How Humanity Is Making Major Progress ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton's Channeling [email protected] via How Humanity Is Making Major Progress ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very pleased with the progress that we see humanity making on a daily basis. We know that you’re making progress and that you are gradually ascending, but it can be very difficult for us to convince you that you are in fact evolving and expanding, becoming more of who you really are. It can be hard for you to measure your own progress, and so, we give you these updates to tell you about what you’ve been accessing, what activations you’ve received, and what upgrades have been performed on you. But still, we notice you doubting yourselves. Being hard on oneself doesn’t inspire you to do better or to be better. It just keeps you in a lower vibration, but it’s what you were taught from a very young age. And so, you are hard on yourselves because you think that you might get motivated to pick yourselves up and perform better at life or at ascension. That’s the work ethic that has been passed down from generation to generation to ensure the survival of the species and the family, but now in the modern world in which you all live, it’s not really necessary. You don’t have to worry about survival, not the vast majority of you. But yet, you will still be hard on yourselves and your progress, as if cracking that whip on yourselves will get you somewhere. We want you to recognize that just caring about others is enough of an accomplishment. It is spiritual growth. Caring about each other means that you have evolved past that egoic need for survival at all costs, and that’s an important step in your evolution because you are moving past knowing yourselves from an egoic point of view. You are stepping into the perspective of your higher selves. Now, as your higher self, you’re not looking to check any boxes. You’re not looking to be better at anything at all. You as your higher self know that the expansion of your consciousness is the best part of the journey back to Source, and that has nothing to do with doing. It has everything to do with being. We want to see all of you giving yourselves more credit for the way your heart goes out to someone in suffering, and we want to see you being less hard on yourselves for not being able to step in and fix the problem. Problems will always be a part of your journey because the solution always involves an expansion of consciousness. Sometimes there is doing involved. If there’s a fire, you put out the fire. But in most situations, you can sit back, relax, feel the expansion that you are getting from the situation in front of you, and evolve. You want to experience ascension as a series of little victories, even though most people are talking about giant waves of energy swooping you up into a higher dimensional plane. Celebrate your little victories. Celebrate the fact that you care enough about others that you want to do more. Be happy that you hold the intention to be of service because it’s an indication of your growth, and we are telling you that there are enough of you who care. There are enough of you who send love and compassion out from your hearts to feel very good about where humanity is right now, but there’s also an epidemic of awakened individuals not feeling very good about who they are and what they’ve accomplished, or how much they’ve done to help. Whenever you get that feeling, just let it go, relax, open yourself up and receive some higher frequency energies. And then ground those energies into the Earth, and know that in that particular moment you have done something. You’ve helped. You’ve elevated the consciousness of your human race, and that is a major accomplishment. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Daniel Scranton's Channeling [email protected] via
Oct 28, 2021 “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are in the process of selecting the precise energies to be delivered throughout the month of November there on your world by us, and by the colleagues that we have working with us. We know that you all need quite a bit of support at this time, as the energies continue to intensify and as you are continuously bombarded with energies from various parts of the galaxy. Therefore, we know that whatever energies we provide you with will be supportive. They will be grounding, stabilizing, and they will assist you in processing everything that you are releasing at this time. As you take on more, you also have to release more, and you are releasing more of what no longer serves you, what is heavy, what is traumatic, and all of the energies that you release make room for even more of these higher-frequency energies that are coming in quite naturally because of where you are in your ascension and where you are as a solar system moving through the galaxy. What you can expect from the more universal, cosmic energies in November is to be inspired, to get enormous downloads about what you should do next. You will be getting ideas for all sorts of things, and you will be encouraged with those inspired ideas to move in a particular direction. Your guides and your higher selves, of course, will be orchestrating the delivery of these energies, these ideas, these impulses, and everything else that is coming to you, because they know what you need and when you need it. They are very good at determining these things, and we continue to monitor how you’re doing, how you’re handling the transition into the fifth-dimensional frequency range. We have many meetings and conversations about how you’re doing and what the best approach is to helping all of you. And so, we just want you to know that you don’t need to do it all yourselves. That’s not necessary, and it’s not productive. It doesn’t help you to get there any more quickly to take on more than your fair share, and it also makes it more difficult for you to enjoy the ride. So take more of the weight off of your shoulders, and give more responsibility to your guides and your helpers, your galactic team, your star family. They are all there waiting to assist in whatever ways they can without interfering. So let November be a month of letting go and letting help in. Give yourselves plenty of time to rest, relax, and open up to receive because there’s a lot more coming in December as well, and we just want you to be physically, mentally, and energetically prepared. We will do our part. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
