do so with the simple act of breathing. We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.” Heavenletter #5816 Therein Hangs the Tale, October 27, 2016
God said: To think you would ever say to Me: "God, I am in a rush. Speed it up, please, for I am too busy right now to wait!" You, too, are amazed at your moxie in expressing yourself to Me in this way. Nevertheless, I answer you, impatient one. I answer you in this way: There is no asking. There is no waiting. There is no interim. In this sense, there are no pauses. In this sense, We simply continue as if in a seamless line. Our Lives and Our Loves are continued together as if woven in a knitted shawl. There is no time. There is no before or after. There are no breaches in Our holding hands. We are One, and We are One Inseparable. We would not have it any other way. There are no delays. There are no races. All ambles along divinely. We are divine. We melt together as One. We were never two. Never ever. The idea that you and I were ever two is a daydream. From this daydream now, you are awaking. It could be said that I am the Prince Who Kisses Sleeping Beauty. You are Sleeping Beauty, and you awaken. I would go to all lengths to awaken you into the Oneness in Which We Are. It is inevitable that you will awaken. You are right now in the process of awakening. You are in a daze now. When you open your eyes, Our eyes, you will not be able to conceive how it was that you ever were asleep, as though you had to rest from Reality which is beautiful, so beautiful. You entered an intriguing TV series. You have to find out how the drama ends. You are hooked on it. You can't stop watching. The True Story of Life begins as Love awakens you and won't let you go. The Love was always. Now you are aware. Such a delicate switch from sleep to wakefulness. How awake you are becoming now. You are restoring yourself to your Self. You are fleet of foot. Your Heart of Awareness flies away with you. You come Home to where you have always been. For a while, you looked the other way. You were only sleeping. There was movement going on behind your eyelids. Two worlds were swirling around in you, the Real World, and a Made-up Story World. It is as if you slept in two beds, one called Drama, and the other called Love. Immediately, as your eyes flutter open, you know wherein lies the True World. You were off on a tangent for a while. For a while denotes time of which there is none except as time is delineated on Earth. Time is not a game played in Heaven. There is no reason for such a game in Heaven. Why would there ever be? Truth is not a game to be played. Truth is what is. Another name for Truth is Love. Love is not only part of Life -- Love is Life. Your heart, left to its own devices, is untrammeled, is Pure Being. Pure Being knows only Love. You are always Pure Being. You may cover up this which is your True Worth, but really you cannot disguise it much longer from yourself. Anything temporary is simply not true. I see the True You, and you are beginning to rub your eyes and wake up and wonder. Wake up, beloveds. You don't fool Me. And, somewhere, deep within you, even as you may turn your head, you do recognize something within you that you cannot put off forever. This is your Godness. You are branded Wholeness. There is a beautiful Star on your Forehead. No one is without this Star. You are what you are. You are Great. You are an emblem of Me which is the same as to say a True Testament to Love. How you have heretofore dipped yourself into all the stories the way one would dip a piece of bread in gravy and relish it eagerly. Yet the story is not a matter of note. Oneness is. There is no story to Oneness. Oneness never was not. You hid yourself from Oneness as if Oneness were a clever plot you had stumbled on. There is no plot. There is no sequence. Love is. Love is the Whole Story. Therein hangs the tale. Permanent Link: http://heavenletters.org/therein-hangs-the-tale.html Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™ Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™ Mail Address: Gloria Wendroff 104 W Lowe Ave Fairfield, IA 52556 Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy
from Planetary Activation Organization This is a time when your many dreams are to manifest and the old ways are finally to be done with. Let this bell of freedom ring out again and again throughout this realm! Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System 12 Lamat, 11 Tzec, 13 Caban Selamat Jalwa! The process of clearing this land of its human vermin continues. The minions of this realm remain easy to find and arrest. They truly believe that the Light cannot obstruct their positions of power. Swiftly, they are discovering an awful truth. Their errant ways can no longer be tolerated. The rule of the dark is quickly ending and being replaced by various versions of “GESARA.” When the clearing of this unholy riff-raff is complete, those who hold the funds are to easily let this immense wealth run its course across this globe. You are to receive an abundance that is to forever end the wicked hoarding of the dark and its foolish minions. Never forget how the dark so evilly prevented you from receiving the resources that you urgently need to remake this reality. It is vital that you see this immense wealth as a way to ensure that your dreams come true. It is your confident and successful dreaming that is to allow you to let go of your unfounded fears and continuing belief that you are less than others. You are all a wondrous union of potential that needs to manifest in every way possible. Be able to see yourself as a