Trending Telepathy ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton [email protected] “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have a wide array of perspectives to hold at one time, because we are a collective, and we are able to look in on more beings than we could ever count simultaneously. You are quite the collective yourselves there on Earth, and we can see when you are trending in a certain direction. You may know about the hundredth monkey phenomenon. It is a theory based on scientific experiments that says: once the hundredth monkey knows how to do something, they all do. It is the critical mass point for the consciousness of the monkey. Again, this is based on experiments, and you can look it up on the Internet for more information about it. You, as a human collective, have been discovering that you have abilities to communicate with one another, telepathically, and you also have discovered that you can communicate with your plants and animals in the same way. We notice that this ability has been increasing in those of you who are awake, and we can see that you are nearing the critical mass point for the human collective consciousness. And so, soon people who would never expect to send or receive a telepathic message are going to have that experience and wonder why they are having that experience. We recommend that those of you who are awake and who are receiving this transmission use your gift of telepathy on a more consistent basis. You want to have a level of expertise in this so that you can help others who will be discovering their telepathic abilities soon enough. When you are linked telepathically in a stronger way, this is going to help all of you to feel more compassion for one another. This is going to bring humanity together as whole. This gift you are all developing is therefore crucial in the ascension process. Use it, and appreciate it. Now is the time to reach out more and also to receive more from one another. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Portals to 4D Arcturians ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton [email protected] “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have opened many portals for humanity over the past few weeks. We have been co-creating with the human collective consciousness, and the portals that we have opened are about sharing more of the Arcturian collective consciousness that exists in the fourth dimension in our star system. You have had more direct contact with physical Arcturian beings as a result, and some of you are aware of this contact. The biggest aspect of the sharing has been to make more of humanity aware of the importance of going within, being present, and meditating. These three approaches to your spirituality could not be more important at this time, and these are all aspects of spirituality that have been mastered by the fourth dimensional Arcturians whose collective consciousness is now more firmly connected with yours. There is a greater exchange of energy going on between humanity and those fourth dimensional Arcturians. What do you have to share, you might wonder? Well, remember, Earth has far more diversity than any other planet, or moon, or asteroid, or any place where life can exist in the entire galaxy. The fact that you are co-existing at all there on Earth is fascinating to many beings. There is a great amount of creativity within the human spirit as well, and you have been able to endure much more than the average race of beings here in this galaxy. So, there are many who take an interest in you and who want to see how you are going to come together and harmonize in such a way that the shift for humanity is not only inevitable, but also an enjoyable experience. That is what you are creating right now. You are co-creating a better shift in consciousness for humanity, and the way that you will accomplish this is not by defeating anyone or anything. It will not be by separating yourselves from any others. It will be by being present, going within, and having a consistent meditation practice. These are your best tools as individuals and as a collective. We know this from experience, and so do the fourth dimensional Arcturians. Many humans know this as well, and you are going to recognize the presence of these individuals when you see them, when you hear from them, when they walk into a room, and even when you read something that they have written. This is how you will do it; this is how you will ascend with grace, ease and joy. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Daniel Scranton [email protected]
The Dark Night of the Soul ∞The 9D Arcturian Council “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been very impressed with the way that all of humanity has been exploring the depths of your being-ness. We see and feel more self-awareness within the average human than we have ever witnessed previously on Earth. Therefore, it is a wonderful time for those of you who have been awake and on the leading edge of consciousness to be talking about your experiences with handling the darkness, the negativity, the things that you were once ashamed of, but have now been able to integrate. Sharing your stories is a wonderful way to assist others in getting to the place where you are on your journey. People need to know that they are not alone in their exploration of all aspects of themselves, and in sharing your stories, you will also be sharing your methods, your techniques for getting through the dark times, the times when you were not sure whether you would make it. Many of you who are awake have felt suicidal at some point, and as sad as it may sound, that is a normal consequence of being awake. And so, letting others know that you’ve had that type of experience will help them to get through their own dark night of the soul. The awareness of who you have been in prior lifetimes, the negative thoughts and actions that you have all engaged in in this lifetime, these are the types of experiences that when shared, created a dialogue. You want to demystify these types of experiences and remove the emotional and energetic charge that they have. People often feel imprisoned by their own thoughts and feelings, and because they feel they are the only ones having those thoughts and feelings, those individuals tend to shove all of that darkness down. We are suggesting that you help others to make peace with what they encounter inside of themselves and that you do that through your blogs and your social media posts. You do that by talking to people in your lives, letting them know what you’ve experienced and how you got through it. This is an act of kindness and an act of service to the rest of humanity, and it is time to normalize these experiences for everyone so that you can let it go and get on with building the future, a better future for all of humankind. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Daniel Scranton [email protected]