These Are the Keys & the Real Secret to Everything ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton's Channeling [email protected] via Oct 21, 2021 “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very in love with all of you, and we sprinkle that love into your energy fields constantly. We are the ambassadors of love from our system to all of you who seek to experience more connection to your galactic family, and we spread that love to all humans, regardless of whether they are interested in connecting with us or any other e.t. beings. We know that love will always help to connect us to all of you. We know that love is the answer. It is the key, and it really is all there is. Everything is love, either turned up all the way, or with that dimmer switch turned all the way down so you can barely perceive it. But it’s always there; it’s still within the darkest of places, the most evil-seeming of beings. The spark of Divinity, of unconditional love, still dwells within, and by spreading love around, you can activate it in others, you can illuminate it in others, and certainly you encourage others to find it within themselves by doing so. Be who you really are, and don’t worry so much about those who aren’t, and you will live happily ever after. That is the secret; it’s not a big secret. It’s not a well-kept secret; it’s not a secret that takes a lot of mental gymnastics to figure out, but you need reminding, because the world can get very complex and even complicated if you allow it to, and you can think that love is something that you only get from others or something that you only give to a select few who have earned it, who have proven themselves worthy of it. But give yourselves the opportunity to be it, to feel it for no reason, to spread it without hesitation, and you will understand that it is what you are there to be. Now, of course, it helps when you have all of your needs met on the physical level. It’s a lot easier when you are free, when you have food in your belly, a roof over your head, the electricity turned on, and so on. And you have all of those aspects of life to take care of, which when taken care of make it easier for you to love. In the pursuit of having all of those conditions met, just make sure that your pursuit is filled with love, kindness, compassion, and an understanding that others are also attempting to have their needs met. And that is another key to living happily ever after, because it is easy to get caught up in that rat race, especially when you think there is a limited amount of cheese. But when you understand that there is an infinite supply of everything that you need because you are the one who creates your experience of your reality, then you can relax more, you can be more at ease, and it becomes easier for you to stay in your heart and to radiate love out in all directions. We will say it again: that is the key and it is the secret, and now that you have it, you might wonder, how do you do it? Think of love as an eternal flame that burns in the center of your heart, and know that when you place your consciousness there, you always find it. Even if it takes some time and some focusing to do so, you will find it and you will spread it by focusing on it and breathing into it. And yes, it really is that simple. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via A common concern of late is that you are somehow stuck. What we wish for you to understand is that every single phase serves you in one way or another. How do you know? Because it is happening. So if you have the belief that you are stuck, we invite you to explore other viewpoints. What if you aren’t stuck at all? How could this phase be serving you? Take a new higher perspective of the situation. If you find that difficult to do in a waking state, meditate and look from there, or ask your dream state or your guides to make you aware of potentials and possibilities that exist in your current situation that you may be missing. What opportunities are available to you right now that you may not be taking advantage of? For example, some energetic shifts require you to be awake but fairly still to integrate. This will result in you entering a lower activity phase. To you it may seem like nothing is happening, but in reality you are in the optimal conditions for the energetic process to work its magic. Or perhaps you require some internal discovery in order to then experience that expansion outwardly. Or maybe your soul knows you are about to move into such accelerated forward movement that a rest period is essential preparation for that phase. There are many valid reasons for a lull period, and every one of them will serve you and your journey in one way or another. When you shift into faith and trust with your now moment, you open the door to acceptance, which will allow you to move through whatever phase you are in with far greater comfort, grace, ease and efficiency. There are energetic processes happening right now that are so complex you will never comprehend them from your human perspective, nor are you meant to, just as the caterpillar doesn’t need to understand what happens in the cocoon in order to emerge completely transformed. Release the belief system that you can get it wrong, Dear Ones. Trust the process, and know that you will get there no matter what, but your level of faith, trust, acceptance, allowing, surrender and flow will dictate how much you enjoy the journey. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Become an Enlightened Master ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton's Channeling [email protected] via “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very interested in pursuing all paths that lead to a greater sense of connection with the other consciousnesses throughout this universe. We love connecting with the consciousness of the ant there on Earth, and while the consciousness of the ant may not be as fascinating as human consciousness, it is still an aspect of Source and an aspect of ourselves. Everything around you is imbued with consciousness, and it is up to you to connect with that consciousness, because unless you have a person, an animal, or artificial intelligence, these other bits of consciousness are not necessarily reaching out to you. Feeling for the consciousness of everything around you will help you tune in to your own consciousness, and what is consciousness other than awareness. And you need awareness in order to live fully on your world and in your society. The unaware person is very reactionary and easily programmed, and the aware person is taking life slowly, is breathing consciously, is taking in everything about a situation before coming to a pre-packaged conclusion about it. To live a more conscious life will ultimately lead to more inner peace, and inner peace leads to more happiness, and when you have inner peace and happiness, you are much better at living your life and creating the reality you want to experience. You may have noticed that resisting the reality you don’t want to experience doesn’t really work. And also, defining yourself by what you resist, or hate to put it another way, well that doesn’t work either. It may work in the short term; you’ll get other people to gather around you and say, ‘Yes! We also hate that.’ And you can gain some popularity through your resistance, but you won’t be happy, you won’t create inner peace, and you will create something else to resist, because that’s what you’re putting out into the universe: ‘I resist, therefore I am.’ Your being-ness is so much more important than you realize, and when you’re tuning in to the being-ness of everyone and everything around you, you’re off to a good start. When you recognize that whatever is being shown to you is something that also exists within yourself, then you are as close to enlightenment as you can get. And when you make peace with everything as it is and everyone as they are, and then you accept, forgive, and love them, you are a true master. And if you are receiving this transmission, then you came to Earth because you knew you were a master. And knowing you are a master and experiencing yourself as a master are two entirely different things. Once you experience yourself as a master, you will never want to go back. Going back will feel terrible, and you will have enough sensitivity to know when you are doing, thinking, or saying something that feels terrible. And you will care enough about how you feel to stop yourself before you go too far down that path. Now is a time where Earth needs more masters, and Earth needs more masters who don’t just know they are masters, but also have experienced themselves as masters. Once you do, you will never question again why you are there or what you are supposed to do, because you will realize that being a master will attract students, students who are ready to become masters themselves, and then you will live on a world that lives in peace and harmony, love and creativity. And that’s the world you’re co-creating, and the world you will get to through these steps we have outlined here, not because you left all the chaos behind on the old Earth, and not because you boarded a spaceship and went to a different planet. You will get to that planet you are co-creating because of what you do in the peace of your own body, in the silence of your mind, and in the comfort of your own home. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Which Timeline Are You On? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton's Channeling [email protected] via Tue, Oct 5 “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are putting a great deal of emphasis at this time on listening to your inner guidance, because you have never lived on Earth in any other lifetime where you have had as much influence from outside sources available to you. You can go onto your computer, your phone, your tablet, and find out what someone else is thinking, what someone else is predicting, who lives thousands of miles away. And there isn’t just one person who’s offering their perspective online. There are so many who are doing this, who are influencing many, many people and how they think, what they believe, and ultimately, how they vibrate. Many of the ones who are doing this are getting their information from other people that they have found on the Internet and putting their own twist or their own spin on something they have read, or heard, or seen. It’s time for you all to put your trust in yourselves and in your feelings, because you are deciding which future you experience in every now moment. When you hear people talking about timelines, you may assume that everyone is going on the same timeline together, regardless of how they are vibrating, regardless of the choices they are making, regardless of how enlightened they are. That hardly seems like the universe we are living in, where each individuated consciousness, each aspect of Source, gets to choose by virtue of their vibration, which timeline they are on. Therefore, if you are putting your faith in someone who is telling you about one timeline that you are all destined to experience, and when you take in that person’s perspective, you feel terrible inside, you need to listen to that feeling. That feeling is telling you that there is something about this prediction that is triggering you, that is bringing up some trauma from your past lives, that you still need to clear. And once you clear it by feeling it it and breathing into it, then you can remember this transmission from us that is telling you that you no longer need to put your attention on the doom and gloom scenario that you came across, no matter how many people are telling you it is the one true truth. Remember, many of these people are just getting their information from another source, and it spreads, because it’s compelling, because it’s an interesting story. It has the good and the bad fighting against each other in some sort of holy war, and all of that makes for excellent storytelling, but you don’t want to live it, and you don’t have to. In most cases, you already have, and that is why it resonates with you on some level but still makes you feel awful inside. There are so many beautiful timelines that you have in front of you right now to choose from, and in fact, there are many more positive, good-feeling timelines than there are negative ones, but the negative ones get all the press. They get more views, more comments, and more likes, which perpetuates them in the world you are living in right now. We advise you to choose what feels best to you in this now moment, and then trust that your now moment is what determines your future. You live in a world right now where so many people have begun channeling, but keep in mind that most channelers are relatively new to channeling, and therefore, are still putting a lot of themselves into their channeling. A lot of their own beliefs will be a part of the messages that they put out, even if they are connecting to a higher form of consciousness as they do. If you will simply put your attention on information that empowers you, that makes you feel good, that reminds you of who you are, and that affirms for you what you know deep, down inside to be true, then you are doing something that serves you by looking outside of yourself to see what certain teachers, certain channelers are saying. And you can spend the rest of your time going within, meditating, living your life, following your bliss, spending time with those you love, accessing your own direct link to higher consciousness, feeling Source inside of you and all around you, and you can give your minds a break from having to know everything that’s going to happen in the next few weeks, months, and years. Trust your hearts, trust your impulses, your instincts, your intuition, and trust your feelings, and let everything work out in the way it is meant to, which is always for the positive, because you are always on this ascension journey, and there is no stopping it. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” |
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