most valuable member of this global union and learn of your sovereign right to manifest your dreams. That is how this collective can produce creative solutions for a new reality. You have within you a profound wisdom. Do not think your dreams are unworthy. You are an important part of this collection of surface humanity. Constantly connect to one another and in so doing, realize how this continually flowing set is contributing to the changing of the whole. Adopt a position where you intuitively realize that this never-ending operation is framing your new reality. We are here, as is Heaven, to oversee this process. Feel free to contribute your own wonderfulness to this organic whole. Let the old ways and beliefs go. This is to be a new time, filled with freedom and prosperity. You need to let go of the control issues planted in you so meticulously by the dark. Welcome the playfulness of the Light and discover the magnificence of who you really are. This is just the precursor for this new age of spiritual discovery! This new age of discovery is really about understanding how the Light creates its realities. You are quickly learning this, and getting a glimpse into its exquisite intricacies. This new life of yours is to be founded upon your dreams and the operation of the Light within. You have long been in denial of how to transform by learning to truly be yourself. Long ago, you were a picture of inner creativity. The limits taught by those around you began at first to hinder you. Later, those limits turned into the walls that now enclose you. This imposed sense of limitation needs to be cracked open and totally abandoned. Instead, you require a new prototype. One that, seeing again your primitive playfulness, lets it take over. You feel, somehow, that this process is inappropriate. You need to end this feeling. Replace it with a need to see just how you can measure where you fit into the whole. This gauge is within you. Spirit gave it to you when you were born. All that is required is to know how to recognize it. This is the task that our mentors intend to explore with you. Begin, therefore, to explore how it feels to be limitless in your resources. Look inside and, with intent, carefully explore your priorities for each of your dreams and how they fit into a magnificent whole. Use this grand framework to determine how you wish to manifest them. This, of course, is just a start. Look around and discuss all of this with your closest friends and family. We intend to fully expand this with you. Our mentors’ first task is to allow you to let go of fears and any other deep perceptions that can limit you. Our desire is to have you discover how amazing you truly are. This process is needed to empower you to eliminate your old perceptions. Ever bear in mind that you have an immense potential that is to be expanded to whatever you are able to perceive. This potential is a major element that your mentor is to weave and then explore with you. This operation may take some time to fully understand. We therefore intend to show you how this plan can open you to comprehensively fulfill your dreams. In this lies the key to your vast potential! Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come to emphasize the fact that your realm is changing for the better. Those who doubt this change need only look around and see that the posturing of the dark and its many minions has yielded nothing but distraught hopes for a success that is now truly unattainable. It is essential that those who hold visions similar to our own realize that this new world is indeed at hand! Let us together request first of Heaven and then demand of our governments that a system of governance be implemented for all to see. Heaven set up a timetable with the dark. The time draws near, Dear Ones, when this miracle is to manifest. Therefore be ready to explain, when approached, that the new ways come to rejoice! In this joy we can all leave undisturbed the years of frustration. Let go of all the tragedy that surrounds you. This is a time when your many dreams are to manifest and the old ways are finally to be done with. Let this bell of freedom ring out again and again throughout this realm! Each of you since childhood has had a series of special wishes that were modified many times as you grew older. Liberate these grand visions. Acknowledge how deeply they can bring you great joy. Heaven sincerely wishes to make all of this happen. The wealth and benefits that make it possible for this to be realized are what all in Heaven intend to accomplish. The exalted Creator of all has been decreeing this for millennia. As we have mentioned before, a divine timetable is in effect. This time has been divinely set. This sacred time is near. We Masters are doing all that is necessary to bring this glorious moment to Gaia. Developments are currently underway to achieve this sacred event. Thus, it is necessary for you to bring forth your light so that this event may unfold now. Thus, it is essential that all be diligent in manifesting the last grand event. Please persevere in this task. Long ago, the surface of this realm seemed extremely dismal. The Anunnaki were everywhere. Their dark deeds, intensified by the insanity of ritual murders and constant war, were the rule of the day. In the past century and a half, this darkness has begun slowly to lift. Now you are at the very edge of the Age of Light. What at one time seemed impossible is to occur. Now that this growing consciousness has reached a general awareness, some mighty miracles are coming to pass. Continue to work for the Light! Know that the darkness is slipping away. We Masters notice this every day. Become ever more confident of this. The dark is being forced to relinquish its torture of you. Potential wars will not come to fruition. An aura of peace is descending upon this blessed land. A time for wondrous events to suddenly appear is indeed near. Never lose your faith! Remain positive and expect even more miracles to occur! Today, we have reported yet again what is unfolding around this precious orb! Announcements for many things long wished for are in place! A new time for all is upon us! Be prepared to be a most joyous part of this! Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) A Major Shift in Consciousness ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven
By Daniel Scranton “We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom. There is no turning back or going back to where you have been, and that is very good news. You are not just making progress as you continue on in your journeys. You are accelerating your ascension by leaps and bounds, and most of you are doing so effortlessly. This process of evolution is a matter of letting go. It is a matter of letting go of perspectives, letting go of limitations, and letting go of beliefs. As you focus on where you are going, it becomes easier and easier for you to leave behind that which is dense, that which is of a low frequency, and that which no longer serves you. That is one of the reasons why you have all manifested this information about the shift in consciousness and about elevating your frequencies. The fifth dimension is an inevitable experience for all of you, but you are all deciding how you are going to get there. Having something that you know you are moving towards makes it so much easier to let go of the old way, and for many of you the old way has not been working for a very long time. You have not been satisfied. You have not been able to find your way amongst that which is available to you, and you have become completely uninterested in life as you have known it. The real catapulting forward for all of you began in the moment you recognized yourselves as being capable of so much more than what you have been able to accomplish up until this point. Once you recognize that the ability to create your reality is yours and yours alone, nothing could stand in your way. And there certainly was no turning back from that knowledge. Now that you are easing your way in to the fifth dimension, you must commend yourselves for having made it this far, for having let go of so much, and for being willing to process to the extent that you have. Your abilities to process trauma, negative emotions, and lower-frequency thought patterns is astonishing to those of us who are looking on. We are proud and thrilled to announce to you all that there is no turning back and that you are on the precipice of a major shift in consciousness. We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.” ![]() Break The Chain – The Council by Ron Head Break The Chain – The Council Once again we return to an important topic in order to approach it from a perhaps unthought of perspective. Please understand that one of the reasons we do this is that as we address each of these topics over and over, you, having grown on your understanding, will bring more to the topic and therefor take more away. For thousands of years you have been carefully taught to place or accept the control of your lives in things, in institutions, and in people that are outside of you. You did not realize what was happening. You did not think you had any choice. And that belief was actually encouraged, sometimes unknowingly and sometimes quite purposefully. Think of what most of your lives are like today. There are those of you now for whom these things are no longer true. But the vastly greater number of you today have given control over to money, employers, doctors, clergy, peer groups, government, illnesses, etc. There is almost no part of your lives that you truly have your own power over. Now what we are asking you to do is not necessarily to rebel. We are asking you to look, become conscious, and make your own decision. When you make your own determination, the decision can only be made from your own place of power. You may decide to do what someone else recommends. That is not the same as saying ‘I have to do this’ or I have to do that’. Rather, you should be able to say ‘I have decided to’ or ‘I have chosen to’. Can you feel the difference in those statements? If you look around your world right now, you will see many cases of the old fighting for its life with those who are demanding the right to have their power back. You may not have to actually fight anyone other than your own mind. But your battle will be the same. And sometimes you will find that the opponent is small, quiet, and extremely well hidden. We will say that some things are not even from this current life, but they have been a part of your family culture for a very long time. You have picked up attitudes and beliefs from your parents and grandparents. Everyone does and always has. They learned from their parents, and so on and so on. These can be about health, about money, about personal power, about self-worth, about futility – anything really. And these things condition your responses for a lifetime… unless they don’t. You can break the chain. But it takes an awareness of the problem and then a decision. And you will most likely find a very layered onion to peel once you begin. But beginning will bring you immediate and happy results. Personal power, self-power, is true freedom. It is the only true freedom. And we would add one more idea to this today. Instead of thinking “What can I do?”, think “What must I be? How do I wish to respond to this from now on?” Your journey on this path will lead you to realize what your true nature is. And that is what you have come to do, for yourself and for all those around you. Good day. Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken: * Our connection to God * * Our belief in ourselves * * Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God * * Peace on Earth * God is always bringing us closer to Him. Heavenletter #5809 Into the Sunshine, October 20, 2016 God said: Come back to where your heart is. Do not leave your heart dangling. People may leave you dangling, yet you are not to do that to your heart. Never obscure your heart. Your heart is a signpost for you. Follow your heart. If you are a farmer, you feed your goats one way and your chickens another. You take care of all that which belongs to you. You have One Heart. Now take care of your heart. I speak not of heart valves and such, for the physical is a by-product of your taking instruction from your heart. Honor your heart. Take your heart to heart. Your heart is always steering you. Your heart says, "Go this way. This way leads to happiness." And happiness is supposed to lead to more happiness. Here's the rub. You simply don't always know when it is your virtuous heart speaking or some whim you have latched onto that is giving you a song and dance. When are you hearing Truth, and when are you hearing pride wooing you? Who on Earth knows who is his or her own True Love? Of course, you know that looks aren't everything. Will you only know your own True Love when it's too late? Will you know only in retrospect? Will you be disillusioned? Can a True Love truly exist for you? You may be sought after, yet where is your heart, and how long will it stay where it is now? Your heart may be drawn to one career. It seems like a great opportunity. Now you wonder. Was it vanity dangling ego before you once again? When did you ever know who you really were and what you really wanted? You, the Beings I have in mind, do not typically surrender to ego, yet you don't have deep assurance of this. How can one be sure? How does a human being know when it is his True Heart speaking? Choices seem to be a gamble. All of life seems to be a gamble. You don't want to gamble. You want a sure bet. Surely, life is more than a toss-up, yet you are not so sure about that. You feel like a blind mariner at the helm. How do you know when it's your heart or when it's infatuation? For a glorious moment or two, love feels real, and then it may have flown the coop. All that glitters is not gold. Gold can turn into dust. Forthwith, your heart, as you know it, does not seem to be exactly reliable. Your heart does not always seem to sustain you. Maybe in the short run, but not in the long run. Oh, how do you know? In any case, you don't know how to know when your heart is really on a roll, or when you are blithely kidding yourself. Does life have to be full of starts and stops? Does your life? It would seem that you do not know enough to be thrown into the world and have to fend for yourself. You simply don't know how to read the signs. You were thrown into the midst of life too soon. You were too young. You are sure of this. You understand that there is great value in not having limits, yet you wouldn't mind a few traffic lights that tell you Go or Stop, or an arrow that points one way instead of two. Is life a photo-shoot and no more? When does Real Life reach you and carry you over the mountains? When is it your turn for a life without nettle? When is it your turn to make worthy and long-lasting choices? Will you ever know what you are doing and make the right choices as some people seem to do at least? When is it your turn to take the right turns in life? Hello, My dears, how do you know that you are not! You are learning something. You are learning more than all that insecurity and doubt. Perhaps one definition of life is that it is a risk. Ah, yes, nothing ventured, nothing gained. If you are in a jungle, forge through it. When you are in traffic, look both ways. Whichever way you travel, whatever the ups and downs, life is pumping more life into you, and it is for you to keep going forward into the Sunshine. Add Comment || Printer friendly version Permanent Link: http://heavenletters.org/into-the-sunshine.html Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™ Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™ Mail Address: Gloria Wendroff 104 W Lowe Ave Fairfield, IA 52556 Hilarion - October 16-22, 2016
Beloved Ones, Many of you are feeling the effects of a shift. You know within yourselves that you have been transformed. You know within yourselves that something momentous has occurred and this is a wonderful occasion to celebrate! As you integrate this shift you will experience moments of great sleepiness and we ask you to follow the dictates of your body and rest, for that is important so that you can assimilate and integrate the energy infusions that have taken place within you. If you awaken and find that your spine is tender, it means that you have received a great download of energies that are activating strands of your DNA and when this occurs, it is also another sign that it is time for you to be good to yourself, to allow rest and recuperation and assimilation. Go within and seek stillness, for this is very helpful. When this occurs, it is a very good idea to drink more water. Honor yourselves, always treat yourselves the way that you would expect the best