Angels, Faeries & Other Helpers ∞The 9D Arcturian Council “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very interested and excited to follow the path of humanity as you bring yourselves into this next phase of the evolution of your consciousness. You are of course always making progress, but at certain times, there are opportunities for a greater amount of progress to be experience by humanity, and now is one of those times. You are bound to see more and more individuals around you showing you just how much they are evolving and becoming their fifth dimensional higher selves. Even those who do not have the same language for what they are experiencing and coming to know are going to be having similar experiences to what you all have had and do have names for. And so, as you lead humanity into this next phase on your evolutionary journey, please know that you are going to get even more assistance in being of service to those who are newly awakened. You are going to be aided by the angelic, and the energies that you receive from the angels will light you up more. You will stand out to those who are in need so they will know that it is a good idea to connect with you and ask you for help. You are also going to experience more excitement coming from the faerie realm, as that ground crew of sorts is able to influence the newly awakened as well. They can give the newly awakened humans magical experiences that will help people understand more of this mystical and magical realm that you are entering into as you become fifth dimensional. So the faeries can give people a glimpse of what you are all moving towards, and the angels can support those like you who are meant to be leaders and guides to the rest of humanity. And of course, you know about the roles the dolphins and whales are playing in all of this, as well as your planet, your sun, and other celestial bodies and higher dimensional beings. It really is a group effort here. We are all working together here in the higher realms, discussing and debating how exactly to wake up each individual who is still asleep. It is fun for us to contemplate the different methods that could be employed. And we know that you will have fun assisting them, as these awakenings become more and more regular and from people you would not expect to awaken. Lots of fun lies ahead of humanity, and we are very happy to be viewing it all from above. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Daniel Scranton [email protected]
Co-Creating New Worlds ∞The 9D Arcturian Council “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have taken much that we have received from humanity and have been able to co-create new worlds, star systems, and even galaxies with that information that you have all provided. You see, you are doing so much more than just living your lives in this lifetime. You are always in the process of creating, and everything that you are creating is more expansive than what you are currently living. We want you to know how powerful you are, especially when you align yourselves with high-frequency beings like ourselves. We love co-creating, and we particularly enjoy the process of discovering what it is that you all want to live. We also want you to know that what you are co-creating with us and others will be enjoyed by other beings. You are not just creating your own future experiences and realities. You are doing so for entire collectives. This is exciting. This is something for you to feel proud of. You are the ones who have the most intense feelings. You are the ones who have the deepest desires. You are the ones generating the majority of the energy in this galaxy, and all of that energy has to go somewhere. You are only experiencing a fraction of what you create right now, but of course, there will be more coming in the future. And you will be creating more consciously all that you want to experience. You will even have the opportunity to create worlds, star systems, and galaxies. That all may seem a bit daunting to you from where you are right now, but trust us when we say that it all lines up perfectly. Everything that you need will find its way to you, and it is our desire to see you welcoming that which you’ve summoned with open arms. In the meantime, we will continue to co-create with you that which is a bit out of reach for you right now, but it is all something for you to be proud of and to look forward to. We know that much of what we are sharing right now seems like it is far off in the very distant future for you, but it is not. Things are changing rapidly and will continue on that pace as you continue on in your ascension journeys. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Making the Impossible Possible ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton [email protected] “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have the highest opinion of all of you because of your ability to incredible experiences for yourselves that go beyond the expectation of the average person. You who have awakened to your true nature as Source Energy Beings have been able to create impossible possibilities. You have been able to experience miracles in your lives time and time again, and it has been your willingness to be who you really are that has brought you to these wonderful experiences. You are not just trailblazers and wayshowers. You are also magicians, and you are even capable of creating within the unknown. What brought you to this marvelous position has been your ability to tap in to that which is eternal and infinite inside of you. Now, for most of humanity, that spirit, that sense of the Divine within has been snuffed out. And for many of you, it was certainly on the verge of being snuffed out many times in this incarnation, but you persevered. You got to this point in your evolution, and no one else can take credit for that. You have made choices that have enabled you to get to this place in your lives that is so far beyond where most of the collective is. And again, you did it with a willingness to look within, rather than rely upon the approval of any other person outside of you. You are making this journey better for yourselves and the rest of humanity, and you are certainly making it a better show for the rest of the galaxy, who is tuning in. Continue to believe in your ability to create that which is unknown, unseen, and unheard of. Release any idea of an authority outside of you, and we will continue to support you from our lofty perch, and we will continue to be amazed by you every step along the way of this tremendous journey you are all on. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Daniel Scranton [email protected]