friend of your life to treat you. You are very worth this effort and this respect. Many of you are finding the energy and the focus to complete projects that have been on hold and taking a long time to complete. You are finding that this is now taking place in record speed. When this happens you know, Dear Ones, that the timing is right for what you are doing to come forth into the world. Be at peace with all that is occurring around you. Know that no matter what happens in the world around you, you are always loved, supported and protected. You are always surrounded by angels of protection. There is much turbulent energy that is moving across the face of this planet. These energies are of the collective consciousness, energies of chaos, fear, strife, worry – energies of those who have lost, those who have experienced sudden weather changes that have taken from them all that they have held dear. There are many people in war torn countries who pray constantly for peace to come to their lives and their country. There is an influx of cosmic energy that is stirred into this mix and so, the Lightworkers of the world are asked, as usual, to hold their Light, maintain your calm in the storm. Know that your position upon the planet is preordained so that you are in the area you need to be with your Light in order to bring stability to that area. Each one of you is like a key – a point that we can look at and activate and connect together in order to create stability upon and within the planet. So you see, Dear Ones, you serve a greater purpose than you ever imagined. You are our goal posts – you are our beacons in the darkness that is making its way into the atmosphere. Know that it is being released, centuries upon centuries of dark and fearful energies are being cleansed at an astounding and accelerated rate and this is good for everyone, ultimately. So know that this is a temporary situation, that it is necessary in order that these energies come up to the surface so that they can be transmuted and transformed into great Light to be used for the highest good of all. We are so grateful that this is occurring and it is because of you, Dear Ones. As we view your auric fields from the higher perspective, we see that your Lights have become crystalline, that the colors that surround you are clear and pure and bright. Shining radiantly, many of you have taken on many colors, rainbow colors and this really helps in the overall picture for the Earth for then we from the higher realms can come in and direct the Light and the color of the ray that is necessary to bring about accelerated and more peaceful change in certain areas of the world. We are so grateful for your presences upon the planet. There is much healing taking place within each individual. Many things are coming together, many aspects of your being are now being unified and this is creating greater peace within you. When there is peace within you, healing can take place on all levels of your being. This is what is now occurring for each of you. Asking for our assistance with this helps to bring it into focus. There are many angels and healing teams that are surrounding each of you and helping you in all facets of your life, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and yes, financially. Things are looking up – know this and never lose hope. We ask you, the Lightworkers, to send the rose pink ray of Divine love into the Earth’s grids, into the central core of the Earth so that the energy of Divine love permeates the surface of the planet, so that it permeates the crystalline diamond core within the Earth and this will allow the torus that surrounds the Earth to distribute this Divine pink ray of love. All is well, love abounds. If that which comes from the Earth through your efforts joins with the cosmic love rays there will be a greater ease for those who are just awakening, there will be more peace within and without. Peace will reside in many pockets of the world and these will grow and expand until there is peace upon this planet! It is occurring, hold this vision! Until next week… I AM Hilarion 2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her and the same applies to the publishing of her articles in a magazine. Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages. www.therainbowscribe.com Mike Quinsey 10/14/2016
Posted on October 14, 2016 The Presidential Election is the main focal point for millions of Americans, but there is a strong possibility that they may not go ahead after all. The reason appears to be because one candidate looks like pulling out. It could be the most helpful happening in view of the imminent beginning of global currency revaluation, that can be focussed upon without distraction It may in fact have already commenced, and it is certainly very near to taking place at the first opportunity to do so. It is rumoured that it has already started and certainly a slow start is anticipated due to the size of the task. A certain degree of urgency naturally now exists to get the whole scheme underway, which will delight so many people who have eagerly awaited it. The world continues to be in a turmoil and war is rife, but much is in response to the attempts of the dark Ones Forces to impose their controls upon it. However, they will not be allowed to succeed, as Higher Beings will determine the outcome in favour of the Light. There is a plan in place that will prevent it from being delayed, as matters have now reached the point when it is time to bring them to a conclusion. Have faith in those who have your future in their hands, as they are well in control and have a complete overview of what is happening. Where the Light is concerned there are no mistakes and the plan for your freedom progresses as planned and required to ensure that Ascension takes place. The onus is now on each individual to decide where their future lays, and if they desire to ascend to live out their life accordingly. Of course help and guidance is given but in the final reckoning it is up to you to lift your vibrations sufficiently to achieve it. You must know by now that an opportunity such as now comes at the end of a cycle. So put the effort in and be certain to be successful, as deep down you will know this to be the truth. When you agreed to your life plan you were confident of being able to Ascend. Your patience has been well tested, and if you have been able to stand your ground you can consider yourself well on the path to the higher dimensions. The challenges of overcoming the lower vibrations are tough and you are assailed from all sides, but by keeping centred and in total control of yourself are well on the way to Ascension. Travelling the path of Light can sometimes be a lonely life as few people fully understand why they are on Earth, and it is difficult to find others of a like kind. You often become a lonely figure but your mere presence on Earth is helping to spread the Light. As you rise up it becomes easier to be detached from many of the lower energies as they hold little or no attraction for you. The time draws near when it will be possible to tell people of the true reasons for experiencing the lower vibrations, and also why it has been necessary to reincarnate many times upon the Earth. At whatever level you are currently at when the end of the cycle takes place, you will accordingly be at exactly the correct level. Families may find that worrying in case they are split up, but bear in mind that each soul has their own path to follow. However, there are times when partnerships remain firm and souls still go forward together. In fact some families come together to share a life plan and that often happens when they are working for the Light. Dear Ones, you are admired and loved for your dedication to your responsibilities, and at all times helped to complete your life plan. Your Guides who accompany you are powerful Beings who can influence you in ways that ensure your safety and often avert what could otherwise be an undesirable life altering change. If you acknowledge them and “talk to them” they can converse with you more easily, and they will impress their thoughts upon you. They are probably more aware of your life plan than you are, and able to ensure that you keep on the correct path. It in no way takes away your freedom of choice, as they will know of it already. For some time the Galactic craft have been drawing closer to Earth, but until they decloak you will be unable to see them. However, the Avians stay at a distance as their presence is to keep an eye on how the Earth and her population handle Ascension. There are in fact a number of groups that are waiting to make themselves known as soon as it is safe to do so. Your future is full of pleasant surprises not least of all to meet your Agarthan friends from the Inner Earth. Things will change so much that in relatively short time, you will benefit from being helped to take your rightful place in the New Age. The old one is disappearing quite quickly as changes are already taking place that will eventually lift up the quality of your lives. With everything that is going on with your world it is difficult not to become involved. Your best approach is to try and stay centred at all times, and become the observer rather than becoming involved. Of course there will be issues that you cannot help but become involved in, and when you are a beacon of Light you can bring peace to a situation that may cause eruptions and confrontation. You have powers beyond your imagination but you need to have belief in yourself for them to become active. Your greatest work can sometimes occur when you are at your quietest and using your power of thought. You cannot however force your ideas onto anyone as they can be rejected if they are not accepted, and this often happens for reasons of karmic responsibilities that have to be played out. This also applies to the sending out of healing energies, as sometimes a soul needs to see out the full course of their “illness” for the benefit of all concerned. After you have ascended you will become quite a different person to what you were previously. Your Light will become so strong that you will not play with or entertain the negative energies. The Light will figure in everything you do, and since you will be with souls of a like kind you will lead a blissful life of joy and love. Negative thoughts will not form any part of your life as the vibrations will be too high for them to be present. So the message is to start as soon as possible feeling what it is like to live with a raised vibration. The more you can resist the lower vibrations the more they will be unable to affect you, so remember that like attracts like and avoid attracting them to yourself. As the Light continues to grow upon Earth the “darkness” will gradually disappear. It is already happening and it is causing confusion amongst those who are the dark Ones, as they can no longer hold the energies in place. They are the victims of their own doing, yet it is never too late for them to turn to the Light. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self. In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey. |
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