A Solstice Surprise ∞The 9D Arcturian Council “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have a delightful surprise for you in this transmission. We have been welcoming in energies from the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth dimensions, just as you have been welcoming in energies from all dimensions higher than the fourth, and our purpose at this point in our existence is to help beings like you in the physical dimensions. And so, we have been creating a powerful transmission to send to humanity at the time of your Solstice. This energetic transmission will be separate from the one that you receive from your sun. This transmission is going to be saturated with the highest frequency energies in the universe, and it is meant to trigger you into remembering your time in the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth dimensions. Some of you already have a sense of who you have been in those realms. Some of you already know yourselves to be angelic or know yourselves to be aspects of your Oversoul, and you can feel more of that Oversoul energy running through you than the average person can. This transmission will go even further than what you have already been able to uncover about your pasts. You can expect to feel much more Divinity running through you, and you can expect to receive feelings running through you of mastery over the physical realm. You can also expect to feel more whole and complete, not only as the fullness of your higher selves, but also as the fullness of the Oversoul being that you also are at your core. This is going to be a very large energetic transmission, and so you are going to want to rest, relax, ground, and hydrate the day of the Solstice and the day after. We would say make sure you’re doing all of those things for the entire week after because we can feel how big the effects are going to be on all of you. And we are very excited to see what you will do with your brand new sense of self. You can also expect memories to come to you in the form of dreams that will remind you of who you have been and who you really are. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” ______________________ Message from the 'Team' ______________________
This Is a Very Large Playground Peggy Black and the 'team' We are here to honor you in your magnificence. You continue to move up the spiral of evolution with every conscious thought and conscious action, especially in the midst of the chaos as the old paradigm is dissolving. You are witnessing the collective shadow of negative and misqualified emotions rising to the surface of world events. These shadow emotions are being seen, witnessed and transformed by those of you who understand the principles and the universal laws. The light that you carry and broadcast is making a tremendous difference. You are not alone in this task of transforming the negative and misqualitied energies. The entire galactic community of divine conscious starbeings, ascended masters, avatars, ancient ones, and archangels and angels are always available upon request. The transformation of consciousness on this planet is a cosmic event that has been taking place for eons of time. This is the result of timeline experience after timeline experience. No matter how dark or hopeless it all seems, that can all change in a moment of the collective breath. So with this transmission we are inviting you to begin to reconnect with your own star or galactic heritage. Begin to consider that even though you have a physical body there is an energy that is animating that form and that life. Just as you might consider your physical body your genetic heritage consider that you are also a part of a galactic heritage of energy. Allow yourself to imagine for a moment that you have star essence, that you do carry the traits and the abilities of a galactic heritage, what might that be? How would these abilities or this divine lineage manifest in your life and actions? What if these intrinsic gifts, these star and galactic abilities were awaiting the activation of personal codes. What if you could activate the codes or stimulate or quicken these intrinsic gifts. These are questions we are inviting you to begin to consider. You know yourself as a physical presence; now we are wanting you to begin to engage with the idea that you are also an energy presence. Perhaps you can begin to engage in some form of energy exercises. Use your imagination and begin to allow time to play with the possibility that you might be able to travel time. Imagine yourself visiting other time frames in your history. Imagine that you might be able to travel even to other dimensions; allow yourself to see or sense what that might feel or look like. We invite you to leave any expectation aside. Remember you are just playing in your imagination. You can use the quantum field to create a space in which you are safe to travel, to explore and adventure. Let yourself relax into the process and just observe how this might manifest for you. The use of sound can also trigger a state of mind in which you can experience other realms and realties. We are just inviting you to consider the possibilities and give yourself the grace to explore what your star heritage might be. What star system has always interested you or perhaps this is an entirely new concept to entertain and think about. You can do some searching and investigating. Study the star systems and the galaxies, does one interest you more than another. Consider for a moment that there are something like 300 billion stars in your Milky Way, there might be around 30 billion planets in your galaxy alone, and there are over 100 billion galaxies in your observable Universe. Many of you have heard of some of these systems Antares, Pleiades, Arcturus, Betelgeuse, Sirius and Andromeda. This is a very large playground. We are inviting you to create a sacred space, an Alchemist Chamber. The space is created in your imagination. Make it as real as possible. There are no limits here; remember, you are a creator. Once you have the space, the chamber, allow yourself to close your eyes and sense or feel yourself there. This is the place where you can invite information about your star essence, your galactic heritage. This is the place you might meet other energy beings that come as colors or geometric forms or patterns. Be open to the possibilities. Remember you are a divine multidimensional being. You are in essence star energy. You carry a galactic heritage in your very DNA. We are just encouraging you to begin to access this information. It is this connection to the bigger picture of who you are which will allow you to step more fully into your personal power as a master. As a divine starseed being you have unlimited energetic abilities. You are so much bigger than you ever have allowed yourself to consider. You just happen to be playing in an unconscious field and dimension that is limited. So as an empathic being you match the energy of this unconscious limited third dimension. Now is the time to begin to stretch your awareness, to honor and call forth your personal abilities and gifts. It is time to quicken and stimulate the latent legacy you carry. We invite you to begin to simply invite your star family, your star tribe, to make themselves known to you. Decide that you are going to watch movies or programs in which the subject may be starbeings or ET's. Notice how new information appears, notice what you decide to read or what program you are guided to watch; that will offer clues to your questions. Be aware of your dreams and the images that come forth while you sleep. The opportunity is happening now for you to awaken more fully to who you are and your connection to the stars and all the galactic energies. , Find a place where you can watch the stars in a relaxed setting and make a practice of observing the night sky. Imagine or even pretend that you could talk to the stars. We realize that what we are suggesting here might feel a bit far out or even silly. Notice your reaction to our transmission. Does our words and invitations intrigue you, do they feel impossible or even feel like nonsense? You can call upon the divine ones, named or unnamed, to assist and support you in this discovery. We assure you that once you begin to investigate the possibilities, doors of awareness are going to open and more will be revealed. It is time, and codes are being activated within many of you earthwalkers. Step into the truth that you are truly more than your physical body and form. We are always available to support and assist; please call upon us in your journey to your true revealing. You are star seed, you are part of the awesome and amazing galactic unfolding. You are creators of worlds. the 'team' ©2019 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available
The Rest of 2019 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton [email protected] “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are continuing to explore the different possibilities that are in front of humanity for the rest of this calendar year. We are looking at the possibilities that are in front of you as potentials that you might reach by the end of this year, and we see the growth potential as exponential, due in large part to those of you who are awake playing the gigantic roles you are playing. You have been holding so much light for the human collective that the possibilities in front of you are almost limitless. We can see you taking the energies from the solstice and running with them to such an extent that you bring about an even faster rate of awakening amongst the rest of humanity. We also know that these individuals who are readying themselves in this moment to awaken are going to need you. They are going to need your help with things you have become accustomed to, such as ascension symptoms, increased sensitivity and awareness, and newfound abilities. You are also going to help people process what they need to process and face what they need to face in order to clear trauma and open themselves up to the higher frequency energies. The higher frequency energies are bringing you all as a collective into this golden age of awakening. The energies are unavoidable, and they will be uncomfortable for anyone who is not taking care of themselves. In the meantime, we suggest that you continue to lead by example. Show them how it is done by taking such good care of yourselves, resting, relaxing, hydrating, and processing whenever necessary. You’ve been carrying such a large amount of responsibility for the collective for so long, and the good news is, you are getting reinforcements. This is what we see happening in the remainder of this calendar year of 2019. We don’t know how many will awaken, and we don’t know what exactly what will spur on each of those awakenings. But we do know that there are about to be many more of you on Earth who are awake, and that the newly awakened will always be in need of assistance from the seasoned veterans that you all are of this process, this journey of expansion and growth. We are happy to be the helpers of the helpers, and we want you to know that you will have all the help you need to step into a role that will be new for some of you. We, and the rest of the higher frequency beings here, are excited to see how all of these newly-awakened individuals impact the rest of the collective, and we know you are as well. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
You’ve Been Making Progress ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are satisfied with the progress that we see humanity making, and we are not alone in that feeling of satisfaction. We connect to other councils and collectives here in the ninth dimension, and together we assess the state of humanity and what we can do to help. Now, one of the ways in which you are progressing quite nicely there on Earth is with your willingness to accept each other as you are. It is a monumental growth experience for any person to accept another person that they once discriminated against based on some aspect of that person’s being-ness. When one of you who has held a judgment or a prejudice against an entire group of people meets another person from that group and is able to drop the resistance, that type of progress has a ripple effect. You are informing each other all the time about your fears, about what you love, and about what you hate, and we are not talking about through the Internet. We are talking about the human collective consciousness. And as we have noted recently, the entire network of consciousness that stretches beyond this universe has recently received an upgrade from Source. What this means is humanity is getting exactly what you need to release judgment and prejudice and to accept another who, during a previous time, would have been shunned. You are doing so much better than you think in regards to this, because the news media coverage is all about instances of hate crime. But those instances breed compassion in the hearts of humans, and there is a growing feeling that you are all one. This is something to be very proud of and to acknowledge in yourselves as a collective. We encourage those of you who are already awake to look for any prejudices you might be holding onto, even if they are about a group that certainly has earned your judgment. Seek to let it go. Be the example to humanity that you were born to be, and let that expansion of the human consciousness continue with your assistance. You are the ones to lead this expansion of consciousness, and we promise you the rest of humanity will continue to follow your lead. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” |
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